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Posts posted by Kracken

  1. during the creation of a weapon you need to have a least ONE weapon of a each type - in this case you need to have one additional secondary weapon aside the two lex.

  2. 20 minutes ago, renecane said:

    Changing it doesn't matter. Neither does changing "emissive" or "energy" colors on my Excalibur, 

    i had asked about your colors on EXALTED BLADE not on Excalibur. 

    My point is to check if the colors on the Blade overrides the ones on Excalibur.

  3. 21 minutes ago, Lutesque said:

    This is about me being lied to once again by this community.... I was told that scanning all the cephalon fragments would reveal audio logs containing some lore in the codex.... lo and behold I did just that and found no such thing in the codex.... 

    Th Is on top of of replaying all the quests 3 times and 2 YouTube videos later people still have the nerve to claim I make no effort to understand this train wreck you call a narative.

    Pardon me but don't you think you're being unreasonable ? 

    Short answer ? Yes, you aren't trying hard enough.

    Long answer:

    Aside retconning things the story/ lore of warframe is rather coherent if you try to understand it. The lore presented in the game is like a jigsaw puzzle that its pieces are scattered all over the place. let it be on the walls, in the text, in the audio... what you need is to pay attention what is happening all around you. Sometimes Easter Eggs or secrets have more lore than quest. 

    The quests, and what npc is telling you straight in your face is just the surface of the deep ocean that we call lore. 

    in case of those Cefalon fragments - on each entry there are specific spots that will trigger a audio log. 



    If you REALY want to learn more about the game story/ lore, but put on a "silver plate", I suggest you to watch the "What we know Warframe Lore" videos on StallordD channel (video above is his ).

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  4. Pokład 12 jest kształtem podobny do fortuny. Udaj się do miejsca gdzie normalnie przebywają nawiewniki. Tam jest specjalna konsola gdzie umieszczasz termie. 

    Potem pokaże się orb. Musisz go ściągnąć ze ściany niszcząc skałe pod jej nogami (lewa i prawa strona). 

    Jak będzie już na dole rzucasz w nią termosami z termią które wypadają z maszyn rozsiane po terenie pokładu 12- tego. 

    Drugim etapem jest walka na zewnątrz polegająca na niszczeniu chlodniakow raknoid i zapobiegnięciu przed ochlodzeniem orba. 

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