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Posts posted by Wolfstorm18

  1. I agree about Zephyr. I got her yesterday and it looks like she was melted. There's also those things hanging on her back which are bizarre. Looking to the concept art I agree that the end result got too far from the original idea. But she is much fun to play with, I loved the Tail Wind and Dive Bomb combo. Since I play with the field of view at the minimum I dont see the hanging balls most of the time. 

  2. The sound is alright, but the ammo amount isn't.



    That high pitch whirring sound is horrible. You listen it after each shot, and sometimes it shrieks even more. Its annoying. 


    The weapon seems to be fine, it delivers some punch, but I will dump it after levelling to 30, simply because of this sound. Its unplayable. 

  3. Prova.

    - Attack rate : 1,0.


    Plasma Sword

    - Attack rate : 0,7.



    So you build a Dojo, spend lots of formas to build corridors, oracle, corpus tech lab, do some research, spend one more forma, just to get +0.3 speed. 

  4. Plasma sword do 35 damage and spend 10 stamina per swing. It have 15% critical chance, 15% status chance, requires mastery rank 0 and no forma to build. Its blueprint is obtainable through alerts. 


    Prova do 35 damage and spend 12 stamina per swing. It have 5% critical chance, 10% status chance, requires mastery rank 3 and a forma to build. Its blueprint is obtainable through Dojo research. 



  5. I think they are spawning very little, specially in the Void. 


    Theres one eximus that I liked, its the emp eximus, which takes out all your energy just by having you in his area of effect. But I encountered him maybe some 5 or 6 times. He is very rare. It would be more interesting if the devs increased the spawn rate of all eximus by some 20 or 25%, just for a bit more diversity. 


  6. well if you read the weapons descriptions these weapons are adaptive from research into the infested not of the infested; so evolution wouldn't make much sense. Then again lato vandal doesn't make much sense as well... 



    Did you notice the tentacles of Synapse and Phage? They are living weapons. Why not have an 'accident' happening in some random Tenno laboratory somewhere and then an event where some monsters with tentacles grow from such weapons? 

  7. I played with Ash today, to check his new teleport, but I didnt saw too much difference. Sure its more fast now, and Ash can make a stealth attack if he got at the enemy back, but still it have that aim problem, where you have to aim exactly at the enemy, like you were holding a weapon, and this, in the middle of the battle, make you lose some miliseconds that you could use to rush to the enemy. And more so if you are holding a melee weapon. A way to make it work better would be to have an area as target for the teleport, where Ash would jump at the enemy more close to the reticle (at the time the power is cast). On the heat of battle what I most got using this power was 'invalid target' because the enemy was moving, so it was better to just run at him and kill him. 

  8. I started using Sweetfx this week, in a series of games, Warframe included. 


    I dont use DX11 in Warframe because its bugged, the frames have a white color covering one of their sides. This issue was reported by another player months ago: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/114671-frame-texture-color-scheme-bug/


    I dont use bloom, because it hurts my eyes. I also dont use depth of field and motion blur, because they blur my aim and the ambient lightning blinks while Im moving. 


    This week I was trying to get rid of color correction, because some maps were being tinged completely in purple or bright green. This is not only annoying but also hides the textures. However, without color correction the game looks like a newspaper, covered in some kind of unsaturated purple. 


    I tried lots of configurations, and arrived at this at the moment: tonemap. I've put defog at 0.10, and the float at 0.25 for red. This reduced the red color, and the newspaper-like tint was gone. But with color correction the screen was also a bit more bright, so I put exposure at 0.05. I tried higher numbers but the screen became too bright for me. 


    With color correction the screen also have a better contrast. I messed a bit with curve parameters but was not satisfied by the results. 


    The vibrance settings I turned it on at first, but the screen became somewhat greasy, like the objects were covered with oil. So I turned it off. Bloom and dpx also gave this greasy look. 


    Im only using tonemap at the moment. In the Earth tileset it was amazing, the color correction was hiding most of the textures. I recommend it for those who are annoyed by color correction. 

  9. Isnt the Lanka the favorite rifle of the nerfer gang? So it should stay as it is, a rifle with high damage but impractical to use. 


    Also Vectis have short zoom, less than Latron (which is not a sniper rifle), so they are pretty balanced at the moment. 


    What I think is needed is a map for snipers, with sniper grineers placed in unreachable positions. 

  10. I stopped reading in 'evolved Synapse'. Seriously, did any of you saw a infested using a Synapse? Or then with a Synapse attached to its arms? If you saw then report in, because I want to go there. The only thing they have is that electrical creeper, then lets assume they will have an 'evolved' eletrical creeper then, some monster moving with tentacles and shooting electrical blasts, or maybe with moas legs attached to its mutilated body. Then, and only then, it will make any sense to have an 'evolved' Synapse. Anything else is just money grab. 

  11. Nova was nerfed 'to the ground'. I will only keep her until I can build Zephyr, then I will dump her. Her only useful power now is Worm Hole, to reach unreachable places for sniping (something that Valkyr and Zephyr are also able to do). The rest are just trash, and she falls like a leaf (like she always had). At least I didnt paid (with real money) for the reactor and two formas that I've put on Nova. 


    Before on we used Nova to farm xp quickly. Now she is just a sitting duck. 

  12. My initial thought on seeing the kubrow was...   Why does theirs look so much better.  In my game the wild kubrow has fur that looks like it came out of game visuals circa ten years ago, it's not blended at all. Running medium-high settings too. o_O



    I run all on maximum here, my card is top and can run most of the games on maximum. Still theres no difference putting texture settings on low, medium or high, they are the same. I dont use bloom, depth of field and motion blur, because they suck: the first one make the game looks like a disco, the second and third make everything blurred and the lightning on the game blinks when you are moving. These features suck very badly, and still they are not addressed. 


    Yesterday I've made some tests with SweetFX injector to be able to get rid of color correction. Sometimes color correction is good, but when it tinges everything on purple or green, that sucks horrible, so horrible that I have to quit the mission and start another. Without it, the colors became somewhat dead. Editing the injector file I reduced the ammount of red so that it got close to when color correction is on (and is not sucking). 


    I dont see the devs saying anything about the graphics. Nothing about a high-resolution pack, or about a fix on those features mentioned above. I guess that happens because most players dont talk about it, they only ask for NERFS, NERFS, and more NERFS. 

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