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Posts posted by Vanille

  1. 3 hours ago, Rawbeard said:

    I get the feeling you would enjoy the game more if you used the Handspring mod.

    Was thinking the same, specially since he mentioned he's an offmeta player, it wouldn't bother him using a warframe mod slot for it.

  2. I remember people even complimenting me for not doing S#&$ and just pewpewing unless I was alone in a different zone while I was leveling Limbo. Every other mission I've been matched with a Limbo has been a 100% troll. Like someone said specially in missions with interactions like rescue or like this time a Limbo not letting us pick up reactant on purpose. Not only they intentionally troll, but when others are just playing him and unnecesarily halting the whole mission and you ask them to stop doing it, they just ignore you. It's just what Trollimbo is built for honestly, unless you're doing hours long survivals or defenses, you don't need a mission halt ability at all in this game. His kit is literally the opposite of this game's fast paced style.

  3. 19 minutes ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

    At least you got something you were able to use. I once had a streak of Riven mods...some of them annoying to unveil...all of them for weapons I didn't want...all of them with crap stats, for example a fang riven with negative range...NEGATIVE RANGE ON DUAL DAGGERS!

    You can at least make a lot of plat with veiled rivens.

  4. If you're a collectionist, you should join them at least for syandanas. Though if you aim to get everything that is not tradeable from every single syndicate, that could take months/year(s?) just bcause of max rank grinding with daily cap and sacrifices.

  5. It is easy to get the reactant on the ground, specially if you just keep up with the team, yes, but sometimes you get matched in progress with people that already have 10 or a couple away, which means you have to go back all the way til you find them, and the rest get to extraction. I haven't seen it often, but I have and usually asking just makes them move away from extraction. I just don't understand why would they not want to wait for someone to finish the reactants, it's an extra reward pool they're missing if they don't.

  6. 1 hour ago, Ragingwasabi said:

    also kuva is useless for new players

    Not really. You still need Kuva for several weapon bps that you can obtain long before you unlock sorties for rivens, or do a war within to be more specific, which they can use to increase MR, and the only way for them to obtain is to get taxi'd into lv80+ missions and get carried.

  7. Im not gonna complain about that resource weekend we had. It helped me SO MUCH, but having booster events every weekend would be too much. In a weekend I farmed enough mats to craft weapons, complete the enitre dojo lab research (all by myself) contributions and have a few hundred thousands spare resources just in case. Not to mention it creates this feeling of a "job" weekend, that you would regret not farming it, but doing so would be so dragging.

  8. Other warframs are far worse, needed 2 or 3 rare parts (hai Vauban). But the difference comes in the relic rarity income aswell. If they were dropped from Axi, then I would agree. But most are from meso and neo relics, which are really easy to farm. Same thing goes for Vauban, he needs a whole rare set, but none of them are from Axi relics, so he's easy to get and easy to gather relics for radshares.

  9. *spoilers* (just in case)

    I must say I'm loving the lore of this game so far. When people join the game, they mainly do it because they just wanna pewpew with their space ninja robots. Do missions, improve weapons to become better, etc. But then you do some quests and you get lore and plot twists thrown at you. The game literally started as you being a space ninja with no introduction whatsoever for a long period of gameplay. You just do your planet missions, collect stuff, get weapons just to later discover you're actually a kid controlling the warframe from Lua, receiving and changing new combat gameplay out of the blue, that you wouldn't imagine would happen at all when you join the game (unless you researched the lore and spoiled yourself ofc). And I can't wait for more big story quests to come.

  10. I read somewhere on the forums that the playerbase in PS4 is way lower so it takes longer to fill because no one do them. They also mentioned that the requirements are scaled to the playerbase of platforms, but it seems like they need to look more into PS4 requirements for it.

  11. 4 minutes ago, AmE3r9 said:

    I guess because they are not around when the alerts are there, so they never had a chance with the alerts. And the missions that drop Nitain has a really low chance. Am asking that the drop chance is at least increased so people don't just count on the alert.

    Someone told me Nitain alerts pop every 4 hours or so, I haven't really checked for it honestly, I just happen to see them from time to time while checking nav after getting out of missions and never had a problem.

  12. You guys are awesome c:
    Playing so many different games for the past years, I had yet to meet a playerbase as nice as Warframe's, that I had to make this thread.
    I was expecting the usual solo elite mentality of looking down on other people or being toxic, to my surprise it was totally the opposite. People here are really helpful, even from day one many people offered to help, running stuff, giving some mods to start up your weapons, tips, guides, they even often ask how much I'm liking the game so far. I've even got help from total strangers giving me a vaulted blueprint. People offer to help others constantly. So guys, keep it up and stay nice, you're (unintentionally maybe) making new players feel good for picking this game up!

  13. Since I started playing a couple of weeks ago, I did every Nitain Alert available when I was logged in, even asked for taxis if they were in a locked mission and never had a problem with them. I checked warframe wiki on what can nitain extract be used for blueprints and research, and I'm almost done using them, 2 weeks into the game, just casually, doing alerts. How can people leave a game over this?

  14. 1 hour ago, zeroichi92 said:

     Join a group in the recruit tab for the event.

    That is not the point. The point is, they're dropping high lvl content/event on every single level of content, including low areas. It's not that I can't farm the event, it's that I can't do regular missions because they spawn in them, unless some miracle happens and someone geared enough comes and destroys it, which never happens because they're farming other missions nonstop to kill them faster.

  15. As a new player trying to do low lvl missions, this event is a pain in the &#!. Can't do interceptions because ambulas will just not die and always put the towers in conflict. Can't do defense missions on Corpus because waves don't get cleared until Ambulas is dead, and simply put, it's impossible for a new undergeared player like me to kill it, and they even keep spawning every wave. I need to get lucky to get a geared player that can 1 hit those, but I've been sitting on several missions waiting for players with no luck, and this is bothering me, can't wait for this event to go away. -_-


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