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Posts posted by Nosebleed

  1. Mab and PS are near the 2k mark in votes if we win this round we mite lose the fight against mab especially with all the nexon game voters helping them



    Don't worry I have full confidence in you guys, though we haven't been with each other very long.


    We've been winning so far with pure loyalty and dedication to Warframe!


    We all simply need to work together and get the word out in game, and to all clansmen and friends!

    It'll essentially be a rematch against Nexon with their resolve redoubled.  In our first match against Vindictus, we were neck and neck and we did not even use our strategic weapons (redtext and moon clans) until the end.

    Not to mention we may have Airmech assist us if we do win.  A team of Indies versus a conglomerate sounds like a very good story.  :D

    I'm more afraid of PS 2 than Nexon.  Their coordinated platoons rival our moon clans.

  2. Fair point. The main goal of the open letter was just to clear up a misconception, but I see your point of view.


    Ok now I seriously want an AirMech helmet/sentinel skin. DE PLZ



    Miscommunication's a big issue in the world.  I'm actually thinking of taking a communication minor under my Computer Science major right now.  I want to help preserve communities like Warframe from devolving into a caustic cesspool.  It sounds inconceivable, but it's better than waiting for time to march inexorably on and have its effect.

  3. As a supporter of both games, it makes me sad to see some members of the Warframe community degrade other games over a contest that should be fun and most of all, a display of mutual respect between gamers regardless of which game you play.


    I want to qualify this.

    There are players who had bad experiences with the previous games we've voted against.  Some of us have developed a VERY hard skin due to the toxicity of other communities like LoL and APB:R.  At this point, an opinion is developed against a game.  I think it's natural to speak out and say that other people should not play this particular game because of bad impressions or possibly devolved communities.  Human nature says that these people do not want others to experience the same game that left them in bad taste, under the guise that it's on another fellow human's experience.  And that can lead to stubborn members not uncommon to all gaming communities.

    Not everyone can communicate in a civil manner on all terms.  This is not exclusive to Warframe.

    Also, AirMech helmets please.

    EDIT: I spy DE Staff looming over this thread.  :)

  4. That's sorta the point. AirMech has gotten a handful of cosmetics based on other games. It isn't an insult in any way. It's a nod to a great game. We have an alternate skin for our suicide units to make them look like Minecraft Creepers. Then we got an APB mech skin based on APB Reloaded, among other stuff. All of these things have descriptions and in their descriptions is brief praise for the game they are based off of and a link to the official site for the game.

    To top it off, we have a player market akin to the auction house in Warframe. We are able to sell or buy our collected stuff. These special skins/cosmetics typically end up being very valuable. At one point the APB skin was going for 2000-3000 Diamonds.(our version of plat) That's close to 5 USD, the Warframe cosmetic would likely be much more. So it's not like they are worthless or something.

    If AirMech wins and gets a cosmetic, it only helps advertise Warframe. Heck a bunch of people didn't even know what APB Reloaded was, but thanks to the APB skin checked it out. Not that Warframe needs any help advertising but... My point is, if we win it just helps out your game.

    With that said, if AirMech does lose the upcoming vote... Then you guys must beat SMITE. Like I said before, may the best game win!

    Just read through the Carbon Forums thread.  Airmech's community is really nice, leaps and bounds better than APB:R and Vindictus.  You guys are lucky to have CarbonJames on board.  He seems to be a really cool guy.

    A post by CarbonJames on their forums

    I'm a little afraid to go on their forums and post directly since they may mistake that as trolling, but anyone is free to pass along the spirit of our intentions.

    Also, for the record, I like the Waframe devs a lot and am really impressed with the game. If AirMech does lose to Warframe, I think the AirMech community should support Warframe through he rest of the contest.

     Copy/Paste weirdness.  Forgot the shortcut to return it back to destination formatting.


    Upon further reading, he says he knows the Warframe devs and thinks adding skins as homage to Warframe is okay but he needs further confirmation.  As said, this will serve as more advertisement for Warframe.  

    I really want to see CarbonJames elaborate more in the Warframe forums and have Tenno also participate in the skin poll, which would result in both communities being more aware of each other. Everyone wins!

    Someone should message Rebecca about this so she could discuss this beneficial opportunity with the WF Staff.

    If this was a wrestling match, I can imagine Warframe and AirMech shaking hands after the fight.  Don't forget that CarbonJames expressed interest in helping us if we win, so we should do the same for them if they do win.  Like Rocky and Apollo.

    For the record, I want Loki Hammerhead Mech to win.  

  5. pfff okay XD.

    I wonder what it looks like on the inside. It's a cube. a DEATHcube. a cube of DEATH.




    Vindictus was tough because they got votes from all Nexon players.

    APB was tough because they were using scripts.


    Compared to these 2, where I actually thought that we were going to lose, this should be easy.

    And it won't matter if they cheat. mmomb will find out anyway.


    Just don't forget that our poll starts in aBout 20 hours.

    When you chop a Dethcube in half, they are both still cubes.  Therefore, we have two Dethcubes.  Despite geometry saying they are rectangles, both are as equally as deadly as a cube is equal on all sides.  Especially when thrown like a brick.

    As for our opponent,  AirMech may not have the support of gaming communities under the same company or scripts, but they do seem happy with the game.  Warframe and AirMech seem equal in how content the majority of the communities are with their games.  Vindictus is rife with botters, hackers, and tons of unhappy people.  APB:R is even worse.

    Although it does seem anticlimactic that our Wizard Division final opponent is a relatively unknown game, the wascals have spiwit.

  6. From the APB:R thread:

    "i suddenly like this community much better.
    i rather a trash community than a "look at me guys! we are good!" community

    they are reporting us not to try and make things fair, but to try and make themselves look good, which is dumb and fake.

    they don't honestly think reporting is actually doing any good, do they? or are they idiots and think no one will notice a bunch of people with the same ip address voting over 100 times?"


    Seeing APB's community makes me like this community a lot more.

  7. Guys, the Vindictus Vs Warframe vote has been over for a couple of weeks now. We're up against APB currently. Vindictus is "beating" us because you can close those strawpolls down, so they kept voting after we stopped.


    ...I think I've gone crazy, I could've sworn there were  posts talking about Warframe vs. Vindictus.

    *places hand on shoulder*

    JerZey my friend...


  8. "Also, as requested by fans of both games, we’re restarting the Ragnarok Online/Mabinogi vote. We’ll be carefully monitoring the IP traffic on this one, as well as the above two polls, so as to provide as fair a vote as possible and give fans of both games a chance to proudly represent their games. This doesn’t mean you can’t vote from multiple computers in your home, for instance; if we see 4 votes from one location, we won’t take action. If we see 400, on the other hand, then all bets are off."

    From the MMOBomb webpage.

    Ohohoho.  I wish I could see RO or Mabinogi try to use scripts against Planetside 2.  Anyone send that APB:R script to the MMOBomb mods yet?

  9. There seems to be infighting in the APB forums.  http://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/349046-mmobombs-ultimate-f2p-tournament-showdown-continued/page__st__160

    Sad to see so much pessimism in a thread. Leading point of view against Warframe is the repetitiveness.  Nothing else seems to crop up against WF.  There's a lot of Warframe praise in there also.

    Voted for Warframe.  Keep the fight going, Tenno. 

  10. I'd prefer something similar to Vindictus over something making use of timing.



    I would prefer  something similar to vindictus also thats one thing the devs did right was its playing style a few classes in vindictus also required timing to get a few combos there also i remember sucking hard at playing fiona in that game couldn't get block timing down.

    I agree.  The combat system is solid in Vindictus.  While it seems the devs have decided on timing attacks, the regular attack and Smash/Charge attacks seems far more easier to pick up.  Don't forget Dynasty/Samurai Warriors.

    Honestly though, I would be in so much glee if I can do Double Crescent or Petal Toss on a Tenno.


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