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Posts posted by NekroArts

  1. 1 hour ago, Sweeney said:

    Some of us have already invested months into each platform. Should our efforts be erased? No. Obviously not. Now THAT would be a BAD IDEA.

    Hence, merge the balances. 2 billion credits on Switch and 4 billion on PS4? Congrats, you've got 6 billion credits on your new merged balance.

    Same for Endo, Mods and Items. I should be allowed to keep the stuff I worked for, and I don't appreciate you saying otherwise.

    When you said that you wanted to combine them to one balance, we thought you meant put all values into one type of currency. Like Endo and Ducats are eliminated and their values are combined with your Credits.

    1 hour ago, Sweeney said:

    Also, no money would be refunded and I never said it should be.

    Platinum is a virtual currency that DE controls. It would cost them nothing to convert duplicate purchases into Plat like I suggested.

    Platinum is a premium currency. Unless you got it from livestream/devstream plat lottery, all platinum are backed (or suppose to be) by real money. To refund plat because of your suggestion is DE basically giving players their (DE) money. Somebody bought that plat, refunding it eliminates a huge chunk of potential future-plat-purchases that would "normally" happen.

    1 hour ago, Sweeney said:

    As for limited time events that have never returned- the two I mentioned are key examples. Shadow Debt comes back as Stalker's Acolytes, sure, but never in it's entirety.

    Also, screw battle passes. They're literally designed to emotionally manipulate consumers, and they aren't even shy about it.

    A level of fomo is necessary as it gets the players to play the game. Limited time events (not the ones that are reoccurring) are unique experiences, design to entice players to play more during that time period than they would normally if it didn't happen. For the game and the players, it creates a history of the experience and in some cases with rewards that is proof of that. While plenty of them can be implemented as a short quest to fill in gaps in the story, they shouldn't return as reoccurring events. DE has been generous with how they've handle it from extending the duration of an event to returning rewards in a different form. 

  2. 26 minutes ago, (PS4)ARC_Paroe said:

    Theyre called tenno, not ten-zero... 

    What's happening is call leet or leetspeak, in which words (in this case names) are typed/read using alternative characters. For Warframes lore, DE did it in reverse where the naming of the Operator's originated from Zariman 10-0. 10-0 ----> 10-O ----> Ten-O ----> Tenno.

    • Like 3
  3. 17dhIEz.png?2

    • Each section is a mission/session
    • All times used is from in-game chat timestamps
    • The "missed?" happened because I wasn't in the mission, before this time I was already extracting from one
    • The "suppose skip" had one spawned
    • "skip" at 10:26 became the new skip that the previous time was suppose to be
    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Jason_V_Jade said:

    As to lore nothing about NW stories screams lore to me, and unless DE said otherwise NW as no impact on the lore,

    • "So really important part of Nightwave, of course other than the story that brings, is you know what does the series entail [the rewards]..."
    • 00:59:25 "So for this series of Nightwave instead of just showing the diorama giving you all the details of the story as it unfolds with each act, so act one is here, you'll actually be able to walk around in it..."
    • 01:00:34 "So you'll be able to go in and check somethings out, and there is...um... there's plenty of secrets once you dive deeper; I don't want to spoil it..."


    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Yes and apparently you didnt read my post since my routine obviously yielded none over a time period of near 4 hours. While trivial lowbie content yields about 1 per minute. You dont see the imbalance in that?

    Impatient after 4 hours when I've tried to stay away from actively farming them? Hence my question "Do we really need to run trivial S#&$ for these things to spawn?", where the answer seems to be yes according to the info on the forums.

    Also, it obviously isnt random when people can farm specific places for it. Random by design would mean all places would have a % chance to spawn them equally, which isnt the case. The info in the game implies it is common from mission without any specification. Nearly 4 hours with only a single broken spawn is not common in my book. They may wanna be clearer with the info.

    Random doesn't always mean equal chance. Even after doing that Ophelia run, literally only got 1 spawned right after the 5 minute mark in a 20 minute run. I ran it again, this time I only stayed a little over 5 minutes and it didn't spawn.

    As unfortunate that not everyone will be as lucky, it's arrogant to think that the system is rigged because of luck. Almost every mission we can do in this game is trivial, but that doesn't mean they have a better chance of spawning the Glass things. It just happens.

  6. 3 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    So exactly what would "people like you" really mean here? Someone who wants to enjoy all parts of the game and not get pigeon holed into something that is well below their progress?

    Like I said

    15 minutes ago, NekroArts said:

    Or just do your normal routine and just let it happen.

    I never went off the assumption that you would have to do specifics, your OP gives off the impression that you're impatient of just letting it happen. That you're actively trying to find it when by design it's random.


    • Like 2
  7. 19 minutes ago, (PS4)idsie said:

    I added plat since you’re able to donate plat to the dojo vault already. Plus you could cap the amount of plat you can give away to 1 single winner

    That doesn't address the potential issue. Now I don't know if DE removes plat from clan vaults should they track fraud/charge-back plat to there, but those things usually result in a ban or trade restriction. It's even worse when the victim gets the punishment. So when the winning plat gets out to the players and DE later determines that it's fraud/charged back and removes it, it may lead them to not trust "x" clan on hosting events. Then that clan gets in the crossfire of being part of having "suspicious activities".

    • Like 2
  8. 11 minutes ago, (PS4)Lemamori980 said:

    I feel like the hardmode assasination node in the orokin derilect would do good to have unmade potatos as the rarest reward. it would give new life to the derilect epecialy if they made it to where you have to get a special type of nav coordinate by playing other hardmode nodes in the derilect.

    If your view of hard mode is the same as Sortie Lephantis I'm going to have to say no. Potatoes are one of the most useful items and we already have multiple ways of getting them for free. Putting them in a place that can be repeatedly farm is can break the balance of get-for-free and incentive-to-pay. Lephantis is tanky, but not hard.

  9. 1 hour ago, Nichivo said:

    Because that is not an issue. The difficulty having changed because of the stealth changes DE made is the actual issue.

    The detection of enemies have been reverted. No patch note mentioned of this, but I can now stand on edge of the end-second arena without enemies detecting me. I even took it further and dropped into the third arena and stood the edge of the start and still they did not detect me.

    Edit: the enemies I'm referring to are the ones in the third arena, first and second arena were cleared.

  10. Here are the rules.


    Rules for Submission:

    • One submission per clan
    • Must list your Clan's name, tier, and platform with your entry
    • Must be the Founding Warlord or have Architect permissions for the Clan whose Dojo you submit
    • Video tours must not exceed 3 minutes
    • Dojo theme and presentation must be appropriate for the community forums
    • Do not reserve spots in the official contest thread
    • Submissions that do no follow these rules will be disquailified

    Rules for Winners:

    Given the number of players who will visit Featured Dojos, we have different standard for content in Featured Dojos than we do for Dojos that aren't open to everyone. We may ask winners to make small changesto their Dojos for the time they are featured based on the following:

    • Nothing vulgar or offensive can be included in Dojos while they are featured on the Star Chart
    • You cannot change your Clan tier until after you Clan Dojo has been featured on the Star Chart
    • Winners who disregard these rules while thier Dojo is featured will have their Dojos removed from the Star Char. If deemed necessary, increased disciplinary action will also be taken

    Is there anything on this list that have been violated?

  11. 40 minutes ago, VisionAndVoice said:

    Why? Was Hek's VA unavailable for some reason? Is he still with DE?


    19 minutes ago, PurrrningBoop said:

    It appears that Apocryphon is the VA for Vey Hek (not 100% sure), they are still listed as staff, at least in the forums.

    The VA is named James Atkins. The closest, recent thing that shows he's still around is (what I'm hoping) is his twitter https://twitter.com/jimmygrimm. His most recent like is from April 8th, this year.

    • Like 3
  12. 2 hours ago, UilliamNebel said:

    I'd say this mission, and how it is scaled for a new and solo player, just is another exhibit that DE do NOT play their own game.

    By nature, new and solo players should not be able to to solo everything in a game with the intent for co-op. It sets a bad precedent to continue to play solo instead of what DE wants players to do - play cooperatively. Anytime they make a mission/content heavily towards co-op, players go on a rampage that solo players should have it just as easy as if it was with a squad. The thing is the choice to make a co-op game/content is purely subjective; it is neither right nor wrong, there is zero reasons for us to critically criticize DE for that game design choice. They allow you to do it solo and it's usually balanced, but they don't make accommodations so that you have the same level of advantage as a full geared squad. It is still their game, there are some things that we should never be entitled to.

    Do not mistake what I typed above as "all missions are perfectly balance for solo and new players". The only missions that I can think at the top of my head that isn't balance for solo and co-op are the Grendel missions, but that's for another time. However, the hijack mission, Sorath, is well within balance for new and solo players. There are four things that makes this mission doable:

    • mod a weapon for toxin damage
    • mod another weapon for radiation
    • equip Fast Deflection
    • knowing that shields will recharge after 1 second of not taking damage if you have some shields, but will take 4 seconds to start recharging if all the shields are gone.
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