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Posts posted by Darkfreack

  1. I was only allowed two.


    I have a solution, though. It's in Fan Concepts :o (Not sure if I can link here)

    You should be able to.


    my kubrow's loyalty still isnt going up... even after the patch and "new day" login stuff


    oh that really sucks man, its still a new system but 2-3 interaction is just far to little.

  2. So clearly there is a limit to how much you can run with your pup. I understand that, sentinels can't disappear off the face of the game because of our new friends here.


    So lets discuss WHY IN THE WORLD are we limited so much on how little we can run with our dogs. 3 interactions increase favor up to 60%. If you were unfortunate to get him to the high negatives, that practically renders him useless and weak.


    Lets all talk about this for a moment and see if we can encourage DE to raise or fix this limitation of the Kubrow.

  3. This is where things begin to build up to hostile, it's why I usually do feedback via support, commentary is never pleasant when you explain your dislikes. You guys made it clear you disagree, but I still feel the same way.

    Thanks to the one encouraging post.



    I'm moving on now, have a good day guys and if you enjoy it stick with it; a mod can lock this if they wish.

     There is no real hostility from what I can see. Just people offering assistance while sharing remarks about our confusion.


    A ton of people on this forum are willing to help and support others. We also tend to be vocal or typed our thoughts out a ton as well, some just don't understand how you are so baffled by certain things.


    Overall be it as it may, you've made your choice, sad to see another tenno go :(


    And I just read the part where you stoped playing......

    Did you realy find this game confusing, it was simple for me to figure it out....


    I feel the same, I found the game simple and easy to pick up. There were a few things which caused issues and learning curves, but nothing that would make a player halt and leave.

  5. The complaints I'm seeing here seem valid but make little to no sense to me.


    I understand what you are trying to get at, the main issue I see is you've been looking in all the wrong places. Asking Region chat in game is the worse idea ever. If you ever had an issue you were better off starting here first.


    The crafting system is simple if you step back and consider what is presented to you. If teammates are an issue try doing things solo while you earn your sea-legs. Also there are always a TON of channels on youtube with tutorials and tips&tricks for people seeking assistance. All of them located here: https://warframe.com/community/fansites

    (Disclaimer yes I am one of them)

    (Disclaimer 2.0, In before self advertising remarks)


    If you are sold on the idea that the game is not your thing, so be it, wont try to argue with you. Just try not to brute force the game like you have been and consider what is presented from time to time. Everything in game is simple if you take the time to look in the right places, by that I mean the codex, there is a small simple guide there.

  6. I don't think allowing the Prime variants to be used is fair. The Lato and Skana Prime are not available anymore, and they have more damage than the regular ones.

    the weapons will be unmodded so its a slight difference. Nothing major as it were modded to all hell. Plus it gives founders a way to prove themselves and that gear in a major fashion.

  7. I just came out as a non-believer yesterday.

    I don't believe there's a God. Not until proven.


    Such drama unfolded.

    Crying dad who wouldn't stop saying "My son is dead".

    Keeps telling me I am incapable of love and respect because I don't believe in God.

    Told me from now on, I can take care of myself, by myself (I'm 19 but still dependent).

    Asked him what that meant, does that mean no more financial support? He did not elaborate.


    Let me start with this, this sounds like the exact same hardship those with different sexual choices go thou. If you were to replace all instances of belief and replace them with gender based choice (avoiding words that might mark flags). It seems like an identical story.


    Aside from that, I can from a mainly Catholic family, with the fact that we really don't care about closed doors church mentality. I can consider myself luck to be like this.


    If worse comes to worse always keep in mind, you are never alone, there are others out there going thou the same hardships as you this very moment. Unlike you they might not have a form of venting or seeking assistance / advice.


    The question I ask is what loving God would perform miracles in the form of his name in a fruit, but not save millions of people from suffering and painful death everyday? If God exists he needs to get his priorities straight :/

    This is vaild in so many places wround the world, other religions question why some think this way.



    Congratulations on coming out of the religious closet!



    Again Gender based choices sound the freaking same right now lol.





    All else aside.


    Be that it may, This is a gaming forums but we are all people in the end. So don't use the fact its a game forum to dismiss or undermine a user on here. There are some kind hearts here to give you moral support if you were to so desire it.


    Example [DE]Drew is here, what more do you need :p

  8. Actually, the spawns are different between PC and PS4. Kappa is controlled by Corpus but doesn't spawn any Oxium Ospries on PS4. Cupid, Uranus spawns Leech Ospries and Elite Crewman like crazy on the PS4, but doesn't on the PC. Excal is also 375 plat in the market on PS4 instead of the 75 plat I've heard on PC.


    Now I get the picture a little more, I had no idea the spawn tables were that different. At that point its just best to scan them and figure out what planets are best for spawning and farming them.

  9. How about some supportive approaches to the subject matter. No need to be a smart a-- about it.

    How about you browse the forums before posting, if you did, you'd already know that Rebbecca said they'd be removing those mods again. The tables change and things pop up when they aren't meant to when ever an item is added or removed.

  10. I don't like this idea at all. Imagine a new guy playing this game dying over and over and suddenly he either has to waste his starting plat to get out or try and pay someone with the ~5000 credits he has.


    Get a deathmark from Alad and try to get the Harvester to spawn in a solo mission if you want to get captured, you'll have to do a mission without your weapons and warframe abilities.



    The way im seeing this is more of a alternative mission for breaking out, or ask for help if you can afford it. Also like you stated just like the Harvester capture mission, why not have that as the base alternative to death overall. It would make death meaning full and something worth the effort to avoid, because face it at the moment death means little to nothing overall.

  11. I like how you think your 9 minute video is a "tl;dr" for a two paragraph post. Like, how slowly do you think people read?

    I wish I had more to contribute to this discussion, but honestly I don't see people voice the complaints you're talking about people apparently making. I can't remember ever seeing a "DE is lazy" post, if anything people complain about poor game design choices (think about voidgate/drop encryption, OD key build requirements, beacon spawn/drop rate, most mods are either required or trash, abilities drop off enemies instead of being in the market), I could go on forever, sometimes DE listens, sometimes they don't, but, I don't see anyone calling them lazy.



    There have been post where people have asked where are all the serious update. They are see all these background and misc patches as pointless waist of codding potential. They do exist regardless if you have seem themselves yet or not.


    Also the video is kinda a TL:DR to the post as a whole so new posters kinda get an idea of what is being talked about if anything. Also I know how some people are about reading the OP and just looking at flawed reply's and stuff.

  12. I don't mean to sound negative, but I don't understand the point of this thread.



    What I took away from the video was "It takes time for DE to do things because reasons, and watch my Warframe Channel.



    OP again, not trying to flame you, but while I do agree feedback driven by people that are heated over the top is definitely toxic, and whenever that does arrive it gets snuffed out relatively quickly, on the other hand, you seem to be pushing an extremely positive outlook when things that have been ever-present issues (RNG, end game, lore, "balance") have hardly been touched.


    Point of the thread is to try to help other users understand that new features dont pop up over night. It takes time to make things work like they should and complaining about when, when, when, is not going to help and just causes arguments.


    Every thing they do is caused because of certain conditions not be meet, practically because reasons as you said, If it seemed evasive is cause it was. We already have enough people nagging or complaining about why is "x" not in yet but "y" is, even thou "x" was announced months ago. Talking about time windows really doesn't help provide feedback that can support the game and the team.


    I can and will hammer the game in due time, also for every praise there is 3 new complains over any key point. Everyone here who is enjoying and willing to support the game has to know what needs hammering and what needs supporting.


    I just mainly want to assist others in a friendly environment to encourage real feedback, while avoiding the hostile natures aimed at complains and aimless nagging.

  13. Man, this started as an "appreciate the game" thread, but then devolved into trashtalking and merciless defending.

    I personally can't wait to see what this game looks like in a year. It'll either be crappy - or it'll be breathtaking.


    First part, rather not go there, it raises to many issues.


    Second part, Look at the last year already. The game is nothing like it has been from its first open play date. The changes are coming large and hard to this game. Best example of a new total overhaul and design is the playerships with its whole new aim in atmosphere for the game.

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