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Posts posted by Wallace24

  1. derelict tilesets aren't the best. and dark sectors give you bonuses


    I'm looking forward to the expansion of dark sectors, the possibility of reaching new nodes past the 2 per planet we see now. that should be fun. and maybe the 12 hour conflict, 24+ hour armistice will be alright. I wonder if DE considered rail deployment time, in which case it'll be 48+ hours of free farming. it does seem like DE overcompensated a little bit by cutting down conflict time by so much


    plus the solar rail system itself will be expanded. I'm hoping that different classes of rails will allow us to unlock nodes that remain uncontested. a place each alliance can use just for themselves. or maybe just a general group of nodes that each alliance can build rails to, but not have to compete over


    guess we'll see

  2. I think it should be spectre as well!


    maybe instead of random rare mods it should be the frame's skills (all 4) plus one stance and one rare mod, I think that would be pretty cool. anyhow, while something like this might make sense, I do not want to scan each separate tenno spectre 5 times (although it'll be easier than finishing up the various crawlers and the eximus enemies. and crawler eximus? forget about it!). just seems like a lot of unnecessary codex entries


    besides, I don't do the conflicts to farm stuff, I rush that stuff to get my infested survival back

  3. damage invulnerability is a must against high-level enemies. pre-buff trinity was pretty balanced, I think. I don't remember how WoL and EV worked, but trinity's invulnerability skill was link, and blessing just restored HP+shields and gave brief invulnerability. or possibly no invulnerability


    but link only targeted a single enemy, which is kinda lame, and you couldn't increase that. 3 is alright, I suppose. but trinity could be reworked back to this previous state and still be quite effective



    Because I don't use Corrupted mods.


    Blessing is fine if you don't min/max it. I could easily make a thread showing that Corrupted mods are the problem with frame balance right now. (Mostly because people have already made that thread a few times)

    agreed. and the biggest offender of all of them is Fleeting Expertise. the best you could do before as maybe 45% power efficiency, with maxed streamline and if your frame happened to have an alt helm for efficiency (who says stats on alt helms are bad?). with fleeting, even without the other corrupted mods, you can achieve 75% (perfect) efficiency (yes, would require streamline or an alt helm, but 60% is a major contributor), and with other mods previously introduced (continuity and constitution), you can nearly cancel out all the downside from it (you'd still be left with -2% duration. oh the humanity!)


    even without adding narrow minded on top of that, 25 energy for your ult is crazy. and that's the biggest issue, I think. we can spam ults like it's nobody's business these days. and it makes it so that you may as well use an ult, even if it's overkill or unnecessary. ultimate abilities used to be reserved for tough situations, when you really needed to kill a swarm of enemies or heal up your allies


    the downsides on the other frame corrupted mods are balanced, but +60% efficiency -60% duration is still too good. again, doesn't help that there's an extra nightmare mod that boosts a core frame stat: constitution with +duration. the other core ability stats (strength, range, efficiency), only have their base mod and a corrupted mod to boost them (intensify+blind rage, stretch+overextended, streamline+fleeting expertise) while duration has 3


    the negative on fleeting expertise should be boosted to maybe -90%. you'd still have some crazy durations, but it would be a little more bearable

  4. I'd like an un-randomize button for void drops. who's with me?!





    Auto Install does a bad enough job at throwing random crap into your frames and gear, lets just leave it at that =_=

    well you don't have to be a jerk about it. sometimes it's good to have a random point to go off of. just something to start out. modding for frames really isn't that difficult, same for most weapons. maybe it would be useful for melee, since you have so many options. well, two options. channeling or not. then again, I have nearly all mods, so I can basically have my pick. if you don't have some of the essentials, it might be tougher to fill in those last couple slots


    the color randomizer can give you some decent stuff. but it needs to draw from multiple palettes at once


    edit: also random missions would be fun. just have a quick-join button on the starmap. maybe one for the zoomed-out map, and one on each planet, which would put you in a random mission limited to that planet. of course, you might end up ill-equipped for the mission, but often times it just helps to have another body around in random missions, so at least you'll have that going

  5. yeah, it's pretty annoying when you're leveling up one of those weapons. well, I can put cold damage on, or like 12% (times base) status chance. these tough decisions keep me up at night!



    we need more useful D polarity weapon mods, or we need DE to stop putting these polarities on weapons. until recently we didn't have any weapon mods with the scratch/warframe ability polarity. and so we never saw any of those polarities on weapons. we also never see sentinel precept polarities on weapons. based on the amount of D-polarity mods, we should see barely any D slots on weapons. I can't say we see a ton, but we do see a lot more than we should. and as I implied, the status chance mods (rifle aptitude, melee prowess, shotgun savvy, and the pistol one. damn, almost 4/4 there. anyway, moving on..) are utterly useless


    edit: didn't see that OP said frames as well. D is one of the most useful polarities on a frame. V is only really useful if you're using blind rage, and maybe one for intensify. D has a lot of high-cost mods: narrow minded, overextended, redirection, vitality, vigor, quick thinking, even steel fiber. but on weapons it is easily one of the least useful. at least there are scratch mods for melee weapons now, so I consider D to be the second most worthless polarity for weapons. sentinel precept polarity is the worst

  6. so this topic's back again


    I do, however, agree that we need a cold-based gun. sure, we have some secondary elemental guns (viral and blast are half cold), but we all want a pure ice gun


    just to change it up, really. high proc chance would be much appreciated, though, I miss the old cold status effect, which was basically the only useful one (back when fire didn't do any damage)

  7. well, how long would it take to kill something with a gun? at least with a sword, you aren't wasting all your ammo


    and that's just kinda how RNG works. it's random. so the rare stuff is pretty rare. DE changed the void survival drop mechanics, so Idk when parts drop anymore. it used to be guaranteed only at 20/40/60/etc. minute mark, but now it's all over the place, so I have no recommendations as to how long you should farm on each run

  8. oberon. good solo frame, as you have strong offensive skills, along with healing. his radiation is decent against infested, as well. or maybe just ancient healers. corrosive against disruptors and toxic ancients. yeah, that sounds right


    lots of people will say nova, though

  9. maybe next prime will be Excalibur Prime 2: the Slash-Dashening


    I would be ok with that. I still wouldn't have excal prime, but it kinda works. and I'd still miss out on those extra 6000 mastery points. I can't speak for founders, but I'd be fine if excal prime were released and founders got something else instead. extra skins or something. you'd still have exxcal prime, but it would also be released to the public

  10. as long as the MR15 weapon isn't overpowered, I guess that would be alright


    I think that we should get skins or aesthetic items as we reach certain mastery ranks. that gives you some extra incentive, but it's not something you have to achieve. when it's a weapon that's decent, people will strive for that, and they'll complain about the grind even more. for now, we have people content to sit at rank 6, 8, 10, 13, whatever, and not feel the need to max out all the weapons possible. that's good, it leaves the choice to the players


    it's like the gradivus dilemma, people felt that they had to do 100 invasion missions to get the brakk, even though that was the third tier of rewards. to do the event, you only really have to reach tier one, and the higher tiers are just in case you want to play it a lot. extra incentive. for the corpus void event (I forget what it was called), I only ran one mission to get the badge. I just didn't care about the rewards. that's fine, I wasn't forced to do it. but I ran my missions for the gradivus dilemma. I also maxed out every weapon I possibly could (just missing the founders stuff, closed beta stuff, and amprex. waiting on that research). it's not for everyone, but it's there if you want it


    a mastery-locked weapon  would give higher MR a purpose, sort of, but then people would just feel subjected to more grind. I really think more aesthetic items are the way to go

  11. a) to get a deathmark, you need to kill the boss. No kill -> no mail -> no deathmark

    b) with a deathmark, you have a 2,5% chance per mission to spawn the hunter. That is rather low. Team up with others who also have the deathmark to increase your chances

    c) alad V gives you zanuka deathmarks, not stalker ones. You are farming the wrong boss.

    a) not entirely sure if this is true, I think it's fine if you don't get the killing blow. you need to get the killing blow to get the "saviour of ___" achievement

    b) true

    c) false. you get harvester deathmarks from siding with grineer on invasions. grustrag 3 deathmarks from siding with corpus on invasions


    but another thing worth noting is that the stalker doesn't spawn on the boss levels. so if all you're doing is fighting the bosses, he'll never spawn. it does help to go with a group, even random groups, because you never know who else has an active deathmark. just run normal missions, the stalker is bound to show up at some point

  12. brakk and marelok are the top two sidearms. the difference between them is that brakk has spread and can take out large crowds close by, and marelok has great status effect and can take out stuff further away. otherwise they are both similar in that they are mostly impact+slash, deal high damage overall, and have a base clip size of 6


    despair has seen better days. so I say go for brakk. if you want a shotgun sidearm without damage falloff, bronco prime or akbronco prime are great for that. still deal pretty high damage (not as high as brakk, but again, damage falloff)

  13. each physical damage type (impact, puncture, slash) will deal damage to everything, but impact will deal extra damage to shields, while puncture (not sure) will be reduced, and slash is neutral (or maybe puncture and slash are switched, there). elements work in the same way, they deal their damage, subject to bonuses/reductions against whatever you're shooting

  14. looks like fun, can't wait to try it out. I like status effect guns, so this seems right up my alley. unlike synapse, which has been gathering dust for a long while. so basically it's a synapse I'll actually use. slightly more than half the damage of synapse with double the fire rate sounds like it does beat out the synapse for damage. at the cost of ammo consumption, of course

  15. agreed so hard! I was training him up on cassini, and often got caught on fire, and my reaction was to use tidal surge or something. hoping maybe DE put some logic into the abilities vs procs. no such luck


    but they should! molt should remove negative status effects from saryn when she casts it. water should put out fire. fire should remove the cold status (running through fire hazards, using world on fire or fireblast, or if fireball hits near you). but idk, hitting allies with abilities without doing damage to them might not be as simple as that. and maybe elemental frames' abilities should be boosted if you're affecting by your own status effect? I always thought that should happen, too. again, when I was training up ember prime and found myself aflame whilst fighting napalms. but that gives certain frames an extra advantage, and mag wouldn't gain anything out of being magnetized, since your energy is gone. but it makes sense for ember, volt, and frost, at least


    but molt definitely needs that extra effect, and hydroid should remove fire procs

  16. I prefer the orthos/orthos prime by far. some people really enjoy the dragon nikana, though. I didn't. but I'd say get the nikana for mastery. then evolve craft it into a dragon nikana. if you need mastery. otherwise, stick with the orthos

  17. I was also disappointed by the attica. Guess I'll wait for attica prime.....

    for mastery only, though


    agreed, I didn't enjoy the attica. always felt like I was out of ammo, and nothing was dead. maybe I should've been doing mercury or venus survival, but at a certain point, you have to take the training wheels off. I found the attica underwhelming, and the reload speed was quite slow. though not everything can have a large clip and fast reload speed. I can't wait until we get some tenno reinforcements and I can sell this thing. right now it has a slot, but I think the best course of action is to sell it rather than buy new slots for the next bunch of weapons. sometimes you have to let things go

  18. 1) I can understand that if you want your rail on a certain node, you can fight for either side to rack up damage, and then the top few alliances can contest that rail once the present conflict is resolved. but this benefits larger alliances still, whereas a smaller alliance or a clan can put up a rail of their own if they're on top of it. I'm not against this point, but it still doesn't quite give everyone the same chance at contesting a rail. giving the top 5 clans first dibs might be a good system, then after 30 minutes or so allow anyone to deploy a rail


    2) cooldowns are great. they're the one thing that allows us to actually play the dark sectors. I think DE's recent changes to rail HP are great, if anyone was watching/participating in the sinai conflict yesterday, you would know that a rail can be taken down in a matter of hours now. rather than rails having less than 5% damage after 40+ hours. some rails may still take up the full 48 hours if no one's really contesting them, but if you really want to take out a rail, you can. but you fight so that you can have a day's worth of dark sector play. people will never not contest a rail. there are just too many alliances and clans out there. 48 hour lockout is bad enough, but I'm now more accepting of only 24 hours of free play, because, again, you can destroy a rail in a matter of hours instead of having to wait the full 48


    3) I thought when dark sectors came out, this is sort of what would happen. except you'd either play the missing for the defender or play the mission for the attacker. each might have a battlepay, or slightly different boosts, and that's what would determine which side you choose. instead, DE gave us a completely separate mission with no resource/affinity/credit boosts. fortunately, they're very quick missions and not very involved. but grinding out countless runs is still tiresome. if casual players could just play the rail, no one would support one side or the other. some people just want to fight infested, and even if you don't get affinity bonuses, they're still easier to fight than the grineer or corpus. people like that. besides, those players should still be subject to the taxes of the dark sector's owner. you can't avoid that. if there were no taxes if you didn't pick a side, then there really wouldn't be a point in owning the dark sectors at all. 


    one thing that could be done is to change the rail conflict into a competition where you do play the mission as normal (defense or survival), and as you play more on one rail, it degrades the other. again, this is how I imagined the dark sectors going. but then you run into the issue of what the rail health should be based on. number of missions? minutes/waves survived? enemies killed? with the current conflicts, there really isn't much to do other than shut down reactors and run to extraction. and unlike survival and defense, they're fast and the mission completion speed is under your control. with oxygen drop rates and questionable defense spawns, people would complain that their missions took too long because enemies stood around at the spawn points, or they couldn't survive long enough because not enough enemies showed up, even though they had nekros and all


    edit: sorta ninja'd by Corporal Facehugger. +1 there, buddy

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