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Posts posted by Wallace24

  1. I thought you were talking about Mag Prime before I started reading (mp)

    well that was helpful



    Wrong. The one and only issue with Nova is that molecular prime has no duration. Add duration to it and it's fixed. While still very, very good.

    that might bring M prime back into the realm of powerful but not OP


    I don't think decreasing the slowness and damage multiplier on primed enemies is the solution. at high levels, that's all MP is good for, as you said. the explosions really don't do much, but double damage helps. I don't think it would be a good idea to lower either of those and make them strength-dependent, either. m prime isn't meant to be a massive damage buff skill, and it's certainly not meant to dead stop everything affected by it (that would be awful, anyway. defense waves would never end)


    I'm not sure how DE plans to balance nova, but hopefully the damage and slowness stay as-is. explosion damage can decrease, because at high levels, it's really not doing much anyway. that would just mean the damage falls off sooner. not sure if I'd call that a balance, though

  2. Well in terms of ranged units, I'd like to see "Mini-Phorids", larger, slower, and stronger Chargers that can fire off volleys of psychic bolts which a slight home-in curve. Albeit not quite as insta-kill as the actual Phorid's bolts but enough to make you think twice before trying to camp on top of a box for 30 minutes.


    More crawlers would be nice too. Given how weak they are individually you think they would be trying to drown us in swarms of the little guys, but no, you see like one or two Electric Crawlers every 10 waves of ODD.

    I like the idea of mini-phorids of some sort. that would definitely change things up


    and you're totally right, a pack of those buggers might be a cause for concern, but usually it's just one or two you catch inching towards the pod. no big deal

  3. I love survival, endless* hordes of enemies coming at you, and you don't even have to worry about defending a cryopod. just that pesky life support. but there's a nekros for that. anyhow, infested survival seems bland compared to the other factions. the reason? you see the same 7 enemy types (3 categories, really: charger, runner, ancient. 5 if you split ancients into 3) throughout the entire match. I suppose it's the same with corrupted, but at least those enemies are of a variety of types in the first place. chargers, runners, volatile runners, and leapers are all essentially the same. at least the 3 ancients give you some variety, but only based on their ability.


    for comparison, grineer have 11 largely unique enemy types, and corpus have 11 as well (see spoiler for the list). I suppose you're pretty limited since the infested are all melee units. but wait, the infested do have ranged units. that's right, the special crawlers, those ones you can never find.


    I know they're slow, and that slowness might annoy some people since it would be easier if they moved faster and ran into the fray so they could potentially spawn some extra life support. but my point is that even if you just get a small group every once in a while, that would be great. get some variety going



    my ulterior motive is that my nauseous crawler and lobber crawler codex entries aren't full, and I doubt anyone's ever seen a crawler eximus of any type


    Grineer enemy types:

    lancer, seeker, trooper, shield lancer, scorpion, butcher, bombard/napalm, heavy gunner, roller, helion (earth, phobos, ceres only), guardsmen (ceres only)


    Corpus enemy types:

    crewmen, elite crewmen (the flux rifle justifies it as a separate enemy type, I think), prod crewmen, moa, shockwave moa, railgun moa, fusion moa, anti-moa, tech, shield osprey, other osprey (leech, mine, oxium, scavenger drone)


    of these, the only ones you may not see in a survival are mine ospreys. they're found in defense a lot, however. rollers are rarer, but not rarer than eximus-type enemies


    of course, in the devstream, DE did say that infested will be getting some love in the near future. but this is something that can be implemented now, using unit types that already exist**


    *assuming you've got some good spawn rooms

    **using the loosest sense of the word 'exist' in the case of nauseous crawlers and ___ crawler eximus

  4. thank god for link is all I have to say


    also, if there's room for sure footed and fortitude in your build, that'll give you 80% knockdown resistance, which blocks those attacks. but who has room for stuff that isn't HP/shield/strength/range/duration/efficiency-related? the disruption attack really does have a ridiculous range, and tenno really do take a ridiculously long time to get back up, during which, as you said, you can't do anything to prevent being hit by that attack (blocking with a melee weapon or casting an ability, for example)


    quite annoying, does give infested survival a bit of a challenge, though. so I'm kind of alright with it. but those ancients must be made of rubber, because their arms stretch a long ways to hit you with those post-knockdown attacks

  5. if only. 24 hours for 1 forma is too long, especially when you have 30+ blueprints (fortunately that was over a month ago, and although I've acquired a few more during that time, it still means that they're finally winding down). the 12 hour build time for fieldrons/mutagen masses/detonite injectors is also pretty long. I think those should have a blueprint similar to the 'team ___ restores,' maybe not one BP that makes 10, but one that makes 4 or so at a time. then the 12 hours would be acceptable. I'd be alright with it not being reusable, either


    I really can't see the downside to this, apart from DE just wants to make us wait. I think 3 day frame building times are enough of a wait. that and The Grind (which while not technically a wait, since you're actively farming, is still a time sink)

  6. I'm hoping for loki prime. I want to play loki again, but I don't want to build him, potato him, forma him, just for DE to release loki prime a week after I finish. happened before to me with the bronco prime, once the gradivus dilemma finished and we all got the shiny new brakk. it was described as a hand cannon, not a hand shotgun. and it was essentially a direct upgrade of bronco prime, at the time. oh well


    if it is indeed a femal frame, hmm, guess I'd be alright with Trinity prime, assuming she looks awesome, otherwise I might just stick with classic trinity. I really don't care about female frames, the only ones I don't have some copy of are nova and nyx, and the reason for that is that I didn't really like them (and because I bought plat and subsequently slots after I'd already leveled a majority of the frames, hence why I don't have loki on me. but since then, I've kept everything, so even thought I don't like valkyr or zephyr, I do have them). so a prime female would just mean I'd have to potentially replace my beloved trinity, saryn, or banshee



    barring loki prime, my vote goes to Excal Prime 2: the Reprimening

  7. I'd say get rid of mag. replace her with mag prime. but don't trash anything before leveling it up to 30


    paris prime is good. it's not my cup of tea, but a lot of people like it, and I won't deny that it's a strong weapon


    then you can trash rhino for rhino prime, and plan out what you ultimately want your 4 frames to be. when I started out, I too wanted frost prime, he was the only available prime at the time (*only available prime that you didn't have to pay real money to get. I intended to stay free2play, but I enjoyed the game so much, I had to throw money at it at some point). until I bought plat and got some more slots, I too had to level and sell a lot of weapons and frames. it's tough, you have to plan out carefully what you ultimately want. it's also tougher now because there are so many more frames, and still just a couple slots. back in the day, I think the frames I ended up with were banshee (first frame I ever crafted, couldn't give her up), trinity (for support), frost prime (for defense), and saryn (for offense). sold vauban for frost prime, I think. that was a tough one. but times have changed, since then they've introduced nekros, oberon, valkyr, zephyr, mag prime, ember prime, and rhino prime. like I said, its tougher to decide which 4 frames to keep now that there are so many more options. makes it hard to play without getting plat somehow

  8. It's the community, supposedly. Some people think it takes out the challenge, being immortal and whatnot.

    which is silly. even while immortal 95% of the time, you're still able to be disrupted and knocked down, and you still have to kill enemies to keep going in survival. and that 5% of the time you're not immortal, you have to be pretty careful


    I think the immortality is a great benefit in my favorite game type, survival. helpful in endless defense, too. but in survival, it means that the rate limiting factor is how fast you can kill enemies, instead of how fast they can kill you. you're limited by your weapon's potency rather than the massive amounts of damage that level 100+ enemies can do. to me that's a better test of your mettle, and it means that that 5-forma'd weapon you have isn't overkill, it's good enough to get the job done. this is the job those max damage builds were meant for. otherwise, those are basically useless too. doesn't matter that you can hit 30k damage on a charger, unless that charger has 30k health, and you don't find that on the starmap without heading into endless survival/defense

  9. Ya let's nerf the more constructive frames in the game that requires tatic and good squad building and proper modding. But not Rhino.



    Defense Buff extra health with immunity to almost everything.

    2nd best attack buff

    Traveling cast

    Ultimate does damage and good CC


    yep gg



    because DE loves rhino, and plans to nerf everything that is better than him. to be fair, blessing and m prime do probably need to be toned down. but nothing justifies rhino prime's speed buff. who thought that would slide? yet DE still stands by it

  10. Love how i cant have any form of an opinion without being considered a troll. Love how i cant exactly explain to you that supporting Eclipse solar rails is a bad idea without being considered a troll.


    So ya know what, Fine. Blindly support a big mistake. Call me a troll for having a valid opinion and trying my best to show you/explain to you that is isnt a good idea what so ever.


    as for your last statement im not going into that if you dont already know. IRL politics shouldnt exist here and it was my fault for making that joke in the first place.


    And for future reference my clan didnt "lose". We havnt moved against Eclipse yet. This isnt a butthurt thread, its a reality thread. But seeing as thats all you see is butthurt why try and help.


    "If you argue with an idiot you therefore become one". I hope you all enjoy your mistake and dont come crying later. /thread

    well outside of the clans that have one rail and offer 0% taxes on everything (how much is that costing them, I wonder?), I think eclipse really aren't too bad in terms of taxation. again, no resource taxes. if you really want credits, there are plenty in void capture runs (or if you want credits, play for eclipse solar rails during conflicts. I hear they pay out some mean battelpay)


    as for calling you a troll, I'm sorry if that offended you, it just seemed like you baited a fair amount of people into an argument over eclipse's solar rails. but I'm sure calling someone a troll isn't as bad as calling people mongoloids


    sorry it didn't sound like a joke, you seemed to be pretty serious. politics shouldn't really exist anywhere, but they do, and it seems solar rail conflicts have brought them to warframe. that's really what this thread is about, you're calling eclipse the bad guy and ignoring anyone who tries to convince you otherwise. to be fair, once you're set in your opinion, it's pretty hard to change, so all our efforts are futile. that's our fault, I'll admit. again, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. that's just how things are

  11. yeah, they're all about energy weapons. soooo.. lightsaber? pls?


    maybe get a new corpus tech-like unit with an energy sword as a heavy melee unit. other than that, we really don't need more in terms of swords. got plenty of those lying around

  12. Have you seen the american government? bazinga..



    If one will do it then their clan allows it. IF their clan allows then the entirety of the clan does it. Guilty until proven innocent in this case

    I don't think you have logic on your side on that one...


    well if that one clan in the alliance does it, then every clan in the alliance does it. if that alliance does it, so does every other alliance, because they're all alliances. therefore, everyone in warframe is the same. so you too are a troll, borockobama


    /sarcasm, except that last bit, I actually think you have trolled us all


    but how'd you draw the american government into that one?

  13. everyone wants someone to hate. can't lead a horse to water if it doesn't want to drink. eclipse puts up good rails, no resource tributes, and the point of dark sectors isn't the extra 10k per mission, it's the affinity and resource boosts


    other clans seems greedy when they put resource taxes on their rail. with eclipse, you know where that credit tax is going, it's going directly to fund the battlepay they provide. with these other alliances/clans, they pocket those resources for themselves (possibly the credits, too. but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt)

  14. I think that the location information in the codex entries should be unlocked after one scan. or maybe have that filled in based on where you've scanned that enemy. that's helpful information to start up a codex entry, yet I think it's unlocked after you've done half the necessary scans, possibly more. seems a little backwards


    other than that, the only two suggestions I'd have are: make the scanning process slightly faster, and have helios only scan incomplete entries. I think the latter is an intended fix for the future

  15. I'd say play with them all first. I potatoed oberon before he hit 30, but in general, my rule of thumb is not to potato something until you've fully ranked it up. by then you've had some good exposure to it


    then potato whichever one you like most. I really disliked valkyr, but she seems to be a popular one these days (case in point, see above). but they can all be useful and strong

  16. pretty sure he can use it on all of them that leave a body. so probably not raptor. but definitely the rest of them. also not sure about lephantis, actually (would it be ironic if he could, or if he couldn't? since that's the battle where you get the nekros parts). you can't use it to get extra BP's, since those now drop at the end of the mission, but you can certainly try for extra mods/resources

  17. I'm not sure you understand how graphs work


    the point you are at would be the point where everyone wants to be. for example, where you are is where rhino prime chassis and akbronco link lie. the middle is where latron prime receivers and sicarus prime barrels are found


    also not really sure I understand the title of the graph at the right

  18. so you're saying 150 HP and shields regen per second? Idk about that, you'll still take more damage per second than that against high level enemies, so it becomes kinda like renewal and rage: not helpful while you're at full health, or when the enemies can one-shot you. the thought's there. however, unlike renewal, it'll still be active while you're at full health. so if enemies can't one-shot you, it'll be useful


    while we're here, I may as well say that renewal's auto-revive effect should remain active even if you aren't getting the health regeneration. that would make it infinitely better

  19. sounds like it's the fury nerf you're really complaining about. note that now it only goes up to +30% attack speed, but it used to be +60%. everything's a little slower, it's just very noticeable on slower weapons like the magistar, fragor, etc.

  20. came up with a similar idea when some people were discussing alternatives to the rush/sabotage mission that is the current dark sector conflicts. not sure how it would be scored, or maybe it would be a set amount of waves for defense or a time for survival. but if the conflicts were defense/survival, you could have tenno spectres spawn in place of leader/eximus class enemies. or every once in a while have a squad or two of spectres spawn during the defense/survival to make it more interesting than normal void survival



    but with the upcoming changes to dark sectors, and the programmable spectres or whatever they're going to be, who knows what the conflicts will become


    maybe each conflicted node could have a couple options of what mission type you want to play. there would have to be some serious balancing between how much each mission contributed, though

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