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Posts posted by Wallace24

  1. sometimes my team and I just end up sitting in one room if it's a good one. it's extremely convenient, and I did enjoy doing that kind of thing during the survival weekend. plus that actually used defense maps, which was fun


    definitely agree that I wouldn't want it to replace the current survival mission type. but if DE's looking for some more missions, that's one that I feel wouldn't be too tough to set up, and would be enjoyable



    It's called "Endless Defence" and already exists. 

    except you don't have to worry about defending a pod. completely different

  2. yes, WoL and EV you need to select a target. I never use either of them, because I'm a bit selfish, and as long as my team is invincible, I'm doing my job


    typical Invinci-Trin builds maximize duration and efficiency, and use just Link and Blessing for abilities. my Trinity has a potato and 3 forma. you'll want to forma the aura to the bar polarity for Energy Siphon, then forma two ability slots to D and -


    the main mods you want are as follows. all maxed unless otherwise noted:

    for duration - Narrow minded, continuity, constitution. also the Aura helmet

    for efficiency - Streamline (1 less than max/rank 4), Fleeting expertise (1 less than max/rank 4)

    standard/abilities - Redirection (or vitality, if you want), Link, Blessing, Natural Talent (this can save you and your team's life. once you get to high-level enemies, a second of vulnerability is a lot. you want to minimize the downtime between blessings)


    so this leaves you with one more mod slot to fill. this extra mod is up to personal preference. before natural talent was widely released, you had 2 free slots, essentially, which was a lot more to work with in terms of making the build unique. so the above build gives you Blessing that lasts 23.2 seconds and costs 25 energy. if you max out streamline and use rank 3 fleeting expertise, you will have blessing that lasts 24.2 seconds, and costs 30 energy. I like the former because it means that if you get disrupted or hit by a magnetic attack, you only need to find 1 energy orb in order to cast blessing for your squad. if blessing costs 30, you need an orb and 5 energy back from energy siphon. that can be time consuming. and time is precious so that's why I prefer perfect efficiency


    anyway, back to the free mod. there are a lot of mods that are just generally good to have if you can fit them. I use sure footed for passive knockdown resistance. this means that I don't have to constantly cast link as well as blessing. I only use link when things get really tough. before natural talent, I used to use sure footed+fortitude for 80% knockdown resistance. that was pretty great. you can also use stuff like quick thinking or rage. rush, if you're into that. vigor or vitality for some extra bulk. overextended works great if you're casting link a lot. undying will is another useful mod that you never use for most builds, and if you like to slide around a lot, maglev is good. some of these may require a 4th forma, fair warning


    my top choices/recommendations of those would be: sure footed, overextended, and vitality

  3. the premise of your argument is flawed in that no one gives a sh!t about credits or resources when playing in dark sectors; it's the bonus %exp that draws players

    tell that to all the people who are complaining about credit taxes. I've been trying to


    credits are utterly useless after a point, and I wouldn't mind higher credit taxes on dark sectors. 0% resource taxes should be what alliances are competing over. some of those rails with 5+% resource taxes (really 1% and up) they snag those free resources to better their alliance. while other nodes that just take credits, well, they use those credits to repair the rail, and fund battlepay. until DE allows us to put mats in the battlepay system (possibly as a selection of choices, between various mats and credits? better than being forced to take resources), there is no justification for resource tax other than greed


    I think the alliances decrying Eclipse for setting non-zero credit taxes have experienced first hand why such taxes may not be a bad thing. that epic battelpay has to come from somewhere

  4. If you have the mod, then I would say switch out pathogen rounds for pistol pestilence.  Getting a guaranteed status proc is usually the only reason you would choose the Tysis over any other sidearm.  

    yep, definitely want that status chance per bullet to be nearly 100. if you have pistol pestilence, definitely replace pathogen rounds


    Agreed. Also swap Seeker for Ice Storm, the Viral proc is much more damage than toxin at high levels and the increased clip size is nice.

    and I was going to mention that as well. when I was using tysis, I really didn't see the benefits of seeker as much. otherwise, I'm usually all about it. so swap out either gunslinger or seeker to get ice storm on there. viral is a great proc, and on the tysis, that's what it's all about

  5. I hope we get some kind of "bored" emote that has the Warframes entertain themselves using their powers, like Ash using his smoke to draw a little Lotus symbol in the air, or Valkyr popping her claws in and out. 


    Rhino's would just have him start doing one handed push-ups.

    well, they do have idle animations which are pretty cool


    and if you go into the dojo, you'll get some idle animations with frames just using their powers, rather than idle animations involving a gun or something


    a lot of frames have cool idle animations when your secondary is drawn. so I recommend checking out hydroid with no primary weapon equipped, and play around with his stances. also rhino prime's were alright. I haven't taken a lot of time with all the frames, but I was messing with those guys recently, and we've only been able to unequip primaries since U13, so

  6. I fear we've drifted off topic



    and I think eclipse has shown that they can defend nodes. of course it isn't just them, it's other players choosing one side or the other in a random conflict. I do think 10-20% credit tax is acceptable, not sure if it's the minimum sustainable credit tax, but if it needs to be higher, it's no skin off my back


    as others have said, people are there for the resources. the alliances that tax your resources are taking those for their alliance. at least credits go to repairing rails and doling out battlepay, which are both necessary for rail upkeep. resources aren't. though hopefully DE will allow battlepay to be expanded to more than just credits, eventually

  7. nope, charge attacks are gone, galatine is not too hot anymore. however, almost all melee weapons are now viable, just depends on what you like. I'll recommend the orthos/orthos prime, jat kittag, fang prime, and dakra prime. solid melee weapons


    as for secondaries, marelok and brakk are extremely powerful. lex prime was just released and it seems pretty good. some people still like the despair. akbronco prime and akmagnus are solid status-inducing sidearms. bronco prime is the poor man's brakk (doesn't have falloff, unlike the brakk, though. lots of impact damage)

  8. I think primed chamber should come back someday as a wider release. however, exclusives like strun wraith and snipetron vandal, those should stay where they are. the vandals/wraiths should be event-only. the brakk was not in the same category as these weapons, meanwhile the machete wraith should remain exclusive. the brakk and the detron were counterparts, and eventually DE made the detron widely available. it only made sense for brakk to be released to the public. the benefit we got from grinding out the gradivus dilemma was that we didn't have to grind out G3, and we had the brakk for months, while it was in its prime, too

  9. Link


    do not touch trinity specters. it's just not worth it. but seriously, specters don't even drop any mods. best way to deal with dark sector conflicts is rushing, anyway. kill only when necessary (like if something's blocking a door, which guardian moas will sometimes do)

  10. well, to be fair, before damage 2.0, if an enemy was on fire, it didn't take any damage. freeze was the only useful effect, as it always slowed enemies. electricity stunned crewmen and fire caused ancients to rush you


    I think that although it does make some pure-elemental weapons weaker, the point of status chance is that some guns cause status effects while others don't really. status effects were largely just visual before. but the damage 2.0 era caused a shift in all this, so the acrid is no longer the beast it used to be, and the ignis doesn't always light things on fire. plus, if you changed the based damage of a pure-elemental weapon, how would that work? if an ignis with some cryo rounds on it produced a blast status effect even 50% of the time, that would be an incredible crowd control tool (look at grakata, people actually use it now because of that utility). but if the status chance changed back to it's normal 10% or whatever when you changed it to pure blast, then that wouldn't really be fair, compared to the base ignis proccing fire every other second


    I think the status system is ok as it is. it definitely has some flaws in terms of the randomness of what status is produced each shot, but that's another issue entirely

  11. they're alright, just take care of them once you see those arcs of electricity coming out. also, never leave your rescue targets alone. those guys are dumb


    arc traps now are a lot better than they were at first. much more manageable damage


    what we do need, however, is for DE to reverse the blocking nerf, which allowed you to block the energy drain effect from doors while you were running a melee-only mission, and also allowed you to block the electricity from arc traps

  12. I picked up 3 Life Strikes and 4 Enduring Strikes during survival runs in the dark sector last night. Within the span of two hours.

    didn't read the topic header ^


    I'm bored as S#&$ at work. missed the word "conflicts". In that case, I only ran one of them...meaning....I jumped in, saw some tenno attacking at me...but they looked odd. I killed all of them, and then saw on my map that my team was way the hell somewhere else. I had a S#&$ time finding them and it turned out to be the exit.


    Wasn't a great experience for me, so I never returned lol!

    well, you aren't really meant to kill things. you just kinda rush through it



    DE has the opportunity here (and in the dark sectors themselves. relevant topic) to put some decent loot in the game. at present, the specters don't have any mod drops


    but at present, I think if the conflicts ended faster, and you could actually make a difference by rushing through the mission several times, then conflicts would be over quicker, and we would have access to the dark sectors more of the time. it seems DE didn't reduce the HP of the rails, even though they said that's what they did. but what we need is less HP, so that a conflict doesn't lock us out for a full 48 hours. and then only remain open for 24. it's terrible. 

  13. I wouldn't recommend the dark sector conflicts for affinity. as for credits, check the rewards


    for affinity, try survival or defense, something with a lot of enemies. there's one dark sector not in conflict right now, that might be decent for affinity. otherwise, elara is a great node for leveling up weapons, as anti-moas spawn early and often, and they give a fair amount of affinity

  14. it definitely seems like the HP was increased rather than decreased. in the past 12 hours, the rail integrity has barely shifted, if at all. and that's for every single rail


    someone at DE didn't check their math, I think


    and this is definitely not warframe/ability feedback. move to GD? possibly even mission bugs

  15. if you don't have strun wraith, don't sell the hek. hek is a decent shotgun. of the weapons you've listed, I'm not a fan of:








    they just aren't really standout guns. I'm not too big on akvasto, but that's just because I loved the akmagnus. they're essentially the same thing, but slash-based instead of impact-based. some people like the ogris, but I hated it, and absolutely loved the penta. so much fun. torid looks cool now, but I still don't think it's any good. acrid was good once, but even then I didn't use it. I don't like the spin-up weapons and LMG's like the supra or gorgon series. I also don't think it's that good compared to other guns


    on the other hand, ignis is a powerful weapon, and extremely fun to use with accelerant-focused ember. phage is extremely powerful as well. flux used to be good, and some people still stand by it. I've kept mine despite all the damage 2.0 changes. I don't use it anymore, but the same can be said for a lot of decent weapons in my arsenal.

  16. If I understand what you're trying to get at, I've seen the same bug. the bug is this:


    once you complete the mission, the alliance/clan you fought for sends you a message, and that warframe in their message is overlaid over the frame from the other alliance/clan's message (the first message)


    with ember, it's not super noticeable, but if the first frame is loki, well, the hammerhead is pretty noticeably overlaid on the next frame's model. kinda cool, nekros+loki looked pretty sweet. I'll see if I can find a node whose warlords are using loki and nekros to snap a screenie

  17. yeah, orokin drone hitboxes are a mess. and you can't hit them with melee. fortunately, I think you can still complete void exterminate missions with melee only, because I don't think the drones count. pretty sure I've done that before. regardless, it needs to change

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