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Everything posted by BoredFinno

  1. I don't really get what you mean by this. You can hold Banish to kick all targets from rift regardless of where they are. Surge already preforms a radial banish when u kick things out of the rift. If you surge enemies and then hold banish, it will send enemies back to normal plane, preform a radial banish, send same enemies back into the rift as well as enemies around them. As for "per kill" radial banish, this sounds more like an option to slap onto an augment rather than making it a kit thing imo. Having it behave like that removes a bit of complexity to his kit and imo a bit of fun. I do agree that such option should exist, but as an augment perhaps. Yes, to all of these, yes please!
  2. Now that Hydroid finally doesn't feel like he is hitting like a wet noddle, I feel like the next frame that needs some love the most is Inaros. Problem with Inaros is that his whole identity is that he just doesn't die. But unlike revenant who has 1 ability that makes it so, Inaros has 4 abilities out of which 3 fulfill a very similar role. Add to that that his tankyness rarely requires him to cast anything for himself, yet his utility for allies is so outdated for current state of the game, you rarely use any of his abilities. When thinking about Inaros and what role in a squad he'd fulfill, I started thinking about how typical tank works in most MMORPGs and noticed that we don't really have that kind of a tank in Warframe. A tank that pulls all the attention to himself, while reducing enemy damage and defenses. I think Inaros would snuggle into a similar role quite comfortably, since his kit doesn't require him to use it for himself very often. I also wanted to preserve that fantasy of an undying mummy, commanding the desert's sands to devour its victims. So, this is what I came up with: -Passive: His healing from finishers is probably the most functional and synergistic part out of his whole kit. He has no shields and is guaranteed to take damage and this passive gives him an on demand burst of hp. His resurrection passive on the other hand might as well not exist. It does pitiful damage that can't be scaled with anything but one mod and that doesn't even help it much. It also disables Last Gasp, the good self-revive mechanic. While it would be quite easy to remove it, I wouldn't go that route as it's quite cool. I think damage should scale with secondary damage and elemental mods. When you are downed, you already have the option to shoot and kill things with your secondary. If this made the self-reviving too easy(which isn't that hard nowdays anyways), you can always give it The Undying treatment and slap a cooldown on it. -(1st ability) Desiccation: As this enables the only functional part of his passive, this ability is mostly fine as is. Its a cheap and good cc, when it has its condition fulfilled, allows you to one-shot most enemies with the right weapon. I think its life-steal is quite pointless, as this ability deals no damage. Its the only think I'd remove from it. -(2nd ability) Devour: Just kill this ability. Nuke it. It's so pointless and annoying. I don't think i even need to mention why this shouldn't even exist anymore. The fantasy of devouring your enemies could be preserved with a custom mercy kill animation. This ability would be replaced with: -Pharao's Curse(the meme rises): Nothing escapes The Pharao's gaze. On cast, Inaros conjures a golden eye symbol above his head. All enemies around Inaros have damage they deal reduced while also switching focus(aggro) onto Inaros. Cursed enemies are also leeched of their hp for duration, providing Inaros and his allies within his affinity range with a small heal over time. Enemies killed under the effect of the curse rise as Sand Shadows, up to 5. This ability would work pretty similar to Sevagoth's Sow, but would be recastable. It would somewhat synergize with his 1st ability, as more enemies would in theory face Inaros. I also put the health stealing mechanic here, as I am changing the effect on his 4th ability and to keep the poorly supportive role his old 2 had. I'd also like to increase the cap on his sand clones, just for the coolness factor I guess. This ability I feel would give Inaros a very much needed squad role which I consider he lacks right now. -(3rd ability) Sandstorm: This ability is extremely awful. From its energy cost, its pitiful range and it flinging enemies across the map, this ability doesn't provide the cc it intended to, nor can you sustain it long enough to have that "feels good" factor. But I think this ability isn't too hard to fix. Firstly, lets fix it's abysmal energy cost and channel cost. Its pointlessly expensive. Make initial cost 25 energy, channel cost 5 energy. Next, lets change its range to maybe 10/15m. This ability will no longer pick up and fling enemies around. This is now a sandstorm that will blind/stagger enemies in the zone, dealing slash damage/sec and applying slash every now and then, while slowly pulling enemies towards Inaros. Inaros can both cast his 2nd ability and 2nd part of his 4th ability while channeling. If it wasn't obvious, you are still mobile in this ability, just like in its current version. This would give Inaros a harder cc ability and damage which should be capable of killing fodder enemies with no defenses in a reasonable time. I think it would work pretty good on a defense type of missions. -(4th ability) Scarab Swarm: The 1st part of the ability is fine as it is, I wouldn't touch it. The part that could use some help is of course, the 2nd part. While HP regen it provides is nice, the range isn't great unless you mod for some range and most of the times, even if you cast it, for yourself and teammates, they would usually just die way too fast for it to even be worth casting. Not to mention, casting it and then channeling the armor over and over again does feel a bit eh, not so great imo. This is the reason I moved the life stealing part of it to his new 2. The functionality of this ability would mostly stay the same - Inaros sends an infestation onto enemies that spreads around over its duration stunning infested enemies. Infestation will eat at enemy's armor over the duration of the ability. Once the enemy is fully stripped of their armor, they stop being stunned and infestation from that enemy returns to Inaros, replenishing x% of scarab armor on him. If enemy dies before it's fully stripped, scarabs replenish half the amount. Strip would be like 5%/s, affected by ability strength. This would actually make Inaros WANT to use the 2nd part of his ability and make it more comfortable in doing so, since you are not constantly channeling his 4 over and over again. Not to mention that it removes the need to be in the range of the infested enemy to gain the ability's benefit. You can just shoot it in a direction and go do something else in the meantime. It would also make Negation Swarm a bit less annoying to use if you're constantly having enemies affected by his 4. Alternatively, augment could be changed to block the status effect and automatically infest the enemy that applied it, be it with maybe limited spread amount if applied that way. Last thing I would do is increase his base energy to like 220/230. The current 190 really doesn't feel good. With this rework, I wanted to preserve the good ol' braindead "set and forget" tank Inaros, while giving him some help, but also make a kit that would encourage him to actually build other stats like strength, range, duration. He is by no means in as bad shape as Hydroid was, he is just very bland. Which of course, not every frame has to be as complex and combo based as harrow, hence why I want to preserve his current playstyle as an option for those who want it. I also wanted to give him some purpose in group play and maybe some more survivability by reducing enemy damage for the higher level missions. Maybe this rework isn't a meta breaker some people are looking for, but it sounds fun and I believe that is much more important. I think meta usually kills the fun in games if you rely on it too much. I think that being functional enough to feel comfortable and fun is more important. I am looking forward to your input and feedback.
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