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Posts posted by Kintair

  1. 1 minute ago, Clem2-TheClemening said:

    The rep caps are to stop you from killing yourself playing constantly. 

    I'm serious. This is a real problem, especially in Asia. Gamers have died from playing constantly without breaks for days on end.

    Okay, while this may be a side-effect, the REAL reason was to help dissuade minimum-effort/maximum-reward setups like Draco, where people were getting millions of it in a few minutes. While still only a symptom of a deeper problem, the caps are a quick-and-dirty solution that works well enough. It's not perfect, but it's better than letting everyone burn through those systems in a day or two when they're meant to be long-term goals.

  2. 1 minute ago, (XB1)OLOT said:

    I'm not following this math either.  (i see your formula but I don't understand why/how it works.)

    If I ran a radiant relic solo my chance is 10%.  Doesn't that mean a 1 in 10 chance?  Run it ten times and law of averages says I should get one?  I understand that it doesn't guarantee it but that will ultimately be correct over a larger sampling, right?  Isn't 4 people running the same relic equate to 4 of the 10 attempts?

    It does, yes. You're coming at it from a different angle, but the result is still the same: Needing ten attempts, running four at a time, still comes out to three runs, the same as having a 34% chance per run does.

    I'll now do my best to explain the reasons behind the math.

    Starting with one relic, imagine a line, with a length of 1 (units don't matter, just 1 something). With a 10% chance of getting the rare, a length of .10 on the line represents the chances of getting the rare, with the remaining .90 being the chances of not getting it.

    Now, take two of those lines, and have them perpendicular to each other, with the .10 portions touching in the top left (wish I could draw it out, but all I have is text). Make the two lines a square, and have lines extending from the .10 mark to the other side of the square, creating two rectangles of .10x1.00 and two rectangles of .90x100 that all overlap each other. The area of each overlapping region will be the probability of a particular outcome, based on the outcome of the two relics. The .10x.10 area in the top left is the probability of both relics dropping rares, the area of this section is .01, or a 1% chance. Then there's two .1x.9 areas, which are the chances of one of the relics being rare, but not the other. The area of these two sections is .09 each, or .18 combined (9% or 18% respectively). Then the .9x.9 area is the chance of both relics not dropping rare. The area of this section is .81, or 81%. To get the chance of getting any rares at all, we could add up all the sections where at least one relic drops, the two .10x.90 section and the .10x.10 section: .18 + .01 = .19, or 19%. Alternatively, we could take the area of the .9x.9 section (.81), the chance of not getting any rares, and subtract it from the area of the whole square (1x1, or 1): 1-.81 = .19, 19%.

    The same applies with three relics, to visualize, add a third line to the square, making a cube. Now we calculate volumes rather than areas. With so many sections, it's easier to skip trying to add up all the sections where a rare drops and instead find the area of the section where a rare does not drop, namely the .9x.9x.9 section, whose area is .729, a 72.9% chance of not getting a rare. 1-.729 = .271, or a 27.1% chance of getting at least one rare.

    The same also applies with four relics, but it gets harder to visualize. So instead, we follow the pattern the math gave us, and calculate the "section" where no rare drops: .9x.9x.9x.9, which gives us .6561, or a 65.61% chance of not getting a rare. Again, we subtract this from 1 (or 100%) to get the chance of a rare dropping: .3439, or 34.39% chance of a rare drop with four relics.

    I've probably been ninja'd, but hopefully this helps. It's harder to explain without pictures of the line, square, and cube.

  3. 8 minutes ago, GameOrDerp said:

    uhm...if u have abou 10% chance on a radiant relic...and the hole squad i using a radiant relic...wouldn the dropchance be 40% and not 34?


    As others have said above, it's not. But the REASON it's not is because of the possible overlap. Because it's four separate rolls, it's possible for two or more relics to give the rare drop, and the probability we're calculating is "At least one rare drop", so all the various overlaps are lumped together in the result.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Dumfing said:

    That's how it is now, it lets you run around as you check though

    Maybe, but you can't check everything properly, since you can't scroll down the list. So unless what you're checking is in the top four or five things of the list, the process to check is now even longer and less convenient.


    I'd post it myself but I don't have it, so use your imagination. Or wait 'till someone else posts it.


    (Thanks to abbacephas below)

    When I saw your title, the first thought in my mind was "Fighting two Vay Heks?" Boy was I ever surprised to see how close I was. Still, as annoying and frustrating as that was, it makes a great story.

  6. I admit I'm surprised nobody else has called this out, since reactant markers were specifically mentioned in the patch notes, but are quite absent in-game. Mostly, anyway.


    As seen here, a bit of Reactant with no marker, either on the screen or on the map. But turn a little to one side, and...


    The off-screen marker shows up. Clearly the marker for on-screen reactant is broken. Also the off-screen marker only shows if you're in the same tile, meaning the cross-tile marker is equally broken.

    While most missions are fine, with reactant dropping like candy during a parade, the broken markers makes it particularly annoying to track down reactant in missions with limited or sparse enemies (such as exterminate or ship-reactor sabotage), and some people have finished while others haven't.

  7. While I am (also) of the opinion that others in the squad shouldn't have to pay to select a reward, perhaps the amount of traces someone receives from other people picking their reward could increase with the quality of the relic. On that note, the amount of traces from that should be a bit better regardless. So maybe something like 5/10/15/20 traces, based on quality of relic?

  8. 38 minutes ago, (XB1)OLOT said:

    It's not that they can't do it anymore it's that the risk/reward has been removed.

    Think of endless missions as playing Poker.  People that enjoy it can go hours and hours on it.  They go to casino's, play home games and even watch others do it on tv.  They try new strategies, research how to be better and it becomes a hobby/obsession.

    Now imagine a home game where there's no money involved.  Just divide up the chips and play for fun. With the risk/reward aspect of the game removed, most people lose interest in the game.  They get bored, don't try, make stupid moves and eventually move on to something else.

    A good point, but let me take it a step further.

    If the poker game itself isn't engaging enough for these people to keep playing when no money is on the line, then is it really the poker game that they enjoy? I argue that it's not. The gambling itself, the risk, is what they enjoy, with poker simply being their favorite medium for it, at best. I know people who enjoy poker for the game itself, who are perfectly content to "just divide up the chips and play for fun."

    And the same is true for Warframe. There are people who enjoy the game for the game itself, and for them the game is still there. As everyone is fond of pointing out whenever someone mentions this sort of thing: The missions still exist and you're welcome to stay as long as you want. But for those who consider it "not worth it anymore", it's not the long missions that they enjoyed, but the rewards they were after, with those long missions simply being their favorite medium for getting those rewards.

    It's a slight difference, but an important distinction to make, especially if you want to bring that level of risk/reward back into the game.

    I, for my part, am glad that such long runs of endless missions are no longer "needed." They were such a huge investment of time that I rarely if ever wound up running those keys. If I only feel like playing for an hour, I'd rather spend it running a couple different missions than spending the whole time in a single mission, room, or even SPOT, just to get the most out of a single void run. Also, the extraction of rewards from those endless missions is what allows us to FINALLY get believable drop chances; since we can no longer milk a key for all its worth, the devs no longer need to adjust drop rates of items in that key to ensure the rarity they're aiming for. This is a good thing.

    I make no claims to the current system being perfect, of course, but the idea of "one item per relic spent" needs to stay to ensure drop rates remain sane.

  9. Maybe they could change Carrier's Vacuum so that it's more directly a loot pickup radius increase, and have the loot moving to Carrier's model be a purely cosmetic happenstance. That would prevent loot being physically moved around for other players, AND it would finally fix those frustrating times when an item is vacuumed up but never actually "collected", so it's just floating inside your Carrier's model.

    Oh, and change Vacuum to a generic Sentinel mod and give Carrier a different unique precept. That'd be nice, too.

  10. I'm in favor of a gear item that will respawn a downed sentinel. Just having it be an automatic thing would be too much, but having it be something you have to PAY for (Credits, possibly resources if the gear item is buildable like health/energy/ammo restores rather than a direct purchase like scanners), giving them something similar to Kubrows' upkeep costs, just applied in a different manner.

    Kubrows get the ability to revive manually (for free) when downed, but you pay for that with a periodic upkeep cost out-of-mission, and if they "die", they're gone for the rest of the mission. Sentinels cannot be revived manually, and so drop instantly when "downed", but you'd be able to "pay" to revive them. With how fragile they are compared to Kubrows, I feel that this would be fine. I'd even be okay losing Regen (and probably Spare Parts and Self Destruct) in exchange for this.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Trichouette said:

    Thanks, your idea increase grind by approx. 1000%

    Totally what players want <3

    on another hand, DE might like it.

    Sarcasm noted.

    Yes, it introduces more work to be done. Don't like it? Don't utilize it. The old system would still be very much in place: one forma to add a polarity to a blank slot, one forma to remove or change it, equipment gets reset to zero upon forma use. If you're happy with your build, you're welcome to keep it the way it is. 0% grind increase.

    It's only an increase in grind due to the fact that there's more to work toward. Adding ANYTHING new to the game will "increase grind", because everything in Warframe is grind. If you want more power or flexibility, you have to be willing to work for it. What's NOT wanted is excessive and unnecessary grind, such as .02% drop rates.

  12. I'd rather see a global increase in build malleability by allowing the ability to add multiple polarities to a single slot, where each additional polarity costs more and more forma to add.

    I.e. 1 forma to add a - polarity to a blank slot, then 2 forma to add a V polarity, then 4 forma to add a D polarity, then 8 forma to add a = polarity.

    This would also include the Aura and exilus slots, allowing for the same effect as having them all be the same polarity, but only after some work.

  13. Seriously. Phobos is, for all intents and purposes, a glorified asteroid. Not even large enough to be properly "round". The fact that it's being treated as something more akin to Luna or one of the larger moons of one of the gas giants always irks me a bit.

  14. 26 minutes ago, (PS4)yamikeigo said:

    Yes, the current trade system leaves much to be desired, but it is what is and you adapt until they make adjustments. IMO trading is endgame stuff and always has been. It takes time and effort to learn the market. People who cry about the "offer" are too lazy to learn the market and don't live in reality. 

    It's not a scam to simply want to know what people are willing to pay for stuff just like it's not a scam to want to know what people are willing to sell stuff for.

    The solution is simple:

    If you don't want to get chumped out of plat, learn the market and know what the fair prices are. That's how real-life markets work. In real life if you don't do research you can get taken advantage of.

    I always laugh when I see "PC ammo drum"

    I can tell you something is worth 200p or 2p. Why would anyone take my word for it, unless they know me personally. Educate yourself before asking for everything to be handed to you on a silver platter.

    So who's lazier, the person who doesn't want to research an item's price and gets upset because someone told them to "Offer", or the person who doesn't want to research an item's price and so simply tells everyone to "Offer"?

    The problem with the current system is that it's completely opaque until you actually get to a trading screen. You have no idea what other people are offering, and if you lose this blind auction you're left in the dark wondering why the person hasn't responded back yet.

    What I'd like to see is a UI-driven trade system, that uses the same process as our current chat-based one, but allowed for time-deferred trading. You post an item, give it a little blurb about what you want for it, then people can post offers on that item, from which you select the one you want to accept. All using buttons and menus. Everything's still manual, you still need to select which offer you want, and both parties need to agree to finalize the trade. No automation for bots to take advantage of, and trades per day can still be enforced. And since all of a particular type of item can be browsed through (No sorting, though. Plat may be the de-facto currency of trading, but I'll fight hard against anything that makes it the official one. So no prices, therefore no sorting by cheapest), one can get a general idea of its value. Particularly if posted offers on items are also shown.

    I had a big detailed post about this, but it's been buried, so whatever.

  15. The design decision behind this change makes a lot more sense when you consider the fact that DE has been actively combatting idle play.

    The first iteration of focus gain required you to be the one to make the kill, you had to *do* something to gain focus. People complained (rightfully) that this went against the co-op nature of the game.

    So they had to sit back for a bit and think: How to allow shared experience to translate to focus without enabling players to progress while doing nothing? Coming at it from this angle, the change makes sense. Focus base gains are reduced, punishing the idle player, but using the convergence drop would push you back up to normal gains if not a little more if used well, thus rewarding the active player.

    I'm not saying I think this change is good, even if it were working as intended, I'm just saying I understand the logic behind what they're trying to do.

  16. Little bit of physics to those talking about how massive the recoil must be for such a heavy weapon. (If it was in the wall'o'text history posts, I appologize)

    The heavier a weapon is, the less recoil it will have. It's the mass of the bullet and amount of propellant that adds recoil. The reason heavier guns might have more recoil is because they're shooting a larger round.

    If you were using an anti-tank gun to shoot a pistol round (impossible without some pointless modifications due to barrel and chamber size differences of course), you probably wouldn't even feel it. Fire the anti-tank round from a handgun, you'd risk hitting yourself in the face.

    Heavy guns of any size are heavy to reduce recoil. The more mass the gun has, the less effect propelling the mass of a bullet will have on it. Action/reaction and all that.

  17. ill never understand why they give enemies more shields / armor and also health, they should give just the first two

    Because damage types that ignore shields and armor are a thing (Toxic against shields, Ash's bladestorm against armor, for example), not to mention that 4x corrosive projection would strip all that scaling armor away. In order to keep a constant health pool and increasing defenses, these things would need to be changed.

  18. To everyone saying that it makes no sense to make an "ultimate weapon" that won't survive without life support, I disagree. After all, by the same logic, it would make no sense to create an interstellar colonization device that is deathly allergic to your one method of interstellar travel. But the Orokin did that, too.

    It's a question of failsafes. If they lost control of the Sentients, then at least they couldn't return to the Origin system. If they lost control of the Warframes (perhaps designed before they thought to use the Zariman children), then they'd cut life support and choke them out. If they lost control of the grineer, they're made to be intelectually stunted, putting an end to a rebellion would be easy.

    Unfortunately for the Orokin, all of their creations found ways to work around their limitations, and their great empire collapsed, torn apart by all of the things they'd made.

    For everyone pointing out inconsistencies in our interactions with life support: game mechanics as lore only goes so far. Otherwise we'd lose our gear on every mission failure, not just when Zanuka knocks us down. Plenty of things are going to fudge the lore to make the game playable, and that's true in any game.

  19. For pre-mission squad-making, how about host has kick power in private lobbies only? That way the only people in the squad are those invited in the first place. No random people wandering in and getting kicked for no apparent reason. And the host can already do this anyway, by dropping and re-forming, so it'd just be stramlining the process.

    Mid-mission, though? No. Never in the hands of players. Missions are short enough and accessible enough that completing and dropping or dropping and restarting is enough to get away from unwanted players.

  20. I could have probably worded it better in hindsight. RNGsus hates me, so I just naturally assumed that if it dropped easy for me, then it must have dropped easy for everybody.

    That's the thing about RNG. There's the handful of lucky ones who fit into the front end of the bell curve, getting it in only a few runs. Then the majority who get it about when you'd expect from the drop chance (three or four runs for a 25%, for example), the few in the back of the bell curve who need to run more than the expected, and then the couple poor saps who fit into the infinite trailing end, literally never getting the drop.

    You managed to get into the front end of the bell curve this time, congratulations! But I don't think he was around long enough for most people to reach the peak of the bell curve, what with the less-than-one-percent drop rate.

  21. I, personally, don't like any trade system that requires plat in order to take part. Platinum is the premium currency, and has become the de-facto currency of trading, but I want to avoid at all costs any system that makes it the official one.

    This is why I am against "auction houses" or any other system that allows sorting by "price". I want a trade system that accounts for item-for-item trades, with plat simply being one of the items available to trade.

    This means no list of items from "cheapest" to "most expensive", therefore no way of (easily) seeing the best deal, therefore far less "one plat cheaper" undercutting.

    Any asynchronous trade system with those two things (doesn't require plat, no sorted list of trades available) has my support. I also made a thread that details my dream system, but it got buried pretty quick in Fan Concepts so it didn't get much attention. I can post a link here if anyone's interested, or just post it here directly.

  22. k, I tested it multiple times with different keys and his health went down everytime, im just glad it doesnt do it to the Corpus lasers, I can still run right through those lasers lol

    Alright. Please note that I never said it wasn't happening. It's just that calling "nerf" on these forums is akin to shouting "fire" in a crowded theater. Bugs happen. They changed some things with Limbo recently, maybe something unfixed him (since I remember DE fixing this exact same thing before).

    Always assume an unlisted change is a bug, and report it as such in the "bugs" subforum with screenshots and instructions to duplicate (including whether you're host or client), and as much evidence to back up your claim as you can. Also remember to do a search first, to see if someone's already reported it.

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