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Posts posted by Kintair

  1. Limbo got nerfed and can't walk through lasers in the void anymore!

    Remember the platinum rule when noticing unlisted changes: "It's a bug until DE says otherwise." So report it as such rather than trying to incite a panic.

  2. I semi Understand why some people want to nerf CC but instead of complaining why not just play the game you want to play it!

    Grab 3 friends and play. 2ez

    - If you don't like having a frost chill on top of a Defense objective, then don't play with a frost!

    - If you don't like how trinity is overpowered then don't play with a trinity! (I agree she does need a rework)

    - If you don't want Nova, Excalibur (etc..) spamming their 4th ability then DON'T play with one in the party and if your friend wants to play that frame then it's their choice weather or not they want to use the ability!

    and any others you can think of

    The problem with this line of thinking is that once some 'frames start to be objectively better than others the game will then start to be balanced around that higher level of power. And when that happens, the lesser 'frames will be at a tangible disadvantage. If it keeps going, there will be no real reason to play some 'frames, and our effective choice of what 'frame to play diminishes.

    The same goes for weapons, though weapons have a bit more allowance for being objectively better, so long as that power comes with an appropriate cost. Still, if something stands significantly out of line, something needs to change to keep a decent amount of meaningful choice in the game.

  3. Farming Tyl Regor for hours, even days on end, hoping that one of the two Drekar Manic Bombards drop it. Good luck man. You're gonna need it.


    Actually, Derkar Manics drop it as well, so you have almost a dozen chances to get it per run, since a bunch of 'em spawn during Tyl Regor's boss fight.



    I could've sworn I saw somewhere that places with guaranteed spawns of rare enemies, such as the Tyl Regor boss fight, ensured that those enemies would have no drops. Has that changed, or was that for something else?

  4. Well, my first piece of advice is to not solo sorties unless you absolutely have to. They are designed to be challenging for a group, and so will be even more so for a single player. Going down is a common occurrence, particularly for squishy frames like Nova(p), so it's nice to have the "infinite revives" other players can provide.

    The next piece of advice I have is learn when to disengage. Enemies at this level can chew through you with little effort if all you do is stand there and take it (unless you use a 'frame built to take those hits). When you see your shields running dangerously low, pull back and hide until they recharge. Again, multiple people helps with this, since they can keep the enemy busy while you recover.

    Until you get a really good team together, *always* bring a Frost to any mission type with objectives for you to defend (Defense, Mobile Defense, Excavation). Snowglobe scales with enemy damage, so it is a massive help against such high levels.

    For Raids: Crowd Control is King. Mirage's blind and Vauban's Bastille render entire rooms of enemies incapable of doing anything to you, allowing you to focus on the ojective without interruption.

    And finally: Forma your gear. These missions are designed for weapons and 'frames that can fit a full complement of maxed mods, doing them without such gear puts you at a disadvantage.

    I hope at least some of this helps you get into these end-game missions a little better. Good luck, Tenno!

  5. Checking regularly

    Checking... what? If something isn't showing up, there's nothing to check.

    Also, please stop using code tags, they don't auto wrap and so on mobile they push the screen out to the right for longer replies. (On desktop too, but there's more width to go before it starts pushing)

  6. The FIRST dream came about when the Orokin placed the children of the Zariman into stasis and executed their caretaker.

    These are the "coffins" spoken of in the Rhino codex. When that proto-Rhino warframe enters the room and completely changes demeanor is the start of the SECOND dream, where the children start to see themselves as the warframes.

    I think, anyway (I don't remember all the dialogue from the quest). Makes sense, and these events did happen even if they aren't the start of the first and second dream.

    As for why the somatic link on the orbiter, that seems to be the original plan, based on Ordis's "directive" dialogues that someone mentioned earlier ("Maintain the habitat, maintain the operator, mobilize the tenno" as well as him saying he'll keep the orbiter hidden in the void, where it would be safe from Sentients). And though it seems like a bad idea from a control standpoint, it makes sense from a tactical one. If the Sentients ever attacked the one place where *all* the tenno were, the one chance at winning the war would be gone. If each tenno had their own ship, then each loss would be singular, and the rest would still be operational.

    The hiding of the Operators on the moon was done by Lotus, I believe, gathering all the children she'd just finished controlling to attack the Orokin in their moment of triumph. Using somatic link chambers already there for other purposes (the ability to control something dangerous from a safe distance is always useful, though what the Orokin would control I don't know), she put the tenno to sleep, scattering their warframes in cryopods throughout the system.

    It could also be that the Orokin were the ones to gather the operators after the war was won, to reassert that control aspect. But if that were the case, why not shut them down when things went wrong?

  7. The problem with limbo is banishing enemies one by one when u face 180+ enemies is impractical... This is a hoard based game. I can't deal with pressing 1 180 times

    That's what Cataclysm is for: it's the AoE version of his 1. Did you know that Cataclysm is an aimed power? Its origin isn't centered on Limbo. So if you have a crowd some distance away, you can cataclysm them to put them in the rift, be in the rift yourself, and attack them from a distance.

  8. The problem with this is that it requires you to keep *two* duration-based abilities constantly up, while constantly casting a third on things you want to attack. Yes, it's powerful, possibly rightfully so, but it gets to be such a pain since if any one of these things fails, you could do either regular or NO damage until you get yourself tooled up again.


    I, honestly, would rather have Limbo's damage boost in the Rift be a passive of some description, if still moddable. Just have him naturally deal more damage while in the Rift, no ability required. This would free up Rift Surge to do something else, possibly what I thought it was when I first heard the ability: deal damage to all enemies in the Rift. Or something else. I'm not picky.


    Then there's the idea of combining his 1 and 2 a-la Ivara's 1, opening up a slot for something completely new as well.


    I *like* Limbo. The concept is great, but so many of his abilities are wasted on getting things into and out of the rift that he's left with no room to do neat things with the concept.

  9. True, but Nova Prime proves that they don't really care about the age of a 'frame.

    I, personally, always saw Nova Prime as DE proving a point, since before her so many people were making ridiculous claims about how some frames (like Nova and Valkyr) would NEVER be primed for silly lore reasons (some STILL claim that Nova Prime breaks lore, despite the "Tenno Council" being an obvious in-game hat-tip to the Design Council). Releasing Nova Prime, one of the 'frames agreed to never be primed, drove home the point that EVERY 'frame is eligible for Priming (though the fact that she was one of the more popular 'frames at the time didn't hurt, either).

  10. Mag's greedy pull wasn't nerfed because of sensitive players being bullied, but because she was a critital cog in the machine of "AFK" grinding. The other critical cog of the time, Mesa, was also changed for this reason.

    There is a war being waged by the devs against "stand in one place and press/hold a button for massive profit" gameplay. You can trace many changes back to this reason, whatever reason DE sites specifically. While I am of the opinion that Greedy Pull is okay to work for the whole team now that Mesa's no longer the omnicient turret of death she used to be, this is all beside the point.

    The point is, claiming that other players are making changes to the game is silly. DE is in charge, and the devs will make their own decisions about what to put into the game. They accept feedback and ideas from the playerbase, yes, but the decision still lies with them. This isn't a democracy, there is no guarantee that a player idea will make it into the game with enough support. DE has decided to take player ideas they like and implement them, but that doesn't mean the player whose idea it was is at fault.

    And everyone is free to share their ideas, feedback, and opinions about the game. All you can do is voice your own opinion against ideas you don't like. Trying to claim that some person or group of people doesn't deserve to have a voice because their ideas and opinions differ from your own is selfish nonsense.

    However, the devs aren't perfect, and are perfectly capable of making bad decisions just like the rest of us. If they make a decision you don't like, you are still free to voice your ideas and opinions about it.

    On the topic of new players vs. Veterans, DE needs to find the balance in catering to both. Generally new players win out, since getting people to get into and stay in the game is more profitable, since they have none of the things one might need to pay for. Veterans, on the other hand, already have everything they might want to pay for. So to make catering to them profitable, the things DE introduces for them need to be purchaseable. Not to say that's the only thing they CAN do, mind you, just the only way to make the changes for Veterans profitable.

    EDIT: I mean... uh... Hi to you, too!

  11. An easier way to farm Stalker? No, not really needed.


    What I wouldn't mind, though, is a way to practice against him. So those of us who have only seen him a few times don't have to iterate through another ten missed chances before finally working out how to properly engage him and avoid his attacks. Particularly Shadow Stalker's since his are much more telegraphed. I want an environment where I can observe them firsthand, practice dodging them, WITHOUT the week/month-long wait between attempts.


    Obviously no drops allowed, since this is all about combat practice.


    And yes, I know all you 1337 Tennoz with your ninja skillz and amazeballs loadouts can one-hit him no matter how much health he has. Obviously this feature wouldn't be for YOU.

  12. I, personally, have had more good experiences with random groups in Spy than I have bad. You could chalk it up to extremely good luck, but I think that everyone who avoids random groups like the plague has done so since the current format for spy was first introduced, so their only experience with random people is from that time of adjistment when everyone was still learning.

    Just a theory, of course. And it is still very much possible to get a bad team, or for good players to make a mistake, I'm just saying I've had more good than bad. Also, Ivara pushing people into Spy missions seems to have gotten more people experienced with them.

    And what frame someone's using has no bearing on one's capability to do the mission. Sure those capable of invisibility make it easier, but I've seen a rhino stealth-run vaults before. Just takes familiarity and finesse.

  13. 1) It depends.

    2) It depends.

    3) It depends.

    But seriously, weapons that deal more damage per bullet will have fewer ammo issues. I have never, and I mean *never*, run out of ammo for my Sancti Tigris and Vaykor Marelok, which is usually what I run Sorties with, when restrictions allow.

    As for warframe and other modding considerations, it really all depends on what the mission type is, what faction it's against, and what the restrictions are. A defense against corpus or grineer will benefit a lot from a Frost. Against infested, less so. In any mission against corpus with reinforced shields, pure toxic damage will be your salvation.

    This is what I like about the Sortie: it challenges not only one's moment-to-moment skill but also one's loadout skill. And while I am not the *greatest* at moment-to-moment, I *am* the guy all my friends ask "what would be good for this mission?"

    Learning for yourself what warframes and powers are good for what situations will carry you a long way.

  14. The amount of damage required will increase with the level of the enemy. This is a general rule and it applies to the Grineer spy vault drones. Then they get a further health boost from being Eximus. For most star-chart missions, a Dread built for crit should be enough until you get into the highest-level planets. At that point, you either pray for a red crit, or simply avoid them entirely. It does make the vault more difficult when you can't kill them, but that's kinda the point, isn't it?

  15. But, we've already had our christmas tactical alerts. Remember that string of three 24-hour tactical alerts? Tactical recall or something? Those were the same missions we got last year, just without the christmas sigils as a reward.

    I'd honestly be surprised if they held a major event during christmas this year, considering the backlash they got last year from holding an event when people were busy with family, travel, or anything else that would keep them from their computer. And I'm okay with that. I have enough trouble fitting in running the Sortie every day.

  16. Wish 1: The trade system I present here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/547763-my-dream-trading-system/#entry6151627 In short: The ability to post items for trade and have that post persist while logged out, and the ability to search through posted items and post an offer on them, which can then be accepted or rejected.


    Wish 2: Get everyone out of Draco. I don't have a thread on this yet, but I do have an idea for adding a lot more affinity to non-endless missions to help with that. Basically allow us to get *all* the bonus objectives in the same mission, possibly add multiple tiers to them, with increasing bonuses (Like, get 10 pistol kills, then 20 pistol kills, then 50 pistol kills, etc). And have these ONLY in the non-endless missions. Since endless missions are already so good for affinity due to the sheer number of enemies.


    Wish 3: A way to get Lenses that isn't the Sortie. I don't care if the Sortie remains the *best* way to get them; it probably deserves to be, since you can only do one per day. But I'd really like some other way to get them, even if it is expensive/rare.

  17. I do try to say my piece every time this comes up, since I also agree that *something* is needed, though I disagree that an "auction house" is the best solution.


    I personally have never enjoyed auction houses in games, buying or selling. I found Runescape's "Grand Exchange" to be the pinnacle of convenience for buying and selling things, really, but such a system is *only* for buying and selling, and requires a currency. As much as Platinum is the de facto currency of trading at the moment, I'd much rather avoid having it become the official one.


    So I opt instead to promote the idea of a trading post, where one posts items for trade and others can browse and search through posted items. Limits are in place and there is no automation for bots to take advantage of.


    To see the concept in full, look here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/547763-my-dream-trading-system/#entry6151627


    I posted it a while ago, but it got relegated to Player Concepts, and never got as much feedback as I wanted (hence why I try to poke at these threads whenever they surface, though I will say that everyone who has commented on it has liked it). I want to get opinions from both pro- and anti- auction house people, so please go take a look and let me know what you think in the thread. (Not here, of course, not wanting to hijack this one)


    Also, I hate it when people pull the "automated trade system will cause overbearing supply" idea. Because easing the trade process will bring as many buyers as it will sellers. On top of that, NEW players are still joining the game, this is not the stagnant community of some ten-year-old MMO where new players are a rarity. And to finish, new items will *always* start with zero inherent supply, and thus will always grant those big swings the big-time traders like to see.

  18. Effectiveness refers to auras with flat increases, such as Energy Siphon and Rejuvenation. Strength refers to auras with percentage increases, such as Steel Charge and Rifle Amp.


    Coaction Drift functions for yourself, as well as all other party members, and multiple Coaction Drifts can stack to increase the strength of an aura even further.

    So wait. You're telling me that, in a group of four Energy Siphons and four Coaction Drifts, my Energy Siphon gets boosted by the other three players', making a total of 60% boost? So every Energy Siphon gives 0.96 energy, for a total of 3.84?


    A 120% boost for eight-man raids? for a total of 10.56 energy per second?

  19. Another edge case where the 120% physical damage mods shine: Sortie missions with the Elemental Resistance modifier. Never can you say that an elemental mod does the job better in those cases (unless you're after the status proc and only the status proc of an element).

    That's one of the things I like about the Sorties, they give validation to a few edge-case mods we have.

  20. Also experiencing UI freeze when unequipping a weapon. Odd thing is after clicking "equip", the buttons at bottom right go to what they should be on the equipment overview UI, but the "select a weapon" list still shows. Clicking the "Menu" button in the top left also opens the menu *behind* the frozen weapon selection UI. The main menu seems to be fully functional, as it can be used to logout or quit the game. This clears the UI problem (obviously) but the weapon attempted to be removed is still present.


    I don't think it needs to be said, but this is pretty close to a showstopper, considering today's Sortie has a Weapon restriction on the first mission, which means it can't be completed until this is resolved.

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