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Posts posted by (PSN)Multi-Melta

  1. 18 hours ago, Julian_Skies said:

    Y'all saying eidolons aren't for new players.

    You won't ever stop being a new player if you can't play the content (after all eidolons are super different from star map and no matter how much you do that you'll still be a new player when you first do eidolons).

    It's like a catch 22 thing, this content is only for people that have done it before. "Then how do you begin doing it?" "Don't care, I know I did it before!"

    Every content is for new players. It just won't be easy. You also might not want to deal with new players. Both are valid things.

    Just realize you WILL deal with new players if you're not rolling with an established group, it's the nature of public games (yes, even recruited parties, mostly because nobody wants to do fine combing during recruiting)

    Restored my faith in the PC community you did.  

  2. On August 1, 2018 at 1:43 AM, Walkampf said:

    During Fissure missions it's already hard enough to get enough void fragments to unlock the relics.

    Halfing the remaining time whould be a problem.

    As for doubling the Crotic, have enough of that stuff to cool down the Sun down to snuggly 23°C.

    I don't think so. Most players I run into power excavator #1, grab reactant for the relic and then power excavator #2. Excavation I think is one of the better endless relic missions. Being able to hurry things along would add a nice dynamic to an old game mode.

  3. For me, I notice a different problem: The Lotus. She completely blocks the timer on the screen constantly. I absolutely despise her existence because of this one issue.

    In survival, you'll almost always be forced to use the life support towers when you solo because the enemies don't spawn fast enough or they stay in their spawn closets and remain there until you approach them, which defeats the purpose entirely.

    Interestingly enough, I haven't had this issue with two factions: The Kuva Survival (Kuva Grineer) and the Infested. I've been able to stay over an hour solo in Kuva Survival (using the towers for Kuva) without issue. I don't know why exactly this is but if I had to guess I would attribute it to the addition of Kuva Guardians and Jesters.

    I would like the option to remove the Lotus' transmission window or move it to a non-critical portion of the screen. I would appreciate an in-depth look at what's causing enemies to remain in their spawning closets. I would also like the ability to increase the enemy spawn rate, perhaps increasing it by 5% (for example) every five (5) minutes and 10% every cycle (AABC) so it would be 25% total every cycle. I believe that may resolve the spawn issue, but not the broken pathfinding some enemies have.

    Lastly, the enemy (Corpus and Grineer) run away when they're right in front of you often enough to note it. They might be running for cover, but there needs to be a minimum  engagement distance where they don't turn their backs to you (5M for example). This annoys me. Can anyone else attest to this issue of enemies running away in survival game modes?

  4. I normally make it a point to purchase the Prime accessories but this time I really didn't feel that it was a good deal. I suppose that the only thing that entices me are the 90 day boosters, but I think I'll wait and see what the next prime has to offer in terms of accessories.

  5. These suggestions are terrible to be perfectly honest. Let me be perfectly clear: people exist. What I mean by this is that there will always be somebody somewhere doing something you dislike.

    There will always be genuine afk'ers and there will be those that go afk due to no fault of their own (connection issues, hardware issues, screen blank and other emegencies). I do not find it conducive removing the goal of the game (resource gathering) being a welcome change. Removing resources isn't an option.

    I agree that afk players should be removed or penalized, but it isn't a simple fix in any case. You will always find someone, somewhere to report. Perhaps, instead of hopelessly battling against yourself (the only person you control is you), I suggest utilizing the recruitment section of chat. 

    Aye, you "shouldn't be forced to use the recruitment channel" I can hear you say, but that is why it exists. For every good player, there is a bad one. You'll always be plagued by the Troll Limbos, the Simulor wielding Mirages, the 'press 4 to win' Banshees of the world. I understand it isn't fair, but such is the way of life. Punishing everyone else that plays in good faith is poor form and churlish.

    Now, that aside I can suggest a kind of 'blacklist' if you will. I personally use the ignore feature to avoid playing with certain people. This also prevents the abuse of the reporting feature. I've only ever used it once as I take the act of potentially removing or reducing someone's freedom very seriously. If this feature was used against me maliciously, it gives me a chore (contact DE support), so I weigh this when and if I ever use the reporting feature.

    Perhaps if DE implemented a tool that would prevent you from being paired with those on your 'blacklist', I think it would be a step in the right direction. It places more responsibility upon your shoulders, but hey, welcome to the internet.

  6. So I don't have Vala Prime, but I do have the other accessories. I don't think it'll be worth $20 for just that. There are so many other items you could have unvaulted instead (Liset Prime, Helios Prime Accessories, Kubrow Armor Prime, Edo Prime) but instead, the only item that hasn't been unvaulted is the Vala Sugatra. But at least it's been separated in an accessory pack, so points there. Maybe next Unvaulting I'll get something.

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  7. On July 7, 2018 at 11:02 AM, DatDarkOne said:

    This must only be a problem if you don't have other armor pieces to change to.  Each of those frames mentioned I have changed the armor for, but I also have multiple armors that I can switch to.  This is an interesting phenomenon.  

    Not really. I have all armor sets save three, but when trying to make a Warframe like Mag Prime look like her base model you'll find it impossible. I don't like being forced to throw other armor on without being able to remove the additional pieces. Take the Tennogen skins for example: Why mar the artist's original vision with extra shiny bits? More options are always better when it comes down to the Fashion Endgame

  8. I think the 'clutter' argument is trash. Take a look at the Mod menu for example! You can sort mods by: Rank, Rarity, Recently Acquired, Name, Duplicates and sort them through their own sub menu? Is the Mod menu too 'cluttered' for you? If it's not, then why complain about two additional options for relics (recently acquired, Vaulted)? What is your alternative?

  9. The pen & paper suggestion is a poor one, so is the "Just use your phone" suggestion. There is no solid argument against a simple sorting option. If you won't use it, there are older players that will. Warframe has a built in Codex for crying out loud! I hate having to physically fun my avatar from one menu to the next for simple data collection. I wish the expansion of the Codex was more readily available. Enemy info, relic info, Arcanes etc. In any case a simple 'vaulted' option is warranted

  10. While I feel I can navigate slightly faster in certain menus, I find certain reductions in other menus ridiculous and annoying, as you put it. I wish there was a legacy UI option for those that wish to use it or at least give us the option to customize our menus ourselves.

  11. Other Warframes share this problem. I've made a similar thread some odd months ago. This Mainly affects Prime Warframes. The ones that have armor that cannot be removed (but swapped as if ir was an attachment) are: Hydroid Prime, Oberon Prime, Ember Prime, Banshee Prime (also does not receive Banshee's standard shoulder pad), Mag Prime and Frost Prime. Off the cuff that's all I can remember at this time. Additionally, I feel that these appearance limitations also mar skins made by other Tenno (Faven, for example). I have no idea how I managed to achieve it, but I did manage to completely remove Ember Prime's shoulder attachments. If they release a 'None' attachment for 1 credit it'd be nice. Patchwork covering a larger problem but nice nonetheless.

  12. This is a good idea and an issue that's arisen before. Weapons like the AkStilleto and the AkBolto require six parts to trade as well. I also have some concerns when they get around to Equinox Prime. Equinox requires eight parts and if they model Equinox Prime after Equinox's building requirements many a scammer will rejoice. Hopefully they'll increase trading slots to six or eight. 

  13. On April 29, 2018 at 8:32 AM, (PS4)Chris_Robet said:

    Ah, my bad.

    Not really. You responded first with the correct name. They just skimmed the conversation to try and capitalize. Anyway, they still need to boost several aura mods. I think Shotgun amp gives 18% but Deadeye gives  +52% Damage. Ridiculous considering the fact that shotguns don't 'scale'.

  14. Pretty much the same deal with me. Never got a Hate or War blueprint or War parts. Ah well. I think they need to change trading items like the AKStilleto for obvious reasons, but it is what it is I suppose. Doesn't mean I like it. I hope there is a change to trading sometime in the future. 

  15. Why are people defending a nerf again? If they do any nerfs it really shouldn't be celebrated unless it's a major problem. Adaro should just be Adaro and left at that. It's a spy mission, and who does spy besides, well, spys? I hate doing public Spy missions and on the rare occasion that I do I am almost always disappointed in their (randoms) performance

  16. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Chris_Robet said:

    Yeah Physique is trash. Compare the 18% to Vitality's 440%.

    That's the one! I feel that they need to really take a look at the older mods in the game that several other mods that came out reduced the reasons to use older mods (Hunter, Gladiator, Augur). I can understand using Corrupted mods to a degree but even some of those fall behind in use because there are so many other mods out there that do it better. We shouldn't be forced to shelve a mod just because a newer, better mod comes out. Each mod should be somewhat decent and have a reason to exist.

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