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Posts posted by geninrising

  1. Check the stats of what your own gear I am hoping, because surely this would have nothing to do with wanting to check squads equipment to determine whether to kick them before starting a mission. Let's just go and discriminate players because of them not having a perfect loadout!

    This is precisely why anyone would want to check stats

  2. Watch the stream or read the overview by AM_bunny, but devs said you get a 'guaranteed' utility slot from a quest, with a possibility you can get more through other means.

    This is correct on the stream they said a quest for a guaranteed slot AND through other methods unspecified. In fact they did not mention a maximum so it could be three slots for all we know.

  3. Unfortunately trolling is a side effect of different abilities and in WF it is a given that you will get trolled. Ignore said individuals and go on your way. General park rules state to not feed the trolls. Their favorite treat is salt. 

  4. Meh buffs and nerfs in PVP must be handled in a far stricter manner than anything in PvE as the balance is far more delicate. With that said I have the following as feedback for Ash in PvP.


    #1. The seeking mechanism of the Shurikens is a major bonus the skill has and therefore it's damage must be less than some other #1s.


    #2. The delay time on smoke bomb I feel should be instant rather than like a 1 second cast animation. It was always sheer ignorance that there was the huge delay after the button press anyway, what about that huge delay and overall slowness screams "Ninja".


    #4. As far as blade Storm is concerned I do think the delay before players can control Ash should definitely be looked at. 

  5. All Melee needs a severe buff given that it does not have the advantage of getting bonus damage in a way that is not suicidal. Stopping to perform a finisher is in no way equal to scoring headshots.  Of course Warframe always has and will continue to have some of the worst balanced weapons/characters in the history of video games.


    I swear the people in charge of balance must sincerely not play the game. Otherwise you would think there would be far more variety in top tier weapons. 

  6. I'm but a simple man, i see good idea, i upvote.

    I think this will take sometime to get implemented since it will need extensive test to see the A.I. actually works as intended.

    Thats pretty long list imo.

    But good idea is a good idea.


    Correct this would take a massive amount of testing and work, however this would breath more life into this game than virtually anything else DE has done in forever.

  7. Okay so as far as I caught his complaints are regarding enemy levels that are not balanced for, Grind, enemy aimbotting, and warframes being weak(again this is about content that nothing is balanced towards).


    Unfortunately friend your problems are all problems that have been talked to death in the forums so it likely will not matter.

  8. I never understood why they didn't just have his ult send out the clones to do his dirty work and allow the camera to remain on the player allowing him to continue to move and perform other action. This I feel would make the skill all the more bad A as you could continue to work while the ult handled bidness. Beyond that perhaps a stun on targets not immediately killed like 1 second or 1.5 seconds?


    Of course I would much prefer Ash becoming a shadow and all his melee attacks counting as finisher(without the need for the animations) so that Ash could simply go on a rampage ignoring armor. In the process I would have a vortex of blades circle him so he literally becomes a Blade Storm. These blades would deal damage equal to his melee damage plus power strength. The same for his in hand. Overall I think this would generate that OMFG factor that other ults have while still requiring player interaction and active gameplay to be strong. Of course I'm all for breaking the p42w cycle in WF.

  9. To all those complaining that CD would not work and is a bad idea. What you guys are failing to take into account is the idea that the entire system of scaling and abilities would most definitely need to face various tweaks in order to bring everything into line with said tweaks. The only reason we are in the spam fest situation we are is because of current enemy balance making players feel the need to hit that glorious 4, 3, or 2 time and time again. If things were rebalanced we could have pre-mass efficiency WF back and things would be fantastic. It would honestly be great to have to utilize all tools at our disposal instead of being able to push one button and watch everything explode. As an added bonus here powers could get tweaked to actual make them useful no matter the content without them feeling broken AFK due to spam. As it is if said powers were tweaked to be scaling or synergize well with each other the game would be too damn easy to even ever give a challenge(oh wait it already is if super easy 40+ minute t4 infinite content is any indication).

  10. The difference between league and Warframe is....guaranteed rewards for your hard work. In Warframe there is no guarantee on anything due to broken weighted RNG. Hence why you will get 100 of one part and zero of the one that is more rare. If the parts had an equal reward percentage it would be far easier to grind everything. RNG my friends is how DE makes money. By PURPOSEFULLY frustrating players time after time it becomes more and more acceptable to each of us to just hit up trade chat or purchase items directly via prime access or the shop. 


    League of Legends on the other hand gives you a metered goal and an easily handled path to obtain what you want. While everyone else here will misunderstand why the OP compared the two I understand it fully and second the sentiment if not the exact reasons you cited.

  11. How was Primed Chamber a mistake? It was a thing provided quite rarely in order to be...wait for it...LEGENDARY. It completely serves it's purpose as the Holy Grail of mods. Although I definitely would love to see more in circulation, the only reason I can see to call it a mistake is... mod envy. Very unbecoming of you sir. And the reason people are not happy with the upgraded clip is because it actually lowers their ROF due to the difference in reload animation timing. So to clarify the complaints are not because they have the mod, but because the gun got nerfed in the same breath it was buffed. Only those that fail to utilize the Vectis properly consider the 2 shots a buff.

  12. But wall running itself is going away so your marathon suggestion seems off. Marathon should just provide an all around speed increase for all movement not just sprinting like rush. It would be cool to see Rhino's move like they have a Volt in the party. This would also help out any frost that is playing in say an exterminate or Sabotage mission where stationary defenses are not really helpful. Second wind should DEFINITELY be a combo timer increase although I feel that innately it should be changed to 10 seconds before losing it. Since we are losing coptering and directional air melee will probably take a hit it seems only natural that we increase it's duration to keep melee relevant.

  13. ^ agreed....hard to take seriously because going 12h would require some sort of exploit because the current ability system and weapon system does not scale high enough for you to be able to survive or kill enemies beyond the 3 hour mark

    Actually...with a Mag in the party and creative positioning you could definitely kill enemies at that point, however the point remains that LS would screw you hard.

  14. Make a balanced build. Properly utilize all her skills and the movement systems for survival. Ember is in a good place atm. If they fix her fire proc causing panic properly she will be in an even better place though. Oh and btw it's possible to forego using Natural talent completely if you cast Accelerant prior to using WOF(WoF has a far faster cast time anyway but with Accelerant it's near instant). Remember to use Accelerant combined with her other abilities and remember that you can deactivate WoF and reactivate it for a more bursty ult as it hits 5 enemies instantly on activation. Thus far I have no problems hitting 50 min t4 surv solo. Use Accelerant fairly regularly when against more than 1 or two enemies and you should have a far easier run consistently. I play an efficiency maxed build on her with normal duration(offset my duration negative from TF and Fleeting via Primed Cont). So far it's a  good time just remember you are not a nuke frame and that her abilities simply augment her damage potential from weapons.

  15. Min maxing is the problem here not Rhino. I build for balanced setup in all stats and Rhino makes it 60 min t4 easily. The problem is too many people not being content with DE's design for a Frame and instead trying all this gimicky p#2w bs. "Iron skin isn't god mode anymore", "Stomp can't be recast", "Roar doesn't reach far enough or debuff enough with his augment". 


    tl;DR Learn to play a frame the way it is meant to be played. You'll have far more fun and complain far less.

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