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Posts posted by geninrising

  1. For gods sake - the Synoid Gammacor is good as it is right now.


    Before, it could instakill most enemies and on a single clip all day long.


    In nerf, DE left its insane damage, but tuned up the ammo consumption.


    Now it's a powerful gun with poor ammo economy.


    Unlike before, it was too good in comparison with other Syndicate Guns.

    DE in no way left it's insane damage. PReviosuly my Synoid topped out at 10k damage per second(more or less with enemy weaknesses/strengths). Now a measly 4k per second. Not complaining as it's still strong, but at least pay attention before you speak.

  2. The problem is that under most circumstances in game the enemy is well aware of you. I think something like this would require a rewrite of the enemy AI to know the AREA you are in but not have a pin point seeking mechanism which would likely cause some issues in defenses and survivals in regards to exploitation.

  3. The issue here is that DE would lose money. The way the current system is set up allows players to gouge on the trade market for various items causing the prices to sometimes be considerably higher than anything DE could sell them for without causing a Riot and people to start screaming p2w(lol I know right). Still the fact remains that purely f2p players are prone to use that phrase when purely using cash is a means to get everything necessary to be strong. The Void Trader is actually a balancing factor to people being able to buy everything else for platinum directly from the devs and I feel that it is a good thing to have stuff you HAVE to work for or pay out the rear to get. Trust me if Primed Chamber was sold for anything less than a thousand or more plat I would be pissed(not screaming p2w but whatev). In fact I feel that DE should also implement the focus system in a way that forces MR to be obtained to get all the goodness from it. Not sure what they are working on for this system(beyond speculations from data miners) so this is all still up in the air. 


    Anyway in case you skipped my spiel, no support for direct plat purchases as it would lose de money they get from market prices versus prices they could charge for direct sales.


    Ducat bonus for void runs YES! in fact I feel as though they could replace credits entirely with small ducat amounts. I mean WTF does the void have credits for in the first place?

  4. Might need to explain better because this almost sounds OP

    It is OP. Think of it this way. Versus a crowd of level 60-80 mobs that can pump out a 100k damage in those four seconds, someone modded with the iron shrapnel mod just created a 100k nuke they can use every 4 seconds that not only makes them virtually immortal with a spam build, they also become the highest damage AOE frame in the game. No one ever tries to think of the ramifications of an IS rework with an eye towards exploitation. Trust me when I say we do not need anything else to exploit in this game.


    The best idea so far as I have seen is the scaling IS thing suggested. That way DE can accurately control precisely how strong IS is throughout the game and can properly tweak it as necessary to keep it from being a constant god mode button. That way we can have an oh S#&$ button as needed without Rhino being utterly broken.

  5. I personally think this idea has quite a good amount of merit but let me ask this. Why would players deal with the increasing difficulty that scales with how fast you can kill enemies, for the same rewards as taking it easy and locking enemies down rather than killing them? Wouldn't these modes turn into a CC party where the enemies are just continually blinded/disarmed/vauban bounced/vortexed or duration build Rhino stomped? Wouldn't this change promote basically killing 75% of the various frames usefulness to group comps?

  6. Oberon is a study in mediocrity breeding dislike. No one likes something that is sub par for EVERYTHING and Oberon simply does NOTHING as well as any other frame. The guy can't be a viable damage carry or viable healer or viable support frame in the only content that truly matters VOID AND RAIDS. No other content game wide is any kind of real challenge and therefore doesn't really matter to long term players. Long term players get into the rut of doing tons of void missions because everything else starmap wide is a joke with unworthy rewards(barring farming for cores because you can't farm void for those effectively anymore). Until he becomes an Ace in some area he will always be relegated to that meh frame that gets ignored and is unwanted in most runs. Much like Hydroid and Ember.

  7. If you followed previous livestreams you would be able to recall teasers they slipped in about some kind of catastrophic occurrence that will be like an atom bomb going off in the void. Thus I feel like they are going to scatter the rewards around the starmaps which might in fact cause the drop table dilution to be an even worse issue. Look at it this way. In the void we have only X different items we can obtain from a given run, now if they are moved to the star maps we have X amount of Items + all the regular junk we can possibly get from normal map runs(ie: redirection/vitality/other mods we have thousands of already). Unless they change all drops to an even percentage chance all the way around and then remove garbage drops from runs things are just going to get progressively worse.


    This is why a long time ago I suggested a currency you earn on void runs that would allow you to simply buy what parts you needed from VT rather than him only having exclusive items only. This would have completely removed the issue of drop tables for those that abhor them and then placed  a focus on actually working for what you wanted only. Thus preventing players from wasting thousands of hours to collect their prime parts. They could have even placed a 6 month restriction on newly replaced primes for purchase this way while still keeping the RNG we hate so much for those that absolutely positively must have it NOW. Thus players that were interested would still BUY prime access or plat to trade for parts as necessary, those that strictly farm could get it as well, and those that came later could get what they wanted easier to avoid tons of frustration. Everyone wins with this idea.

  8. The problem with MR is that people are using it as a restriction and there is really no logic to this. The main issue with MR is that there are not any actual in combat benefits to it which makes it a ridiculous measurement of capability. I could see this being a thing if focus were in effect and people were getting lifesteal from guns or able to instantly pick up downed teammates or some such traits. However once focus is put in which is purported(purported because how else can they implement this system as they have no other factor to gauge experience) to be based on MR then and only then would MR be a deciding factor of inclusion to a group.

  9. Honestly the only thing that would make this mod worthwhile would be a base increase of 25%. Look at it this way, you guys want to continually put out mods we WANT in order to either give us long term goals or boost platinum sales right? That is the purpose behind every release, keeping players attracted to the game. The simple fact is that unless this mod is a 25% increase it has no value to 98% of our secondary fire arms. In fact even at a 25% increase the mod would still be utterly worthless on about 75% of secondaries.


    By making it 25% you will be increasing build variance in a full 23-25% of all secondaries and this is a GREAT thing. Build variance is honestly what you guys have been trying to figure out and the fact is that you can either buff tons of guns to balance them out or buff a few mods to give us the option of increasing certain weapons firepower ourselves.


    The fact is that there will always be a few kings of primary or secondary due to the hoard shooter gameplay you guys have created. The question is, are you invested in creating player agency with weapon selection or are you purposefully inhibiting said agency?

  10. I actually love what I'm seeing for Parkour 2.0. Combat is actually going to feel far more engaging from what I see so far. The one thing I never liked about Warframe to date was that movement was never much of a factor in combat. Copter here and there blowing things up once you reach where you want to kill. This also adds far more tactical agency to players in determining how they want to handle encounters. In fact the void will be the absolute BEST place to use the new system due to it's vertical design. Overall I have to say that the coptering era was boring and felt completely rushed unless I played solo. Now no more worries about that.


    Lastly to anyone that has complaints about it's removal, get over it. Copterframe did not feel like being a space ninja. Parkour 2.0 certainly has that feel thus far. The only thing that remains is to get our hands on it to confirm if looks= reality.

  11. The point is guys that they are looking to bring tons of melee weapons back into the fold while at the same time giving us a new tool for movement and even combat ALL WITH A SINGLE SYSTEM. While I am aware that many melee weapons will still not get used, that is more of an issue with melee still being non viable for the content that is most widely run. There will absolutely be a necessity that the developers remodel some assets within the various tilesets to more easily accommodate parkour bit that would be as easy as increasing the height of rooms in many cases to allow more wall upon which to move. The only thing we can do is wait and see exactly what all they roll out.


    For the players that think this game is all about coptering, get a clue. This game is about being a supernatural soldier. It's not about who can spin the fastest to fly far.

  12. To everyone saying the damage on his ult is too low...SMH. The ult's PRIMARY damage is the blade itself which I have seen hit REGULARLY for 53k or more damage(have seen over 100k at one point, one guy has a pic posted above somewhere of hitting over 3 billion probably a glitch but still). The energy waves are just incidental damage nothing more. To all those that are having constant finishers, I think maybe you have melee autotargetting or aim assist whatever it's called because I don't hit finishers constantly on a bit more testing.


    If nothing else the spin attack should be fixed to maintain momentum(and hit in a full 360, for some reason I find it hella hard to hit anything) and the range should be like 15m for the blind so it's not a suicide skill under some circumstances.


    Beyond that the mechanics for slash dash definitely need a look for QoL and general functionality. Slash dash is unfortunately ignoring enemies sometimes that are clearly in front of you do to their movements. Additionally if a teammate kills the enemy you have targetted it just fails to work at all. Targeting re-selection needs to occur. 


    Also does anyone have a clue on the max targets? The most I have had period is 3 targets in a solo match and they were just standing completely still in order to hit even that many(note there were like 15 all in a tightly packed corner and they simply got ignored except for those 3).

  13. If you want it to do more damage, put in power strength mods, simple as that.  And if the waves ignored armor, that would be immensely overpowered near end-game content.

    Even if the waves were armor ignore they are still absolute crap for damage. The waves won't even break 1k damage no matter the setup so it's a moot point. That combined with the forced finishers constantly that get you killed under most circumstances(coming from a late game perspective, nothing else matters) the Excal rework is in a severely perilous position as far as the majority of the community is concerned(that's not even accounting for the lack of coptering due to the forced blind).

  14. Energy waves still do not scale properly with weapon mods. Damage is sitting at really low numbers versus even Appollodorus enemies on mercury. Melee damage itself is now scaling with only some mods. It seems elemental mods may not be affecting said damage, numbers are so erratic I have yet to be able to pin down what is and is not working as intended(still far less damage than Dragon Nikana or Galatine though, highly disappointing considering it's base damage is far higher than either weapon).

  15. RNG in the void and soon to be solar system wide- RNG is one of the most pervasive and destructive forces in WF. I realize it is there to artificially prolong the duration of play for the hardcore player and to provide some measure of work vs reward reinforcement, also it serves to foster platinum sales. The issue here is not so much the mere existence of RNG but instead the layers of RNG. RNG to get a key, RNG to roll for a reward(resource/additional key/Prime part/mods*in new system solar system wide*), RNG to get a specific item from said options.



    To remove at least a few layers of this give us a specific method to far a specific key not go here for a slice of RNG and maybe get the key you want.

    Additionally remove resources from end of mission/round/wave rewards entirely.


    Ultimate Spam: Unfortunately there will never be a community agreed upon ideal that this is even a problem. People have grown entirely too used to be able to spam whatever they want whenever. The problem with this is that some players cannot participate in a  meaningful way in missions due to others choice of playstyle. This is not okay. There should never be a way someone else can interfere with you being able to shoot/slash an enemy CONSTANTLY. Currently we have virtually infinite energy to do with as we please and this is directly counter-intuitive to balanced gameplay. When someone can run through and simply press 4 and never take another action this just becomes a WoW clone with false or illusiory skill components.


    Solution: Meter Ultimate abilities separately from other powers. Require players actively play the game to have access to their ultimate abilities. Make various actions such as Shooting enemies/Meleeing/healing friendlies/buffing all fill a meter to allow use of the ult. As compensation turn all ultimate abilities into something truly outrageous(rework ultimates as necessary to fit the mold and be representative of it being an all powerful overwhelming application of Tenno power) Buff damages through the roof, create permanent crowd control on enemies hit with the power. We can even give back the old Trinity Blessing(she will only have it active once in a while and proper use will be key to party survival in the absence of another room clearing ult.

  16. On the matter of the Capture the Cephalon mode, It looks ok however what is bothering me is that it is objective based at all to begin with. As a first newly balanced PvP mode the team should definitely have worked on deathmatch first and foremost. Killing one another is PvP's primary focus with objective based gameplay as a side note to simply provide added challenge to standard PvP.


    It would have been extremely nice to get FFA and TDM as the first implemented modes in order to allow players to actually test and provide feedback on the actual balance work without having other concerns such as additional bugs with the cephalon interactions(such as previous problems picking up or carrying data masses/energy for excavators).

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