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Posts posted by geninrising

  1. Power spam is the single largest Disease plaguing this game. This entire thread exemplified my statement as clearly as any other ever has. Please fix this for the love of this game DE. PLEASE!

    It's easy just do normal Draco team with x4 Corrosive Projection. Don't bother on getting the loot just keep spamming.



    At least you guys should say: This Tac Alert is for Draco Exploiters Teams only



    I hate it for the fact that if you don't go Excalibur/Trinity/Loki you lose.



    LIke I said before (but my thread was deleted cause reasons) they shoould rename this alert in ´´Exploit Draco Dream Team Only´´



    Its not melee only, u can use warframe powers, try that. Completed it with friends and do maybe 2-3 melee kills :D



    If you really want the sigil and/or bragging rights that much, a Draco-fit trin and excal can be the base for a team.  


    Just finished with excal, trin, nova, loki.


    Trying to play it straight up melee is just an exercise in suicide.



    AKMouse, it seems like a lot of other people are saying the same thing: Warframe power Spam is the only way to beat this thing. Do you think that's a bad thing?



    So all DE's claims to not wanting the Homer-drinking-bird playstyle just went right out the window with the baby, bathwater all wrapped up in a shower curtain.



    This isn't the right way to make challenging alerts. Limiting weapons and conclave ratings is fine, sure. But all jacking the levels up that high does is limit it to 4spam rep farm teams. I'd imagine they were the ones complaining about it being too easy in the first place... and now they're going to beat the harder version doing the exact same thing. No, if you want to make it challenging but NOT lock out most of the player base, stick with the limited weapons and conclave rating but throw in the energy drain nightmare modifier or just disable abilities outright. Then we can see how easy it is when people can't just push one button to win.


    Actually, it'd be cool to see the nightmare modifiers used more in general. They add a much more interesting twist to things than just having bigger numbers ever could.





    *heads to recruiting to grab another rep farming goup*


    This one had better not be even longer than the second part.



    It's not 'draco' teams, farm is about killing fast. This is about disabling everyhting. Still its for cheesy abilties spam. Try 3 max range Rhinos stomping each 5 seconds and a Trinity to keep them powered.  



    the alert's best done like every other part of the game's best done - spamming powers


    'best done' does not mean the method is fun. but players will use the optimal method, even if it's not fun. this is true in any game. it's not the fault of the users, it's just what we do


    what you end up with, if the optimal or only method is not fun, is people not having fun. good design should react to how people use the product, and the goal of this design should be to ensure people have fun


    just ranking up enemy levels to nigh-instakill, or spamming nullifiers, does not create actual interest. it only creates frustration and tedium as players switch to warframe's optimal method of spam-to-win. in the case of the last alert, the optimal method was spamming defensive powers on an onrails car. there was almost no thought - and zero compelling gameplay - involved. this is exacerbated by the weapon restrictions - of course tenno didn't actually use their throwing weapons on nullifier shields! most tenno won't engage these high level enemies in melee, they'll get knocked down in two hits. not only is the best method - power spam - unfun, but tenno are pushed into using that unfun method by the weapon restrictions


    you need to think hard about creating interest and challenge. challenge by itself is not enjoyable. you need to create a challenge which is entertaining to overcome. make sure the best method is fun - and if that's not possible or practical on the mission end, it's time to consider changing the tools tenno have available to them

  2. Let's see how many relays you have at the end. Bet it will be 3 situated at the early levels, middle levels and end game levels. Most of the PC community is convinced it is fixed. One relay will have no MR lock, one will be MR locked at 4, and the last will be MR locked at 8.

  3. Prime access items will repeat. There's no way DE would create an aset for their game and only offer it once.

    This plus de all but stated that event weapons will probably make a return as well except for the following Vandals(CB exclusive Braton, and lato/skana from founders). Excalibur prime is the only other exclusive that should not come back per founders agreements with DE. 

  4. I had this very same issue. What will occur(only if the previous WL and founder are afk for 1 full year) is you or the senior player who is active will be made Founder. You must submit a ticket to support for this to occur. Remember 1 full year inactivity amongst the upper echelon otherwise they will simply make some other slightly inactive player the founder. It is an awful scenario but eventually you can get it worked out if you stick around. 



    This was the response to my request:

    Hi geninrising,
    I have added the "creator tag" to your account for your clan as you are the most senior and highest ranking active player currently. With the creator tag you will be able to demote and kick other Warlords in your clan, as needed. If you have any other questions or concerns, please let us know.

  5. 1st Idea: Sorry I cannot support this unless it is a costs you your life kind of thing. The reason is this, players have health restores and a Trinity/Oberon if that fails. Everyone would exploit the heck out of this way more than they play the p42w game now. If this skill caused you to literally get insta killed(as in no bleed out state) then yeah full support.


    2nd Idea: Awesome!


    3rd Idea: Even more AWESOME!

  6. I am all for 2 exclusive ability aug slots. The truth of the matter is that eventually DE will hopefully have more than 1 augment per ability otherwise their augment expansion is about to come to an end entirely(nearly all powers will have augments soon). Without these slots however, most augments simply collect dust due to the fact that they are not worth the slots they take up.

  7. Completely accurate. With the advent of SO MANY new R10 mods into our inventories the rate should have stayed the same. The problem is that DE has yet to farm a single Primed mod to max rank. Even DERebecca who plays arguably the most(I think Drew might be higher MR than her) has not attempted what the majority of Veterans are trying to do. The only thing we have left currently is maxing primed mods and to nerf the rewards rates of cores so heinously is virtually a slap in the face. Moving them did nohing to help us because now we simply have no RELIABLE way to get them. I'll be dmned if I run 2 hrs trying to farm for a single r5 pack or eve 2-3 r5 packs in that time. IGNORANCE.

  8. Damage is currently off on the glaive but other than that it works as intended. If you equip it versus infested it does not do as much damage as it should. There is a another bug report in already about this so I'll not bother giving screenies here. Suffice to say though that glaive should be looked at eventually. BTW bad form talking about unreleased content that is a no no in the forums and can get you disciplined.

  9. Unfortunately once DX is corrupted there is no way to completely uninstall and reinstall it due to it being a core windows process now. My clan mate has this error which causes all attempts at updating DX to fail. Unfortunately it occurs on both windows 7 and 8 as well now. If the DX update fails or has an error mid way through you could attempt to run a system refresh/restore to revert DX back to prior to the miss-updated files, if that fails then the only other option left to you per Microsoft is a reinstall of Windows.

  10. My fellow tenno! I was wondering about buying Nova prime since the prime access for her is almost over. Now after all these months I'm sure many of you are already possess this frame. I'd be glad to hear your opinion about her and how you think she is/isn't better than nova. Thanks in advance!

    The only issue I have with her is the triple V polarity which does not mesh properly with any of my builds except the Antimatter absorb build(ultimate defensive and offensive nova build, try it out).

  11. I don't see a problem here. The Anti AFK timer kills the AFK build, what's the matter?



    what do you generally do to kill time while playing this build --- go inthe kitchen and make a sandwich, catch up on e-mails, or make this thread?



    Read title, read post, laughed.  That's the lazy way to play hyrdoid, so much so I don't understand why you'd even do it, it is boring as hell. 


    The afk timer is clunky and doesn't do much, and often hurts rather than helps.  But that doesn't change that "playing" hydroid like that is pretty much not playing, so honestly the AFK timer going off while "playing" like that is justified since its hardly different than actually going afk. 



    Glad you've brought it up. Maybe it's time to rework that ability so that the AFKers would stop abusing it, or even allow Hydroid gets to stay invincible that long.



    lol, sorry the game doesn't let you sit in a puddle forever, afking, I think that's the point of it. You don't like it? then go actually doing something rather than sitting in undertow. Even resetting it will reset the timer, this thread is stupid.



    I'd be against that.  Before the AFK timer I saw AFKers abusing the hell out of hydroid, I'd rather not see it return. 



    An example I experienced that comes to mind would be...

    During an interception mission 2 hydroids just puddled at one tower each and did nothing, the towers will remained claimed because the enemy can capture it.  The AFKers then just clicks battle or extract after each round and then goes afk again. 


    Its being abused because the player doesn't have to play.  When this happened I made a effort to see what would happen if I did nothing and just watched from a safe spot.  The people did nothing. 



    Do you even realize what you're asking? 

    "DE I can't not play the game without getting affected by the afk timer. I'm not playing but I shouldn't be considered afk. Change this please because i'm too lazy to double tap three to reset the skill or make any other contribution to the team or pick anything up. De halp me" It's so idiotic I'm not even laughing



    There is a huge difference, you can actually step away from the game while using hydroid, you can't with anything else.  



    Even if that is true, how is that Ok, you are asking to be allowed to afk.  This is the reason the afk timer was added to the game, so people couldn't do this.  And you are asking that it be removed so people can start doing it again?



    Difference is Frost does other things while inside his bubble.


    You can seriously tab out and do something else with Hydroid, with no consequences. Your build legitimately allows you to AFK, and you're mad that you're getting flagged for AFK for... being AFK. All you have to do is just MOVE a little bit at least once every two minutes, and this is apparently too much for you.



    Well you are asking for a build APPEARING to be afk to be ok.

    Thats how the afk system works. It goes off the APPEARANCE of afk.

    Just figured I'd touch on this but everything was already stated for me.

    DE implemented this to stop macro farmers and AFK players exactly like you. The afk timer is a great addition and welcomed by anyone that actively plays rather than alt tabbing to watch a movie or go get a sammich. SMH at all the people that want to earn rewards by doing absolutely nothing. Go somewhere else please and stop clogging up the forums with inane issues.

  12. Rhino does need something done he is now better for beginners then shelved for end game.

    The point is that per DE "There is no tiering of frames. Every frame should be playable in all content." DE has made the claim that you should be able to play any frame no matter what you are doing. We are simply trying to ensure that their claim holds up, and with the new raids coming this concern is going to be even more relevant.

  13. I have done this multiple times in a party will full CP and the damage is still inaccurate. The Halikar has been broken for a long time, even it's explosions is broken failing to do a single point of damage. The entire community has been well aware of the Halikar's broken status and due to it's extremely lackluster stats we just felt that our time was better spent on different subjects. Until  it receives a substantial buff no one will spend a lot of time looking to fix it. Honestly the same goes for all thrown melee weapons, they are just not damaging enough for players to be concerned about as a general rule.


    Ty OP for continuing to fight the good fight to get things fixed properly. I would suggest you take a group of 4x CP(Corrosive Projection) in order to provide the most accurate screenshots possible.

  14. Agreed I have experienced this many times and have been very frustrated . The mod is just not giving what it states in range. At 100% bonus the weapon should hit targets 2x further away than normal and that is certainly not the case.

  15. Nothing should be OP.  "I want the cheese to be on my favorite character too" is not a tenable position; there shouldn't be cheese in the first place.

    I agree 100%. Most of my stance on this matter stems from the p42w debate though. In truth there are other problems of this nature such as shield polarize and chaos , but for the most part it lands squarely on radial ultimates. Powers should never allow us to utterly remove difficulty from the game no matter what. I think that "cheese" could be alleviated 75% with ultimates being metered separately from regular skills. Then the devs would face minor balancing issues among a few other key problem skills. By doing so they could also buff ultimate skills through the roof to extend their viability(for skills that need a buff, op offenders can simply remain where they are). 

  16. Fantastically creative op. Although I think I can say with little to no lack of confidence that many of us are intensely aware of the lack of room for creativity in nearly all weapon and frame builds due to the issue of "necessary modding". I will say however that I feel that the ability augments could be come a restrictive element should the devs release more augments for gear in the future. 


    Might I ask though on the skill tree issue, you would intend for this to be a per loadout basis right? Thus including a mod loadout and a skill loadout for each one, correct?

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