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Posts posted by geninrising

  1. Base status chance mods- made from converting our current Rifle Aptitude(style) mods. I'd like these to be augmented by the percentage mods we currently have in dual stat varieties. This would allow us to pull mods out of the garbage heap and give many more weapons a different viable build path beyond MOAR DMG.  


    Leap- Jump height mod, this would be super cool because reasons.


    Status Proc Limiter- I'd also like to see a mod that allows us to lock the proc on a given weapon to a specific proc type that said weapon can produce. That way if we wanted say a slash proc, or an electric proc consistently we did not have to allow RNGesus to make us his $%#@$ constantly.


    Lethal Precision- Makes stealth attacks 100% deadly. Nothing more frustrating than watching yourself impale a target and having them get back up to @#$%^ slap you to the ground or scream for help.


    Snipers Grace- makes headshots from a sniper rifle 100% lethal. Reward skilled players.

  2. Or they could listen to people like me and actually balance the damn frame. I am not asking them to nerf Mesa, I am asking them to nerf/change Peacemaker which is the real issue here. If you think that Peacemaker is the only ability that makes Mesa relevant then I feel bad for you because she has some good abilities otherwise. In fact, I cringe whenever someone says Mesa is fragile, do the majority of players build strictly for Peacemaker? Honestly I think so which is sad.

    Agreed Mesa for me is not about peacemaker in the least. I use her as a heavy killer. The only problem with this is making sure I can dodge those rockets grrr.

  3. Mesa was in fact nerfed at one point. Her firing mechanics used to have a far higher cap firing rate than they do now. However people with low end graphics cards were having their fire rate capped by fps or some such and so DE changed it to have an absolute limit across the board and made it automatic so that those less dexterous(or macro inclined) did not have more power than those that could not click(program) their way to maximum fire power. When she originally came out I could fire her guns far faster than my entire clan via mouse scrolling and everyone was PISSED. I still want old Mesa back if for no other reason than to occasionally piss of Excals and Saryns ^^

  4. Ember is in a far better spot now than ever before. I think the issue that most players will want addressed most is the fact that her CC from burn procs is only a 50/50 chance that they actually Panic. I'm not sure why but I have noticed a  propensity for enemies to simply rush right through her flames, get coated in said flames and then simply ignore the effect and commence trying to mutilate you. AI seriously needs to be looked at and DE needs to really put their foot down about what they want Ember to be. She was previously the Best nuke frame in the game for infested and then she was nerfed all to hell, coming back as some hybrid CC/Damage frame that is actually more CC than damage half the time due to all of the various changes made with eximus units. IF DE intends for her to be an offensive frame then they need to cement this with a scaling mechanic, even if her base damages need to be reduced to make it work. If they intend for her to be a CC frame then they should look at giving her some defensive means to protect herself versus ranged opponents because right now she has no safe way to get close enough to work her magic.


    Regardless of what they intend for her they absolutely MUST make fire procs cause panic 100% of the time, her fireblast augment needs to be an innate part of every fire based skill she has. Who doesn't panic when they catch on fire?

  5. The thing with cooldowns is they already exist, due to energy siphon, and yet people aren't hiding in a different room and waiting for their ult while it's equipped. Why? Because actively killing is promoted as well, and because there are more enemies now than when cooldowns existed (so running to another room accomplishes far less). All that has to happen for cooldowns is that they can be shortened drastically by killing enemies (although killing with an ability/while self-buffed by an ability/on enemies affected by an ability wouldn't shorten the cooldown for that ability, it would for the others), and that each ability has its own. Voila, spamming's been dealt with, hiding and waiting has become even less helpful, active play is encouraged, using all four abilities is encouraged, without permanent 95% damage reduction DE had no reason to make enemies do 20X more damage than they should. People who like abilities can use them constantly, just not the map clearing ultimates or powerful CC.

    This guy gets it, bravo.

  6. <snip>

    As I said a p42w person would immediately jump in and say I'm wrong. These kinds of people never take into account how ability spam has hurt the entire game community as a whole and simply due to the fact that they CURRENTLY need said spam to play they think obviously they are right. Here's an idea, think about how the game would be more fun if it was balanced in such a way as to NOT be forced to push 1-4 to stay on our feet. Think about WHY we have to press 1-4 constantly and you will  recognize that the gameplay has been set up in such a way that you spam it constantly now because you HAVE to in order to feel you are playing properly when in fact quite the opposite is true.


    DE never intended that anyone should be able to do an entire mission pressing one power over and over again to handle every situation, hence why nerfs come round the bend to powers constantly, hence why powers are designed to not allow energy regeneration pads while powers with toggles are in use, hence why EV does not regen energy while said toggles are on, hence why they made energy draining enemies and why they put in nullifiers.


    DE has not changed the over arching energy systems and how we use powers because of a general uproar from the community based on tiny small changes. They feel that if they did a new system or majorly reworked the current one that the p42w crowd would basically birth a cow over the ensuing changes. It is clear that DE does not want anyone doing anything in a way that requires little to no thought whatsoever and they are in fact pushing through steady changes that make things far harder on everyone to combat these things. All because of these people that feel like it's ok to stand in one place and press one button or rush room to room pressing one button in every situation.


    As far as difficulty is concerned there are plenty of ways to ratchet this up without resorting to 1 shot mechanics. If DE was not always so constantly fixated on thwarting indolent player behaviors they could perhaps actually work on things that matter such as finding a way to remove the artificial difficulty implemented already to thwart said behaviors of slothful individuals. Reworks to AI behaviors and implementation of mechanics OTHER than those designed specifically to reduce our ability spam could actually make the game more difficult and more enjoyable simultaneously. 


    The real problem here is the ignorance of people that don't even see that they are at fault for a behavior that while allowed in game, is in fact toxic to the overall health and welfare of the community. It's okay though I suppose, DE did after all give players enough rope to hang themselves.

  7. I fought stalker no less than 20 times over this weekend farming credits and the only thing we got were mods and the sigil. I also read in chat that many others have had this same problem for a while now. IDK if a hot fix could have fouled his drop table but I suppose anything is possible given the games track record of unpredictable side effects of various patches.

    Are you running in a group or trying to get him solo? We took a fully marked group yesterday and Hate dropped.

    Mine was a full credit farm group, although I'm not sure everyone was marked.

  8. The base status mods should be just that BASE status that can benefit from the percentage status mods in the dual stat varieties. That would completely make those mods worth the trouble and many players would utilize them regularly to get some great utility out of many weapons.

  9. Ability spam virtually ruined the game a long time ago. First it was cooldowns and those admittedly failed because people being lazy generally would clear a room with ults wait 20 seconds and walk to the next room. Then came energy 1.0. DE changed skills to be based on energy but then skills were set to be too expensive, and therefore rarely used except in OH CRAP moments(to be honest this was the perfect time IMO in Warframe, Ults were literally used when the odds were overwhelming and they did their job beautifully) and the rest of the powers filled in nicely elsewhere(aside from God Rhino and the ever lasting immortal Globe). Energy came and went at a decent amount and it was necessary that you play in a balanced manner overall so gunplay/melee/powers were quite balanced as far as DPS and usefulness. At this time efficiency was only able to hit 30% and it was fine. Well at this point DE finds that enemies are wiped easier and therefore they need to add MOAR at once and give them MOAR HP, Warframe becomes a horde shooter rather than a space ninja game. Then comes corrupted mods. This is where the game finally went fully on tilt into p#2W territory(be it #1#2#3#4). Now the devs see a massive problem as NOTHING is a challenge any more with certain setups and that makes the game boring, so for the behavior of a few people"exploiting" the synergies inherent in their kits EVERYONE is now forced to deal with eximus units that steal mass amounts of energy, Nullifiers, and who knows what else. To top it off, nowadays players that simply want to play a balanced game of guns swords and powers are basically forced to segregate themselves in solo or hunt down NON-power spammers to group with in order to have fun. Power spam is a large problem and if DE could get it under control they could boost rewards for doing missions and allow EVERYONE to actually play the game the way it is MEANT to be played without constant nerfs to crap because they just can't see the problem's core rather than symptoms expressed.


    Of course there is going to be a p42w person come in immediately and tell me I'm wrong, but ask yourself this. Did DE or did they not explain that power spamming in the "Homers Drinking Bird"  style was a problem? Everything up till now is a simple bandaid to address this problem of energy is far too readily available constantly and people have a greatly vested interest in being powerful enough to wipe rooms instantly over and over again in order to be efficient due to the fact that acquiring all the necessities to do EVERYTHING in this game is not fun at all.

  10. All I can say is "Darn it now we have to actually move around and play the game to get stuff." Entitlement is equated to sheer laziness folks. If you want nice things work for them, don't stand in a corner and press one button. "Oh my god but the grind is too hard." Have you played ANY f2p game? Because it certainly does not sound like it. "Why should we have to actually run around and use guns? This is so stupid." SMH this is why I say power spam has virtually ruined Warframe.

    The following are precise quotes from various posts and I'm not directly quoting to avoid name shaming or wtf ever they call it. Tell me these don't appear childish and infantile.

    well i guess its time for people to go dust off their trinitys

    Poor farmers #sarcasm


    I enjoy power farming or whatever you call it as a part of warframe, I don't want to be constently running all over the map to get loot

    Too lazy to actually enjoy your play time playing the game the way it is meant to be played?


    Woo, that's a load off my back. Now, as a Mag main, I won't have to worry about people expecting me to be useful or even carry my own weight above Jupiter or T2. Thanks, DE!

    Hate to go here but "Get good Scrub" "Right tool for the right job" Oh and "We among the faction known as the Corpus appreciate your lack of knowledge about Mag and hope your self imposed ignorance remains in perpetuity."


    The one use Mag had was loot gathering, because every other role she could fill (support, nuker) is done better by other frames. 

    Hey, please feel free to simply keep your mouth shut as you obviously don't know who to take where and what works well. Please note that Mag is the ONLY FRAME THAT HAS DAMAGE SCALING TO MATCH THE ENEMIES WE FACE IN INFINITE VOID RUNS AND CAN LITERALLY 1 SHOT AN ENTIRE THIRD*possibly more but I hate math and of course explaining the AOE on shield polarize to those that refuse to pay attention*(barring nullifiers ofc, don't be obtuse) OF THE ENEMIES IN SAID CONTENT.


    In short Mag is great, Lazy players should leave. Nasty attitude of spoiled brats the lot of you.

  11. it WILL be tuesday, as that is when they are getting rid of mag P dakra P and boar P sets

    Actually we usually get the new package on patch day....Wednesday it is, usually about 2-3pm central time here in the US.

  12. HMMM Silver and Black? I don't think that has any "Prime" expression to it unless they break from traditional ideals on either dark primes or light primes like they did with Volt, however I guess Ash is a bit of both light and dark primes from what I can tell. Honestly though who knows. DE has pretty much done an abominable job with the lore so far with interesting tidbits here and there that fail to paint a complete picture. Hell at this point I still think the Lotus is some kind of horrible creature simply profiting off the war of all the factions and we are naught but mindless simpletons murdering for someone we do not know and should not trust. 


    On a positive note it could actually be a teaser for a concept frame they are doing. I'd honestly love to get a healer that is better at healing. Oberon's heal sucks massively given any really difficult content will simply burst recipients down even with the heal going(or kill before it gets there). Also Trinity's entire kit feels like an easy button for every team she joins. I'd like to see EV and Blessing completely removed from the game.

  13. Correct me if I'm wrong but Warcry brings a pretty sizable armor boost to the team and great attack speed increase for anything melee. While it is not a great thing for t4 infinite content precisely it does help out a ton in every other slice of content barring Archwing(obviously) and Raids. To top it off she has an AOE stun that does not use her energy pool(as an oh crap button I think this is good enough already at times) add to that her stun opens enemies for finishers(Heavy killer) and you can already see her great ability to aid the team. Now above and beyond all that, when crap hits the fan and people are dying or downed with little hope to recoup your losses, Valk can beeline for the exit and make sure everyone gets what they are owed for the mission. 


    In conclusion pretty much one bad a$$ Merc you should be happy to have on the team and in my view the consummate Tenno as she guarantees the job gets done and she gets out. Pay attention to what she can do and recognize those strengths.

  14. Not much to say, other than that the fix will definitely make the Shotgun class full of the close-range decimators that it should have. Though, Kohm will probably have stupidly broken damage output with the damage ramp-up mechanic.

    Considering the fact that Kohm does great(even to 60 min in t4 surv) I'd say they will probably leave it alone and simply go through and buff the less bullet hose-y type shotguns. I'd wager that Phage will get summarily ignored as well in this regard. I'm actually looking forward to getting out my Hek again if this works out well. The thing I would love to see is good base damage across the board for the rest of the shotties as well as some kind of damage bonus mechanic for closer ranges up to a max bonus at point blank. I never understood damage falloff at range though considering shotties already lose damage at range due to spread mechanics. Before anyone quotes real life facts like loss of kinetic energy causing the slugs/pellets to fall, need I remind you that ABSOLUTELY nothing else in warframe suffers from this damage fall off even if it SHOULD(looking at the bows). Yeah I know bows can't have damage falloff or no one would use them, look at how our shotty selection is now. Literally like two shotguns are usable late game, maybe three if you count the Kohm as an actual shotgun(i see it as more of a scatter gun myself).

  15. All of these suggestions would increase the load on clients. Unfortunately with all the optimizations DE is having to make there will be a necessity of fewer and fewer details such as these due to the inability of consoles to keep up with the graphical capabilities. Remember guys, the game is now being developed with an eye towards low end pc and console specs and therefore we have already had to lose our original Phys X particles(ah the best days of Warframe gfx). As the game goes along some things will get better here and there but never expect to get more details like this as they will simply add too much load.

  16. Why everyone wants changes on Excalibur? 

    DE needs to change only one thing..the other Warframes like Excalibur have been changed.

    As I said Excal needs no changes. As of now he is finally worth playing. However as I stated the combo counter itself(really the whole combo systems damage scaling could use work) should be extended to 10 seconds to allow true melee viability even in late game.

  17. After not logging in for a single day your login rewards reset. On the first day of logging in after an absence you get a tier 1 reward. For whatever reason tier 1 rewards have a far more likely chance to give you a plat discount. This is probably a marketing ploy to get more infrequent players to buy platinum. This has been noticed by my entire clan over our 2 and a half years playing. While said discounts do appear in tier 2 or tier 3 login rewards, you have a far higher chance of getting them after a days absence from logging in. I get 75% of 2-3x per month easily.

  18. Um...Excal feels like one of the only frames in the game with both early game strengths and late game usefulness. I feel there is nothing wrong and nothing needing to be done atm. Sure his kit requires 2 augments to be the strongest possible atm, but other than that his kit rocks. 


    Now for the only gripe I do have. Combo counter, this thing is still utterly ridiculous and once coptering loses it's current behavior this will become even more of an issue. 


    10 seconds is all we are asking for. 10 seconds will allow good players to get around and be able to keep it up when possible. Less than that and it's still a joke. At 10 seconds melee becomes far more viable(though still suicidal in many cases due to insane armor and HP scaling on mobs).

    Your name also made me snort. (Laughs at pun).

    Crack is smoked not snorted. (Laughs at lack of knowledge)

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