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Posts posted by Chappie

  1. 17 minutes ago, Rurabomber said:

    ... and this gamemode is easier than some sorties. It just takes A LOT of time. Duration =/= difficulty.

    The first three I did were all with highly geared MR24+ players; of course we beat the snot out of it.  There is nothing DE can do other than outright gimping us that will stop any decently geared team of 4 from waffle stomping.   Right now at least this game mode makes me pay attention since being sloppy will get you killed.

  2. If you have a gap between items in our gear wheel and exit out, it squashes them all together.  This makes it very hard to key bind slots when your stuff moves around if you change something.


    Can we just make all 99 slots always available instead of having to fill the 12 and not squash them?  This will also allow me to leave event items on the gear wheel.

  3. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Pizza_Parker said:

    Yes, thats exactly what i said. 😑

    My god, for you people there is only 2 types of situations isnt it? Either overdoing something or getting it for nothing.

    And no, its not endgame god tier super items, its a chance in dozens to get something good for a specific weapon with an even lower chance than a rare relic to get a god tier riven.

    The issue is if you increase kuva rates you are effectively and directly increasing the power creep in this game.  For example if you doubled the kuva rate...you basically cut the time in half to get that power creep.  The door is already open...not sure DE wants to swing it open even wider at this point.

  4. 24 minutes ago, spirit_of_76 said:

    1. wait most weapons are only 12hours and still need to be ranked multiple times.  

    2. use the app it is a time saver

    3. people still won't buy forma as they are not cost-effective and to easy to get.  same goes for potatoes 

    I would midly argue on #3.   I buy a lot of forma during the christmas discount (3 for 22 p) since that is when the plat per forma is valuable enough for my use case.  During regular prices...it isn't for me.  I'm down to my last 30 (started at 300) even with crafting them as fast as my schedule permits.  I may actually have to bite the bullet and buy some if I run out during fortuna.

  5. Just now, VanFanel1980mx said:

    I said it, there is still a part of the playerbase which invests in the resources and would even go further if they had faster access to crafting.

    That is completely subjective argument that fits your narrative.  I have crafted everything in the game sans a few weapons (since they are vaulted) in well less than a year and the time gate was never an issue.  It never once made go "oh man, my creativity is being hampered here".  

    And BTW...why do you feel it is okay to put that "investment" onto other people for your benefit?

  6. 16 minutes ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

    Precisely, removing rushing and reducing crafting costs wouldn't be much of a problem, impatience? we have limited slots, stuff doesn't come with potato installed (obviously), there are other restrictions in place for weapon and frame crafting, why bother with the time gate?

    What if at least if not a q certain items were instantly crafted thanks to a reduced crafting time? but of course, is only the thing you want.

    Because DE has a multi-tier "pay to skip" model.   The more patience you have...the less real world dollars it costs you.  The less patience you have the more real world dollars it costs you.  The math is really that simple.   There are people that have everything in the game (sans tennogen) and have never spent a single $.   There are people that have everything in the game and have spent well into 4 digits.   And there are a bunch of people in the middle.    Everything in this game has a time gate...that is the business model.  This will not change because why in the world would you #*!% with a business model that is WORKING.

    Your argument that it should change does not explain, with data, how it will not negatively impact their revenue.  

  7. 19 minutes ago, BoarWarrior said:

    Energy pizza is a Squad Energy Restore, comes in sizes of medium (dojo) and large (syndicates). Resembles a round orokin-style pizza box when you use them. Very, very handy as well as its cousin the health pizza.

    Also...a sahasa with dig is actually really useful.  I use it in eidolon hunts all the time now.   If your whole squad uses them...it is blue orbs for days.  



    12 hours ago, Tsardova said:

    Dude, DE specifically hyped it up.

    List EXACTLY the statements including links of DE "hyping".   Your argument hinges on this.   You read this this whole thread and ones at other locations and I can't find a list of this "hype".  Because if this was "hype" then what was the tennocon reveal?   

    Maybe we have different definitions of hype...but at this point if DE says anything about anything and that is somehow hype..then everything is hype and the word has zero value thus the argument has no value.   So give the exact phrases/videos and lets discuss those.

    And yes...calling it whiteknighting when somebody disagrees with you is a a terrible methodology and argument in and of itself.  It you have to sink to that level then your argument is inherently weak.  It goes in the same notion when people get so frustrated and they shout "you just don't understand" and walk out of the room.   So help me understand...because right now I just don't get it and it is on you to help me get it.

  9. On 2018-10-07 at 4:29 AM, K0bra said:

    Seriously?I mean cmon They said something special and we got over the years guns and so nice mods.So its normal that people expect something nice then.So Where is the special thing ?Compared to what Baro had in his stock over the years his 100th visit stock is not special its more but not good or special.

    I can understand the disappointment because i feel it too.

    DE never said "this will be special baro that will satisfy the players with the 2000+ hours in the game".   The fact that many people interpreted "special"  to fit their ideas and then it wasn't met doesn't me it wasn't special.   Because if we want to play the "special game" with that logic then nobody is special because there is at least one person who thinks you aren't.  That is the absurdity of this argument against DE. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Aleksundar said:

    Rivens individually take up a TON of server-side data. Think about it, each one is randomized with 5 separate rng-based variables to consider, and 4 of those can be changed as much as the owner wants. Now thats a lot of DATA! 

    Figure 50million players with each player having 100 rivens. Each riven takes ~10kbytes (Assuming they store it in an efficient XML type method) of space to store comes to ~50 terabytes.   But this would be the most stupid way for DE to do this and I doubt they do that.  My guess is the data is stored in a database in binary format with reference points to your account (I do think rivens are their own server/box) thus bringing the total needs to maybe 5 terabytes and this still terrible way (i doubt they would ever pre-allocate upon account generation).  Thus I do not by the "data storage argument".  I do not find it plausible anymore.  

  11. On 2018-09-17 at 12:32 AM, LarryYourWaiter said:

    Why would you keep rolling??? 99 percent not good enough?

    Because shotguns and pellets don't work that way.    Look under multishot in the link  below to get a better explanation.


    Simply put...if your shotgun can't hit 100% status before multishot mods...it isn't really worth pushing into status on it.

  12. 1 hour ago, (XB1)ThermalStone said:

    I'm MR 25 too and I just buy everything.  I've bought every frame since Nidus.  I bought Lato and Braton Vandal when I got tired of onslaught.  I'll wait a few weeks then buy Limbo Prime.  I've still got over 2000p left (all from trading never spent a dime) so I can keep this up for a year or two.  

    In that regards is DE not brilliant?   I think most of us go through phases in this game where plat is valuable.  At first we need plat slots, then we need plat for cosmetics..but after that plat will just build up since we can ~50 plat/hour just casually doing fissures and have nothing to spend it on.  Also...cosmetics (frame and orbiter) aren't for everyone.  Forma builds up, resources build up..and no sink.   DE gives the MR24+ a plat sink in this way; khora is a few hundred plat gone poof into the ether.   If a 5000 people bought khora that is somewhere between $25k-$50k of actualized revenue for DE.  

  13. 8 minutes ago, Tellakey said:

    Look, DE, I love you and all, but what's up with that extremely out of place cost for the new Orbiter decorations? Like, 50k for a measly stone? 100k for a signpost? Need I say more?

    It is a way of smoothing out a content drop drops.   Nearly everyone can get most stuff in a reasonable period of time, but the hardcore run out of stuff to do fast and want something.  Now DE could say "go play something else" but that doesn't help their bottom line.   So you create small but expensive sinks that aren't completely worthless.   It gives you at least a small reason to work on content you have already played the hell out of.  

  14. 7 minutes ago, kylooooren said:

    Why are 2 Naramon on Mesa bad?

    Because it isn't optimal when going after level 200+ armored targets.  That is when you want more "status" to offset the effects of armor scaling.   However, up to level 200...a standard "crit build" is more than monster enough.    So, for a very small percentage of min/max high level players..the two "-" are a hindrance.  To nearly everyone else..those slots are very valuable in their polarity since it allows you to add raw elemental damage at a cheap price.   If you don't use primed the primed mods you need to add one more polarity (V) to have some pretty awesome regulators (still annihilate sortie 3).

    • Hornet strike 
    • Barrel Diffusion
    • Lethal Torrent
    • Convulsion 
    • Pathogen Rounds
    • Target Cracker
    • Pistol Gambit
    • Gunslinger (Anemic Agility is better if you have max Hornet Strike)



  15. I like the attack combo's except for the 2xW + E.   I've tried it a few times on my keyboard and it feels janky and could also be too timing sensitive.  My preference on attack would be to "hold E" as a closing attack thus we have a deterministic way of executing the attack with an obvious visual indicator to the attack to know that you held it long enough.   The same would be said for "hold LMB".


    The advantage of this is that I can also always hold W to keep moving forward and execute the melee attacking without disturbing that methodology.  

  16. I know a lot of people dislike interception.  And for the most part...I do as well.  Normally, even in sortie it is a face roll and generally just a drag on time.   However, loading in yesterday it look we had a good group comp (mesa, frost, limbo, rhino) and very qiuckly I was like....i'm spending a lot of time in my #4 (mesa).   Quickly people were stating "i'm killing as fast as I can and they are still taking the nodes".  I actually had to use energy pizza to sustain my #4 since it was on so much.  

    Very quickly we all buckled down and "got to work"...but we were chatting at the same time how this actually felt like we had to "do something" to win.  If we just would have jacked around normally, it would have been a loss.   Dozens of revives...a handful of pizzas...many recaps and some good lulz and we were done.  None of us were upset...all of us (MR23+) were like.."damn, that was fun".  First time, in a long time, where it felt like the investment into a frame meant something.  

    Thanks DE.

    P.S. I know super meta comps could trivialize mission...but from a PUG point of view, it was challenge.  

  17. I feel you are right...but just because something changed doesn't mean you don't look for ways to deal with it.  Are you channeling when you kill?  If not...try that.   I was having similar issue with my banshee method and adding channeling helped quite a bit.   Burning a few pizza at the start (or many if lazy) isn't a big deal IMO.  As a result, my focus per runs went up!

  18. 22 hours ago, Horaciozhao said:

    well I got 14 ayatan in a row and right now on 5 rivens in a row, so I´d say RNG is just RNG

    People think what is "random" in their minds isn't really random.  I think you get it though.

    Fun party trick to illustrate the gamblers fallacy.  Shuffle up a deck of cards and have one person write down (in secret) the order of Red/Black order of the cards.   then have everyone else right down on a piece of paper (in secret) what they think the order of red/black cards will be.   Then have them give them to you.   You should, very qiuckly, be able to point out which one was done by the "drawing from the deck" because most people will not give long runs of red or black.   They might go R-B-R-R-B-R-B-B-B or something like that because they feel that something that is 50/50 should toggle back and forth evenly and won't deviate to far from it.  Most times I've done this I can find the "correct" sheet in seconds by looking for the one with 5 or more of one color in a row isn't actually that rare over a deck of cards.  :)

  19. I am really trying to make better use of my operator in the game.  However, one thing always gets me....keeping mental track of my frame ability timers (both in the top right and for the 4 skill symbols in the lower right) when in operator mode since they all disappear.   It is basally..oh, pop back in..how many seconds..do I have left...pop back out.   

    I understand that frame only abilities might need to be "color coded" in order to show they aren't affecting your operator..but i'm not sure if that is a huge hurdle.  

  20. While this game as many optimal ways to do "one thing", there are multiplier ways to to get more done per unit time spent.   Once I cross'd ~MR16, I did fissure missions all the time (especially captures).   When you are earning basically earn 30 plat/hour just from junk primes it helps a lot while at the same time levels up our weapons.  Throw in the occasional prime-set sale and you are off to the races.  Selling off all your unmasked rivens..good choice as well.

  21. Mesa is a hybrid build. You just don't stick on your #4 and go AFK.  The #4 has limitations (you are stuck and vulnerable).  Compensate you need your #3 and you need your #4 to hit hard enough to give you the time to refresh.  Thus, power strength and duration are "important".

    For the most part, range is your dump stat (just don't dump it too low).  

    For Peacmaker, weapons don't matter at all...only mods.  Only mods which have direction "actions", so fire rate, crit, multishot, and damage mods are your main goals.  Things like hydraulic crosshairs don't work.  Rivens don't work either.

    I know July 2017 is a long time ago..but this should help.  

    i actually find is easier to focus on making the #2 and #3 and good as possible and then optimize #4 as best as you can from there.   Mesa is pretty tank with #2 and #3 alone...#4 is just good for clearing stuff up when they bunch up so nicely.  :)

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