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Posts posted by GibsonPrime

  1. On 2018-11-11 at 9:29 PM, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

    Now we have ~7 more mods per beast type, and there just isn't any room for them in these builds. I would love to add viral damage and 80% status chance to my kavat, but there are no two mods I can afford to remove without either making its attacks pointless or leaving it defenseless.

    This basically describes the modding system across the board.  There are so many mods in the game that require sacrificing something so much better they see no use. 

    Across all my frame builds, I use a total of 49 different mods (including variations e.g. normal, primed, umbral).  There 279 are Frame mods in game (ref. https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Warframe_Mods).  I don't have them all, some of them are useless, but that isn't a great percentage.  Every single one of my secondaries has hornet strike, barrel diffusion and lethal torrent.  All the crit/hybrids have point strike + target cracker.  Give space for two elements and that leaves either 3 (for status weap, probably going to be dual stats) or 1 (crit/hybrid) flexible mod slots.  I guess there's room to have fun experimenting in lower level content.

    On the flip side, there is still flexibility in those 49 mods.  Combinations of survivabilty, power strength, range, duration, efficiency, augments and mobility (well...rush in a couple, but, yeah...).  These variations are to achieve different things.  I can see why have a weak pet would be near pointless as you'd spend your whole game reviving.  However, sacrificing damage for viral procs to half enemy health?  That's not a bad compromise to have to make.  Sacrificing damage for increased Smeeta charm duration also sounds fair enough to me.  Maybe this "pick a role, not all of them" doesn't apply to all of the new mods added, but for the ability duration and the one(s) you mentioned it seems fair that you'd need to drop something.

    It's hard to say if there's an issue here.  Mods which are redundant due to objectively better options are an issue (or maybe the objectively better options are the problem?).  Mods which require you to pick something to specialise in are not so much, at least not for me.

  2. Just gonna put these here.  I think DE needs to stop adding new things (arbitrations, sanctuary onsalught) and adapt what's already there as a "quick win".  Those modes are definitely steps in the right direction, but there's already so much to work with and a reason to re-do the entire star chart or at least some missions on each planet could keep folks busy for a while.

    As I posted in the bosses thread linked, rewards for vets (by which I mean years playing, all the forma, have everything types) is a bigger issue.  I cannot think of anything that couldn't be farmed in a week or two without being a massive grind or time gate, or that would be enticing and not exacerbate extreme power of players.


  3. Loot!

    Lore-wise, one could argue that every time you do a mission against one, you help the other.  So you could look at invasions that way too, as long as you do invasions for both sides, perpetuating the war and maintaining "balance" between the factions.

    The bigger question for me is why they trust or reward us at all.  I mean, look at your profile.  How many of each faction have you slaughtered?  You do three missions and then they're like "We know you've killed hundreds of thousands of us and stopped our super weapons multiple times, but thanks for helping have some resources.  Don't you go using those to make gear to butcher us now."

  4. Resurrecting a somewhat old thread (and no doubt an idea older than this thread is), but I was thinking about this today. 

    Why?  I decided to make a kitgun and thought I wanted Ruinous Extension, so I went back to fight Jackal.  It was stupid easy and the drop chance for the mod is really low.  This got me thinking about elite mode bosses, akin to making a radiant relic.  Make the fight harder, but alter the drop table to prefer the rarer rewards.

    The idea of "elite mode" is to not change what's there.  I'm not saying that should never happen, but it avoids risk in drastically altering the new player experience.  It also avoids adding any benefit, but I suppose some of it could be rolled back once the system(s) are better polished/balanced.

    From a rewards perspective the "radiant" drop tables might not be enough for some/most, so perhaps there is a need to add some other rewards in there.  Maybe give them one of those really low drop chances for primed mods?  Again, not enticing for the 5-year vet who doubtlessly has them all, but something for those who are newer and are still waiting for Baro to do his thing.  I can't think of a good reward for such a player.  Cosmetics?  A trophy for each boss bought with farmable tokens?  I guess arbitrations did the trophy thing...I dunno.

    Anyway, all this also got me thinking how to make the bosses harder.  Sortie bosses are harder, sure, but in a largely boring way.  More interesting might be to add new abilities which force proper movement or coordination.  The knockdown "rings" are a good example.  Telegraphed "don't stand here" attacks (e.g. Kela de Thaym missiles) don't work very well as they tend to encourage "run in a circle until it's over", but are another option.  Maybe a "floor is lava" attack?  Force the players to use wall grabs and glides to stay somewhat airborne for a period (maybe a also good reason to bring a Titania or Zephyr)? 

    Might also consider some mechanics which encourage certain frames.

    My first thought is occasionally spawn a horde of mobs which will repair or buff a robotic boss.  Players would need to prevent them from reaching the boss, the point being to encourage CC frames (Vauban bastille, Limbo's stasis, Gara's wall).  I can see a nuke frame meta creeping into this plan so would need to consider that so it is a "just as good" option, rather than the "why do anything else" option (easier said than done I'll admit). 

    Another idea might be a mob which a tank (Rhino iron skin, Inaros) needs to "distract" while other players take another action.  I'm not sure how agro works in Warframe, but I guess I'm envisaging an unkillable and deadly to most mob which requires a tanky frame to deal with.

    Maybe another fight could have a severe DoT, which would require a Trinity or Oberon healer?

    Just throwing around some ideas, but in general more raid-like organised boss fights.  The "elite" mode just came about to make it something for older players to go back to for unique drops which were missed, a coordinated challenge or...uh...whatever.

  5. 4 minutes ago, -AiLuoLi- said:

    Personally for me, leechers are the one that didn't even bother to try and mostly afk in a corner somewhere. I don't mind if you can't keep up but at least try to assist no matter how small it may be.

    I share this opinion, to an extent.  If I'm doing star chart, I expect there to be players completing the node for the first time.  Most other missions, I expect there to be some players testing builds or trying things for the first time.  No issues.  I've been there.  I'd assume we all have.

    Might be a bit frustrating (exception being star chart completion) if they were to repeat over and over without adapting or trying to improve, but as it's normally public matches with randoms, I never notice this.

    Jumping into a sortie with 0-forma unlevelled gear is slightly objectionable, but as you can't tell if it's a forma levelling or first time, again not something I've been bothered by.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Abyssshy said:

    I wouldn't want the spawns to be increased to much for newer players to handle it's more for fixing how enemies actually spawn and how quickly they try to engage with the players....

    Sorry, didn't mean to imply that you did.  I was just offering my two cents (and bumping the topic given I just had another issue with it ^_^) .

  7. I would also really appreciate this being looked at by DE.  Particularly for excavation and survival. 

    I guess there's a balance issue here and it's probably not a simple as just increasing spawns.  As a player with a lot of good, levelled mods and multiple forma on frames and weapons more mobs would be fine, but I can see a new player going solo struggling if the spawns are increased too much. 

    Maybe an MR based adjustment on spawn rates?  I acknowledge that there are many players who don't level everything, just what they need.  It's just a suggestion based on an existing in game statistic that players have.

    As there is already an issue, can we start with a "stop-gap" measure of scaling the life support adjustment down to 75% with 4 players in arbitration survival based on the squad size?  Keeping life support up in solo survival is already tricky enough.

  8. 5 minutes ago, ReinAxefury said:

    1. If you do low level content, Pyrana Prime is good even without the Riven, that said, there are a few ways you can go about this, i would replace pistol gambit is you really care more about the utility, another way would be reroll the riven for punchtrough+crit+damage/multishot/crit damage + harmless negative.

    2. I'll say go with 2 90% mods, reason being that Pyrana Prime is a shotgun secondary, and status chance works the same way as primary shotguns, that 57,6% is the chance for 1 pellet to proc, considering the damage distribution of elements on the weapon, the most likely to proc is slash, but the slash proc from 1 pellet is so low on damage, even if you spend your whole magazine on an enemy, the damage is worthless, even if its for armor strip, there are better weapons to do that (pox, akbronco prime and twin rogga to name a few).

    I second this.

    If we're keeping seeker, replacing Pistol Gambit means you gain 13.7% crit chance and a bunch of multi shot.


    Edit: it's -ve recoil.  nvm.

  9. Hi,

    This might have been asked before, but I've searched around and can't find an answer.

    How do enemy levels increase during endless missions?

    Is it governed purely by time, or is wave/time/extractors/round (defense/survival/excavation/interception)?

    How fast do they increase per increment? Is it linear or non?

    Is there a known formula for how this works?

    Just curious.  Thanks.

  10. Hi,

    Can you add something to show us who the host is? 

    It would be very useful for endless missions so that, if someone leaves, I know how much of a gamble it is choosing to stay with the last 3 given how often host migration fails; or, at least, seems to fail taking way over a minute or leaving me in game, but frozen (this is more common in void rift missions).


  11. Hi

    When running Numa rescue mission, my rescue target fell out of the world.

    This happened twice in a row and both times seemed to happen when having to enter a ventilation shaft to get to next area.

    The first time, was entering the vent shaft from that medium sized room with the large pit in the middle, the pipe walkways at one end (the lower of which connected to the vent shaft) and the parkour wall across to the other side.  Apologies for the probably useless description.  Point is, I guess it's a difficult room for the AI to traverse.

    Can't really give much more info than that.  I can't remember the room for the second time it happened because I was too busy legging it to the exit before the mission failed to take in the sights.

    I also had my Kubrow fall out of the world, which sucked, but for rescue target, it would be nice if they would teleport to player after reaching some certain height as they plummet (assuming they plummet).  Sucks to fail a mission for it, I lost a lot of patiently hunted resources the first time.



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