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Posts posted by BL4CKN0ISE

  1. 16 hours ago, Canach said:

    Nice add.

    I do mention using the Operator in the "well suited warframes" paragraph, but I just don't say a whole lot.

    I have not yet personally used Equinox and am just starting to use Gara - I also haven't used the Quanta or Astilla - so now you know why I haven't mentioned them. I'm MR 16, but also a returning player so there's a lot I still haven't tried yet. I appreciate your input. I will give Gara a shot at it!  😎

    I do get a LOT of recommendations for frames and weapons which work well - right now this thread is serving as the best place for input like this.

    Oh sorry, I wasn't clear. The Quanta and Astilla are just good with Equinox and her Duality augment. I just think the Specter does the most work with those two weapons IMO. But yeah, try Gara out. 

  2. Just now, Drejzer said:

    I'm not sure if I could deal enough damage with Operator's melee to an Eidolon...
    but maybe if i made a compromise... and just used the Amp to get rid of the shield...
    Another target on the list!

    Oh yeah...lol. I guess you still need to use the Operator to get rid of the shield. I completely forgot about the Operator. Maybe I'll try again with Void Strike. 

  3. You should try an Eidolon next. I've done a Teralyst with Valkyr and Wukong, but I haven't gone further than that. It just takes so long. I'm hoping air combos will help once we get the melee rework. I can't wait to go back and melee the Raptors again once we can stay in the air longer. Should be really fun. 

    Good job tho. I like to do the same just as a challenge. The melee was the first thing that got me into Warframe. 

  4. Nice guide, but I wanted to suggest some things to add. My two favorite frames to use in The Index are Gara and Equinox. Gara can easily kill everything just using her Splinter Storm and that also keeps her safe. Equinox has an augment called "Duality". It's one of the most amazing builds for The Index as long as you have a good weapon and decent duration. Just switching forms will create a specter that does an insane amount of damage. The Quanta Vandal and the Astilla work best IMO. It's just like instantly building a turret that tracks and kills everything. It's also great because you can stay in Operator mode most of the time. Then you can safely collect points while your specter does the killing. That reminds me...

    Using the Operator is something else I think you should add to the guide. Your operator can safely collect and drop off points. Void Dash can save you in multiple ways. If you're running out of time, you can dash to the goal. I had to do this when I had about 10 seconds remaining and an Auditor deployed a laser barrier between me and the goal. I just dashed right through and no problem. You can also use your Operator as a goalie for emergencies, since you can ragdoll most enemies away from the goal.

  5. I've built and rebuilt my dojo a few times. You won't lose any research. Anyways I think you just don't have room for an Observatory. I had a similar problem. Just look at the layout in top right when you're trying to add a room. It will show exactly why something will or won't fit. Sometimes you can build further out using different connectors, but it can get a little sloppy.

    Anyways, it took me a sec to figure out that Dojo planner, but here's my current layout. 




    Edit: Actually I'm not sure if you lose research you're currently working on. I'm 100% sure you won't lose completed research, but I would probably wait for your current research to finish before you start destroying anything. 

  6. What are you using it for? HM is actually really strong against higher level enemies, but pointless against Eidolons for example. Just do a few builds and test them. You already mentioned the main ones you would use, but don't sleep on HM. The Opticor can force some really high damage bleeds, which can be nice for the stronger armored enemies. Fire rate isn't really a factor when you can do so much damage per shot. I personally use VA or HM. I don't really like HC on the Opticor.  

  7. Well he can insta-heal with pocket sand and finisher, and I stand directly in front of enemies without jumping around up to around level 200. I haven't gone any further with him, but that's higher than any normal high level Warframe content.

  8. 13 minutes ago, sleepychewbacca said:

    The explanation they gave in one devstream was that in the gameplay we have (given the storm of bullets/damage we usually face), shield gating would not make much difference, and they did not have the time to think of how to introduce an alternative mechanic that could be sufficient.

    Then PoE, and Sacrifice and now Fortuna / Railjack /New War. It's not a priority for them now at the moment, I'd presume. 

    That explanation is basically what I was thinking. In that case, of course it wouldn't make much of a difference. That's not really the type of situation you deal with in long endurance runs tho. It's not a big issue for me, but I would like to see it in game before DE just gives up on it. 

  9. I don't believe DE at all. It's not because I think they're being dishonest. I just don't think they know. They said shield gating didn't help much. Help who? Did they just test it themselves? And how did they test it?  As players we actually have the ability to recognize changes like this. Anybody who has done long endurance runs knows how one small mistake can end you in an instant. I would love to see shield gating in those very specific circumstances. 

  10. On 2018-08-13 at 7:54 AM, Letter13 said:

    The best way to protect yourself from fraudulent platinum is to do the following:

    • Do a little background checking into the player who's trading you the platinum. How new is their account? How much stuff have they unlocked? What's their mastery level? Users who make fraudulent purchases of platinum and then perform chargebacks will often use throwaway accounts, because they will get banned too (they use the throwaway account to 'ferry' the item to their legitimate account). If the account is not new and has considerable progress and effort put into it, it's a much more reliable source of platinum and less likely to be fraudulent.
    • Sit on the platinum for a bit. If it is fraudulent platinum, then sitting on it for a while will protect you in the event it does get deducted. The amount that gets deducted will always be the amount of fraudulent platinum you received, so if you receive 2,000 platinum for a trade, make sure you have 2,000 or more platinum in your account for a while. Users who perform platinum fraud will usually force a chargeback quickly as they're not keen on spending real money.
    • Keep a record of your trades, especially of your high-value trades. Screenshot the transaction and the user name. In the event that it is a fraudulent trade, having a record of who it was with and what was traded for will make recovery of the item(s) you traded for platinum much easier for support.
    • And, as always, if you receive a large sum of platinum for an item, it never hurts to contact support to ask if they can double check and look into the transaction to make sure it's legitimate.

    This is absolutely hilarious. I can't believe this is a serious post. 

  11. Most of the time people will just extract if you ask nicely. That being said, YOU are the problem. You are an inconvenience to 3 other players. This is something that has always bothered me. Why do so many players only focus on the side of the single player who wants to leave? Why are 3 players considered bad people because they don't do what the 4th player wants?

    Just leave if you really need to. You can't always get your way and it's honestly not necessary for DE to change anything. Just go solo, learn to play in a squad, or just leave if you're in a situation where nobody wants to extract with you.

    The best advice: Start off by saying "how long are we staying?". 

  12. I just don't think this would be helpful. It's so hard to even notice who's doing what in this game. It also seems like only some players even care about AFKers/leechers. This game is just too chill for stuff like that to matter IMO. 

  13. ESO has the same problem as Hydron. It's not fun, so nobody would ever want to play for that reason. The real way to fix problems like leechers is by making the different modes and tilesets fun. ESO isn't fun, but you get a ton of affinity while playing it with a squad. That's literally the formula for making a perfect mode for leechers.

    Just like Hydron, ESO doesn't require any thought and you only need one player to kill enemies. Anyways, I don't just stand around, but if I'm playing ESO I'm definitely not doing it for any reason other than leveling. Even if you want to contribute, you're still probably leeching. It's a poorly designed mode that works perfectly with one frame.

  14. It's never been an issue for me solo. They're all over the place if you're by yourself, but when you're in a squad, it's usually impossible to charge before you break at least a couple limbs. This is pretty big issue. I've encountered toxicity only a few times in Warframe and every time was because our Trinity couldn't charge the lures. I don't understand why the spawnrate is so much lower with full squads. 

  15. I'm always confused about this topic. I sometimes use my RNG-Cat because she offers buffs I normally wouldn't get without her. Sometimes I want the convenience of vacuum if I'm doing  a fissure and I'll use a sentinel instead. 

    It's already setup correctly. Just use what you want based on what benefits you the most. The cool thing is you might need to sacrifice certain things if you want to run with "this" versus "that". It seems pretty balanced IMO. 

  16. This would be pretty helpful. It's not that simple to just pick one because there are crossover keybinds depending on what you're doing, and I assume the hoverboards will also use the sprint keybind.

    My problem is I have sprint set to toggle most of the time because I'm always sprinting, but I'm not always boosting while in Archwing. It's not the worst thing in the world, but I need go back and change the settings every time. 

  17. I really wish Kubrows actually looked like dogs. Instead, they look like some rat-hog creature. Anyways, I think DE should borrow some stuff from the most recent Far Cry games. I don't remember if the other FC games had this, but I love that you can just call your pet to you at anytime. You can tell them exactly where to go and who/what to attack. It just makes it feel more like a trained companion. It could also help with the AI. Setting a waypoint for your companion can easily reset them if they get stuck. I hate the way companions are in Warframe. I use my cat for farming and that's it. They do what they want, when they want. I just don't understand why companions behave like that. 

  18. 16 minutes ago, givemeabreak432 said:

    Yes, I came here just to suggest this.


    With a 24 hour build time, if you're late, you're permanently late on Forma. You can't "fix" your schedule.  On the other hand, with 23 hour build time, it would take 23 days for someone to get one extra forma compared to a 24 hour build - I don't think that's much of a difference.

    You can easily fix your schedule. Just pay they small amount of plat to rush it, or skip a day. Simple. 

    I've seen threads like this before, but I don't understand the logic. Yeah, I understand the basic logic, but I don't understand why you guys think the request is small or reasonable just because it's literally a small change to build time. It's just asking for a shorter build time. Ask for a shorter build time that benefits more players and that would be more reasonable. 23 hours is actually unreasonable. 

    It's unreasonable to expect crafting to work like a perfect little factory. It's unreasonable to ask a dev to make an unnecessary change just so you can feel more comfortable. So many people would agree about changing the build time for Forma, but not if you're asking for one less hour. That's ridiculous. 

  19. 3 hours ago, -.SP.-G43riel said:

    so i guess you loved to simply stand still doing nothing ? then bad luck for you

    That's not how it was for a lot of Saryn players before the rework. Before the rework it was about your weapon builds. I played exactly the same way I play now. I run around because it's fun to do so and I was constantly trying to apply gas damage to enemies to increase Spore damage. Now it doesn't matter what builds you have. Spores just spread. The gameplay is the same for me which is why I don't mind as much as other players who like pre-rework Saryn more. I do wish weapon builds would matter as much as they use to tho. 

    Current Saryn was designed around ESO and ESO was designed around Saryn. I just don't understand the logic for that. You use to be able to control Spore damage to fit all enemy levels. The new Saryn feels more like I'm doing nothing. I never stood still before, so that hasn't changed for me. DE could've just removed the "Spore Turret" playstyle some players used. The auto scaling is the problem now. It's lovely when you're playing ESO, but in most cases it's a lot weaker than pre-rework Saryn and not as fun to use IMO. 

  20. I love Mag and I think she is really powerful. She's just squishy tho. Just change her first ability to something similar to Shatter Shield or Splinter Storm. She could have some type of magnetic barrier that redirects bullets/projectiles. 

    It completely fits her theme to have something like that. It would also make her more approachable as a starter frame. Mag doesn't need a huge rework like other frames. Just give her something that helps with her survivabilty. I know she has multiple things right now with different Augments, but I'm just talking about a simple duration based barrier that reduces damage by 80% and up to 95% with added power strength. 

  21. She does a lot of AoE with her Ult already if you're using her augment. It's like you're asking for the kit Ivara already has. A lot of players already don't like the way Ash's Ult works because it doesn't really require much from the player. The cool thing about Ivara is you actually need to do everything yourself. Even Concentrated Arrow requires you to get headshots. 

    If Navigator is too fast for you, get a -projectile speed Riven. I had a -80% projectile speed Lanka Riven I would use with her and it would help a lot. It was about the speed of a Glaive. 

  22. I was actually pretty happy with Excalibur Umbra, but I still think the entire concept of Umbra Warframes could be improved.

    I'm glad DE decided to add some unique aspects to Excalibur Umbra instead of only buffing stats, but I think they didn't go far enough. The unique Umbra mods/polarities are something that some players don't like. I just think it's not the best direction for Umbra frames. They should be unique, but if you're going to do that, make them truly unique in some way. Giving them easy access to more powerful mods isn't the best way IMO. It just makes some players want to use those mods on other frames.

    I think it would've been better to look at abilities and think how you do when you're creating Augments. It would've been cool if every ability was augmented in a way that didn't currently exist in the game. I just think that would be an interesting way to revisit a frame. Same abilities, but they're different in certain ways. It allows DE to be creative with Umbra frames and it also would just make them more interesting for players. I know DE has tossed around a ton of ideas for ability augments. Just revisit those ideas for Umbra frame abilities. 

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