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Posts posted by Yg-Dosst

  1. Yeah and Nova is short for supernova which has zilch to do with antimatter. Oh dear. Give it a month and nobody will give a sh!t.

    DE didn't give us the ability to name it Athena, named after the codename for the first project to develop anti-hydrogen...

    At least we didn't get stuck with "Null" because of clans trying to abuse their power.

  2. OP... are you seriously upset at this?


    Of all things, this?




    Man I got to hand it to the forums, its like a lightning round of these kinds of threads about people getting legitimately upset over literally nothing.

    I can understand the sentiment.

    It feels like trying to sell off an apple as fire truck because they're both red... sometimes, and only in some examples of apples.

    But yeah it's rather nitpicky but the whole frame feels and probably was rushed.

  3. She definitely needs more base health.

    More the Saryn and Ash.

    And some kind of self-healing ability.

    Like paralysis giving life steal for the stunned enemies.

    There was no reason for DE to keep the shield bash concept if she was going to have low shields.

  4. Yep. AoE needs to be increased to at least rival the hit-detection of a long-sword.

    Wouldn't want to have too much AoE though, you've already been granted invincibility for a good 30 seconds, which allows you to keep 100% upkeep fairly painlessly.

    The Ult should be valued only for its ability to kill, not the invulnerability.

    Remember she's melee damage, not a tank.

  5. I think you've addressed a key issue here.

    There is absolutely no reason not to gear nova up for max range, damage, and efficiency.

    Her ult deals enough damage that you can set her up with max range, neutral damage and max efficiency with the right mods, and not worry about the loss in damage output. You only lose a lot of duration.

    Duration only effects Null star which is an entirely unneeded ability for her.

    If she was negatively effected more by losing duration, or could benefit more from it with her other abilities. Or if say, power strength affected the multiplier on Drop, she would actually be toned down in the m prime department. She needs a change to actually require planning in her build.

    Her optimization is too easy and too painless.

    I will agree with this.

    Nova interacts strangely with mods.

    Power duration makes no sense for having more stars.

    Power, duration, and Range has no hold on AM Drop.

    Wormhole is utility that does not get noticibly more useful with any mods.

    M Prime has a set duration that cannot be changed by power duration, and the two aspects that stay relevant at massive levels are unaffected by power.

    She does not need to be nerfed, her powers just need to use mods properly.

    And there needs to be both a way and a reason to buff abilities OTHER then M Prime, as that is the only ability that gets noticeably increased by mods.

  6. What's your reasoning for Ash having his current name?

    Was he lit on fire in the past and reduced to a powdery like state, only to magically solidify and become a warframe once more?

    I'm almost positive it's the smoky substance coming out of his arm, like how smoke rises from the sides of ashes.

    Not only that but Ash is basically solidified smoke, both being burnt residue. One just happens to have held together enough to be tangible.

    And consider the fact that Ash's arm look rather wooden being defaultly brown with marks in his arm that appear to be akin to the "pok" marks formed from a log burning from the side or bottom.

    All of this is based entirely on how he looks by the way, not a back story that has no recorded source in the game.

    But that's okay.

    Like I said all they have to do is make Valkyr Prime look angelic, which isn't hard with all of that white and gold.

    Just make the claws armblades and the cords into a Wonderwoman lasso of truth.

  7. Wow. I know exactly how this happens too.

    The ability sets their speed at 50%

    As you have 130% ability power, it takes the half speed and puts it at 115% speed.

    That means the current equation is (1/2)X which is a simple math error.

    This needs an immediate fix.

    Set it to speed being ( 1 / 2X ) where X is power strength. A +100% power mod will drop their speed to 1/4th or 25% instead.

  8. It's an issue that arose from it being serrated blade damage.

    That means that its armor ignore and extra infested damage are gone, making it laughably weak considering the damage type was basically all it had going for it.

    Combine this with naturally much more resilient enemies that are harder to stun and you have a recipe for uselessness.

    Code it in as 50% Puncture 50% blast damage that stuns and you'll have the old Null Star but with interesting 2.0 effects to go with it.

  9. Except for the fact that, they can't. 

    Rhino, Frost, Vauban, Saryn, Mag, and a large plethora of high-tier weapons can melt current level 40 Grineer as if it were nothing.

    The rest of the Warframes Are usually Utility (Loki, Trinity, Banshee) or are considered to be in need of a rework ATM (Ember, Volt)

  10. No, that would mean every other frame is useless and needs a buff, or enemies are too tough and need to be nerfed.

    You're missing the point of this entire thread.

    You're missing the point of the question.

    Every Functional Warframe can do what she does with ease.

    That means she does not need to be nerfed, because that means she's on par with every other frame.

    And no, that does not mean every other war frame is weak if there was a situation where she obviously outshined others.

    Thinking that way means you either have an irrational hatred for Nova or support Power Creep which is a severe issue with this game.

  11. Cursor.

    Just because I loathe Bronies doesn't mean I hate Horses.

    It means I hate anyone and everyone who feels that it is necessary to consistently try to drag and forcefully inject their own fandom/politics into something that I would like to enjoy.

    I hate people who insist that something MUST conform to appease a group of people who spend most of their time trying to force other things to conform to that group, like a cultural cancer.

    Do I hate women? No.

    Do I hate homo-sexual people? No.

    Do I hate people who feel compelled to *@##$ and moan over the internet about how "oppressed" they are when they have never been after by the thing they're complaining about? Quite a bit.


    Faux-Feminism, ugh, way to improve the equality between men and women by setting back the apparent level of intelligence in women. 


    No insult to women, just Feminists.

    Feminists =/= women


    That's a basis of a lot of their arguments and the fuel for them.


    I'm all for fair and equal treatment when it is physically/biologically possible. (There will always be differences, for things such as maternity leave.)

    But Feminism is just obnoxiously damaging that goal.


    But on that note I should probably stop posting, the thread is just about over with, there is no reason to bump it, and at this point I may be being obnoxious myself.


    c) The longer you fight about the offensiveness of a word, the longer it stays offensive. See a), Valkyr has every right to be hysterical in her situation. This makes one of her abilities literally being a 'hysterical' outburst quite fitting. You're only prolonging/bringing back to life a dead stereotype, stop it, you're actually the problem here and invalidating Valkyr's suffering by making her gender have something to do with the emotional state she left it in. 



    But yes, I agree with EVERY single word you just said.


    It's only offensive if you take offense to it.

  13. Yes, and her aura polarity slot doesn't make any sense. She should have D imho, I realize that the V is there probably to equip Steel Charge, but D would make more sense on her, allowing her to equip Physique or Rejuvenation.


    And you really need the extra mod points on double V frames.


    Rejuvenation would be absolutely wonderful on her.

    Then again you're talking to the person who Forma'd a rhino to put Physique on him.

    1600 health, 150 armor is no joke.

    It's a shame DE reversed the way health is calculated though.

  14. My f-ing god there's TWO of those topics?! Paste time!


    You realize that "hysterical" is used as a synonym for "hilarious" these days right?


    Oh, and how many people in the average age bracket of this game even know about this history? It's not like it's common knowledge these days.. unless you fancy yourself intellectual or watch QI I guess.


    Funny thing is we have the rough modern day equivalent of the use of the old timey hysteria. Now if DE named Valkyr's ultimate PMS, then that would rise some eyebrows xD

    Yep, but they've left

    I think they've given up.


    Good thing too.

    Hopefully DE doesn't pander or cater to feminists because that only tends to bring more of them and their aggressive nature.

  15. Why are you so.... hysteric?

    Ironically I have a chart of 16 different types of Feminist shaming tactics, most being akin to ad hominem

    Accusations "of being Hysterical" fall under the Charge of Hypersensitivity (Code Blue)


    Funny how these guys said that Hysteria was never labeled on men yet Anti-feminists have used it in reference to each other.



    I've had to deal with Feminist S#&$ before for at least 3 years of my life, I'd like to not have to deal with it anymore.

  16. Just because someone once got away with sexism doesn't actually mean everyone else gets a free pass.


    "nitpicking" is the only way to raise awareness.  And raising awareness is the only way to actually combat this stuff.


    In this case "Raising awareness" is more akin to "Linking the already poorly viewed feminist movement with obnoxiousness in a community that was previously untouched by it, forming a terrible first impression, and potentially barring your opinion from being heard or applied"


    Which Is actually pretty damaging to your movement.


    Feminists are known to be cancerous to numerous communities and subjects forcing their opinion where it is unneccessary, in an attempt to angrily and haphazardly convert others to the ideology.

    This is just confirming that.

  17. Because the word Hysteria and the supposed plight of women is comparable to mass murder. Typical beta-male babble.

    Oh no, If this was ACTUALLY about a god damned word we would have stopped long ago.

    But apparently this is about something bigger.


    According to blue, Raping and torturing men is perfectly acceptable because of "Cultural Context"

    My retort was an extended metaphor of his logic.


    The Holocaust was foul and a tragedy,

    Akin to rape and torture of ANY human being.

    But Blue doesn't seem to believe that.

  18. You keep saying "sexist" I don't think it means what you think it means.


    It's sexist because of the cultural context it's happening in.  The privileged group are, by definition, immune to things like sexism and racism.  At least on any wide scale.  This is pretty basic stuff.


    So the Holocaust was perfectly acceptable because the culture that it occurred in viewed them as the oppressors?

  19. There is no culture wide belief that men are overly emotional and are prone to irrational fits.


    Oh you mean that things like the stereotype that men are violent, prone to be serial killers?

    That men are always horny and sexual?

    To the point as being recognized as potential rapists?


    You're saying that all of those don't exist?

    I bet next you'll tell me that they aren't actively spread about by the feminist community.

    Sweetheart... I've been to Tumblr.


    So no. If you swapped the gender the back story wouldn't be sexist.


    And yes, that's called sexism. That identifies you as sexist towards men.

    The idea that a Man being raped, and tortured is okay to you... Makes you sexist.


    If you don't know how sexism works in our culture it's not my responsibility to educate you.


    It honestly is. Don't expect to spread an Ideology if you can't even explain it.

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