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Posts posted by Yg-Dosst

  1. Something i noticed with bladestorm (4th ability) is that when you host a game yourself

    The skill tends to do things right: smoke effect, fisheye effect, teleporting to enemies without falling

    If you join a random session however: no effects, regular camera, falling and sometimes fails to target enemies

    Not sure if i can confirm but its better to use bladestorm when you host yourself then when you join others.

    Thats nice to know, I just grabbed Ash with some of my Founder Plat and that's really useful info.

    Still, Its neccessary for them to fix this problem period. And it seems like a simple tweak to fix too, Just add an increase in the Y position for teleporting and tilt Ash to hit them at a downwards angle.

  2. Noone gave any serious critique to my Warframe design https://forums.warfr...n-with-a-twist/ :/


    It doesn't really have much of a theme or element like the other classes.

    But back to the point:

    Considering that Rhino's Charge gains 33% per level of the range of Excalibur's Dash, The dash being about 15 of his paces. It would be a good range estimate on the Protobeam to be approx 15/30/45 paces. How this converts into meters? I have no idea, get in-game and walk around and tell me please.

    Either way It would be safe to assume that a balanced range would be 1x/2x/3x the distance of Excalibur's Dash, reguardless of EXACTLY how far it is.

  3. Does anybody know if this is intended or broken?

    If the health, sheild, and armor values of the affected are reduced, it was probably intended (But not the mod drops)

    If the health, sheild, and armor is the same and it takes just as long to kill them, it's probably a bug.

    Either way, report it as a bug, because some part of the package is broken one way or another.

  4. Basically what was said...

    The reason for this is to prevent trolling.

    And its just a truth that Nyx is better played in Solo or in Private with Friends you can communicate with.

    Its just the sad truth of things.

  5. Hmmm,but describing Protobeam to have some nerf,I can see why,cause most 1st skill is direct hit,and doesn't apply debuff,would fix that.Then again,I dont think it's as strong as Ash Shuriken.

    I would try to revamp Refraction.

    Hmmm,I can also see some points why Kaleidoscope isn't supported,I can accept it being aura like design like Ember's Overheat....But fashioning that aura after Ion Shell might be abiet weird since my design for her would be Kunoichi(lit meaning:Female Shinobis.).I would see.

    Helm design is on the way,stay tuned.

    Well making Kaleidoscope an aura would make it more like a Kunoichi, as you could engage a target in melee combat, all the while spitting out pulses of AOE damage. As opposed to standing still channeling a toggled ability, where enemies would have to be near enough to you for it to work since you can't chase them.

  6. We were talking about how the recent RoF buff and recoil reduction gave the Lex this awkward half-second pause between shots.

    I have noticed that, that my Lex all of the suddenly wasn't able to fire for a half second once the recoil went away.

    I say they either revert it back to the way it was with the heavier recoil to give a visual clue as when to fire.

    Or at a minimum give an Audial cue by making a sound for the mechanism feeding the Lex another bullet from the clip. Like a bolt-action guns in games do.

    (Not realistic I know but still... its something)

  7. I love this, But the damage values for the first ability are pretty strong for a Line AOE.

    Plus I'm concerned how difficult it would be to add this into the game given the current systems.

    Your suggestion has that the game doesn't currently handle:

    Line AOEs

    Blind Chances

    Toggle Abilities

    Reading % weapon damage (would this be DPS? if not the only weapon to use on her would be sniper rifles)

    I love the concept of Zeon, so please excuse me for attempting to fiddle with your idea, I only wish for her to be more compatable with the game:

    It would be better if Photobeam was the 50 energy ability, and applied a guaranteed blind/stun like Radial blind does. (BTW the energy color concept is amazing)

    Refraction duration should be shorter and the cost reduced to 25, as to make it more of a reflexive/excape action. Maybe like 1.5/2/3 Since Trinity's team invulnerability should still be longer, since its her ult.

    Kaleidoscope Should be a single-use Aura duration, that leaps out to "X" number of enemies and damages them every second for 50-75 energy. This way it wouldn't have to be an self-incapacitating toggle and thus be more compatable with the systems in place.

    I can image it looking like Ion Shell from Dota 2


    basically its a spiked shell of light that archs out and hits enemies in pulses every second.

    And Radiance Should be a really quick flash and not involve levitation, for an easy starter character you want the player to have as much control at all times as possible, but other than that is a really great idea for an Ult.

    Also you should think of a stat-shifting helmet for her. Probably the buff would be in Duration (so blinds, dot, and invulnerability are longer) and the debuff would probably be in Power Damage, Stamina, Or Sheilds.

    If this somehow pops up in the Design Council you can bet that this is going to get a vote from me.

  8. The fix for Ash's 3rd and 4th abilities are simple.

    Speed up the teleportation sequences.

    Dota 2 is a perfect example in how this is executed where teleportation takes 0.2 to 0.4 seconds for each sequence.

    Also the teleportation attack effects usually put the user of the ability ABOVE the target at an angle for attack, so they don't go inside the ground when enemies are on inclines.

    Also if you instantly melee attacked the target of teleport, it'd be fine. Like a single target Bladestorm with a lesser damage.

    Shazam! [/fixed]

  9. From my analysis, all bullet attractor does is increase the "Hit Box" of an enemy

    As is now, without bullet attractor people can still head shot grineer with a shot that would completely miss them through the gap between the paulrons and above the head. You can also hit them for regular damage by aiming through the gap to the left or right of the waist.

    But this seems to be entirely based on what way their facing.

    Bullet attractor only seems to increasing the size of the hit boxes, which is glitchy because they litterally are in the shape of Boxes, as far as I can tell, So the glitchiness in magnetim radius is because of the box's corners being further from centre-mass than the faces of the box.

    - - -

    I don't really like the idea for the "Pull" ability because it seems to take away from the "Magnetism" effect of her and tends to shift her theme to a "Telekinesis" style. And we already have another Psychic Female character, Nyx. Having a "Polarity" effect kind of balances the fact, and diversifies her roles.

    - - -

    IMO the Best way to fix Mag is to change the effects of "Ability Range" for each of Her abilities.

    Pull - Increases the Distance a Target is pulled, in addition to the range in which they are targetable.

    Bullet Attractor - increases the radius (not hitboxes) In which a bullet is pulled torwards an enemy to hit it. Radius extends from center mass of the target and scales in proportion with the targets size.

    Crush - Range radus works as is. Because this is the only classic AOE that Mag has.

    Also Sheild Polarize needs a small tweak, So that as the amount of sheilds gained/depleted scales with ranks

    And in addition, Holding the button used for sheild polarize casts it on herself after a small channeling.

    This way it's effective doesn't go down the further in the game you are and the channel animation encourages you to use the sheild on other rather than yourself, but you are still able to do so if you wish.

  10. Is it me or did you suggest mods that are already implemented in the game?

    I'd like to see recoil mods and accuracy mods though, I think those are the only utility mods missing at the moment. I do see what you're saying right now so a few reworks might be in order.

    This guy said it clearly.

    There's alot more rarer mods with these sought after utility values that you don't acquire, or even actually get to see, until the higher levels of the game.


    I don't know if people producing a wikia for the game breaks the non-disclosure agreement... *shrugs*

    At least the leaking doesn't mean their's false hype, and any failed expectaions.

    Back to the point, these are all the mod types in the game as of now, that I know of.

    Infact there may even be more that no body has identified because they're so rare.

    Really the reason it appears to be all damage, is because damage is what you need to get through the levels, the entertaining features and abilities start to come afterwards to diversify your character and play-style.

  11. Don't think it sucks, think of it as like a class creation~

    you are limited to certain skill to build the best suited Warframe for you~

    like for example, I have a volt that I have not invested on his Speed ability~

    since I beleive that the speed ability is useless really~

    and focused on gaining a full overload and energy sheild power abilties~

    utilizing all the points to make a perfect frame that best suits me~

    you can respec your frame to reset the points and distribute again~

    I kinda like the idea so it doesnt feel like I'm an all powerful cheap warframe with everything~

    .....unless you're one of those people who likes feeling like a god warframe that pulls out the whole fun of the game haha~

    so don't think it really sucks. Have fun with it~

    also keep in mind still that we are still in beta and anything can change~

    possiblities are limitless right now and this is only the beginning~

    Basically this,

    Here's a TL;DR translation,

    Having only 66% of your Warframe's tech tree makes you choose certain paths to customize your role.

    Making you different from other people with the same warframe.

    Basically the same reason you can't level up down All three paths of a class in World of Warcraft.

    It'd also be OP

  12. Have you ever played DOTA 2?

    There's two caracters that have ability's like Ash's ultimate, Fire Spirit and Juggernaut.

    Valve keeps their animations "Clean" looking by making the attack and teleportation sequence no longer than 0.4 seconds per enemy.

    And it basically acheives everything you said.

    So I for one Support this idea as stated, with every fibre of my being.

    Kudos to you sir.


  13. I actually Like the Recoil.

    It rewards and balances it's damage with personal skill (i.e. physcial compensation with the mouse)

    Just like all of the Semi-automatic weapons do.

    Plus the low-fire rate with its recoil not only keep the damage at a sane level,

    And clearly identify its function as being a side-arm and less effective than the primaries.

    Also, I've got to be the only one to actually enjoy the recoil because I can visually "Feel" the impact of the bullet shattering the skulls of the enemies that lay before me. This sensation and display of power coupled with the neccesity of skill for effecive use are the elements that make this my favorite gun to use, rather than the sheer killing power of it.

    It may be because I'm a gun-nut IRL; I'm addicted to high-recoil guns. The force shooting through my arms just sets off my adrenaline system.

  14. I'm going to be honest with you.

    All of these are S#&$ty ideas.

    Ember does not need to do more damage, she does more than enough, She needs more power because the first ability she gets costs 75, not 25

    Have you ever played Ember? She's supposed to chain all of her abilities because the DOTs stack for stupid damage against herds and bosses.

    Excalibur's Helmet is an improvement, but I'm opposed to reducing power efficiency in the first place because it causes number issues with energy.

    Charge damage would be better than speed because Excalibur litterally has all the speed he wants because his dash is so fast and cheap it can litterally be used as a movement ability. And yet it is still lack-luster against a good number of bosses.

    You've also got no idea how LITTLE the damage on frost's abilities are. His Freeze at maximum level does only 150 frost damage. While he's not supposed to be a damage dealer, rather a debuffing tank, theres a reason they didn't bring damage into the equation with the helmet, its perfect where it is. Removing his armor buff, would also be removing his tanking potential and make Rhino a guaranteed better choice.

    Nyx is supposed to have a Long duration on her powers because their duration is neccessary for her potential control. Are you REALLY suggesting that the helmet blatantly reduce the effectiveness of her 3 main powers by 50% to "kinda-sorta" buff psychic daggers?

    Loki has 50 armor which is more than neccesary because of how little he should be getting hit, and even more how little he should be taking health damage. Reducing his power duration for increased efficiency is like paying 75 plat for paying nothing as the power-to-duration cost of his abilities would be practically the same.

    Mag: I can see this but I'm still opposed to it. Range IS litterally everything to Mag, but Increasing the cost of the powers by that much removes her intended function to spam those abilities. I would reccomend that the debuff go the loki approach and reduce armor instead giving Mag a role as a back-of-team support rather than a Mortal-Combat-Scoripon-"Get-over-here!"-Shotgun-to-the-face kind of character.

    Making Ash a tank is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. You do realize that, with mods, it would make Ash have sheilds somewhere in the 1500 range? And while a Stamina buff isn't the best thing, A stamina debuff on an assassin is even worse.

    I don't see a difference in the Thrak helm, which is terrible, Rhino having such low speed in multi-player makes it so that he's usually at the back of a group... Not tanking like he should, purely because he can't get to the enemies in time like Volts and Lokis can. If anything the thrak should give him a Speed boost with a decrease in power range. Because He doesn't need range when He's right up on the enemies he should be next to.

    Trinitiy's helm is pretty much the same, exept you've missed the fact that trinity is one of the warframes who have only 10 armor, And that 5 armor decrease would not be noticable what so ever. In fact the Duration increase as is now is unessessary as any kind of automatic-rifle/shotgun can get a person back to full health and energy in the default duration. And increasing the Duration on Invicibility is a little unessesary.

    The Volt Helm is fine as it is right now. Decreasing Range only affects his ult, which is essentially what Volt is played for. You don't realize that decreasing his ult's range is counteractive torwards leveling it up. This means that if I wanted to do more damage that I'd have to resort to a tank position as a mage character who has only 10 armor compared to a Tank's 150. The stamina decrease that's in effect actually affects Volt, because his Speed ability actually burns stamina to work more efficiently.

    Not trying to sound like a condesending elitist but you don't seem to understand the Warframes current statistics in relevance to their generalized role in a group. I'm backing up my opinion with gameplay mechanics and their correlations with statistical values.

    Annnnnnd.... you have made-up facts and conceptualizaitons about animals to justify your points.

  15. Ugh why are most of the helmets so bad? even IF I had them I wouldnt want to use them. volt, loki, mag and nothing else

    Ember's is worth it, you start off with more power too, so you can immediately pop a massive aoe without having to grab an orb.

    Also being able to chain every one of your abilities at the same time off of the same energy bar allows you to drop a boss like its hot.

    (pun intended)

  16. Don't go to Vek, his time/rubedo ration is crap

    Go to "Oro"

    Since its an Asteroid Mining operation, i've noticed that those kinds of maps tend to drop more minerals (speculation)

    And the Infinite swarms of infested allow for a good bit of drops from simply killing things.

    In an average run where I search every nook and cranny (about 30 minutes) I found approximately 200 rubedo.

    I made a total of 5 runs in about 3hours to get all the rubedo I needed for her.

    Have fun trying to get the control module and Neural sensors though.

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