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Posts posted by Yg-Dosst

  1. Having used Nekros, I don't like him, at all.  Looks nice but my Rhino will always outclass him.


    Rhino the perfect frame for people who are to lazy to play the game.

    (My Flame suit is ready)



    Stop it.

    Sssssstop it.


    That's not nice.

    Rhino's Great because he's a tanky character, and we need more of those, but my only complaint is that he still has mega damage nuking power, and makes Excalibur almost irrelevant.


    Now that we found a compromise...

    Does anyone else think that a Plant-based Druid/Botanomancer Would be awesome?

    or do people think that Female frames should remain as nothing more then skinny glass cannon nukers in skin-tight latex?


    I mean Saryn's high-heel thigh-highs are nice and all, but I think we need a nice awesome muscle girl amazon in this game.

  2. Yes, I know we just got Nekros.

    That's why I want to get straight to the punch before something else is conceived.
    Ideas are cheap, concept art isn't.


    I'm enjoying DE's transition away from "Generic Screen-Wipe Nuker #12" with the introduction of characters such as Banshee, Vabaun, and Nekros.

    I believe they should keep this up and not fall back into that pattern because of characters like Saryn or Nova.


    In fact, only having one support/healer, means that it's probably a good idea to get another.

    There's no better timing, as the last Warframe was male, representing death, and this one would probably be best suited as female, representing life... Plant life.


    JUST IMAGINE THE SHEER AWESOME that can be achieved by a Warframe based of plants.

    To keep this different from the already highly organic looking Saryn and her Hemlock beret, this could easily be achieved by giving her an oaken or bark-like appearance.


    Why not shake things up and actually make a Tanky/bulky female?

    Standard 150 Armor as per Frost and Rhino.



    Just to get the awesome ideas churning in your head here's a few example abilities on what a Tree-esque warframe could do:

    Barkskin: A massive AOE armor buff, essentially giving people a good bit of resilience when their shields end up popping from a Disruptor. Works for her so she'll be virtually indestructible, but still take damage directly to health, unlike Iron Skin's set damage mitigation.

    Radial Entangle: I mean, you can't have a druid without the standard immobilization ability. Enemies can still use guns, but can't melee or rotate their body beyond a small angle, leaving their back open and/or pairing really well with radial Disarm.Vines can be carnivorous if damage is necessary.

    Thorns: Prevents and returns a certain percentage of damage immediately back to the attacker within a certain range. OR blocks a certain percentage of damage and releases a volley of thorns after taking a certain amount.

    Pollen Cloud: Emits a small cloud of healing pollen around her Regenerating her health and those of nearby allies at a slow rate. More useful for recovery in between fights rather than in a fight, also great for even further damage mitigation considering her armor, but is essentially useless compared to Trinity's "Oh Crap" buttons

    Grasping Vines: Uses vines to pull in all nearby enemies to her and get them try to attack her instead. Possibly rooting them or otherwise disabling them.

    Entrench: She roots herself to the ground for a certain set duration giving her heavy regeneration and damage reduction but being unable to move.



    The possibilities are limitless and a plant warframe could lead to a lot of firsts:

    Making Health tanking viable

    Slower health regeneration, rather than health orbs and lifesteal

    A Tank that isn't secretly a massive damage nuker in addition to tankiness.

    A Female tank

    A bulky female

    A Warframe with a Bark-like appearance.



    All in all, who wouldn't want to see Warframe have it's own take on the "Strong Protective Hardass Female" Trope?
    Misogynists that's who!


    Also if you're too lazy to read this, just look at the ability possibilities in the [TL;DR] braces.




  3. The Dera is terrible against the Grineer and is only truly effective if playing as volt, shooting through the shield.
    The Soma is a pain to use at first, but put on a potato and build it for crit. You will drop something with 2000 health in half of a second.

  4. It's a light weapon with the charge damage of a Heavy weapon.

    It's beautiful.
    Expecially good against the corpus with a lighting mod on it.


    Give them a quick love tap to stop them from running then literally uppercut their torso off with a charge attack.

    This takes about a third of a second per enemy.


    Galatine and Orthos don't work as effectively against spread out targets like the Corpus, because they focus primarily on cleave rather than mobility.


    The Galatine has a backswing and "Sheath" time as long as the charge time, if not longer.
    The Furax has an instant transition from Punch-time to Shotgun-Rhinoplasty.

  5. They really need to buff Sheild Polarity to be % based for one.
    25% of the shields for each level.


    Considering how you can literally one-shot everything with a shield or not with your Crush, Shield polarity is just flat out useless to have.


    I do however approve of the buff on Bullet Attractor making bosses shoot themselves.

  6. The Kestrel is not a weapon you spam E with to deal massive damage.
    It is not the Scindo, it is not the Ether Sword.

    It Is a pure crowd control weapon like the Bo.

    It knocks down, and can be thrown (with a charge attack) for a ranged knockdown.

    However the Charge attack does ALOT of damage.
    Couple it with a slowing Frost mod, and you have the ultimate stunning weapon.

    Right now though it is heavily bugged.
    It doesn't work with Toxic Ancients properly.

    Charge attack doesn't work with Elemental mods properly.

    It has the ability to instantly kill bosses by Ragdolling them into a pit.

    With the exeption of The Infected bosses, where it makes them invisible nightmares without a model, only being able to be hit by AOE warframe abilities.

  7. grJszh9.jpg
    More bugs with the clan system currently.
    I'm getting this weird response when I try to invite someone to our glorious and prestigious guild:
    "Michael Likes Boys"
    It's an inside joke. No Ho­mo.

    But back to the point Invites aren't working at all currently, not for any of the ranks of the guild.

    I've heard of a couple of people having issues with the clan system currently so any info on how long it may take to fix this.
    Or even better a temporary work-around I may have missed so I can invite this fine man while the bug is being repaired.

    Thanks for your help.

    No Ho­mo.

  8. I REALLY think they need to do something else other than massive AOE instakills for ults.

    Volt, Mag, Ember, Banshee, Frost, Ash, Sayrn. Thats 58.3%

    That's seven Twelfths

    And that's terrible

  9. I personally Hate Miasma.

    We didn't need another "Press 4 to kill everything around you" power.

    We have Volt, Mag, Ember, Ash already to fill those roles.

    Something's wrong when the only power thats worth using in your ult.

    Miasma should instead have been a Zoning tool like Ember's FireBlast.

    Plus the most disappointing thing about Sayrn's powers


    What's the point of having a poison warframe, when the poison doesn't fucntion like poison, and everything she does is done by other warframes better.

  10. This is a brilliant idea, Possibly you could click on the white "Notches" on the side of the card in the menu where you would load it into Warframe/Weapon/Sentinel to adjust the level to where you clicked.

    It sucks not being able to use a Hard-earned 300% health mod on a new Frame, even for the 50% increase effect.

    The point of this game doesn't seem to be grinding over and over for the same thing, Rather Different things.

  11. Let me be direct here.

    I frocking hate the sentinels. They're gimmicky little nuisances, annyoing to look at, distracting, and absolutely ridiculour when one sees them in the tradition of MMO pets (which is, in itself, an absolutely bad idea.)

    Now, they may have utility of some kind, and if players want them, then fine. But can they, for the love of god, be attached to the warframes or something? Seeing every other player run around with some little critter following him just...it doesnt just break immersion, it completely invalidates the concept.

    Also, when fighting the Corpus, I keep wasting ammo on them, thinking them to be the little flying enemy guys. Gah.

    Its the animations that are the most annoying.

    The fact that there's none rather.

    IF they hovered at sholder-level, and actually drifted and bobbed, and actually followed you, rather than being anchored 0.2 inches off the left side off your face, then it'd be much better, and less immersion breaking.

    The Ghost needs a rework, as it does not equate to what it implies.

    I have a thread on how to fix it here:


  12. Now, Keep in mind this is supposed to be a cooperative game.

    Adding in PVP would bring in a crowd that would complain about the overpoweredness of some champs, even though they don't fully understand the design or function of the warframes/weapons.

    This leads to numerous nerfs and buffs based on who gets bought the most leading to even further imbalance.

    In otherwords the game would decompose into the LOL community.

    Which -blatantly- is S#&$.

  13. I agree with this completely however the credits to plat ratio needs to be much higher than the plat to credits ration.

    Just imagine being able to play 20,000 credits for 20 plat to buy a potato, when it costs 35000 plus materials, plus finding the blueprint as is now.

    I'd imagine a 5-1 ratio would be rather fair.

    But how does this affect DE's Income?

    I wouldn't like to see them becoming money grabbing goons like EA, But I wouldn't want to see them go bankrupt either.

    Just saying, I didn't pay 100$ for a free-to-play game, just to get an e-peen tag next to my name, and the ability to get a bunch of free-stuff.

    I did it to support what appeared to be a wonderful-unique game with arguably some of the best and most efficient game design I have ever seen.


    The ability to buy other people's plat, that they themselves purchased with money would be great.

    A system like this has lead to a VERY healthy economy and income, while not appearing to be a money grabber.

    If people want to get credits for their real-life money, they buy some and sell it to players for a price they deem fair.

  14. I may have inherited a little bit of paranoid schizophrenia from my grandfather, but the recent actions in rebalancing the credit influx, along with additions to the shop are making me suspicious.

    Now selling Credits for Plat, bascially made this game Pay-to-Win instantaneously.

    And this is coming from a man who gladly paid 100$ just to be able have some say in some of the development process.

    Selling Mods for Plat just further sunk the nail into that coffin.

    Basically you can get anything you want without actually playing the game.

    Credits are A LOT harder to come-by now that rewards seem smaller, Mods are worth MUCH less.

    And yet creating stuff from blueprints still costs the same.

    Since patch 7 released I've been grinding with all of my free time and I've acquired MAYBE 15,000 credits.

    I'd just like to remind the Devs that by making it a painful experience to grind for what you want, and encouraging players to pay ludecrous amounts of real-life money just to get something compelety random, or something that fuctions completely differently than was implyed, IS NOT EFFECTIVE MARKETING, By Making a Pay-to-win game blisteringly annoying to play normally, It doesn't make players want to buy your stuff, it makes players want to stop playing.

    The main fun of the game is having to go through legitimate challenges and being rewarded with new enjoyable features to play with. NOT having to sit through a month of painful grinding just to repeadedly fail, and even when you do succeed, your new features are useless until you proceed to grind even further through stuff the players have already been through extensively to make those abilities usable.

  15. I'm considering writing up a thread to reccomend the Aegis Sentinel.

    I've loved how the Ghost, as is, will save me from random missiles the face and getting backhanded by Disruptors every now and then. But its not what I was expecting Nor wanted when I spent that 75 plat to get the Sentinel.

  16. Well, that's what maximum ammo mods and those 9001 previously useless Sniper Ammo Boxes you've acquired from the daily rewards are for.

    Also what the Sniper Scavanger Artifact is for.

    There are many ways to get around this, but the only true balancing feature of the Paris is its low ammo capacity.

    I usually do Fine with the Paris and I'm not using any of these, but that's because I'm mixing it up with attacks from my melee, sidearm, and powers.

    Being able to pick up arrows feels "wrong" to me, even in Oblivion/Skyrim but there I understood it because not every enemy dropped arrows.

    In Warframe every enemy has a chance to drop more than 10 "Arrows"

    So if your using the Paris at its optimal range and not missing for 2/more arrows per kill, you should be fine in the first place.

  17. Lets be honest here, The floating brain metroid is complete crap.

    Anything we were expecting to come from it, was not what it actually was.

    "Cloaks owner when enemies are close, the cloak is disrupted if owner attacks."

    To me this meant, "You become undetectable when near enemies but are visible when in combat."

    Apparently what this actually meant was:

    "Randomly in combat, you phase out of reality for only a half-second becoming invincible, even if you are attacking."

    And, "This will never happen for a prolonged period outside of combat, and even if You do become invisible while trying to sneak up on someone, they will still see the sentinel and run for the nearest Alarm panel, causing every enemy in the map to aggro on your sentinel, located 0.2 inches from your head at all times."

    This was HORRID design.

    There was a much better, and simpler way for this to be executed, And here is my proposition:

    The Ghost Precept would cause permanent invisibility for BOTH the Sentinel and the owner, until the owner attacks. After the invisibility is broken there will be a large "Cooldown" period where neither the Sentinel nor the Owner can attack before the Cloak reactivates.

    Level 1: 60 seconds

    Level 2: 50 seconds

    Level 3: 40 seconds

    Level 4: 30 seconds

    Level 5: 20 seconds

    Also even while in this form of invisibilty you only prevent detection and pass through laser barriers. Should an enemy be alarmed of your presence, and you become invisible yet again, The enemy will begin firing into the general area of where you were last spotted, throwing grenades if applicable. All of these could hurt you, possibly causing your sentinel to retaliate, making you re-visible.

    This Makes It Much more like it's intended purpose: a "Stealth" drone.

    And this does not render Loki's nor Ash's invisibility useless as with the warframe's abilities you cannot be hurt, and can still attack in both of those instances. Unlike my proposed form of invisibility.


    If You would still like a Sentinel that randomly makes you invincible, as the ghost does now, Then I would reccomend making that function into an all new drone, possbily called the aegis.

    (On a side-note, Make the Sentinels hover at sholder height and float more freely/naturally instead of being anchored to this spot right above your head at a 45degree angle. The awkward placement decimates the games immersion factor.)

  18. The point of non rechargable energy is to maintain the flow of the game.

    If you could just wait for 30 seconds as Volt or Mag before entering every room, you could one shot all of the mobs without difficulty.

    You have to be actively killing things to be able to use your powers, With your guns and melee.

    Hell even with Trinity's Energy Vampire power, you still have to be shooting things.

    That way abilities aren't essentially the end-all-beat-all concept of Warframe.

    Your Warframe in itself is about as usefull as your other 3 equipts.

    And that's what the Devs are aiming for.

    In the Developer Q&A they stated that they were going to balance between Melee, Guns, and Powers.

    I asked the question myself.

    Where its at is fine.

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