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  1. Plenty of companies with way more cutthroat sales models compensate the player base for unexpected maintenance or technical issues caused by an update they put out. This is not a novel idea. In fact in the real world when you do not get the product that you paid for, you may return it for a refund or some sort of compensation (in store credit). This is also standard in the real world. It seems you have been conditioned to believe that this behavior is ok when it is not. A video game is a product. If people like me who have disposable income didn't exist then you wouldn't even have a game to play. What's sad and pathetic is sticking up for a gaming company that obviously doesn't give a crap about the players and insulting someone just voicing their opinions on a problem in a respectful way. Your argument doesn't make any sense. Nobody told the devs to hurry up. The reason DE can even pay people to put in hotfixes is because the player base spends money on the game. Duh. The problem was that this was a known issue and they didn't lock the node. How immature do you have to be to say someone is crying when they are just voicing their dissatisfaction at a problem? It's actually hilarious the amount of brown nosing in this thread. Thank you for the quick fix DE.
  2. This is infuriating. I ran so many Alchemy missions this week hoping for the 6% Tennokai mods. I got all of the Mandonel parts as well as both of the mods and now I don't have anything. I am a paying customer. I've invested time and money in this game because I truly like the game. It's so disheartening when stuff like this happens. I really hope there will be some form of compensation for this. Keep at it though I love the new enemies and tileset.
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