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Posts posted by ArcKnight9202

  1. It's hard to communicate with others when all I see is "******" because for some reason the game won't display foreign characters. I play in the Asian region because that's where I currently live. Talking with people in party is, at best, 50/50 that they can even read/write English.

    Of course, I can always use the best developer created tool to work around all these annoyances. I just flip on the "solo" switch. I mean, why should they bother add to player QoL options when the players can just play solo? Seems like an easy solution.

    Joking aside, I absolutely detest any and all movement/attack speed buffs. Volt, Valkyr, and Wisp drive me up the wall. And yes, I do primarily play solo because of these frames.

  2. I was already thinking of ways to level up the lich beyond level 5. Where you need a full team to take them down because they get so strong they begin to influence the fabric of space and time itself. When they die, it rains kuva on all players in active missions for 30 seconds.

    But seriously, could be fun to mess around with even stronger liches. Maybe make those guns lock at level 1, and they take 39 forma to unlock all the mastery. Each forma increasing the capacity by 1. I'm joking about this part, obviously.


  3. If they changed Rivens to where they rolled the same way as the revised critical chance mods, plus included the double bonus for heavy attacks, wouldn't that give some weapons 800+% critical chance on heavy attacks? Not to mention a base of 400+% critical chance on regular attacks?

    Fragor Prime with a hypothetical +400% critical bonus would give it 200% critical chance, and 400% for heavy attacks at 0 combo counter.

    Maybe I'm just extremely tired and don't understand correctly, but that seems a little excessive to me. I wouldn't even need to consider heavy attacks at all in most situations which is surely not what DE is aiming for. It seems more like Poor/Lazy Tenno's Blood Rush.

    • Like 2
  4. They could just put minimum combo together with the duration bonus on Power Spike. Like minimum 3x multiplier when it's maxed(as an example).

    Or, they could put faster Heavy Attack speed with it.

    Or, they could put stronger Heavy Attack damage with it.

    Or, they could put bigger Heavy Attack range/radius on it.

    Or, they could add Lifted status to non-aerial Heavy Attacks.

    Or, they could put Sharks with Laser Beams on the heads.

    I prefer the minimum multiplier option myself but any of these could be fun. Mix/match whatever.

    I do find it amusing that a Heavy Attack buff for melee is on the "Mash 4 and ignore the game" focus school. It's probably something that'll be ironed out later. I really wouldn't worry about it.

    • Like 1
  5. I suggested hiding the bonus% on the weapon until the Lich is defeated. This way the player isn't feeling hours of disappointment if it's definitely inferior to previous drops. Only a moment or so and you can move on. This might not be a popular idea but it would work better for me. Out of sight, out of mind.

    That said, the system definitely needs some ironing and improvements but I think it's a decent start. As long as you don't marry yourself to it and burn yourself out on doing this and only this it's not so bad; at least in my opinion. I have done 3. The first 2 had Quartakks, haha. The third had the new Archgun which might get leveled or might not. I still haven't finished all the Archwing gear. I might make another one later. It's not going anywhere.

    Obviously, criticize and offer feedback in the appropriate channels.

  6. 56 minutes ago, Kethus said:

    I think I found it. Apparently all Liches have ferrite armor that's weak to Corrosive and their weakness is applied to their flesh, so you have to strip the armor first for the weakness to matter.

    I also figured that out. I was fighting my last Lich who was weak to Blast and it was slow going, even with the Tigris Prime(definitely not the best but it works, haha) and my Rattleguts. Both with Blast, the Rattleguts with heavy Blast damage.

    The next time I fought the same Lich, I had heavy Corrosive damage on the Rattleguts and it was night and day different.

    Just another victim of armor scaling, I think.

  7. The auto-blocking cannot be overridden with Warframe powers. This is really frustrating when I want to use a power to kill or control enemies but I can't because I'm forced to continue blocking. One could argue that this prevents the player from taking damage and dying. However, attacking already overrides blocking and can lead to that same result.

    Basically, let me cast powers and interrupt my blocking if I so choose.


  8. After thinking and reading some more, I have some more feedback to give.

    I think that showing the initial bonus elemental% that the Lich will give is a mistake. It's basically a long-term disappointment to the players who already have X gun and the Lich spawns with an inferior%  elemental bonus. I think that this should be hidden until the Lich is vanquished or converted. Completed Liches will display their bonus% in their information as usual. Trading will still keep that %.

    The reason for this is that Liches are grindy by nature. This isn't inherently bad. However, when someone knows, up front, that the time invested will be "wasted", it's going to annoy them. Sure, some might argue that it's worse seeing it only at the end, but, at least, the anticipation is there for a greater reward. Also, at least in my experience, disappointment with this arrangement is much more short lived. I certainly wouldn't have to stare at the same Lich for hours literally knowing it's wasting my time. Presentation can make a big difference.


    For another piece of feedback, I suggest another way for players to influence the Lich weapon RNG a bit. In an upcoming update, you're doing something to utilize Defiled Requiem Mods. This is awesome. I propose another use for them. Equip it to your Parazon. When used on a Lich, it will detonate their weapon, forcing them to retreat and acquire a new weapon(perhaps, also immune to being a duplicate?). This gives more uses for Defiled Mods as well as giving players another opportunity to roll something they might desire. This could be limited to once per Lich to prevent abuse or left totally open.

  9. This is from a 100% solo player's perspective.

    -Having played around with this a bit, I can say I am pretty happy with where things are. Some things could still use tweaking, though.

    -The damage the Lich does on a grab is absurd. Especially on the Radiation Lich. Switch Teleport > Knockdown > Rush > Grab > heavy damage or death. Sometimes this is completely unavoidable and feels pretty cheap.

    -The Lich is pretty tanky, even with damage they are weak to. This isn't a huge deal for me since it feels more challenging to take them down. But with the above problem, or similar, it can feel dreadful at times.

    -I made this thread regarding base damage on Kuva Quartakk not matching. I want to make sure that is addressed and is fixed because that is not cool if the weapons vary in base damage as well as elemental.

    -Sometimes the Lich would taunt a few times before showing up later in the level. I'm not sure if that's intended or a bug. The lines he spoke made no sense since he wasn't on the battlefield at that time.

    -You must tie some lore up into these missions. They are devoid of all life. Mobile Defense: Lich is gathering data in the system to increase weapons acquisitions. Stop them! Survival: Must distract Lich's goons so the Tenno operative can steal necessary intelligence on Lich activity in the system. Anything is better than nothing. They aren't as much of a nemesis to us if there are no stakes and all they do is pilfer stuff from us here and there and ridicule us a bit.

    -The Grineer turret guns do insane damage and they seem like they are everywhere. They also become hard to destroy at level 5 Lich levels. Very annoying.

    -There is a button to check/change your Parazon mods from the Lich screen but there is no check Lich button from the Parazon mod screen. Seems only right that it should work the same both ways.


    Now for a multiplayer concern. I read a lot about people getting angry towards other players who won't engage their Lich in public games. I thought of a pretty good solution but I don't know if it's workable in game.

    If a Lich spawns, and any player damages it in any way, an internal check is done. If this player is not the owner of the Lich, a timer starts. If the Lich's owner does not engage with their Lich within X time, the Lich will despawn. This check will reset periodically to prevent trolling. It can even be worked in thematically by having the Lich retreat and call the player a coward and how they wouldn't show themselves and how they had to have their friends do all their hard work for them.

    This should allow for other player's to handle it for a while until it leaves and allows for other Liches to spawn in.

    Obviously, this will never be a problem solo since the only person that can damage the Lich is the owner, so the check never registers any other player engagement.

    Is this too complicated? I don't know, maybe.

    Thanks for reading!

    • Like 2
  10. I'm not sure if this is truly a bug or not, however, I have two Kuva Quartakks with slightly different IPS stats as well as fire damage. It was brought up here when I made this thread. In this comment I linked pictures of both of my weapons displaying the variables. Small, yes, but strange.

    I was under the impression these were supposed to be fixed stats with a random elemental so I'm not sure what the issue is. If it's rounding, or a display problem, or something else entirely I can't say. If the Valence Transfer only affects the elemental bonus and ignores potentially superior IPS stats, that would annoy some people I'm sure.

    If anyone else has pictures of weapons with different IPS stats as well as elemental, feel free to post them, too.

    • Like 1
  11. 43 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

    These "differences" seem more like some rounding issues or something.
    When I read your OP I thought of major differences, but in truth it's just a total of .3 IPS damage. That's nothing. You will never feel that in any mission.

    You may be correct. It could be something entirely trivial. It might even be a display error. /shrug

    Of course, the difference here is pretty small but that doesn't mean someone else out there doesn't have a much larger variance on some of their weapons. Is it popular to pay attention to the base stats if, as assumed above, they were all supposed to be the same?

    I don't know. Perhaps I will post a bug report about it after all. Thanks for the feedback.

  12. 1 hour ago, -AxHx-Vile said:

    The base IPS stats shouldn't be different...my duplicates have had the same stats. Can you post screenshots? This may have to be reported as a bug.

    They are almost identical. The actual difference is quite minor but it is there. The difference is only .1 on each of the IPS stats. The fire is obviously much better, too.


    1 hour ago, WhiteMarker said:

    Sounds like OP has a Kuva Weapon with a bonus to one of the IPS-stats instead of an elemental bonus.

    These Quartakks are both the same base element which is fire.

    This is my very first and original. I was going to use the Valence Transfer on it until I noticed the IPS statistical difference which prompted this thread.


    This is the second one from my second lich. Yes, great luck.


  13. Sorry for the late reply, but thank you all for verifying that this is indeed dropping. I guess I just had an unlucky set of runs. Blood for Energy has a terribly low drop rate. I hope it's okay, too.

    As for farming it, I'll get it another go. I still need pigment off Vay Hek anyways.


  14. The stance, Sinking Talon, for dual daggers only has forward moving combos. While it's not unusable, it is a little annoying having to circle around the enemy because you must advance. I hope to see a stationary combo added in the future.

    Edit: The stance, Brutal Tide, for sparring weapons, also has the same problem. There is no stationary combo.

  15. Maybe you could take the inferior duplicates and somehow convert them into a parazon mod. Using this mod on the lich(assuming it's another of the same gun you don't want) will detonate the weapon forcing them to acquire a new one. It could even chase them away and give a large murmur bonus but remove the ability to kill the lich in that mission.

    It's not the silver bullet everyone would like but it sounds fun and I doubt we'll get any way to opt out of duplicates entirely. I would like to be wrong about that, though.


  16. I was just messing around as usual and I noticed this was giving Heat procs reliably. I checked the wiki and it guarantees a Heat proc. I guess I never really paid attention before. This now knocks down enemies and cuts armor in half. Seems pretty good.

    It seems right to bullet jump straight up from a group of enemies and unload an Ogris upon them. This might work better in my fantasies than in reality....

  17. Of the 2 liches I have killed, both had quirks.

    The first was a Trophy Hunter which I don't know what it meant. Perhaps he stole more items or at a bigger %? I'm not sure.

    The second was a Loner. He would spawn far away from me, alone, in previously cleared areas. He would mention the other Grineer were holding him back and how he liked things 1 on 1. If anyone knows how to add things on the wiki, you can add this. I have no clue how to do it, haha.

    Lich 3 has no quirk as far as I'm aware. It's a fun system. 🙂

  18. I didn't like that all of Grendel's abilities are tied to his first ability. I do not like skills being dependent on one another for even basic functionality like this. Small bonus synergies are fine but this just went way too far. I actually prefer skills to stand on their own with dependable and deliberate effects and not have to tie into one another much at all.

    Overall, I didn't enjoy playing Grendel that much. Grendel is really tanky, though, which I do enjoy. His weapon is also really cool looking. Good job on the design of that. I think I enjoyed the missions to get his pieces more than I enjoyed the frame itself. The missions I thought were so-so. It was a nice challenge. I didn't find them deeply insulting but a nice departure from the norm. I could take them or leave them.

    Sorry if this isn't really helpful feedback. I look forward to what comes next.

    • Like 4
  19. I just tried to do this last invasion for an Orokin Reactor. It was last minute but I thought I would try anyways. However, 2 of the 3 Spy missions I did resulted in the Alarms blowing before the door was even fully opened. This resulted in 1 failure and I managed to beat the second. So of the 2/3 missions I succeeded. Thanks to this one failure, though, I was unable to get the Orokin Reactor. It's not a huge deal, but that's really lame to have a 30 second window on the vault as soon as it's opened. Not to mention the subsequent Exterminate session.

    Please, fix!

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