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Posts posted by sinnae

  1. 1 hour ago, RunningChaos said:

    I have Shield of Shadows in place of Rage. Never knew why people run both Hunter Adrenaline and Rage. Never had a energy problem running just one of them.

    This is my toroid farm build. I never run out of energy bc I'm Nekros.

  2. 3 hours ago, ZzVinniezZ said:

    that is uncall for, mate. the game literally put me at the end of the mission which i just get out and get back in. 

    The whole mission takes less than 3 minutes, it's kind of obvious that your machine is struggling. Host issues don't kick in until you actually load in so that's completely irrelevant. A lot of players can play Warframe smoothly but take a big performance hit when doing open world stuff, happens to me, too.

  3. Phase 2 is the systems farm and the entire mission takes 2 minutes and 30 seconds with an average public squad to complete, so...you know...the problem is you. Your potato is taking a while to load you into the Vallis so of course the bounty is over by the time it catches up to everyone else.

    Phase 2 is extraordinarily easy to solo speedrun so...just do that? Then you won't have to suffer from being later than everyone from your PC struggling to load the map.

  4. 57 minutes ago, (NSW)Blackpaper said:

    I like Nightwave, but I did enjoy the constant flow of Alerts.  Yes, the rewards were crud on a cracker.  That's not my point.  

    It just felt like something was always going on, and you got paired up constantly.   Even if it had something like 1000 salvage, you still had people queuing up.   That's why I enjoy GOTL alerts; brings people together to smash faces in.  

    Of course, I'm a Switcher, a Sarasaland Tenno, a Peach Bombing Wisp player...etc.  I just believe the objective based system (NW) could exist with the constant system (Alerts) even if the rewards were just common resources or pocket cred and affinity.    

    Your boredom and need to have menial tasks dictated to you every hour on the hour shouldn't be put on the rest of the community. This goes for everyone who keeps pining over "wanting stuff to do." There's more stuff to do than there ever was. You just want some artificial sense of busy-ness.

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  5. 10 minutes ago, lukinu_u said:

    You can solo extract by staying at the extraction for 30-60s (don't remember exactly how much time).

    Solo extract in endless is pretty buggy. It will reset back to :59 sec over and over. This seems to happen because of ability/transference use. There's also another issue where desync makes the game think the player is on a different part of the map than they are and won't trigger extraction at all.

  6. 12 hours ago, (PS4)Kamil-the-KamiKa said:

    If you get motion sick that easily then maybe warframe isn't for you. You know the game with: k drives, arch wing, parkour, upcoming rail jack and most importantly SPACE! Guessing no mans sky is a nightmare for you 

    Motion sickness isn't really a result of linear movement, but rather things like screen shake and discrepancy between HUD movement + background movement. I get motion sickness easily and k-drives, archwing and moving around never make me sick. However, using the Larkspur makes me incredibly nauseous because it has a screen shake/pulsating effect.

  7. Ah yeah, that's Nora and she does the cutscenes/lore for Nightwave.

    Nightwave is like a "battle pass" system where you complete challenges, rank up, and get rewards. You can use the Nightwave currency (Emissary creds) to buy things like nitain and cosmetic blueprints and what were previously alert weapons. There should be a couple more weeks left, so you'll be able to catch up on previous weeks' challenges and get to Rank 30!

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