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Posts posted by HomicidalGrouse

  1. The squirt gun is super inconsistent. There are times where I'll insta-kill enemies with a single shot, and other times where I'm right next to them, shooting them continuously and seeing the water splash on them, and they're barely taking any damage. I also pump it fully after each kill. 

    The only way I've really been able to get it to hit with any sort of consistency is to bullet jump back and forth across the map, aim-gliding directly at enemies and shooting them as they run at me in a straight line. Trying to hit certain ones as they run circles around you is almost impossible, even with leading your shots, because your shots are inherently inconsistent. 

    I've also taken to playing solo... I can manage around 50 kills per run only facing 3 enemies and having no teammates there to steal kills. This also depends on which enemies are being faced... but it's rare to finish a round with fewer than 40 kills. 

    Overall, I wouldn't have played this beyond the 4 initial parts of the event if not for the nakak items, and even then, I'm only working toward a few more things before the event finally goes away. If prices were reduced a bit, and if the soaker was tweaked so that it feels more like a legitimate weapon and not the dollar-store squirt gun your parents bought you to fight the neighborhood kids and their Super Soakers... it would be bearable. 

  2. Just had something similar happen and came here to see if anyone else mentioned it.

    Had a match where around 1000 points, two of the other players quit, but the Mesa I was playing with seemed capable, so we continued. It got pretty tedious around the 2500 point mark, but we pressed on. At 3460 points, it stopped accumulating points. I pointed this out to the other player and they said there were 3800 points. I figured this would be like other times I've seen the UI get stuck and continued. After killing a few more Demolysts, they said we were at 4002 points, so we went to extraction.

    It only logged the 3460 points as my best score.

    Kinda peeved about it, really. It wouldn't be so bad if everyone didn't just bounce as soon as the extraction notification shows up like they have no idea what they even clicked on or something...

  3. I feel like they should have made it sort of like the Acolytes. Players should have a certain chance to kill him on any given planet/node, and then as more players track him down, it tells you his location so you can go and farm him for parts.

    Since they didn't do that, I hope he's spawning in every few missions by the time week 10 rolls around...

    • Like 1
  4. Wait... what?

    It was like ~70% when I was playing like 2 hours ago. How did it jump 30% in two hours?

    Or is this a veiled way of saying something went wrong with the hashes and they'll be back for players to finish scanning tomorrow (considering they're gone from the star chart now)?

    • Like 5
  5. Frost is really good. I use his 2 all the time to clear hallways. 3 needs nothing. 4 is good for nuking AND CCing anything that doesn't  die from the initial blast. 

    Even if we grant that his 1 isn't the most useful ever, he's still a very well-balanced and useful frame that is good in many situations. 

  6. I'm a Chroma main. Been that way ever since I unlocked him. I thought he was one of the coolest looking frames, and I actually enjoyed the quest A New Strange. Tracking down this rogue frame on the Derelict and then the long slog of unlocking all of his parts (and repeatedly murdering Kela for the right Saryn part to build him) made finally claiming him from my foundry one of the more rewarding experiences in this game.

    Then I realized how mostly useless Effigy and Spectral Scream are. His two abilities that are the most visually appealing... almost entirely useless on anything beyond level 40 or so enemies unless you specifically build just for Effigy (but who does that!?), and even then it's never as powerful as the Vex Armor meta.

    I know there have been a lot of threads about Chroma reworks and things have been muttered about it not happening anytime soon, but I figured I would throw a couple ideas I had out there to see if they sound viable. I'm sure someone else has thought of similar changes, but I haven't read all of the threads...

    A lot of people seem to think that the biggest issues with Spectral Scream and Effigy are that they don't do enough damage to be of use in higher-level content. While this is true, I think giving them greater utility uses would be more effective in making them useful abilities.

    The first change I would make is to give Effigy a large AOE crowd-control effect on-cast dependent on energy color. Fire could knockdown all mobs in a certain radius and ignite them, toxin could cause them to vomit uncontrollably, cold could cause them to be slowed and/or frozen, and electricity could shock and stun them. These would all basically be stun effects, though it would be nice if the damage were sufficient to kill most of the "trash" mobs on-cast. Effigy can already perform a "radial roar" that stuns enemies, but I think this would be more effective as a guaranteed on-cast effect so the player can control it more reliably.

    In addition to this, I believe either lowering or even removing the continual energy drain of Effigy would be an improvement, at the cost of a higher cost for the initial cast. Chroma already loses armor as one trade-off for the use of the ability.

    Spectral Scream, I think could use a "charge" time similar to Ember's WoF. The longer you use Spectral Scream, the more damage it does, but the caveat being a greater energy drain. On top of this, to add a bit of synergy with Effigy, I believe it would be a helpful addition to allow you to "charge" Effigy by hitting it with your Spectral Scream. This could increase Effigy's damage output and range and allow you to dump excess energy into it as a trade-off for the removal of the continual energy drain of Effigy. This final change gives you a choice of how powerful you wish Effigy to be, and how much energy you wish to spend on it at the same time, rather than having an underpowered ability that is constantly draining energy. The only downside I can think of to this is that after charging it, you would potentially have an over-powered ability that is costing no energy, so to combat this, I would suggest that Effigy loses its charged up state over time, so you would have to return and charge it with Spectral Scream again to restore its buff.

    I think with these changes, Chroma would gain better CC and Effigy would be capable of fulfilling its apparent goal of being a decent defensive ability.



    Spectral Scream:
    - Increase damage and energy drain the longer it's used.

    - Remove continual energy drain.
    - Convert its chance to cast a "radial roar" into a powerful AoE crowd-control effect on-cast determined by energy color.
    - Allow Effigy's damage and range to be "charged" by being hit with Spectral Scream.
    - Have Effigy's charge decrease over time, incentivizing recharging with Spectral Scream.

    • Like 1
  7. It's annoying... but I think the most elegant solution would be to simply allow us to stab it the day it appears, rather than waiting a week for it to become a big disgusting hairy boil.

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  8. 5 minutes ago, rune_me said:

    It's not just Chroma. It happens for all active abilities I think. Rhino loose his Iron Skin as well. Or at least used to, it's been a while since I played Rhino so it could have changed.

    I'm a Chroma main, so that's the frame I think of. Rhino loses Iron Skin yes, but Iron Skin isn't quite as horrible to lose as Vex Armor, considering Chroma's reliance on building and maintaining that buff. Rhino, you can just recast it and you're back at 100%. Chroma, you have to recast it and then rebuild your buffs.

    And not all frames lose such abilities. Nezha's Warding Halo, for instance, is not lost when entering Archwing.

    Also, you don't lose such abilities when entering your K-Drive. Even though the vehicles aren't the same, I think some consistency would be nice.

    The canceling of such abilities makes Chroma really annoying to play on the plains or Vallus because using your Archwing is basically a net loss every single time. You either need to bullet-jump across the map from bounty to bounty, or you need to whip out the K-Drive, which still isn't as fast as flying.

    I vote for all frames maintaining their statuses when using Archwings.

  9. 26 minutes ago, Nyx219 said:

    I call it "indiscriminately stockpiling available Alerts resource offerings". There were plenty of alerts to whet the whistle on any given login, they weren't lacking. If you're seeing it as "on call" 24/7, IMO, you play way too much if you're getting that picky about it.


    I agree with the OP. I normally drop between $25 and $50 a month (not including what my husband spends himself) I've let a 50% off expire because I just don't have the incentive to play NW, let alone spend money right now after seeing that hot mess. I don't mind giving DE money, they can't pay the bills if they don't generate income. But this is not a good sales pitch to the casuals to do that with at all.

    Nine times out of ten, I only saw credits, endo, some random mods, etc when I logged in. Was able to get the odd nitain or potato, but more often than not, I noticed an alert for one that expired while I was asleep or at work, which was always frustrating when I needed them.

    I probably play the game less than you and yet I still manage to get this stuff done without spending tons of money on plat. I agree the Nightwave system isn't the greatest for new players, but once again... claiming that the casuals pay the bills and need to be catered to in a big whine thread is not a valid form of criticism.

    • Like 1
  10. 11 minutes ago, simplygnome said:

    If thats how youve summarized this thread, you're not listening

    "The casual player IS DEs money maker, and while not everything should be -only- causal, making the new alert system into a timer will lose DE money."

    That's what you said. In a nutshell, that you're a casual player and DE needs to listen to you casual players because you pay DE's bills and you don't like this system so it needs to be changed. 

    You have no evidence to back up anything you've said other than your own personal anecdotes. 

    Other than that, this thread is entirely pointless on your own admission, claiming that this thread isn't about suggestions. Feedback is only useful when it's in the form of suggestion, which you claim can be found elsewhere. Anything else is just entitled whining, which is what this thread is. 

    Stop whining. Go play the game and be happy. Literally nothing is stopping you but you. 

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Gabbynaru said:

    In a game where "FashionFrame is Endgame"? What are you smoking?

    Hey, if you don't care about cosmetics, good for you. Don't assume I am the same. I care about cosmetics more than I care about pointless things such as Kuva, Rivens or whatever crappy gameplay systems they added lately.

    And yeah, I want to play the game. But I don't want to play this terrible mode as is. I'm absolutely willing to work for my cosmetics, but not the way the game wants me to. I want them to offer me choice. The game has always offered me choice, so this situation is going against everything they've taught me in the past. So I'm gonna complain, of course I will. I want that choice back. I want to play the game the way I want and enjoy, not the way the game decides for me. And that's an easy fix. Either give me multiple, repeatable dailies so that I can actually choose what I want to do in order to enjoy the game the way I want to enjoy it, or give me the opportunity to buy these items I'm interested in. Either way, that will allow me to enjoy the game more than being locked in a linear, straight path of boredom and ridiculous grinding.

    No. your complaints contradict each other and are therefore invalid. 

    There are tons of ways that this game already lacks choices. You don't have choices in where you get most of the cosmetics, actually, including syndicates, which is basically what this new faction is. You want to get K-Drive crap somewhere other than the vent kids? Tough. You want to get Amp parts without grinding the plains? Tough. You want to get Arcanes without killing Eidolons? Tough. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe there are some players who want some exclusive cosmetics that exemplify the things they're willing to do in-game and not just have that all stuck behind a paywall?  

    If your only argument is that you want to be able to buy a couple of exclusive cosmetics because you're too lazy to complete some objectives that already don't restrict you to doing anything you wouldn't already be doing anyway... then I really don't think your complaints are worth listening to. These challenges are not things that are difficult or overly against the grain to what we, as players, already do. Complaining about not wanting to do them and arguing that they should be changed or removed solely based on how much money you think you spend over everyone else is downright nonsensical and entitled as hell. 

    You don't like the system. That's fine. Go make a topic suggesting actual viable changes that would make it better. Don't just try to defend someone who makes a topic that can basically be nutshelled to "I think my money is more important than everyone else's, so DE needs to do what I say". It doesn't work that way. 

    • Like 1
  12. 42 minutes ago, Gabbynaru said:

    Except for the Umbral Forma... And the Saturn Six Armor... and Syandana... and Nitain... and Wolf Emotes... and Wolf Scrawl

    Yeah, I'd pay plat for those instead of dealing with this terrible mode. I enjoy plat farming far more than I enjoy tedious and boring "challenges".

    Cosmetics are irrelevant. May as well be complaining about not being able to get all of the syndicate medallions and stuff without grinding those to high enough rank. If you want them, then play the game and deal with it.

    Umbra Forma... again, you're making the assumption that DE is gating this to 1 every ~10 weeks, which would be incredibly... INCREDIBLY stupid, imo, and probably not how it's going to work eventually. I think they will be more common in the common months as other Sentient-based content is added.

    Nitain is a fair point.

    Other than that, the point remains. Since this has basically nothing to do with what you spend your plat on, this entire argument is irrelevant. You can still spend your plat on everything you spent your plat on before. Nothing has changed outside of the alert system. This has nothing to do with plat other than an attempt by OP to claim that he's paying DE's bills and is therefore more important than everyone else. But I have news for OP... I buy plat too, and I don't hate Nightwave as much as he does. Funny how that works.


    • Like 3
  13. 5 minutes ago, IIDMOII said:

    They're putting a mandatory item at the end of (What should be) optional content.

    You don't know that Umbra Forma will remain Nightwave-only. This is merely the first time it has made an appearance. It's very likely it will be more common and easier to get than once every ~10 weeks in the future.

    7 minutes ago, IIDMOII said:

    No one was ever on any clock.

    Except for everyone who needed something that was obtained via an alert that they missed because they had better things to do.

    8 minutes ago, IIDMOII said:

    Instead of a cheap and lazy achievement checklist

    What you call them is irrelevant... achievements, acts, objectives, challenges, bounties... it's all the same thing. And it's how every game has worked throughout the history of the industry. Whether you get rewarded for completing a specific series of objectives, or for simply completing a randomized mission, the result is the exact same.

    10 minutes ago, IIDMOII said:

    The content should be in the missions not the nightwave interface.

    This is the most valid criticism you've given, I think. When they first announced Nightwave, I thought the challenges would be missions that you complete, maybe fulfilling a specific objective along the way, and then are given wolf creds for completing them, which you could then spend on whatever you wanted. Instead, they're global objectives that can be completed almost anywhere at any time.

    I personally would prefer if each challenge gave a set number of wolf creds for completion (depending on its status as a daily, weekly, or elite weekly, of course), and then keep the levels for the syndicate, which ultimately unlock access to certain high-tier time-gated rewards like the syandana and armor. That way, if the only thing you're interested in is forma and nitain, for instance, you could simply complete as many challenges as you need in order to buy them, ignoring the other stuff you don't care about.

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  14. 5 minutes ago, (XB1)CancerInfantry said:

    That would be perfect. 

    Also that's not what I was talking about either. The 'mastery-based system' would just be to access that planet, not to look at resources. Say you turned mr 3 and you can go to Jupiter now but there would only be 1 node unlocked and you would have to unlock the rest your self by progressing through the planet. You could skip Ceres if you never played there yet but you would have it unlocked still because you're mr3.


    I guess I was just confused about how Nightwave fits into the whole thing then...

  15. 10 minutes ago, Pitchers said:

    Surely if you do not return to 32bit mode you will lose a large part of the community

    No, I'm quite certain they already know how many players ran the 32 bit client and decided the number was small enough to remove support for it entirely.

    I'm sure you and the other 3 people who still used it will be much happier with a PC made within the last decade after you upgrade.

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