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Posts posted by MealeaYing

  1. In the last eight hours (roughly) its more than doubled in size relative to the inner ring of the scope on my rifle.

    Lotus says its headed for Cetus, that it seems to be alive, and DE is apparently making an announcement today about adding a new area like PoE, or just expanding it or something.

    All that sounds pretty awesome to me! Also seeing as I dont know what focus is yet, I dont care about it, its orbs or all off the fuss and bother about it. This is gonna be interesting!

  2. 7 hours ago, (Xbox One)UrticantAura420 said:

    I would pay for a warframe subscription fee for monthly plat + other nice things, Would add to the prime access pack plat worth and would give DE more money as well as give us players more deals on plat and make farming easier(more bearable), I'm not saying it should be added in to the game... But if it was.... You would get my money.

    Yah? I would pay to PREVENT that so other players dont have to be subjected to it.

  3. 6 hours ago, FierceRadiance said:

    Dis guy's gotta get whacked. Guido, take'em out back'a da Forums an' whack him.

    Yah, I will buy stuff for other players who cant to prevent this from happening. Send Guido and double his salary.

  4. On 10/17/2017 at 11:10 AM, Foxbat40 said:

    Please do not make me fish.

    I don't want to fish.

    Please add enough fish crafting parts into the Bounty rewards as to give us an alternate means of advancement.

    This is Warframe not Fishframe. 

    Alternatively revise your crafting system entirely so that fishing is not needed at all. Relegate fishing to cosmetic components.


    You actually have to fish? I dont fish, and no one's sent the game warden after me or anything.

    Seriously, I had no idea it was mandatory.

  5. 4 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    I have been following a map. Getting around 4 per run. Always look at night. I have not found more than 2 during the day.

    Of course, that is 8 with the free booster from the other day.

    I was able to get 7 max in one run (14 boosted).

    I found a guide that was quite helpful. I will edit with the link.

    Wow! That is a lot, I thought it was doing well!

  6. 59 minutes ago, Spartan336 said:

    Blatantly ignoring the objective, hanging out in a safe room, and not helping should not be rewarded. 

    The only way to do that is to go to Konzu and get a bounty from him, right? You would do that, get lumped in with others who have done the same, and then hide in the one safe place to hide, the hallway. That would be leaching, but simply walking into the planes, or dropping in from space and ending up having stuff from people doing missions for Lotus is inflicted on everyone, like it or not. This will change I assume, but there are other worse things some of which have been fixed already like the ability to come and go as you please.

  7. 5 minutes ago, DreamsmithJane said:

    don't see any in the entire circuit, so I've spent a few minutes running in a 5km loop

    You are running right? It takes a longer time to sneak up on stuff, and I think wisps need to be snuck up on. I'm not positive about that, but I have found all of the ones I have while not moving, or moving slowly. If a glow in the dark Warframe came blasting up on me out of the blue I would try to vanish too.

  8. I have noticed they are hard to grab when you see them, but I have also found that being small and as easy to kill as I am helps me find them. I spend a lot of time being sneaky instead of just blasting away, I have to creep around the planes using stealth and so I find them quite often. They have, so far, always been near water, and since I'm sneaking around trying not to get killed I stop and fish a lot and that is when I find the most. It seems like sitting still helps a lot, in my case, staying in one place, but looking around. Noticing all that led me to go looking for them and while actively looking I found exactly none.

  9. Have you ever used a fishing spear? It can get exciting to say the least. A 20kg fish will pull you right into the water no problem, if you are in a boat you might get taken for a bit of a ride. I'm not saying it should be a weapon, but since we are constantly getting attacked while fishing it would be a nice delay while we get ready to fight back. A fishing spear in the face is a nasty nasty idea....

  10. I dont agree at all but I am also new.

    I like the game as I started but almost instantly began to feel hemmed in and constrained to what I think you guys refer to as grind. The planes came out when I had had the game for a few weeks and did so just in time, I love it.

    The planes to me are a place to run amok, have fun and get my butt kicked. Its beautiful and I want it to be bigger. I want there to be places like Gaia, and I want the other planets moons and so on to have stuff like this too, each with its one set of stuff. To me, now, going into space is optional, I get a lot more stuff quicker, but its not the same, its like there are piles of stuff laying about that i didn't earn. In the planes you have to go get it, get it and take it from the graneer who definitely dont want you to have it. I have said this in other threads complaining that a place you dont have to go is bothersome in some way. If you dont like it, dont go, its that simple. The whole rest of the game is still there, you have nothing to gripe about I dont think.

    On 10/19/2017 at 1:00 AM, Defmoon said:

    PS, archwing was one of the biggest selling points of plains of eidolon And you made it useless.

    Selling points? No it wasn't, I dont have access to that yet, I'm still level four, I need to be level five before I can even start making that work and you know what? I dont care, it will happen when I have earned it. The selling point was, and still is freedom, and its got that by the ton. The most recent hotfix made it so you can bail out of squads if you want to keep running amok like I often do, now I have no problems other than picking fights I cant win and that is my own doing and I enjoy the hell out of it. I have tried them, people can give them to others and it was pretty friggin great. I have some work to do to get them and its going to be a blast.

    Last point: Do you actually think this is all they are going to do? That they just plopped this in and it will be the last thing they add to this game? Again I'm new so I could be wrong, but I think that if that's what you believe then you are mistaken, this game has a gigantic future, I think its going to be amazing. I think its going to go interstellar, then intergalactic, with huge worlds like PoE to go nuts in. Possibly you will have new places to gripe about, I should be so lucky!

  11. 36 minutes ago, TotallyLagging said:

    And they should really think about where they should place the next map because as it stands PoE is terrible for new players.

    No, its not terrible, its wonderful. Im new and most of what I have learned has been on the planes where I had the time and space to experiment. If it weren't for the planes I would not know how to use mods for example. PoE is fantastic for new people, linier frantic dungeons are what's terrible (and totally fun as well) for new people. I got to level three with no clue how to do anything, now, because of PoE I do have an idea, a long way to go still but way better understanding.

  12. It's my favorite place in the game. Yes its got bugs still to iron out (this is an open beta after all!), and no, Im not experienced enough to understand a lot of what I'm intended to be doing there (I dont grasp "standing" and have no clue what syndicates are or why I should care (yet!)). I simply love it. I bought platinum so I could "start over" with a new Warframe and built her around the planes from scratch. I dont so much do the bounties and won't till they save but I love the planes for a lot of reasons. What a lot of people call "grind" to me is gone there, I find stuff at my own pace and get my butt handed to me for attacking the wrong batch of baddies, I'm not dependant on others, and there's no forced plan. To me its wonderful and the same concept should be applied to all of the planets, moons, asteroids and so on. Even space should be a place we can blast off into. With this sort of addition this game has a gigantic future, one that I find riveting and hugely addictive.,

  13. Just now, NightBlitz said:

    doesnt that technically make it 5 factions plus the tenno? its just that the corrupted lack unique units (the closest they have is an orokin made shield osprey) and that the Sentients havent quite reached that far in their expansion, tho im pretty sure they want to reach that point some time.

    And doers that in turn not make the Eidolons a sixth?

  14. 26 minutes ago, (Xbox One)KelperTheTurkey said:

    I can respect 3-4 open world areas, but anymore would be a bit much since there's only 4 factions in the game.

    Four? Does that include us? Or are the Eidolons the fourth?

  15. Here are my thoughts on this....

    Personally I like PoE a lot, I spend more time there than anywhere else unless I'm feeling extra productive (or want  to advance faster).The thing here is that I'm new and seriously love the freedom. In regular missions there's often someone who is far higher level than I am and the mission is over before I even get started, I cant stand that, it makes me get stuff I didn't earn or simply die the first time I get shot. In PoE I can run around and do as I please, its very very cool and I would like to see something like it for any planet, planetoid, or moon. And the asteroid belt, Oort Cloud, Ect

    I would also absolutely love to have the same thing in space so we can fly our ships from place to place (and since we already have ships we shouldn't have to go get a new part like for example, building a steering wheel or something for two weeks. The archwing problem in PoE is an example of that. I already worked for the things, now they dont work because Im not a high enough level? Suddenly they require fish? What, they have a nutrient problem? Are they malnourished and suddenly have a taste for fish? On that note, we are a spacefaring species and we dont know how to swim yet? Huh! In RL I can swim better than all the warframes in Warframe combined!

    I actually bought platinum so I could make a new Warframe specifically for PoE and started from scratch. I think that says a lot about how much I like it.


    16 minutes ago, Arniox said:

    yeah, but that's something you want, not necessarily a feasible idea. They don't have to make every planet have it's own unique weapon crafting. They could easily have something else unique to that planet.

    I think they should all have something unique (yes its more work, but its also logical), Each should have its own resources, creatures (lots of them) plants, hazards and so on. Spending a lot of time on a high gravity world should make you stronger, spending time on a radioactive world should make you either sick till you left, need something to stave off death, or resistant which would be a skill else where (just as some examples). Stuff from one planet should be valuable on another's equivalent of Cetus. 

    Eventually I can see this as a galaxy spanning interstellar game, limiting its future to people who want one narrow thing, usually "loot" that makes no sense, is, well, seriously limiting. I saw someone who didn't want to go fishing to acquire fish, they wanted it to come in "loot" boxes like prepackaged fish sticks or something. To me that makes as much sense as trying to get your boat fixed at a pizza joint.

    As I said, I'm new, I love these open areas a lot and even though the bugs haven't all been ironed out I will continue to spend a lot of time in PoE even if I dont advance as fast as everyone else. I will be in PoE, and hoping that soon I can take off in my ship and go land on Titan, or Mars, or Pluto and have a whole world there to explore and run amok in as well.

  16. On 8/17/2017 at 11:59 AM, BOON_TO_MANKIND said:

    Uhh.. Fixed. Turns out I accidentally pressed H :D

    I did the same thing, then spent a LOT of time trying to find it in settings (southpaw stuff does not do the trick) and finally ended up asking in chat. Nifty problem huh? The cool thing is you can use this for firing around things that are in your way on  one side, its like peeking around a corner.

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