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Posts posted by KingOfRisen

  1. 24 minutes ago, MaxTunnerX said:

    And who was talking about those? I was talking about the ores and gems and also about other resources like ferrite and stuff.

    You literally said "all other resources". Not just ores, gems or stuff like Ferrite, "all other resources". And even for Ferrite and such your point is still just wrong. A few comments back you said "doesn't the booster just give you extra gems [...] instead of spawning more blue veins?". You explicitly exclude more veins here, which means you were talking about getting extra gems from one vein. I replied that that would just be the same as a normal resource booster. You then said that it already works that way for other resources. Since this is wrong, I explained how the two booster types are different (amount per drop vs amount of drops) and illustrated my point with some examples.

    44 minutes ago, MaxTunnerX said:

    As for the rest, well I guess its back to the "do a 1000 runs and let me know how it worked out" scenario as relying on patchnotes or whatever else being said just doesnt hold any value.

    At this point, I just can't help you. We have official info from the devs as well as player testing (as shown in the video linked earlier in the thread) and player anecdotes. All of these line up to say the same thing. You're the one going against everything we know, so the burden of proof is on you. So at least do those 1000 runs yourself then instead of telling OP to waste countless hours of their life to prove something we already know just because you can't be bothered to accept known facts for some reason. Do the runs, gather the data and make a forum post publishing your findings when you're done.

    Anyway, this discussion seems to be going nowhere. I'm done wasting my time with this, so I'll stop replying after this. Have a nice day.

    • Like 1
  2. 8 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

    No, it wouldnt. It already works like that for all other resources.

    It doesn't. You talked about getting extra gems from a single vein, which is what a resource booster does. It doubles the amount of stuff you get per drop. The drop chance booster works completely differently, it gives you more drops, each with the normal amount of stuff per drop. While both of them can give you extra resources overall, this difference is very important. A drop chance booster can't get you more Void Traces from closing a fissure, it can't get you more Kuva from a siphon or more Steel Essence from an Acolyte and so on. Only a resource booster helps in those scenarios.

    8 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

    Well there we have it. I guess there has been misunderstanding regarding the "deposit" and "vein", cause these are not synonyms as someone might think.

    Those terms mean the exact same thing. Just browse through the patch history at the bottom of the wiki page and you'll see that DE themselves randomly switches between calling them veins, deposits, mining spots and other things.

  3. 1 hour ago, MaxTunnerX said:

    Oh I see. But doesnt the booster just give you extra gem or better gem instead of spawning more blue veins? Its such a weird concept to me, why the hell would it work differently? Ive never seen a game change actual in game assets based on a chance booster for something. But perhaps this game really does it.

    Well, the patchnotes say that the drop chance booster doubles "the chance to get gems". It doesn't mention anything about giving more gems per vein or making rare gems more common. And as you can see in the video RobWasHere linked, the booster does also result in more common gems, not just rare ones.

    Why exactly DE decided to do it this way is something only they know, we can just guess. Since both the rarity and the amount of ores/gems you get from a vein is affected by how good your timing was during the minigame, it might have just been easier to do it this way, I don't know. But also, because the normal resource booster already makes you get more stuff per vein, just having the drop chance booster do the same thing would've been a bit weird. And looking through the Wiki it seems like the rare gems are mostly used for cosmetics, most equipment just uses the normal and uncommon ones, so maybe they thought that players wouldn't find a booster that specifically gives more rare gems as useful. Those are just some random guesses though, only DE could really explain the reason it works the way it does.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, MaxTunnerX said:

    So yeah you totally said blue vein overwrites red vein, which is just not a thing. Its the gem WITHIN blue vein that overrides ore ALSO in the blue vein. What you said is that gem from blue vein somehow makes red veins disappear, but we both agreed that the booster works within the vein itself, aka blue vs blue and red vs red, theres no blue vs red stuff.

    Ah, now I see the issue, you're missing some info on how mining works. Vein colours aren't random, they're indicators of whether the vein contains an ore or a gem. A blue vein will always give gems, and only gems. A red vein (or yellow in Cambion Drift) will always give ores, and only ores. They can give bonus gems if you hit the small extra bracket that sometimes appears, but the main reward of the vein is still always an ore. There literally is no such thing as an ore in a blue vein. Go ahead, try it in game. You could mine until you die of old age and still never get an ore from a blue vein.

    So since the chance to get a gem is hard set to 100% in blue veins and 0% in red/yellow ones, the only way for a drop chance booster to give players more gems is to affect the veins themselves, increasing the amount of blue gem veins at the cost of red/yellow ore veins.

    • Like 1
  5. 9 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

    higher % of getting a gem from the vein rather than something else from the vein

    Which is exactly what I wrote.

    19 hours ago, KingOfRisen said:

    increases the chance for that vein to contain a gem (blue vein) instead of an ore (red vein)

    I don't see where the confusion is coming from.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

    Do a 1000 runs, show me screenshot/video evidence and then we can talk about whats real and what isnt in a proper scientific way. Until then I call BS because it makes no damn sense.

    Or you could just look at the official patchnotes and get the real info straight from DE themselves:



    • Resource Drop Chance Boosters now affect Mining and Fishing, doubling the chance to get gems and the base number of fish spawns! (Previously only regular Resource Boosters affected the Plains)

    (22.12.0 Patchnotes)

    Notice how it specifically says "chance to get gems". So when a mining vein spawns, a drop chance booster increases the chance for that vein to contain a gem (blue vein) instead of an ore (red vein), thus reducing the amount of ores you get overall.

    • Like 2
  7. When combining two weapons via Valence Fusion, the game will check which of them has the higher bonus damage % and multiply that by 1.1 for the fused weapon.

    Since 48.1% is higher than both 42.7% and 29.1%, you end up with 48.1 * 1.1 = 52.91 either way.

    When fusing the weapons with the lower bonuses you get 42.7 * 1.1 = 46.97, since 42.7% is the higher bonus between those two weapons.

    But even that newly fused weapon still has a lower bonus than your original 48.1%, so it doesn't give you a better end result.

    • Like 4
  8. If this is your first Eidolon hunt in a while, the Warframe Revised Update (27.2, released in early March) did indeed change some stuff.

    1) DE changed the way enemy stats scale with their level, which also affected the Eidolons and reduced their shield values.

    2) Amps that deal AoE damage have falloff now, the Propa scaffold for example loses up to 70% of its damage as you get further away from the center of the explosion.

  9. On the Ferrox you're using Rad + Cold, which is great against the Armor and Health type the Eidolons use. On the Velocitus however you have Blast + Toxin, which gives you no damage bonuses and instead even a slight penalty in that fight.

    • Like 5
  10. 1 hour ago, Rde__BeTr4yEd_ said:

    Rhino Can get at best 175% damage buff VS. Chroma that could have 1k% damage buff...

    I just want to point out that these numbers aren't directly comparable, since they affect the damage calculation in different ways. Chroma's buff is additive with base damage mods, which is why minmaxed Chroma builds replace them, e.g. Primed Cryo Rounds instead of Serration on a Rubico build. Rhino's buff on the other hand is just a multiplier after everything else.

    That said, Chroma does still have the higher damage output.

  11. 8 minutes ago, (NSW)Sniperfox47 said:

    explained in perfect detail on the wiki if you don't trust me

    You should probably read the wiki yourself, since you're making a bunch of false statements. This is the relevant segment in the wiki.


    41 minutes ago, (NSW)Sniperfox47 said:

    Shotguns have status chance per pellet, but the UI currently multiplies that by the number of pellets.

    False. What the UI shows you is the calculated probability of at least one pellet procing a status effect. This is not the same as simply multiplying the chance per pellet with the number of pellets. The UI uses the formula "1 - (1 -  Chance per Pellet)Pellet Count". And just because it is flawed does not mean it suddenly calculates something completely different like "Status Chance = Chance per Pellet * Pellet Count" or whatever.


    42 minutes ago, (NSW)Sniperfox47 said:

    It's worth noting that the current build has a bug that's existed for a long time. If total status chance gets above 100% before multishot (i.e. 12.5% per pellet) it would give every pellet 100% status chance.

    This is not a bug. The formula DE used is simply not the most suited for the job because it's behavior changes drastically when certain values are approached.

    Again, the UI currently shows the chance of at least one pellet procing. Even if each pellet had 99% status chance, there's still that extremely rare case in which every pellet will roll "no proc". It might only happen once in a million shots, but you would not have a 100% guarantuee that every shot gives you at least one proc. So when the UI shows you a chance of 100% to proc at least once, every pellet needs to have 100% status chance itself to eliminate the possibility for that rare case to occur.


    12 minutes ago, (NSW)Sniperfox47 said:

    This is why multishot increases status chance.

    The reason why multishot increases the displayed status chance is because increasing the amount of pellets in a shot means that more pellets have to roll "no proc" in a row for no proc to occur at all in that shot, which gets progressively less likely. This is completely different from just adding up the individual chance of more pellets.


    To be fair, none of this information will really matter anymore pretty soon, since it gets changed anyway and we'll just have to see how exactly the new values and formulas will work out.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, DariusMcSwag said:

    The War Within quest was not as well received as TSD.

    I haven't had many discussions with others about quests, but from what I've heard people usually prefer TWW over TSD. So I don't think this statement is true, but maybe my small sample size is just skewing things.

    2 hours ago, DariusMcSwag said:

    For the first time in Warframe history there was a Forced Singleplayer experience.

    This is where I'm getting kinda confused. What makes you think TSD didn't have forced solo moments? It absolutely did, the mission with the quest's iconic cutscene in the Reservoir (as well as the segment in your Orbiter afterwards) has to be done alone. Like other story quests, the more generic missions in the beginning can be done in a group, but when you get to the more significant story parts and to missions that include cutscenes, you have to play solo.

    The wiki also mentions this in a short note in the mission's walkthrough section:

    "Save the Reservoir: Grimaldi, Lua. This mission cannot be performed with a group, and must be done solo."

    • Like 1
  13. 19 minutes ago, Zelmen said:

    For some reason I think they roll back some of the loot nerfs but I don't remember which update I read that.

    From the 25.8.0 patchnotes:


    Warframe Loot Abilities will again be able to yield multiple-drops from already looted corpses. A single enemy can be looted by at most one Ability from each group - which is how it worked before, this just clarifies it. Warframe Looting Abilities have been split into separate functionality groups for clarity:

    1. Loot while alive: Ivara
    2. Loot petrified: Atlas 
    3. Loot on death: Wukong, Khora, Hydroid. An enemy can only be killed once, they can’t ‘die’ multiple times.  
    4. Loot corpse: Nekros, Chesa


  14. 5 hours ago, MR9BCI said:

    Try out what other weapons 😞 Is there a 4th viable sniper I dont know off. 

    Check out DoubleXXF on YouTube. He uploaded POV videos of 6x3s with a bunch of different snipers and like a dozen other weapons. Those are all using Chroma as the main dps, but if you look around on YT for a bit you will also find a bunch of 6x3 videos using Ivara (usually with the Sancti Castanas, but there's also some runs with other weapons).

  15. It does work, just not in the way you'd expect I guess. This line from the wiki is very important:


    Motes only check Wisp's Ability Strength when plucked, so temporary buffs have to be timed accordingly.

    It's irrelevant how much STR you had when creating the reservoir, though creating it will still use up the EC buff. It only matters how much STR you have when picking up a fresh mote. So you can create a reservoir without EC active, then later pick up a mote while you have the buff and you will get a stronger mote. Note that picking up a mote does not consume the EC buff, since it doesn't count as an ability cast.

    If you already have an unbuffed mote on you (which you will have automatically after making the reservoir), you have to wait for that buff to run out before you can get a stronger buff by picking up a new mote with EC active. This is because refreshing a mote just resets the duration without changing the strength of the buff. This also means that you can keep refreshing a buffed mote while not having EC up and still keep the increased buff.

  16. 27 minutes ago, Exlodian_Akitora said:

    With the "I'd say yes you were in the wrong,  you were using limbo. " part doesn't exactly fill me with confidence you understand why I am not liking your comment, saying hes the one in the wrong for enjoying the game, and playing a warframe he enjoys. Yeah alot of warframes are not great for things, but its fun gameplay wise for that person using. So as I said above, "Let a guy enjoy warframe way he wants"

    The "/s" in his comment means that the statement before it is meant sarcastically. So calm down.

    • Like 2
  17. 9 minutes ago, Tengarnos said:

    Still you cant count these ranks in for the 300 creds which you get before you reach this rank. As you said its totally irrelevant which rewards are after rank 24 since you get the 300 creds before.

    You're completely missing the point of the discussion in this thread. It's titled "Is NW reset good?" and the OP starts by saying "I reset my NW rank". The baseline of the discussion is that the player has already reached rank 30 anyway (likely motivated by rewards like the Umbra Forma and the armor set).


    13 minutes ago, Tengarnos said:

    If the U Forma is why you do it the creds are irrelevant to you anyway. But if we go to how much creds per Rank, you cant count the 6 Ranks past the 300 Creds as Ranks to need gaining them.

    Black-or-White fallacy, you're falsely implying that interest in one reward makes other rewards not matter at all. Just because the Umbra Forma was my highest priority doesn't mean I'm not interested at all in Wolf Creds. In fact, I'm still playing for the prestige ranks to get more catalysts.


    19 minutes ago, Tengarnos said:

    You cant count in ranks after reaching the goal as gain.

    Except the original goal was rank 30 to begin with (which OP has already reached), not rank 24.

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