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Posts posted by KingOfRisen

  1. 8 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ultimategamerjr said:

    You can disconnect arcanes from cosmetics with distillers.

    "Disconnect" not as in "allow us to uninstall Arcanes", but as in "seperate the two systems entirely from each other, make Arcanes and cosmetics have nothing to do with one another". Arcanes impacting Fashionframe was the reason DE removed the original Arcane helmes from alerts, but for whatever reason they connected the two again with the new Arcanes. Yes, I know distillers exist, but let's be honest: the whole process of uninstalling, reinstalling and reupgrading every time you want to switch the cosmetic a specific Arcane is on is incredibly clunky and annoying. I personally haven't bought or changed syandanas in forever, just because I don't want to lose the effect of my Energize Set or go through the aforementioned process every other time I change frames.

    I would really appreciate having a simple system such as Arcane slots similar to mods implemented, but I think DE said a while ago they're not doing that, since they don't want Arcanes to be treated similar to mods or something.

  2. 24 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    Remove any sort of meaning behind the concept of a raid in an MMO and you are left with something that isn't a raid. What mechanics could there be solo?

    This is a co-op game, first and foremost. It is designed around a group of 4 players in a mission and a bigger challenge with requisite rewards for 8 players. If you aren't going to do the game play to get the rewards then why even put any thought into it, just ignore it and play any of the other content in the game that can be soloed.

    Hm, I haven't played many MMOs myself, but from what I've heard and read most big MMOs seem to have the option to solo their raids and raid-like content. Could you give some examples of big MMOs in which you cannot play this type of content solo? I'm curious. 

    Also, at least LoR in its current state is not challenging at all and does not have any meaningful gameplay to begin with, at this point it's nothing more than a button-step-simulator and a miserable CC cheese fest.

  3. So how about we finally get a way to solo the raids like I think we should have since their release? Then these specific Arcanes would stay exclusive to raids, giving people a reason to run them, but you're not reliant on others to get them (provided you're capable of soloing them of course). Obviously the mechanics will have to be adjusted for this, like all the pressure pads in LoR.

  4. One for this test very important thing to remember (and probably the reason why they chose Brood Mothers as the enemies) is, that you gain energy for hitting enemies with your dash. Use your beam to kill the Brood Mother itself, deal some damage to the orb, then void dash through all the maggots to get a ton of energy back (this also kills the maggots). Do this while sprinting in circles from one energy orb to the next (don't waste energy on dashing just for mobility). Keep damaging it just a bit while running around to keep it from regenerating, when you're around an energy orb focus on firing at the objective while dodging the maggots. I think I usually had around a minute left when finishing the test. 

  5. Why Burnout in -insert any game title here- exists:

    The content the game has to offer has limits, which you will reach after playing hundreds or thousands of hours. Once you completed all the missions, collected everything or whatever else a game offers you, you're in the need of something new to refresh your enjoyment of the game. Game Developers can't give you unlimited completely new content as fast as you complete it: an example would be quests in WF like the Second Dream. They put lots and lots of time into it, just so you play through it in maybe a few hours. 

    Even when the game is like the best thing humans ever invented, when there is nothing new for players to do for a while, you'll eventually get sick of it and need something else.

    Just my opinion on the matter anyways.

  6. On 24.4.2016 at 1:41 PM, ConQwest said:

    Why do some Frames have Arcane helmets and others not thats an imbalance as well ,if we are going to say "lets make all things equal" then lets make all things equal.

    You do have kind of a point there, but don't forget that an extra mod slot (or even more) are potentially far more powerful than an arcane helmet. Most of them just give 5-10% something, another slot could be used for a primed or corrupted mod with significantly more power.

  7. And why exactly should only a few frames get more slots? With all these Updates and Events that we had since DE decided to remove ability mods and give every frame 8 slots we got lots and lots of new mods (for weapons as well, not only frames). So compared to back then we have way more mods, but still the same amount of slots. And sometimes I'd really like to use a certain mod, e.g. from the Shadow Debt Operation, but end up not using it because other mods are still better and I don't have enough slots. DE gives us new mods, which are often quite good as well, but we need more slots and probably mod points to actually use them. I'd like to see frames and maybe also weapons get more slots (and maybe mod points), but I don't see a reason why only some should get this change.

  8. Although even higher base damage of snipers wouldn't solve their main problem: they're just too situational and don't really fit well into WF. Even if you can oneshot everything, you're still just taking out one enemy at a time while e.g. in Survival massive hordes of enemies come rushing towards you. It simply isn't practical in most missions (except for example grineer spy, like you mentioned). For the high number of enemies in this game snipers just aren't fitting IMO...


    (That's also why explosive weapons are so popular: they can quickly eliminate the big groups of enemies the game throws at you)

  9. This could be very useful to you!




    I wouldn't use this site anymore. It seems like it hasn't been updated since shortly after Ash Prime came out (his parts are still listed as 100-200 plat and I can't find any of the Trinity P. access items on there). Now that warframe.market added the option for sets I can only recommend said website to look up prices.

  10. As said in the title, I'm looking for a total of 10 Arcane Grace enhancements (doesn't need to be the whole set at once).

    Contact me on the forums or ingame so we can talk about prices :)

  11. Dem kann ich nur zustimmen. Ich finde das eher matte Gold des Verlorum Prime so schon nicht wirklich schön und vor allem bei nicht-Primes stört der goldene Rand mMn oft das farbliche Gesamtbild.

    Wäre echt schön wenn man bald diesen Rand wie von dir vorgeschlagen umfärben könnte :)

  12. A long time ago I was farming Corpus def for void keys (don't remember which prime I was farming at that point), stayed a good while but had to leave without any keys because the enemies slowly became too hard to handle. Disappointed I opened a Warframe alert app on my phone just to see that the alert for the last Vauban part I needed expired ~1m ago...

  13. I honestly feel like you've just scrolled through the wiki, counted how many advantages something has and just wrote it on the list. You seem to have ignored a lot of disadvantages different things have, for example the very high ammo consumption of the Amprex or how you are unable to use your normal weapons when in Hysteria...

  14. I do like the Ember changes and the Hotfix in general, but PLEASE just remove WoF's duration already, imo it really hurts the ability, mainly because it makes modding Ember really difficult when you want to focus on WoF.

  15. Steam says 452,63€ for me. Some smaller platinum packs, highest Ember P. pack (I actually got this one for christmas, but I'll still count it), Rhino P. accessories, highest Nova P. pack, Volt P. accessories and 4300 platinum with 75% applied somewhere in between. I'm currently planning on not buying the Ash P. PA when it comes out (maybe the accessories if they look amazing), but if the drop locations for the new stuff are absolutely f'ed up, I might change my mind and throw some more money at DE.

  16. Why only five waves?

    When I made the event i had to do 25 waves.

    I think the number shown in the end of mission screens stands for the amount of TA-missions completed, not for how many waves he had to play. They should probably write something like Points instead of Waves to prevent further confusion.
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