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  1. Passive - Scaling with the amount of buffs active on Moirai at a time, increase the evasion of Moirai and her teammates (within affinity range). 1st Ability - Two Faces: Moirai flips a coin, indicated by a small icon above her ability bar. If the coin lands on heads (*different name for coin sides pending), Moirai will recover her shields. The percentage amount of shields recovered scales with Ability Strength. If the coin lands on tails (*), Moirai will lose all of her shields, triggering a Shieldgate, even if her shields were not full. The Shieldgate resulting from a tails flip will not scale upwards with shield amount beyond the initial max. Scaling with % of shields sacrificed, Moirai grants a damage buff to her and her teammates (within affinity range), until her shields are fully recovered. If the coin lands on tails twice in a row, no Shieldgate will be granted, any current shields will be lost and Energy will not be refunded, but the Buff Duration and Strength (again, scaling with shields sacrificed) will increase. The energy cost of this ability is not affected by Efficiency. (The buffs from 1st and 3rd ability stack.) 2nd Ability - Machina Sutura: Hold to select targets. Fire a barrage of needles at the selected enemy. The enemy is knocked back (distance scaling with Ability Range). If they hit a wall after being knocked back, they will be pinned, disarmed and unable to move for a few of seconds (Amount of time stuck increases with Ability Strength, not Duration). If the enemy fails to hit a wall/object after being knocked back, only a small amount of Slash procs will be applied. This ability does not deal any damage if an enemy is pinned. This ability is capable of crowd controlling any enemy, even if they are affected by overguard. Normally un-crowd-controllable bosses can be affected too, with exceptions. While holding down the ability, multiple enemies can be selected, however for each enemy selected, energy will be spent. 3rd Ability - Borrowed Barrage: Moirai emits a wave in front of her. Any enemy, wielding a gun with a magazine function, caught within this radius will be forced into a reload animation. If Moirai is holding a primary/secondary weapon, the magazine will be instantly replenished. Depending on how many gun wielding enemies were hit, Moirai increases her and her teammates weapon damage until reloading. Boost amount scales inversely with ammo amount. Scales with Ability Strength, Range and Duration. (The buffs from 3rd and 1st ability stack.) 4th Ability - Intertwined Fates: Intertwine/sew together the souls of all Warframes present. Moirai emits an expanding wave in their affinity range. The current health of all Warframes caught within that area will be added (e.g. if there are three other warframes, and every player in the squad has 2000 health, the result would be 8000 health.) This amount is then added onto all the warframes touched by the wave, minus their own health, indicated by a bar of different color. Whenever a teammate receives damage to health, the amount of damage received will be removed from all other warframes as well. The damage transference will not affect other player's shields and health bars, besides the one created by Moirai. Shields take priority over the health of Intertwined Fates. During a shieldgate window, this health is not affected. "Borrowed health" amount can be increased with power strength (e.g. 200% PS = 2x of borrowed health).
  2. This sounds like a neat idea, as long as it wouldn't restrain him to a stationary gameplay. If you're thinking of deploying the "mini orphix" and others as Wisp deploys her nodes or Citrine her crystal, that would be pretty disappointing. If the mini orphix moved along you just as the aspects do now and weakened/slowed/silenced enemies along the way, it would be a pretty rad change. Definitely agree, the ragdolls are atrocious. Maybe stunning or blinding them? Perhaps that would be too op. A stagger that can lead to a grouping pull from his new 4 (as I've mentioned in the original post) would probably do the best job.
  3. I never noticed this, since I never encountered these problems. I mostly play solo and only really use them for cc (threat level) and their shield regen. What you are suggesting could probably help him. This is because instead of the beams armor stripping, its the fallout that is created at the end of the cast. The fallout is created either at the end point of the beams or on whichever surface they were touching when you finished the cast (Wall, Ground). Meaning that you can only get the full, armor stripping, effect if you cast from mid air and aimed at the ground, so that you can actually influence where the fallout is created (but then you can't hit as many enemies with it). This is the main reason I wanted to change it to something like a wave his second ability has. To be honest, I don't like Razor Gyre at all. It "binds you down" and you can't shoot, slash or parkour at all while using it, which are core concepts of warframe. Using the ability feels dull and constraining, for a meager payout at that. Maybe if it was like a singe, quick cast of rotating and dealing massive slash damage around him in a single second (like atlases punch, fast, recastable) I would look upon it more favourably.
  4. What's your opinion on the other changes? Would it be a change for the good or nah?
  5. Caliban seems to be really underperforming in Steel Path and in general; as is evident in both his pick rate and noticable when playing him. Here are my suggestions that would make him viable, but not broken (at least in my opinion): 1. Make his 3 (Lethal Progeny) recastable even when his aspects are still alive. Just like Nekros' 4, reseting their duration and health. 2. Make his 4 (Fusion Strike) have the same animation as his 2 (Sentient Wrath) or at least the same AOE effect that it possesses. Sending out a radial wave around Caliban that stips the armor of his enemies. To replace the grouping effect it has, it could pull the enemies struck to the centre just like Gyre's 2 (Coil Horizon). To make this grouping effect not too broken, this would only work if the enemies are already affected by his 2 (Sentient Wrath) I don't feel like adjusting his 1 (Razor Gyre) will make any substential difference, as it will still never see any use outside of Helminth placeholder. I feel like they wouldn't be too hard for DE to implement, but would make Caliban much more enjoyable and viable, yet not broken. What are your thoughts on these possible changes?
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