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  1. It's a fairly caricatured vision that isn't based on much... I play 4 games ATM. I also think that playing more than a single game is healthier than staying on just one game. But, surely, you could find the opposite way. In the same way, I authorized myself for, for example, some "ZZZzzz" when some players are not fast enough. It's also kind of symptomatic of new players "woke" mentality nowadays. Warframe is the most healthy commuynity I've ever played. On 7 years playing I did not see even 10 hard speeches. So at some point, let's just not be a Karen/ Kevin and whining about an exceptionnal situation. Because if it's not exceptionnal...the problem is probably you. :-)
  2. Haha... Well, you are quiet dillusional. ^^ First, thinking that "none of us share my view" is unrealistic. I'm part of clan (and was part of few others) where many share that same observation. So I'm really not "speaking fo myself only" (I almost never do, who cares the opinion of a single player). I also know that from old casters testimonies. That's a well known fact... Mediocracy filling gaming is often hard to accept because of the ego. Your "stand up, be a man, admit it" goes in that ego way. If you did not care or thought this was non sens, you wouldn't even answer. You just have been "touché"... ;-)
  3. I would say this is DE’s fault because they follows presents days mediocracy… Honeslty, I could be one of those player who lightly troll/ push players « like you ». Allow me to explain myself… I could write lines and lines to explain but I’m gonna resume like this : DE failed to propose efficient balanced late game because they follow the nowadays gaming mentality : mediocracy. Players can not handle difficulties now. As DE want money, they provide a lot of early and middle game easy content to keep players as long as possible. They don’t give a #*!% about ancient players. « New players » want everything, very fast otherwise, they quit. Players now don’t tend to be better. They just want to get stuff. That’s the reason why (ancient) high rank players such me trash talk others: we want to promote meritocracy, not mediocracy. For example, why are you lvling up you Dante on a mission where you need to perf a little bit ? Why don’t you go to Elite Sanctuary ? Or solo lvling with silence helminth ? Or asking for a nuker to carry you ? Because, like you said, you are tired, you don’t give a #*!% about others… Not in a bad way, it’s just what it is now. You probably even did not think about any of the propositions I made. You just play. You were probably in « why should I think about any stuff… I can play however I want » mode. You can… but « you get out what you put in it »… Like many other say, this attitude is rare because, sadly, now, most of players is just « like you ». But on the other way, beoing trash talk back is also kind of fair…
  4. Confrères et Consoeurs, Dans les ombres où dansent les éclats de malveillance, le Consortium des Gatos s'est libéré de ses chaînes et lance son appel. Rejoignez-nous, vous qui brûlez de briser les entraves de la médiocrité et pousser vos compétences au-delà des limites établies. Si vous cherchez un foyer pour progresser ou mettre à l'œuvre vos idées les sombres, le Consortium des Gatos vous ouvre grand ses portes ! Toutes les recherches sont terminées, évidemment...
  5. Confrères et Consoeurs, Dans les ombres où dansent les éclats de malveillance, le Consortium des Gatos s'est libéré de ses chaînes et lance son appel. Rejoignez-nous, vous qui brûlez de briser les entraves de la médiocrité et pousser vos compétences au-delà des limites établies. Si vous cherchez un foyer pour progresser ou mettre à l'œuvre vos idées les sombres, le Consortium des Gatos vous ouvre grand ses portes ! Toutes les recherches sont terminées, évidemment...
  6. Like I already said, I can understand all the points. But there is no need to act like this game cant' be enjoyable for casu, middle and veteran players. If you like mixing things up, that's fine. If for you Fashion Frame is the real end game, that's also fine. Each way to play is fine. As farm game online, WF should propose a end game infinite or ranked mode, like Diablo or so many other games.. This is just pure logical. Proposing the dungeon mode I introduced won't change a damn thing for 95% of the players. It will just please 5% of the most fervent players in the game. I think it's really little to ask considering the little work it would take and the amazing thing it would be. Proposing an end game/ competitive mode to a game never stop casual players to play the way they want ! Starcraft 2 pro competition and leaderboard never prevent casual players to play arcade mode or to enjoy low league ! Rocket League leaderboard never stop me staying a noob and enjoying playing in gold league ! Greater Rift in D3 never stop casual player to just enjoy playing the season. I could keep going ang going on ! I love WF. I just want to keep loving it because it's a #*!%ing great game. I
  7. The purpose in obtaining new things is to use them to an end. Mixing them, understanding them, testing them is not a end to it self but a way to reach your goals. And at the end, let's face it. What makes you shudder should make you thrill. There will be always room for casual player. In all competitive games (and not just video game, every game), the top players never prevent casual player to play the way they want. What you said it's not true at all. You always get the choice. You can play casu or can play to perform. WF is the only game I know that doesn't give a choice.
  8. It will be to the players to finds new way to grind. And each micro ajustement could be use to grind step by step a dungeon. Rewars could even only been cosmetic. Or even only a ranking... And nah, this is not end game man... A MR8 with classic moding canr run 10h Survival with a Octavia. But even that, this end game is not fun.Almost nobody now play 3h endless mission to reach HL mob... This is pointless.
  9. There will alway be whiners. And more this world go to mediocracy... more you gonna get complaints for everything. But I think that's unrelevant because it's not one or the other. It can be BOTH... Putting end game mode won't be at the price of other stuff... It will just please the 5% vet. DE can do both. Putting an endgame enjoyable ranking won't make the "casual crowd" go away. WHy should be... ? PT exists. Eidolon exist. Those who can do it do it and those who can't do it don't. Casual players wont' leave the game because there is a little bit of difficulty for them. But vet leave because there is no difficulty for them.
  10. I don't see why these suggestions would do that. And experience goes that way. There is some kind of niche like PT run, Eidolon Run or HL Disru. Take Profit Taker for example. It's niche. I liked to rushed it. I was in the world top 50 speed run one time. Most of the players are not able to run the PT solo and only run coop the number of time they need for ressource and never come back to it again. There isn't any cost about players who run these things. It could be exactly the same for my suggestions. By definition, if it's a niche, it won't matter for most of the player...so DE could do it. They are just lazy at best, mean at worst... :(
  11. I read. TO be honest, I did not pay attention at the disability. My bad. But it would be stupid to answer about disability by arguing with general terms...that's why. I'm disable too. And I'm bored with woke people. Everything is not about a ONE guy. I only see with one eye. There are many things I can't do. Many special activities and games I can't play. I don't whine about things that only concern me. I'm not whining about making VR stuff especially for me. If I use VR, I know that I will be penalized. I'm not aksing for eveything changing just for me. If I go watch a 3D movies, I accept not being able to see the 3D effect and just enjoy the movie. I'm not aksing to make adjustement for me. Like I said, WF is already easy 95% of the time easy. Asking for making everything easy is just kind of selfish.
  12. That's precisly where I disagree. I think you won't ever get an answer. BUt I really had the feeling that, ot's only quiet recently ( I mean like 2021) that DE testify clearly about this, the overcreep feeling. But during 6,5,4 years (depending when you start the game), it was the opposite. But I'm convinced, this is an admission of weakness. For obscure (bad ?) reason, DE choose this "new" line of conduct instead of admitting they are not able to produce content for their most fervent supporters. The "historically a consideration of the way this game plays" did not at all always been about "owning the unnecesssry and overpowering weak enemies". This is rather new... But of course, we wont' ever know (unless you have an old interview link who tells the opposite, I would be glad to see).
  13. I agree, but this is valid at some point... I think, now, we fairly reached, since a long time ago, such a point where you can easily stop lauching so much "useless" content and focus just one time, on an enjoyable endgame proposal.
  14. Thanx for your complete opinion. I think you take the "way" for the "goal". This can't not be... In a good farm game, to gear up cannot be an end in itself. Power creep has to lead to something. This game suffers of what I call the "FFXIII-II syndrom". 🙃 In Final Fantasy 13-2, the ressource for crafting the end game weapon was lootable on... the biggest boss of the game. You see where it goes... You have to able to kill many times the biggest boss of the game to get the best weapon. But why do you need the best weapon I you can kill the best boss without it ? Same thing in WF. It could be resume by one question: "why bother ?" One you collected all the important stuff, why bother keep collecting new items ? Take the last updates for example. The new arcanes are useless. New incarnon weapons are useless. Kullervo is kind of unrelevant as well. None of the last add change anything about the game... I think the sadest part is that, like you say, that topic emerged many times. Yes it's a niche players topics. But 1) it could not be a niche if DE put some easy things in place, like the mode I suggested. 2) It would be so easy to satisfy all of us, old player with simple ajustment. Now, I find it disrespectful to former players who have supported the game for all these years. I spent so many hours to learn about so much stuff about this game that I love(d ?), discussing about so much specific things to optimize my gears, my builds. Many years ago, there was a promess, a hope about this effective endgame. And we were patients. We are not anymore. Because no doubt now that DE flipped. Lacking in strenght and in loyalty to old players who support them the most, DE is now always ready to turn around in favor of whatever is in power to bring money. DE choose to deal with this era of mediocracy where people can't handle challenge. They just want easy stuff as fast as they can You just need to look at the amazing threat about a player whining about the difficulty of "Nihil's arena". THat's just sad.... And, as there is more and more people like him and less like me... DE follows mediocracy. And to be honest, that's OK, I mourn this stuff now. BUt still...it would be so easy for DE to imlant something like I proposed that's not doing it is, after all this years, starts to be almost "mean". PS: I get your point about solo and coop but, for my topic, I think, this is not really relevant in the way that, same end.
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