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Posts posted by anarchy753

  1. I started a bit of an idea on a concept for a Chroma rework a while ago.

    1. Spectral Scream becomes a singular cast, not a channel. It would be a roar that affects a cone shape in front of Chroma dealing high elemental damage with a 100% chance to proc status. Additionally, casting the ability again with a different element within a small time window would upgrade the status to any enemies hit by both to the combined status effect (like Gauss' Thermal Sunder.)

    The augment, Afterburn, would leave elemental residue (flames, ice, sparks, toxin blobs) on the ground over the aoe for a duration, dealing damage with hihgh status chance to any enemies standing in it.

    Holding 1 would allow Chroma to cycle between Fire/Ice/Electricity/Toxic


    3. Vex Armour now incorporates both Elemental Ward and Vex Armour. Damage to shield increases armour, damage to health increases damage, and allies gain a buff when in range.

    Heat still gives max health and burns nearby enemies, but also grants some health regen.

    Electricity still grants max shields and its arc discharge, but also shield regeneration.

    Toxin still grants its damage aura, but instead of holster speed it grants lifesteal. (A small ammount to account for being alongside Vex's huge damage boost.)

    Cold would still grant armour, but would be after calculations rather than being a boost in the thousands after it's multiplied by Vex. It would still defend against incoming fire (no longer reflecting it.)

    The augment would be Everlasting Ward as it is now, allies who enter the range retain the effect for the remaining duration.

    The main goal would be to buff the less used elements while making cold less "the answer to absolutely all damage at all times."


    4. Effigy would no longer be a channel, it would last ~30-60 seconds. Effigy would adapt to Chroma's current damage type while active. It would no longer be a stationary sentry, and would move autonomously in a small-medium radius around Chroma. Holding the ability button would cause the Effigy to hold its position and behave as it currently does, holding the ability again would cause it to return to the radius around Chroma. The armour loss from Effigy would be halved.


    As Chroma would then need a new ability, I was considering something like "Chroma feeds off nearby elemental energy. All basic elemental procs on nearby enemies are removed, causing a small explosion of the corresponding damage type centered around the afflicted enemies. For each status proc consumed in this manner, Chroma gains a temporary buff to ability strength."

    This would allow Chroma better synergy between his own kit. His 1 and 4 inflict elemental statuses, his 2 deals damage based off of how efficient he is with those, gaining a strength increase to cast his abilities, namely Vex Armour, with increased strength.


    Chroma's biggest issues are;

    • He can't change damage type.
    • His 1 does S#&$ all damage.
    • His 2 and 3 fill the same role.
    • Cold vastly outperforms all other damage types.
    • He is usually built for duration and strength, which completely bombs the ability to use either of his 1 or 4 which can't be used at all with low efficiency, and that's before considering how mediocre they are.

    I feel like a rework like this would address most of those points. Giving him a way to buff his own ability strength by casting his 1 and 2 would also mean he'd be less locked into the current meta of piling on way too many strength and duration mods, giving him some room for flexibility beyond "I am Chroma, I do damage and take none."

  2. 5 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

    Fortuna had partly stuff for standign like Ticker tho, and some resources i say should be simply acting like Argon Cristels do, this way you can't hoard, makes them always needed that way to farm for new things, keeping the mode relevant, best also to spread them accross nodes becasue right now Railjack already is dead again with no Pugs forming, even in Veil due the one thing that was worth framing ,Umbra Forma, which i persoanlyl not care for, is gone now.

    It's certainly annoying that the only things they added are at such an astronomically low rate that it's not worth trying to get them. It means the people who did enjoy and invest in Railjack only had like a few days of gameplay to max out most weapons and components with valence.

    They need something decent and evergreen like an exilus forma on the mode.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Marine027 said:

    True again, wish DE would stop introducing more resources liek this to only drop them again, fear the same will happen here like Javlok Condensators and Orokin Ciphers as one time only resources for such instead of making use of existing things. Maybe a good alternative would be able to transfer older resources into Railjack one in the forge or in a menu, Darvo could be for once get a spot again and help with your ship and trade and exchange resources.

    I understand why they do it. When they add something new like the open world or Railjack, they want players to go in at a starting level. If they use the same resources as the main game, vets go in and immediately have the best of the best of everything because they have so much of all the resources that it doesn't matter. They don't get any useful information out of the gameplay from that, and they are already at a point where the missions aren't worth doing.

    That said they really aren't good at finding a way to balance the resources between "desperate for them" and "never need to think about them."

  4. 5 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

    True, tho Railjack should not be there for new players simply, same for Plains and Orb Vallis, DE has a bad direction atm, all those things should at least come after the Second Dream really, progression in a good way and not all over the place.

    I mean new to the mode, everyone has to start Railjack somewhere and that usually means with next to 0 resources.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

    That should just happen automaticly honestly after the mission and while you explore auto refined, we not need to start bandaids like with mods again isntead of straight buffs, upgrades and QoL changes overall.

    The only issue is newer players who aren't rolling in the resources like the rest of us. If someone joins their ship and wastes a bunch of resources, then it would automatically dock them of the resources to top them back up rather than giving the choice to leave flux/munitions/dome charges at 0 to craft new weapons or components faster.

  6. I'd rather see them just normalised. Rather than there being missions where you can get 6 void traces, an absolutely useless amount and a waste of your time, remove the RNG and just make every one drop either 20 or 25 traces. Just a solid, flat amount that makes a simple amount of missions to reach 100.

  7. Dsx4B2c.png


    • You don't have to go through the loading screen to the dojo, exit your ship fast travel to the dry dock, open the menu and hit "forge all" before reboarding just to do the same mission again.
    • You don't have to wait for like 5 minutes to do all the forging of Flux, Munitions AND Dome Charges between each mission, and Revolite every few missions.
    • You can just play the game, rather than play "crafting simulator."
    • Like 2
  8. Vitus drops from the drones was added as a small bonus to rotation drop, along with the 3x vitus on the rotation table.

    It was not intended that one long mission lets you buy out the arbitration store because vitus is dropping left and right.

    It has a low drop rate, that doesn't mean that you not getting some in a mission means they're "broken," nor that it needs "fixing." It drops at a pretty fair rate currently, requiring you to participate in multiple arbitrations to get multiple rewards.

    As others have stated, there are less enemies in solo runs, if you want more drones for more chances, then don't run solo.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    I agree. I think that's the best way. Even a slight increase in drop chances could drastically lower prices in weeks or months.

    Many people have suggested lockable stats. More drops would mean more "god" rolls in circulation but they'd still be pricey. If you could reroll your riven and know you're not going to lose one of base damage or multishot, it would mean the rarity of something that hits damage/multishot/crit would be a lot lower so the actual value of them would drop. It would overall be more healthy for the game both in terms of players exploiting others for ludicrous amounts of money, and promote less of a gambling addiction with rivens.

    • Like 2
  10. This is in regards to the option "Invert Tap/Hold Abilities."

    This option exists to swap tap to cycle/hold to cast abilities to tap to cast/hold to cycle. This affects Ivara, Vauban, Titania and Wisp.

    Many abilities have a hold mechanic, and outside of cycling abilities the behavious is always "tap to cast, hold to do something different," such as cast/charge in the case of Ember, Hydroid and Nezha, dash/float on Zephyr, swallow/spit on Grendel, end ability/move effigy with Chroma's augment, stab/swipe with Gara, attack/charge with Garuda. None of these abilities are affected by the option, rightfully so.


    The issue is we have 2 outlying abilities that work differently from the rest.

    Khora's Venari ability by default uses tap to cast/hold to cycle. This means regardless of which option you prefer, Khora will always be inverted. I use tap to cast/hold to cycle, it works for me. So when I use Khora in a mission, it is incredibly jarring and awkward to use her Venari ability. I'm not going to change the options in the menu every time I want to play or stop playing Khora, it should simply be consistent.

    Secondly Gauss. His Thermal Sunder works by using tap for cold, hold for heat. This, like the countless non-cycling abilities, should not interact with the tap/hold invert option. All it does is cause confusion, and cause the ability description to be incorrect.

    This post is mostly because I'm worried that Protea will suffer the same issue as Gauss and her 1 will behave strangely with the option. Please;


    Swap Khora's default interaction to be consistent with every other cycling ability, so regardless of your choice of inverting or not, it will always match.

    Stop the option inverting Gauss' Thermal Sunder.

    Do not apply the option to Protea's 1st ability.

  11. 5 minutes ago, DrivaMain said:

    That’s the free market for you. If you don’t like it, just ignore it. Do you want to know a better way to prevent overpriced rivens? Cull down Rivens RNG.

    Absolutely, the way to fix the issue isn't just whack a bunch of caps on selling them and call it a day, it's to make them less of a slot machine so that the one "jackpot" isn't worth an obscene amount compared to any other one.

    • Like 3
  12. 9 minutes ago, EDM774 said:

    here's the same Vidar Pulsar with the 60% bonus accounted for I also removed my hyperstrike as you can see so the ionic dmg is actually exactly the same like on your photos but the plasma and total are both higher than your zetki

    EDIT here it is with the hyperstrike on for comparison

    Took both out into a mission to test and the Vidar does hit harder. It isn't +60% plasma damage, and it isn't +60% total damage, it's +60% total damage as plasma damage.

    So yes, overall it does hit about 6% harder than the Zetki version, however the fact that Zetki has 60% fire rate bonus, and better status chance still puts it miles ahead of the Vidar. I literally can't get my Zetkis to overheat under regular circumstances without just trying to make them, so heat is now not a distinguishing factor for me.

  13. 2 minutes ago, EDM774 said:

    see I was hoping you'd take this stats page for comparison

    IT DOESN'T TAKE THE 60% BONUS INTO ACCOUNT on that page.  Just look how the fire rate of them is the same even though zetki is supposedly giving you 60% more, even if you remove the turret mod dmg just leave the guns as is and compare the ACTUAL dmg page you'll see the difference

    That's more likely to be a UI bug than an actual damage difference. That whole stats UI is completely screwed up. It doesn't even have a listing for your side turrets' damage and lists the front turret's damage under the name of the side ones. I wouldn't trust values on that UI as far as I can spit.

  14. 2 minutes ago, EDM774 said:

    So why is it then when you valence transfer a vidar gun from say 50% to 60% both stats go up and not just the "specific dmg type listed? and on the stats compare page on the right comparing the total dmg of a zetki gun vs a 60% vidar puts the vidar ahead in total dmg?


    see the photor is the only gun where the zetki variant is unbeatable because it can roll that 60% dmg bonus ON TOP of it's already 1.5x dmg multiplier making it effectively 2.1x dmg and none of the other two houses can come close to that.


    That is the side by side comparison. With the plasma damage factored in it would be 161 - 155 - 316.

    If you're looking at the stats page, then you would be seeing it with your avionics factored in which probably includes + turret damage.

  15. 24 minutes ago, EDM774 said:

    Why does everyone forget vidar guns can roll extra dmg making zetki's 1.5x irrelevant cuz vidar can get to 1.6x. sure the zetki has more status on it to prock on CS but vidar has higher oneshot potential for fighters.

    I have no idea why the numer crunchers on the wiki don't take this into account when ingame the final stats page takes both mods and stat bonus! Looking at a zetki vs vidar variant the bottom total dmg number is always higher for vidar*.

    *assuming you have a 50% or higher dmg roll, but with valence fusion for railjack now basically noone has an excuse for not running a 60% dmg vidar gun.

    Because Vidar doesn't roll "+60% damage," it rolls +60% of a specific damage type. On the Pulsar it's 60% Plasma Damage.

    Plasma Damage only makes up 40% of the total damage of the Pulsar, so it's really only +24% damage. Compared with Zetki that has +50% of both damage types, it's significantly less before even factoring in Zetki's fire rate bonus. Granted, skewing the damage more towards Plasma is good for the status as Ionic procs aren't brilliant and only 1 is needed max, but Zetki's higher status chance still outweighs that.

    The only place Vidar is better is the Cryophon, as it only deals cold damage and Vidar gets +60% cold damage which trumps Zetki's 50% bonus, and fire rate is irrelevant on a gun which overheats in 3-4 shots. Vidar also has better heat buildup which matters on the Cryophon.

    Photor could be close, but all 3 houses have the same Incendiary damage boost.

  16. Just now, TARINunit9 said:

    an enemy is dead in three shots from the guns that are actually GOOD (Cryophon is in a weird state because it might need one shot or two shots, with is either faster or slower). At that damage level the Pulsar tends to need three entire BURSTS of three rounds each to actually kill something

    Except it doesn't.

  17. 2 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

    Not true. The wiki crunched the numbers, and all four Pulsar families lose out to Vidar Apoc and Vidar Carcinnox

    Mathematically under ideal circumstances. Pulsar is hitscan which means every hit lands. In real gameplay is physically impossible to get all of your bullets to land with Apoc and Carcinnox. Apoc has pathetic projectile speed, and both suffer from the random direction changes of fighters, and that's before considering that at best they have 50-66% accuracy. AND before considering that gunners can have as perfect aim as they like, it will always be thrown off by pilot movements.

    I've used Pulsar basically since the start, trying out others has always been worse for me. 1-2 clicks kills any regular fighter, Apoc and Carcinnox will always take longer unless they're flying directly at you at close range.

  18. Just now, TARINunit9 said:

    Gunner here, I would prefer you choose a turret option that's more effective than waiting for the enemy pilot to die of old age

    (there's room for a Grineer joke in there, come to think of it)

    Pulsar is one of the highest DPS turrets. Just because it doesn't go BRRRRRR doesn't mean it isn't killing things.

  19. 7 hours ago, Uhkretor said:

    ... Vidar Pulsar everywhere.


    Precision ftw, also procs quite frequently...

      Reveal hidden contents

    ... and also annoying people as a bonus....

    There's really not much reason to not use Zetki Pulsar, it has 1.5x the status chance of the Vidar, and 1.5x the damage. It has slightly less crit chance but still deals higher damage over time, and only takes a couple of shots to stack enough particle procs to nuke crewships with the forward artillery. It's especially much better since the heat changes.

    After the patch I've gone through and maxed out all the guns of all the houses, and really settled on Zetki Pulsar on the front, and Zetki Carcinnox on the sides (which I don't use at all, they're for crew.)

    Zetki outclasses every other house except on the Cryophon, where Vidar hits harder and has more shots before overheat.

    Apoc has pitiful status chance in all houses, so despite its great damage types for status it takes too long to build them up to be worth it. Its terrible projectile speed makes it basically unusable for me without using the avionic for speed, and I don't like it enough to spend a lot on it specifically.

    Carcinnox is fast shooting, has a high status chance and strips armour really well. It's definitely one of the front runners.

    Cryophon hits like a truck in a small aoe, but its range is stumpy as hell and overheats in 3-5 shots. With the changes to figher health and armour, its massive damage is redundant so it's not worth the drawbacks.

    Photor is hitscan, deals solid damage at a long range, with a DPS status and some punch through (nice in void hole.) Personally I just don't really find it as satisfying as shooting, there's no oomph to its constant beam effect.

    Pulsar hits hard, has a long range and is hitscan. It strips armour decently well (between Carcinnox and Apoc) and takes down most fighters in 1-2 shots. It's my personal go to because it is easy to use, doesn't require aiming ahead only to miss when the fighters randomly change direction, and also works well for knocking out crewships with the forward artillery. It also basically never overheats with polar coil on.

  20. Just now, Enomiel said:

    they often test you on aspect of the game barely relevant to the actual way it is played

    A lot of them (or at least a lot of the recent ones) test you on what was the current content when the test was first available, like archwing launchers stuff when POE was around. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense now since archwing launchers aren't sitting on the ground any more.

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