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Posts posted by Wahooo

  1. Sorta.

    A crit build is viable on a Boar Prime and Strun Wraith since it is per pellet.  So even though the % crit chance is low you are rolling a bunch of dice per trigger pull... BUT

    along the same lines status builds are MOAR viable, and straight damage builds are probably better than a crit build.


    So yes, viable but certainly not the best bang for the buck.

  2. Started in open beta a week or so before the steam release, so ? 2years and a about a month.


    Played from casual couple times a week to daily for a couple hours, then quit when I was getting physically ill trying to use the mod screen.


    The game play keeps me coming back, and honestly the endless grind is somehow fun in this game rather than a chore.  The speed is about right, the parkour is fun, the gun play is fun.  All of it just a nice balance between arcadey and skill based play.  That and the balance on the payment model, still blows me away that there are still people calling it pay2win.


    Really though I don't know if I can *@##$ often enough or loud enough on how bad the UI is.  If anything keeps me from continuing to play and enjoy the game that will be it.

  3. Cool thanks guys.


    Guess that means a ticked for the Kubrow.


    Questions on Syndicates are a whole 'nother world all together.  i've logged in a couple times since they were put in but haven't played, basically logged on after a major update, looked at the game and left again.


    All sounds good.  I"ll have to go look at Nekros, he had been my goto.  Ember's Ult was a bit OP needed help.


    I've always liked faster melee vs the heavy stuff but yeah there was a load of people lost their favorite toys with melee 2.0, nice to see those got love back.

  4. ok thank you for the recommendations but I have one more quick question is it worth moding towards crit?

    When it was first released it was actually broken with like a 60% crit.  That got fixed down to 40% in a few hours, then down to IIRC 25% where it stayed for a while and was beastly with a crit build.  At the time probably the only weapon worth building for crit (I think a couple secondaries were ok also).

    With damage 2.0 the crit wasn't as viable, but the base crit was dropped to 15% which made it much less effective.


    On some old sites and probably discussions that are still visible on the wiki some of the build suggestions will be based on pre-damage 2.0 for things like the Strwraith when it was much more popular.  I think it was by far my most used weapon pre-2.0 and has rarely been touched since.

  5. So the UI is still LITERALLY nauseating with the combination of side scrolling, moving menus, and god aweful dark on dark with bright shiny tint on items, i'm not sure if I will actually play the game anymore, but I do want to for the actual game play, and would like to bring back some old players with me, if they can get past complaining about how ugly and sickening the UI is.


    Questoions though:

    My Kubrow is gone.  I had one a long time ago, I could swear up down and sideways it was in stasis.  I don't have one now?  Is this a common thing that happened? If it died would there have been any notification?


    I have a S#&$ ton of zero ranked cores.  Did these come as some kind of refund from the cores I used in upgrading my frame abilities?  If so are they intended to be zero ranked, common, rare, epic or whatever?


    Has there been any major buff nerf / damage changes since ~ kubrows were introduced?  Just wondering if my old choice of weapons and modding is still relavent.

  6. Quit playing with the new UI.  Frankly the MOD screen is so bad I would rather play other games that interact with it.  The side scrolling is a large part of it.  At least no other menus had side scrolling.

    Now the inventory as well.


    Log back out.  I might play again in the future, but seriously the new UI made me quit.  I've checked back in and it has gotten worse.  That is too bad.

  7. Immersion?


    You can have your Warframe in the side of the screen and do a better job of functionality.  I really don't see the immersion improvement, but I also don't understand getting all that into role play.


    To me if the benefit of the new UI is immersion it still doesn't excuse everything about it that is god awful from both an aesthetic and functionality standpoint. 


    Look at the threads.  Most of the time a major change like the UI (like the first change about a year ago) people flooded the forums for a week or two then it died down.  This has been going for a month and it isn't just "I hate it give me old stuff back" , though yeah there are some of those.  There are major problems that borderline ruin the game and here we are a many weeks after the change and there are still multiple threads a day offering REAL feedback and suggestions on all of the things we don't like about it, and ways to change it.


    If you honestly like this new UI and find it usable, then it probably doesn't matter what they put up there you will be ok.  Disagreeing with the threads where people are offering suggestions on how to fix it is actually kinda counter productive.


    I'd like it if they changed it.  I might start playing again.

  8. Artist fail as well.


    I find the entire thing visually unappealing as well as the poor functionality.


    god I wish I could list everything I find both ugly and unfriendly to use, but the list is just too long and I've stopped caring.

    I've been playing this game for almost a year and a half and up until the UI F***-up i've logged in daily, even if I didn't run matches I inspected the mods on my frames, maybe gone into trade chat for a bit.  The only time i've not been in the 7 day log in reward tier was when I went out of town and couldn't log in, and even in a few of those cases I managed to get in and at least log in.

    Over the last several weeks I have yet to get to the second tier of log-in rewards.

    I was hoping some of the worst aspects of the UI would get changed, but the most recent mod screen tells me DE is happy with them and making it worse.  Less visually appealing and less user friendly at the same time.

    I just don't care to even log in.  I find installing mods not only ugly but flat out annoying, I honestly was going to try and mess with some loadouts after a very poor run for my first time playing a match in...? no idea several weeks, and I honestly found it bad to the point I just logged out in disgust and don't see myself having the desire to come back.

    Playing and enjoying the game for 17 months and the UI is bad enough to make me log out and not want to come back.  Yes it really is that bad.  They said it themselves the mods are the core of the game, and they made them UGLY AND ANNOYING TO USE all in one pass with a style that was going in the wrong direction to start with.


    Moving menus?  How is that a good idea?

    Moving tilting mods?  why? 

    Scroll wheel in the navigation map flipping the direction the planets rotate, or the missions rotate around the planet seemingly at random?

    Planets covering the missions and hard to read the planets themselves in seemingly random locations and also hard to see and read which are which.

    Menus like the foundry and market not-quite fitting all on the screen.  OMG i don't even have a hint of OCD and this kills me visually AND functionally.  When I work in Excel at work the absolute most irritating issue I can have is when the number/size of columns i'm dealing with are just outside of one screen width so I have to scroll just one column back and forth.  I can only imagine the headache I would have if the menu tilted depending on where the mouse is.  

    The simple overuse of movement/expanding stuff.  The mods are the worst but frankly all of it.  Mousing over something and having it expand can be nice, but pushing it too far is... well, too far and you've done it.  It expands, it moves, then if you move the mouse too far (yet still on the item you were looking at) the game decides you want to see a different item.  Thanks.

    Side scrolling?  ugh did I say side scrolling yet?  Was this an idea that phones and tablets are about flipping pages to the side?  Because that is pages, with lots of information available at a glance, this is side scrolling with some weird up-down-over/up-down-over/up order.  FFS we read pages left to right line by line what was wrong with that layout?  You kept it for our frames kinda kept it for the foundry but then #*($%%@ it up for the mods?  Why?  It looks bad and is worse on functionality.

    That inconsistency is another point.  The size differences in different menus, and somehow managed to not get a single one right.  I think the market is closest.

    The foundry windows are blown up like my monitor resolution is 640x820 taking up more than the whole screen so that whole annoying moving menu crap is actually needed, then switch to arsenal and the menu selection for the weapons and frames is such a small part of the screen.  NO I don't want the arsenal to by like the foundry... oh HELL NO, but it could easily be sized up by 1/3 and look better and have better functionality.

    Now the mods screen is just painful, the scale is ok for the whole menu but more moving menus and over use of expanding and condensing items, and no longer can we glance at our frame/weapon load out and know which mods are on.  It doesn't need a lot of concentration or anything, but it shouldn't need as much as it does now.  Beside the fact that the whole in your face color scheme now.  The understated grey-silver-gold was really nice and the ability to see how many, how upgraded.  Now it almost looks like the text (which is kinda small) is a bit blurry and the little lights on the higher tier mods are also not easy to see tier 6 or tier 7 or similar.  The outline the colors are overly bright and in your face but the text and upgrade information is too understated.  Then the artwork.. it was all pretty cool, wont be seen unless you scroll over it, which frankly the artwork was the only redeeming part of several of the mods already.  Guess I'll forget what warm coat art looks like. 


    All and all this whole UI makes me think of the difference between concept car models and the actual production model.  The differences are there for a reason.  Concept cars have a lot of things in common, they usually have no mirrors or door handles or if they do they are put on artistically and if they were to be like that in reality they would have no actual functionality.  The wheel base is always way wider and the profile lower than a production car, it can look cool on the right model but isn't right for an actual mass produced model, and would actually look bad for many cars despite the artistic effort, kind like warframes new UI.  There is never a grill, or if there is it has no way of getting any substantial airflow into the cooling areas.  There are always way more swoopy lines and flares to the panels.  Looks nice but in reality they would be totally inefficient to build and unrealistic for a normal car, and in the name of functionality they are all smoothed out.

    Basically i'm saying the new UI is an ugly concept car that didn't have a functionality pass when it went into production.  Not only is it poor on functionality it is ugly to boot.  A fail on both accounts.


    the functionality that was slapped on after the fact is like the front license plate / Tag on a car.  Google "front license plate" and click on images.  Look at how many cases of where it looks just totally out of place, or where there are bolt holes where it USED to be because someone mounted it in a bad place because the original design didn't have this one piece of required (in my state at least) functionality in mind.  So not only does the functionality suffer, the original visually appealing design then suffers and looks ugly with that last piece gets slapped on... or they just I don't know keep it hidden in side the car or something were it is hard to find hidden behind another menu or click... oops my analogy went a little off there.


    I do recall Scott right after this UI came out said something about intentionally going with visual appeal over functionality.  I can only think he needs to put down the pipe.  When the UI is as big a part of a game as it is in warframe the functionality has to be first and foremost and just can't be sacrificed.  I'm not one that follows the Extra Credits videos but i'm sure the is one on this concept, sacrificing function of for in a UI... or maybe not because it is such a dumb notion even he didn't see the need to talk about it, i mean what developer in their right mind makes a UI intensive game less user friendly? 


    Not to mention the visual appeal for many of us is not there.  Ugly AND non-functioning. 




    I apologize for any and all lack of flow and grammar issues in this post, it was a pure ranting brain dump, but pretty much the only thing that comes to mind when I've given any thought to this game for quite a while now.

  9. Why is every update progressively focusing on making things pretty at the cost of functionality?

    The new mod interface is terrible to navigate! It was much easier to quickly browse through or mod loadouts with the old UI. With this new crammed and awkward UI I hate remodding, because I have to squint and slowly scroll through all my mods. Can't imagine how much worse newer players are having it, since they actually have to mouseover every mod to read the description, since we can no longer see the mod details at a glance.



    At this rate, I fear for U15 changes.

    Biggest issue is that their attempt at making things pretty aren't.


    I have some real artistic disagreement with the artist that thinks most of the new UI looks good, and as for the functionality it should NEVER be sacrificed.  They are UGLY and function poorly.


    I just patched and got into the game and realized I have hardly played since update 14, and play time has been going down, and part of the reason actually is a lot of the new UI.

    I had been kind of forming a huge UI feedback post in my head but basically quit playing and quit coming to the forums before tried to post it.


    But frankly it is not driving me away it already HAS.  Now looking at the mod screen... it is even worse than it was before.  I really don't want to even try and trade mods now. 

  10. Thanks for the help everyone, but I think I'll just abort mission whenever he shows up until he's valid to fight fairly solo.

    Wow, I read most of the first page, and skipped the second, but you have been told what to do.

    If you are having a problem it isn't because he is hard to kill solo, just that he is hard for you.


    When you start to get taunted find a decent sized space, hopefully with some pieces of cover, but try and run around in a space.  Watch for the smoke, recently the smoke cloud pops up a couple times before spawns, but just like it.  When he does spawn in, unload on him.  IF you have weapons geared like you are saying he should be dead before he has a chance to kill you back so the frame you are using or how you have it modded is completely moot.

    IF he doesn't die in the first volley he should be pretty damn close to dead, just sprint slide in a direction a couple times, continue to circle strafe and shoot from the hip so you don't slow down.  having small cover between you and he when you do turn to shoot helps to maybe block some of his shots or his slash dash.

  11. Its hard not to say Rhino for doing solo runs of most everything.  Especially for boss farming whatever other frames you want.


    For the planets the plain old original Boltor is damn fine, but if you want to spend plat boltor prime will get you everywhere you ever want to be even if you don't have the mods you would want for other weapons.

    If you aren't happy with the projectile speed of the boltor, grakata or karak can be fun for the planets and survival upto ~15 minutes.


    For solo defense, i had better luck with some of the more typical CC frames.  Nyx after you get the hang of her, or Frost (though frost prime might be easier to get if you are solo and wanting to spend some plat).

  12. The old way before dark sector easy mode was mid-high level mobile defense.


    Start off with lower level survival when stuff is brand new for a run, then move on.  Although moderate level interception with the number of enemies in a fairly short period of time might be good now as well.


    To be honest it needed to be fixed.  Places like Sechura made the game a joke when it game to leveling gear.

  13. The funny thing is that, really, just asking me to remove the waypoint would have saved him from a lot of rage, apparently.


    My Kubrow was also level 0 so I thought I really had a reason to try the new system now that finally was introduced, I thought it was the perfect time to test it. So the guy has been unlucky as well, since I would never waypoint a Kubrow after he's leveled enought to have link-shield mod on or the one for bleeding!

    Actually I never waypointed them anyway, lol!

    You just have to remember with guys like this, YOU did nothing to incite his rage.  Kids like this are on the edge and just looking for an excuse to let out frustrations in life on some unsuspecting guy out in the interwebs. 

    You can't blame yourself, it is the other guy.  He likely has problems with other players in almost every match and I'd be willing to bet he doesn't have the first idea on what steps would need to be taken to actually report another player.

  14. I tried to explaiin myself a bit, but it really seemed to be speaking with an angry child, like if he gets paid for reporting players.


    I always thought a reputation system would have been needed in Warframe, but now I think that it cannot be in players hands...

    Yes you actually were talking to an angry child.  I'd try not to let his empty threats bother you.


    Yep, pretty much the main reason vote kicks and reputation systems are not in place.  It is really hard to balance out these types of people who are in a constant state of rage.

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