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Posts posted by Gawizard

  1. 12 hours ago, Teridax68 said:

    Change the visuals on Hall of Mirrors so that only the real Mirage fires anything, and the illusions instead just mirror her animations, without spawning additional projectiles. The damage buff should therefore be concentrated purely on her own weapon fire, which sounds boring, but would be functionally identical to what she does now

    As a mirage main, no.

  2. 47 minutes ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

    The massive spread is also bad. There's also the Talons but that weapon is ruined by the fact that they send enemies into the orbit instead of damaging them.


    Honestly, Ragdoll can be helpful if they made it such that you take damage (either you or the enemy) if they were accelerating a bit to fast.

  3. OP, before posting large bodies of text, read it. It helps since other people kinda need to understand your message.
    Anyways, from what youre saying, you're implying that newer weapons should not be sidegrades but full upgrades to their dated counterpart. I can sorta agree but Side grades are perfect for variety, something thats lacking in the meta at the moment.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, TenchuTheWolf said:



    Even on bows you're likely to one shot trash mobs and most tankier enemies on headshots, some stuff probably require more, but the reality is that having to line up two headshots on the same target means you have to know in advance that it will survive the second shot to get the full clearing effect of that mod. If its 60% of the initial weapon damage, that would probably clear some enemies.

    If you want to clear multiple enemies, but you always one shot the initial target with headshots, you're back to the same exact problem of not having any additional clear speed. You have to know in advance whether or not your headshots are going to take less than one to kill a target.

    On a weaker weapon that will almost always require multiple shots to kill an enemy, I can see multiple shots (probably any shots including body shots) creating some kind of buildup based detonation being solid as an idea, but bows where I think the intent should be one headshot one kill, you're not going to get the effect you want.

    I think youre a bit confused on what im talking about, again this idea was heavily inspired by the Trinity Ghoul in D2, ill post a link showing how it works. Maybe you'll see what i mean by, landing one hs to get some area clear.



  5. 7 hours ago, TenchuTheWolf said:

    that requires some a condition like headshots is a very specific and controllable outcome that is likely to kill another enemy outright. 40% on a kill definitely adds area damage, but it probably won't ever kill a secondary target unless you've weakened them already

    The idea was that if you were to land another headshot, it would allow for clearing the rank and file enemies of the game (anything thats not a hyekka master, bombard, heavy gunner, nox etc. for grineer, anything thats not a corpus tech, Nullifier crewman, Comba enemies, bursas, hyenas, etc.) with less shots since it'll be doing either 20%/40% or 60% AoE burst of the damage done (numeric value not the damage in enemy hp).

  6. This applies to every other reward but since Mirage does not have an augment for her 4 while shes one of the older frames.
    More control over my 4 would be nice, or a completely new augment would also be nice.
    Also, id love to use the Celestia Syandana if I ever had access to it. Admit it, Conclave is dead. Locking really good items behind it when it takes me somewhere between a half an hour to a full hour to find a game is cruel.


    An easy and managable fix would be to take it out of the conclave and bring it in the next nightwave season, have it light up for every weekly you complete.

    • Like 1
  7. and if i may give my side of the debate, Id prefer alerts for my nitain since i know they occur once every 6 hours on the reset, its perfect for players who need just a bit of nitain if they run out of credits.

  8. jfc, can we just have Alerts and Nightwave please?
    I've seen the benefits alerts and nightwave gave us and compared them side by side, Nightwaves are much more prefered for those who already progressed through the starchart and has a general knowledge of the game. The alerts served as a thing players can do to help aid them during the star chart progress. it would be better to have both since one wouldnt fully cover the needs for both sides of the player base.

  9. 11 minutes ago, Loza03 said:

    This guy gets it.

    I've been replaying through Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy lately (side note, high recommendation), which is a surprisingly similar game to Warframe in a lot of ways. Power trio of Melee, Guns and Force powers. There's obviously a lot of other differences (In particular, it puts a lot of emphasis on tight balance with many of your weapons sharing ammo pools. And whilst there's no shortage of enemies you can freely mess around with using your entire arsenal, especially your force powers which includes AoE damage and crowd control, there's also plenty who directly counter your abilities. Some enemies counter lightsabers, others guns, and most powerful enemies resist force powers to some degree, but only one is directly immune. And with this, there are ways you can work with this - force-using enemies can counter your force powers but are momentarily vulnerable. Do the right thing in those few moments in the right situation, and you can dominate even the strongest enemies.

    Obviously, the kind of precise design Jedi Knight employs wouldn't work for Warframe, but the principle stands. Fighting enemies which can fight back makes it all the more satisfying. I suggest that certain enemies be able to resist certain abilities, on a case-by-case basis. Different enemies resist different powers, and some do to a very significant degree. For example - Limbo's AoE CC shutdown is incredibly oppressive. Some enemies, like Manics and maybe very lightly armoured enemies, should be capable of moving at a reduced speed, enough to catch a Limbo who's using it as a crutch, but not one who's using it as a tool. Flameblades in particular should also be fully immune to stasis - just to really keep players on their toes. For Mesa (not touching the Saryn debate as that's been talked about to death), Melee enemies should be her bane, her counter. They can bypass her DR, they should be unaffected by her CC as well. That way, Mesa is no longer unstoppable, despite still being very powerful - being unaware and relying on your AoE CC and damage to do the work for you gets you killed. Different frames have different strengths and weaknesses, which encourages teamwork for squads and clever builds for Solo - deciding whether or not to play to your strengths or cover your weaknesses.

    I can second this idea, making enemies actually varied and counter a frame by using its weakness (hell it was shown in the valkyr p trailer, to an extent) but otherwise, I like this suggestion.

  10. 1 minute ago, peterc3 said:


    Why do RIvens need a rework when they aren't necessary to play the game, not taken into consideration for any content in the game, and not needed to use literally any weapon in any current or near future piece of content?

    because the impact they bring into gameplay cant be ignored. Sure you can do an eidolon hunt without a riven, hell even a tridolon hunt, maybe you can do 2 in a night, but from then it starts to rely on rivens to recreate the more common 5x3s and 6x3s. Ignoring its presence wont make them go away nor will it make them inferior to regular modding.

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