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  1. I already know this is just going to get barraged with downvotes, condescending comments, etc. Whatever. I don't care. I'm just gonna vent anyway. Who The hell Designed this process? I'm trying to get a female panzer vulpaphyla. It should be simple, and straightforward. Should. Instead I have to get my whole clan involved because the systems for-- Tracking a vulp, let alone capturing it, let alone capturing it in a weakened state suitable for revivification, which is a barrel of sisyphean nonsense involving finding any sign of a vulpaphyla at all, tracking it, and keeping the infested off your back long enough (not. bloody. likely.) to catch a weakened specimen AND Acquiring all the necessary mats for the mutagen and antigen, which involves fishing, which is its own entirely separate barrel of sisyphean nonsense around finding the right spots, at the right times, and having ABSOLUTE, UNFORGIVING PRECISION on targets designed to flail, and zip around, and blithely evade spear throws even when you manage to ANY of the fish you need instead of four hundred trillion of some other fish you have no use for are so obscure, and so enslaved to the spiteful, sadistic whims of the RNG gods that I cannot imagine who thought that this was well designed who thought that more than a tiny handful of the playerbase could possibly be MASOCHISTIC ENOUGH to find any of this whole ordeal enjoyable.
  2. Like I said in the original post-- When she works, she's incredible. This post is not a complaint about the best she has to give. This post is about her sometimes needing an engraved invitation to get going.
  3. TLDR-- Cathode Grace/Current's limitations feel unreasonably punishing at best, and buggy to the point of unplayable at worst. When she works, she's incredible. But for reasons I can't figure out, Cathode Grace (and as a result its augment, Cathode Current) is extremely inconsistent in increasing its duration on kills. Sometimes it's no problem at all! Spending the entire mission maxing it out, turning half the enemies on the map into crispy critters the moment the one schmuck with the initiative to be at the head of the pack touches an Arcsphere. But sometimes. No matter how much I am laying waste to the enemy swarms, getting 60% or more damage dealt, more kills than the rest of the squad combined (because gasp, yes, I DO understand how the ability works, kindly keep your condescending nonsense to yourself)... It utterly Just REFUSES To give me more than 20 seconds of breathing room, at best, or just refuses to give me anything at all and shoves itself onto cooldown. And additionally, why does it only give you an eight-second window to start with, even at max rank, and a 60-second cooldown if you can't appease its capricious whims? Who thought that was good design? It's maddening, and I don't understand why. I don't really have any illusions that anyone's going to care about this complaint, let alone DE. But hey... a Tenno can dream, right?
  4. I know posting this will almost assuredly be nothing but screaming into the metaphorical void, but. Seriously. SERIOUSLY. The "logic" (and I use that word VERY loosely here) that Mirage's Eclipse ability uses to determine when a warframe is standing "in light" or "in darkness" is incomprehensibly demented. I run through missions like a drunken moth bashing my face against neon lights and containers full of incandescent molten slag, desperately searching for any spot that qualifies as "in light" To no avail whatsoever. Whatever the deciding factor between "in light" and "in darkness" is, it's not something I feel like I have the means to properly understand. It feels arbitrary at best, and in this day and age I can't see any sane reason to not be a pessimist.
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