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  1. Are there fewer bad reviews about the new model, and why doesn't DE improve the model or respond to the bad reviews? Is it because you think that the player's playstyle has to be decided by DE?
  2. And the reward for the props is also very poor.
  3. If you want to weaken the power of DANTE, why not set it very weak in the first place?
  4. Is this kind of forced random setting that's hard to feel fun not seriously made at all? Is it difficult to play a game that you design yourself?Is it hard to test your game without entering code like a normal player?
  5. Why nerf Nourish, is it just a case of nerfing something depending on what has high usage? It would be better to nerf everything so that nothing gets high usage.
  6. Why nerf Nourish, is it just a case of nerfing something depending on what has high usage? It would be better to nerf everything so that nothing gets high usage.
  7. 解锁终端后任务的大门大概率不开启,且还在显示说未取得所有钥匙
  8. 进入游戏拿取钥匙之后解锁,会导致大概率无法开始游戏且无法再次解锁,解锁标现实还未解锁但已无法再次尝试解锁。
  9. 要求击杀40名敌人,但是实际去任务击杀时没有反应,杀多少都不会反应到任务里
  10. Players must unite and not be divided by DE!
  11. 还是有在新地图里任务卡住无法继续下一个阶段的问题
  12. 这个bug应该马上修复啊,官方这种东西就不闻不问
  13. 甚至主线任务里宝箱也有可能打不开
  14. 下完旗之后仍会显示是否认识,此时什么也不能操作,打字都不行
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