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Posts posted by GL.exe

  1. hit scan weapons hit fast players u just need to aim faster, even with the gram it takes 3 full slashes to kill. if u are dying in one hit u were probably damaged before otherwise the only one-hit ko melee are melees from air to ground smashes


    ps; i personally think players lower than mastery rank 7 should not be able to pvp cuz u guys prolly dont have the mods to make u decent in it aka handspring

  2. Got a Glaive Prime with Power Throw automatically exploding in the first couple of bounces with Rebound on.  Isn't it supposed to explode on the last bounce? Its like this with and without Whirlwind.  Thrown Holstered.


    I noticed this while playing a round on Ceres and started to play test it on Terminus, resulting on the same bug.


    I was also using the Helios and Deconstructor though the Deconstructor did not have any Glaive Type mods on during this.

  3. With Targeting receptor on "If the initial target is killed, Helios will proceed to reload even if there are many other enemies around and there are more glaives left in the magazine." 


    Tweek to 1.5 second reload. There are no mods that can minimize that 3 second reload. 3 seconds is too long to have the Deconstructor shoot another target after the previous one died from it. 



  4. I have been play testing my newly created Helios & Deconstructor.  Targeting Receptor is said to allow the Helios to fire MORE Glaives[PLURAL] in rapid succession, allowing to shoot off more of its parts per rank; to a maximum of FOUR Parts to be thrown.  However, through some play testing that it only shoots out one Part at a time even with Targeting Receptor at Max Rank.  Since the only description of this mod I can find is in the Wiki, which is wrong in multiple occasions I came here to ask if anyone else is having a different experience with their Targeting Receptor & Deconstructor than I am.


    I do have Targeting Receptor on the first slot for priority and have tried it with no other mods so that my Helios has no other choice but to prioritize Targeting Receptor.


    Is this a bug? Or is it intentional? 


    TL DR;I require other people's experience with Helios' Target Receptor and Deconstructor.

  5. I would love a huge boss that was as big as a map, that would require us to move around looking for it's weak points, imagine like if hive missions happened actually on top of the body of a huge creature, with lephantis-like heads here and there.

    They're reviving J3 Golem for that.  They said that we get to fly into him and destroy him from the inside on foot.

  6. It's your choice to whether or not you want to use another frame. You don't HAVE to level Warframes for affinity.  It's also your choice to whether or not to rush Mastery Levels and you are given a way to do so.  Besides, sooner or later you'll get bored of Excal and realize that other Warframes offer different varieties of fun.



    My advice; don't rush everything, this is a good game to take it slow.

  7. DE is aware of Corner Camping in Void Survivals.  You are affected by the AFK rule if you stand still while spamming abilities or shooting one area without moving.  You are required to move forward once or twice in between intervals to prevent AFK penalty.  It does however, go away after a few minutes of moving around.  Leaving you able to pickup again.


    My suggestion; stop Corner Camping in Void Missions and play the game the way it was intended; by moving around causing large amounts of death in your wake.

  8. TRUTH; Everything you want from Survival or Defense that is in ROTATION C is nearly impossible to get.  I'm STILL farming for Hikou Prime Stars at T1 DEFENSE Rotation C, granted that I am speed running it with my Mesa, I still have not received it for a week of farming it.  IDK if it's just my luck, but I do know that Frost Prime Systems was nearly impossible to get all on its own.

  9. Heh, people might actually care more about that.


    That's... an oddly specific question. I doubt it. Their account would still exist. I have friends who've been inactive that long and they're still in my friends list, so it doesn't remove them. I'm going with "no" on this one. In the end, though, it's just my guess.

    I'm asking because I recall someone whos Alias was changed because he had previously had one that was not proper.

    ...Maybe I'll wait another 2 years to see if I can get the Alias I want. *searches alias name through forums, cries in corner*

  10. hi, actually this is not a bug, all kind of skins are disable on mk1 as braton or paris (shock camo, forest camo, day of the dead)

    There goes my goal to making my Mk1 most played weapon in my profile...

  11. This isn't a joke, I use the Mk1 Braton to better challenge myself in missions.  I bought the Shock Camo for Braton but it seems that there's a bug where you are unable to select a skin for the Mk1 Braton.

  12. Guys, if you go to the Sanctuary, You are able to talk to Samaris, and even ask him question. The Tenno do in fact speak but its like games like KOTOR, and DAO, you pick conversation choices. But you never hear your character actually speak.

    Tenno don't speak through their mouths, but we can communicate through messages, so think of it as some sort of data[word] transfer to other NPCs in order to interact with them.

  13. PvP is the worst thing that ever happened to Warframe.

    Could not be more wrong.  PvP 2.0 is the best update since U10.



    Well mobility is the key to Warframe PvP and restricting it is kinda argueable.

    I'd say we need to start with "detectability" of flag-carriers, i.e. icon on mimimap and some aura for the warframe itself. It will help players to focus on carriers with full team force, so maybe it will be enough to solve the problem.

    Yeah parkour and mobility is really fun in PvP.
    Also you can hear the Cephalons talking. Subtitles for the Mute maybe.


    Like to point out why? It doesn't effect or influence anything within the PVE side, or are you just jumping on the rest of the PVP hate boat? 

    He's probably too busy lagging or getting matched with MR5-/AFK Tennos.

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