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Posts posted by GL.exe

  1. Selling only in Pairs for 30p.

    [Fur Patterns can be found here; http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Kubrow_Cosmetics]


    They all have Athletic builds.


    Raksa | Female | Striped Fur Pattern SOLD 2 rhoeric




    Huras | Male | Hound Fur Pattern



    Sunika | Female | I think it's Hound Fur Pattern but it might also be a Domino Fur Pattern.



    Sahasa | Female | Patchy Fur Pattern SOLD 2 Renabu



    pmme or post here


    Also selling a Vaykor Marelok & Soma Prime Receiver for 50p each.





    The news article states they will return to the Prime Vault, which is DE-nese for being taken out of rotation. The same thing had happened with a few other weapons back in the day.


    It's not to say that they will never resurface again, as the Ether Daggers were brought back via a Quest. But from the wording of the announcement, they are going away for the time being.



    ^This. Better to farm em now.

  3. That's pretty much my running hypothesis; the Sentient didn't just kill Mirage, the disintegration effect likely analyzed Mirage down to the atomic level to discover what gave Tenno their powers. They learned that it was the void, discovered weaknesses to fight void power, and have created their own void wielding units. They're going to blow up the void so no more Tenno can be created, and then they're going to do to us what they did to the Orokin; fight us using our own abilities.



    We can easily safely assume its the same group. It'd be kind of a slap to everyone who plays Warframe if they arbitrarily introduced an enemy faction that we never heard of before.


    And, who's to say the ship we saw wasn't just a smaller transport ship that was deployed from a Worm-ship outside of view?


    Adding more configs to weapons, like a D and E, would be nice though, even if I don't use them.

    If it were put up as an option, I'd buy them with plat.

  4. The Sentient aren't going to be immune to Elementals, what makes everyone jump to this conclusion? Their strength was turning technology against its creator, it wasn't immunity to energy weapons and it definitely wasn't immunity to elementals. If they were, we would've lost because quite a few of our Warframe powers are based on elements, like Ember's fire, Frost's cold, Volt's electrical. No, the Sentient aren't going to be element immune, they're probably going to have high resistance to certain types and high vulnerabilities to other types just like every other faction.


    Also, you're forgetting that they have had plenty of time to study why they lost last time. As such, it'd stem to reason that our lone blade and guns aren't going to be as effective, meaning the Sentient are going to be pretty tough to beat this time around.


    I'd be more fearful of their designs' implied mobility. Hopefully we'll get more than just Cold procs to slow them down.


    Thats to assume that they are the SAME group of Sentients that fought during the Old War instead of a completely different group from another Sector of the Galaxy.  When it comes to lore, DE usually slides through words. Hell the Sentient Ships were known to be WORM LIKE instead of full body tech-dystopian type.  The corpus already has tech that seals Warframe Powers so Elemental Based Warframe powers much like Physical Based Warframe powers might end up being useless if the Sentients are ahead of technology, hell if not then they can always take corpus tech and use it against us.

    Honestly this is a fail thread LOL i meant to use the Sentients as an excuse to add more Configs to our Weapons and Warframes.


    Also, people jump to the conclusion that they may be immune to elements because we have high physical damage based mods released during events and are rarely used.

  5. Just read the Underlined sentences if you're TL:DR.


    With the arrival of the Sentients on our doorsteps, the average Tenno would be thinking; I wonder what build would be most effective against the Sentients.

    I'm sure that most of us have already filled their weapon load-outs completely containing the weaknesses of the other known Factions.


    To recap we have the Grineer who are generally weak against Radiation damage.  The Corpus, who're known for their strong tech and robotics are generally weak against Magnetic damage.  The Infested, who are gravely weak to Corrosive damage.  The Void however varies depending on the level of difficulty, but the best known solution would be Viral against Corrupted Bombards and Magnetic against Nullifiers.  With a wide variety of weaknesses to take advantage of it is only natural of have used up Configs A B and C so easily switch between the weapon builds when tackling on missions with different Factions.


    Now as the lore goes, advanced technology and weaponry were useless against the Sentients and thus the Tenno were to use the "Old Way' using rifles and bladed weapons.  Foreshadowing that the Sentients weakness will be your average Impact, Puncture, and Slash Damage.  Assuming that the Sentients are completely immune to any Elemental or Mixed Elemental damage, we Tenno will have to constantly switch out our mods on one of our already filled Configs with Physical based damage mods. This can be annoying after having to do so constantly every time the average Tenno decide to fight a different Faction.


    Concluding in my Feedback to add one or two more Configs [i.e - Config D and/or Config E per weapon] so that we can quickly change from different builds for different enemies, without having to spend time and effort to search for mods.



    PS; This came to me after I had Polarized my Excalibur for a full Duration/Range Furious Javelin Build, making other builds impossible to achieve and am now considering of getting yet ANOTHER Excalibur and Polarize that one for a different build since we can't switch between Polarities without having to Reset the Rank of my Frame.  I should not have to do this since I already polarized my Excalibur already, but I'm doing it anyway cuz I love this game.  I don't want to have to level and waste Formas for a duplicate with different setups if I don't have to though... Seriously just release a "Multi-Dimensional Forma" that allows me to switch between Polarities and sell it for 100p each - it'll be like a Catalyst that allows you to switch Polarities with Mod Slots that already have Polarities on them.


    It'd also be great if I can Swap Polarities with my Aura/Melee Slot Mod with other Mod Slots.

  6. I know that everyone is on the Chroma and Sentient subject the most when seeing the latest reveal but has anyone ever bothered to ask if we are going to be able to move around like Excalibur in that video?

    I realize that it's just a trailer and this would most likely won't be coming any time soon but still.. I'd love to be able to do these in game.


    New Wall to Wall leap animation?



    Horizontal to Vertical Wall-Run?



    Wall Jumping to Zip-Lines?



    Zip-Line to Wall-Running?



    You guys have to admit it was awesome.

  7. I main Excal with max Duration [for radial blind] and Furious Javelin.  The current interception event landed me extra 100-150% melee dmg increase and lasts for around 25-30 seconds. 


    Forever maining this guy.







    phased syandana ftw



    Thinking of changing colors again to spice things up.

  8. I must say though that i'm genuinely curious about what's gonna happen. My bets are that players that were doing the daily fixed cap will now just keep on doing only that, even if halved.

    i do, however, feel that there should be 2 more additional syndicate missions to make a total of 5 syndicate missions. maybe add 1 extra syndicate mission for every rank you are in that syndicate.


    This was intended to be a discussion among players about the recent change, not direct feedback about the subject. As this is a brand new topic, there is no way to provide feedback as we have not experienced the actual effects of this change.

    indirect, direct, new topic, bad topic, still sounds like feedback.

    personally i like how theyre getting people to do syndicate missions more. barely anyone goes to them. and it keeps people off those intervention missions when im trying to farm for t4 keys then good.


    edit; also i dont find quality in "grinding by using specific warframes w/ specific mod setups" so i do different things to earn my standing, but thats just me [a guy who hates standing still even tho i play a game that involves me sitting still]

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