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Posts posted by Star

  1. How exactly does it not fit the ''atmosphere''? What kind of ''atmosphere'' does it have to fit? ''I wonder where this goes.'' does not fit any atmosphere, and yet its there...

    If you put a christmas hat on a zombie, in a horror game, it won't ''fit the atmosphere'' either, but its going to be ''different'' and possibly entertaining or fun. There are probably going to be people like you, who will say ''why the hell... it does not fit in the game's genre'', but there are people who will like that change, and maybe be surprised, since they probably did not even expect that to happen. And unlike the idea i just gave you which was an ''enforced'' type of feature, the announcer would be optional, so if you think it does not ''fit the atmosphere'' you can disable it, thus not being affected by it.



    That way of logic would suggest that: Warframe should not be implemented with new content, if similar one already exists in another game, and you should just go and play that other game that has that specific feature.

    Ofc Warframe should have its own characteristics that set it apart from other games in its genre, but by your logic, if another game has a more interesting feature than warframe, its better to go and play that game instead of implementing a good feature in warframe itself...



    I don't think it fits this atmosphere because although this game does have its silly moments, it has a bit more serious feeling tone to me. The voices that are in the game generally speak within the game universe ( although sometimes it doesn't make any sense, and still needs more improvement as to when/what/where they choose to say some things. Operators need a good working on for their dialogue. ) Voice over announcers are outside of the "in world" universe of the game, and cater directly to the real life player of the game, which nothing else in Warframe really seems to do, or has any real intent to do. I just don't see them adding something like that in, based on the general feel and direction the game is already going. Some people might like that kind of thing, but as for it coming to this game, I just don't see it happening any time soon. I personally do not like it, so if it were added I would disable it.

  2. Are there any plans to have a cosmetics only version of Prime Vault packs? I have everything prime frame and weapon wise there is ( except excal and the weapons he came with ) already, and although I would LOVE to give you my money and get my hands on some of the prime cosmetics I wasn't able to buy when they came out, I'm not in a million years going to buy those packs if it means also buying prime frames and weapons I already have. I WANT to give you money, let me give you money!

  3. Thanks Star, thank you. Yes I can do that, maybe I will today. However, based on a similar thread started by another designer, DE has a policy where I can request a Take-down of a stolen emblem, which results in the person/clan losing both the emblem and the upload plat. Maybe even a kick/ban/warning, I don't know what else.


    But yes, thanks for the wise words. =D


    EDIT: added a watermark ;-D

    Oh yeah definitely, DE will honor your IP rights. The only problem being the low odds you might ever come across said clan or people to even know to take it down. I know a lot of work goes into making art so I would hate to see something get stolen from you. ^^ Good luck with sales, they all look really great!

  4. You're also able to farm Tellurium (I have 34) and Neural Sensors (I have 92).  That Tellurium isn't even from farming, it's what I've picked up passively on Uranus and from login rewards (gotten it multiple times) and hasn't been used.


    Login rewards should not be wholly based on what one specific player happens to need, which is what it seems a lot of the complaints are based around.  If the rewards were skewed based on ratios for each player sure that'd be nice, but also complex and we've seen more often than not that the dev ideas on ratios is suspect at best (original Oxium drop amounts).



    Well of course, but Tellurium doesn't drop as frequently as Gallium does. I'm sitting on a few hundred Gallium vs about 20 Tellurium, so I wouldn't complain if I got one. I still have Archwing things to build, but once I am done with those I won't need it anymore until they release something new that requires it. TBH, there isn't many resources I actually NEED that badly, and if I wanted to be really picky I wouldn't want them in the drop table at all. Currently, I am MR20 and at this point, there isn't a lot I need to build. But, I know others need them, so I wouldn't want to dis-include them entirely.


    Why shouldn't it be based on one specific player happens to need? It could be set up in a way to detect what you've got going on in your inventory, and drop accordingly. If you have the Skana or Sakana blueprint already, it doesn't drop the Skana. If you have 100 Gallium and only 20 Tellurium, I don't see a problem with it choosing to drop you a Tellurium instead.

  5. I think DE did a good job overall throughout the year. They really made a lot of improvements, and I am sure there is a lot that we wish they would have gotten to, but the work is never ending. If you cut out just new content from that list, they really did improve the quality of a good number of things already in the game.


    You forgot to mention PBR treatments that they have been giving lots of frames and weapons over the course of the year, I've really appreciated that one personally. Being able to recolor the gold on primes has made me a happy tenno.

  6. Why would you want to do that? Rare resources are always useful, especially Gallium. There's a few Clan tech weapons that take quite a bit of Gallium to research, like the Convectrix. 

    At a certain point, you just don't need it as a log in reward anymore. I've got all the clantech weapons, and am currently sitting on top of buttload of gallium. I also am able to easily farm gallium, so getting one from a login reward isn't exactly helpful. At higher MR, it would be nice if it paid a liiiiittle more attention to what is and isn't useful to you. I don't mind it, its just something I get for free every day. And I haven't gotten gallium or other resources often enough to complain about it. But, if they wanted to make some improvement tweaks, bypassing certain resources you already have a large stockpile of would be a nice one.


    At the point I am at in the game, the things I would be most pleased to receive as a reward ( lots of which are already on the drop table): Gorgon BP ( still never got it ), Machete BP, T3-4 keys, R5 Cores ( at least a stack of 5, getting one at a time is kind of a wet towel ), Boosters, Nitain, Tellurium, Neural Sensors, Neurodes, Plat Discounts, a large pile of Nano Spores or Polymer Bundles ( not the greatest thing, wouldn't want to see it TOO often, but they can be continually used for building Energy Restores, so I wouldn't complain about it ), Kubrow Egg, or maybe even BP for alternate warframe helmets I don't already have.

  7. Again, the animations all take a second or less already.  The increase from natural talent isn't as beneficial as it is on a frame like Mirage.


    She, literally, raises her hand and a ball forms for drop.  It takes less than a second.  You don't need Natural talent for it and it is a wasted space.  You can prime while sliding and it takes a second, or so, for the animation to finish.  Again, you don't need natural talent for that.


    Can it be used?  Sure.  By all means.


    Is it helpful?  No.  Not at all.

     I'm not talking about the casting time of thowing the ball, I'm talking about the time it takes the ball to get from point A to point B. It can be pretty slow on its own, and if you're playing with a team its pretty easy for someone else to kill groups of enemies or trigger the explosion chain before the ball has a chance to get where its going unless you fire it off point blank. In that case, it just ends up a waste of energy to use it. If you want the ball to travel faster, use Natural Talent. I'm not telling you that you are wrong about your advice, just that it isn't the ONLY way and it can be a matter of preference and playstyle if a person wants to have Natural Talent in or not. Both ways work.

  8. Anything you plan to use drop on should be primed, thus already slowed, thus negating any need for natural talent.


    Again, there are better mods that could be fit into the same slot.  Her cast animations are already fast enough.

    Even if they are slowed, it can still be helpful for the drop ball to travel faster to its target. Her cast animations are alright as-is, for sure, but as a matter of preference Natural Talent still has a purpose, if you want to make room for it. I think its an alright choice for anyone willing to sacrifice the slot to it, and with her abilities being as strong as they are, it isn't going to break her to drop Natural Talent into that slot instead of something else.

  9. damnfish, I have recently done just that.  Hopefully, we get this in the codex.  I'd like to imagine the lotus giving us a quest to recover "Notes from an Elder, a set of documents that were written by a Tenno mentor, when he worked at building an academy for training the children of the Lotus"...  Or something to that effect.


    I'm glad to see you've started a new account.  I recently did the same.  I even decided to restart a new clan (since I learned that having an alt in the same clan is a violation of the ToS)


    I've found that while I do remember my early days in warframe being a brutal, savage grind filled with tension and frustration, the game has only progressed slightly at helping new players.


    It's still a tough run, though thankfully the game now hands you redirection and damaged serration mods to at least get a start.

    I dream of a guide like this, only as like.. its own website, with pictures and videos and all that good stuff, if it can't be in the game. 

  10. Dual wielded weapons are treated as new weapons in order to allow them to feed more points into Mastery Rank, I'm pretty sure.


    Starter plat is not tradeable. 


    In terms of just playing the game, farming a normal warframe is ( almost ) always easier than farming a Prime Warframe. In order to farm a prime frame, you need all the correct void keys in who knows how many quantity, to run it until you get it ( thank RNGesus ). Most normal frames come from killing a boss ( can usually get all pieces in 5-6 runs ) or from following a quest. Fairly simple, straightforward, and less RNG pain ( except in a few cases. ).



    Buying them is a convenience, and I don't think this should influence how easy or hard it is to obtain one or the other. Even if you don't buy plat with cash, you still need to farm void keys, farm void missions, farm syndicate points, farm mods, and look for trades until you've gotten enough plat to buy a prime frame, and not all of them are dirt cheap. An MR2 is not going to have an easy time with this, with a limited knowledge of the game and low limited trades per day. Plat farming doesn't become easy until you've probably already got a good enough grasp on the game that it would be meaningless for you to have to have mastered the normal version of a frame before making the prime.


    That being said, it WOULD make sense to be able to use normal versions of frames to perhaps expedite the building process of making a prime frame or something. It would make your previous efforts more worth it and save you a frame slot. ( Not that I would do this. I like my collection :c )

  11. This is definitely needed. Whoever is the host should at the very least be able to kick people from their squad, if it is before the mission start. During the mission, a vote should be allowed. But, I think it would have to be a unanimous vote in order to kick someone, everyone voting has to vote Yes to kick. 


    We also desperately need a way to change from Public/Friends Only/Invite Only when you are already in a squad. I hate having to reform the squad just to change multiplayer preferences. 

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