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Posts posted by Dalimir

  1. Sorry this took so long, my mind is flooding with what I have planned in the future (mwahahaha) anyway, here's my continuation:



    Dalimir took in the sight of the workshop, memorizing the smells and surroundings.  He was then brought back by the Foundry master's question, to which he responded with an answer and a question.  "I was hoping you could build some weapons for me.  I feel... An odd familiarity with the Paris bow, Kunai daggers, and Dual Ether blades."  He hesitated out of feeling a slight awkwardness overcome him for a split second.  "I am also curious about the statue in the memorial hall. Who is that man, and what demented soul made that twisted helmet in his hand?  It sends chills through me at the mere sight of it."  The dark coloured Ash was certainly confused, but he knew enough that whoever that carving was of, he was to be respected.  He just wanted to know more, feeling like he missed a bigger story.



    Agh, feel like I could write more, but my head's just not cooperating.


    My swollen and puss oozing tonsils aren't helping at all.

  2. Acantha could drop by while Dal is with Quinn, I think...


    Aaaahhh, my brain's in a bit of a freeze right now, the headache isn't helping, I'm just going to slowly rot while waiting for my Valkyr to finish building.


    And since people are posting music, I thought I'd put up the music I listen to for my inspiration:


    ...Since pasting links don't seem to work, I'll just put up names and artist.


    Run Boy Run and Iron, both by Woodkid.

  3. I like it.... and this Alad V - Valkyr relation... I think it is a bit in BDSM stuff... =)


    Not what I had in mind at the time, but I guess I can see how one could interpret that.

    But no, no that would imply that both parties are getting a certain type of pleasure from this, neither of them are.


    EDIT: But Alad does watch the recordings for his pleasure, just not THAT pleasure.

  4. In celebration of Alad V (and in memorial of J3) I have decided to put up a piece about the prisoner I mentioned in my last post


    Also, Quinn, you know how mentioned that I could drop by the foundry at some point? Dal's doing that now.



    She looked up, her body laying slack as her restraints and bonds held her upright.  Light shown down from the grates a small distance above her head, a single shadow caused by the man-devil who had captured her in the first place.  "Hello my dearie, enjoying your stay?"  She answered by thrashing about angrily, wanting desperately to hit him at least.  The aggression sensors in her bonds sensed her agitation, and sent a discouragement shock coursing through her body, causing her to writhe and then lay slack again,  weakened by the sudden pain she was growing more and more accustomed to.  This shock was one of the least painful methods of injury inflicted upon her.  She remembered every scar, cut, bruise, and jolt of pain since the moment she woke up, and she hated him for it.  "Now, is that any way to treat your esteemed host?  It's quite rude and unnecessary to thrash about... But you must know this, of course."  She remembered.  She remembered that moment when she first woke up.  Lying down on something, people in boxed helmets surrounding her, garbled voices, her vision blurry while she felt her heart beat.  When she tried to move, she couldn't, and when she looked down at herself to see if she was restrained, which she was, there was a sight far worse than that.  The people around her had already cut her open, inflicting pain, prodding organs, her warframe off on another table being mutilated and having parts replaced.  Then came the brander, and they branded a symbol just under her right eye.  This was only the first of many "sessions".  She would later understand that this would make her "Corpus Property".  She glared at the man who practically gloated his superiority over her, though she grinned when she thought about that his "superiority" was only because she was bound with no chance of getting out without outside influence.  Something made a ping out where he was.  "Excuse me, I have...Business to attend to.  Though I'm sure you'll be entertained enough on your own..."  With that, he walked off, the shutters closing, sending her surroundings into pure darkness again.  Then she heard the clicks and whirrs of machinery in front of her.  Oh no, not this again, she recognized every sound this machine made as it came closer to her, her restraints changing to keep her immobile while opening space for it.  The words "Not again, please no!" echoed in her mind, as speaking was useless, since he couldn't hear her.  The machine cut a slit into her mangled warframe, then inserted serrated blades into her, twisting around inside her, torturing her.  She squirmed against it out of aggressive fear, causing her bonds to administer its discouragement shock while she did so.  She let out a scream that went unheard to all but her own ears.  While a camera in the corner of the room, unseen, recorded everything for Alad to watch later.



     Seems a little short to me. Let me know what you think.

  5. Dalimir had just completed his initial training.  He equipped himself with a new Ash Frame instead of his old one, believing that as a Novice, he should start anew.  He equipped himself with the usual starting set of weapons, and decided to colour them shades of black and grey with red energy lights.  He then went on missions with various other Tenno at Mercury, disabling or stealing information from Grineer Galleons stationed in that sector.  He had made mistakes along the way, but he learned from them, as did others.  When he came to the final ship in the sector, he and the members of his Cell finished the mission flawlessly.  Dalimir couldn't help but think it was because they got lucky, but he appreciated the victory nonetheless.


    Later, when he was back in the Dojo, he had just stepped out of the training room when he saw the news: A Corpus member named Alad V had found a cache of sleeping Tenno, and were using them as experiments for his "Zanuka Project".  This sent a hatred for the man through Dalimir's bones.  For a Tenno to wake up in a time of need only to find themselves on a table for another's gains?  It was wrong and unacceptable.  A Corpus named Frohd Bek had said that he would tell the Tenno where Alad lied in the Jupiter system, but the Tenno would have to clear all of his ships of the Infested first in exchange.  Dalimir knew that Frohd was using the Tenno to further his gains, but it didn't matter, the madness in Alad's experiment had to be stopped.


    He signed on for missions there, and again, found himself accompanying various other Tenno, most more experienced than he was.  he watched them while he supported form the back, learned from them, but did not copy them, he would have his own style, in time.  He learned the hard way to keep his distance from the tall shambling creatures with red tendrils at the "mouth".  As he was knocked down unceremoniously by one and sapped of all his collected energy and half his shields.  During downtime in between missions, he would often go back to the training room, and select the Dual Ethers, sensing a familiarity with them, though he was still sloppy, he felt more comfortable with them than his Skana.  He also found he preferred the Akbolto style, he would keep his Braton, until he held a high enough rank to try some of the weapons reserved for those with more experience, not feeling all that comfortable with some of the other weapons, especially shotguns.  He was also drawn to the Paris and Kunai, and made a mental note to find his own in the future.  When he finally asked about the statue to someone else in the training room, the other Tenno said she didn't know, but had heard about a Foundry Master who knew him well.  This proved convenient for Dalimir, as it allowed him further knowledge on the man whom the statue represented, and he could potentially ask for him to build his preferred weapons.  Later that week, he stopped by the Foundry, and gave a polite knock at its door.



    Meanwhile, a Tenno of no name laid still in a dark room, she wasn't holding herself up, letting her restraints and bonds do that for her.  She would save her strength until she met HIM again.  She looked up as the shutters in the grates above her opened, instantly getting used to the sudden light that invaded her pitch black prison, and stared with great hatred at the silhouette of the man that was behind it all...



    Dun, dun, duuuuuuuuuunnnnn


    Will continue on that note later, while I write down what I imagine, and cross off anything that doesn't quite fit.


    No dialogue in this one, as there isn't a real need for him to speak in this, I feel.


    I know I've said this twice before but: Feedback welcome!  I'm always looking to improve if I make any unseen mistakes or errors and would love it if you all helped me with that.

  6. In the process of writing a new chapter for Dali, however, I would like to put forth 2 things first:


    1. I am thinking of making a Valkyr character, I can already imagine the pain and torment she is subjected to, I'm just not sure if I'm making new characters too soon.


    2. Got lucky and managed to get some codex scans on the Stalker, gives out cool diorama and the minimum needed to unlock everything about him, which is 20 scans.

  7. Continuing Dalimir's story now, let's see how well he takes having to wake up in a new environment.



    He had later woken up, but his eyes were still closed.  He felt the softness of the bed he laid in, and would occasionally hear an automatic door opening and closing from time to time.  He could also faintly hear voices, this time he fully understood the language.  Later, he opened his eyes, and slowly rose, sitting upright in his bed.  He rubbed his hands over his body, feeling the scars that were left from when the blades had cut through his frame.  A constant reminder.  As he oriented himself, a nurse had taken notice of him.  "Ah, you're awake.  Stay here please, I'll notify the Healer."  As he waited, small bits of memory seeped back into his head.  He was a Tenno, a bringer of balance to the Solar System.  Since he had been woken, it means that the System had been thrown into turmoil again.  From what he remembered of his Frame and weapons he had before blacking out, he was an Ash user, Warframes that focused on Stealth and optionally speed, but had more durability than most frames, yet his invisibility could never reach the potential of a Loki's.  Soon a woman in a Trinity frame walked over, and he gave a small bow in greeting, one that she returned.  "Greetings, may I ask where I am and how I got here?  The last thing I remember is blacking out after dispatching a group of misshapen humans who wanted to take me somewhere."  She soon replied to his inquiry.  "You were almost taken by the Grineer when you woke up, you'll learn more about them later.  As for where you are and how you got here, you are in a Dojo, one of the few dozen left in the System.  A group of Tenno had found you after the Lotus sensed your Cryopod opening and sent htem your way, when they found you, you had just fallen on the ground with all the Grineer around you dead.  Your Warframe had healed your injuries, but not fully.  It was severely damaged, so we sent it in for repairs.  I was told that when you woke up, you were to report to orientation with some other recruits, it's just down the hallway, past the Grand Hall, and to your left."  He nodded.  "Howver, before I can release you, I'll need you to create a name for yourself."  He sunk back into his mind, searching for any word he could think of that had any meaning, until one word in his mind stuck out to him.  "Dalimir, my name is Dalimir."  The Healer took it down, and updated the orientation room roster as she motioned for him to follow her.  He got up and took off his medical gown, his jumpsuit showing still mending scratches that exposed a small amount of his scars, he didn't mind.  he followed her to the Grand Hall, and marveled at the sight before him.  "Welcome to Clan Aequitas."  He took in the sight before him, Tenno of all types walked among the hall, some were kneeling in meditation, and others were gazing at the statue of a...Frost?  The design seemed...Different.  The statue was helmetless, but held up a rather...disturbing helmet in its hand.  The "reward" seemingly, sent chills through his bones.  He went up to read the inscription to himself.  Whoever this was, he was a greatly respected person, he would ask later, given time.  But for now, he had an orientation to attend.



    Methinks he hath missed something important.  One of the many disadvantages of being lately recovered.  Again, feedback is always welcome.


    Hope to come up with more soon.  Exams are in 2 months, and that's just the first Semester!

  8. Here's my take on introducing my Character, an Ash frame of my name.




    It seemed almost like an hour, between when he got into his cryo-pod and when he suddenly felt himself awakening and unceremoniously falling to the ground in a loud "thump".  He heard footsteps, dozens of them, there were too many of them to be...be whatever he was. Voices too, familiar yet not at the same time.  His memory was a giant white haze, unable to recall anything from before the dreamless sleep.  He struggled to get up, his leg muscles sluggish and the warframe he was wearing was still in the process of rebooting.  he had to get up, he had to...



    He had finally done it, he finally broke through the void gate and into the Tenno's sanctuary.  He was certain to be well rewarded for this by the Queens, killing one of the Tenno the dreaded Lotus had still not yet reached.  He moved to the center of the chamber, flanked by dozens of Lancers, all aiming at the Tenno who had just fallen out of his pod.  "Tenno, garah shahn gren rewahda trey rum kwuim..." He then pointed to two Lancers standing off to the right. "Tak'im to res shipa!"  They slowly approached the Tenno at first, but moved with haste when he started to violently attempt to get up off the ground. 



    He tried to get up, and he almost regained full control of his legs, he just needed a few seconds more...

    That's when someone hit him in the head with something... hard.  He slumped, and was being dragged somewhere, his vision was blurry, but clear enough that when he looked to his left, there was an incredibly aged fabric rolled up, with what looked like a handle jutting out of the middle of it.  His warframe finally finished booting, and his energy was at maximum.  He only had one shot at this.  He quickly conjured a smoke bomb out of his energy pool and threw at the ground, his captors dropping him in surprise while he disappeared, quickly heading to the linen he had spotted.  When he unrolled it, he recognized two blades, clear as glass with a purple energy cackling inside them.  He also recognized a set of exquisite pistols, feeling adequate, he gathered them onto his being and moved to start eliminating his would-be captors.



    Just as the Grineer Lancers were about to make their way out of the room, there was a flash of dense smoke and the Tenno was gone.  This was not good, a missing Tenno is a very dangerous Tenno.  Grineer Sergeant Jek Grai felt a cold chill down his spine, he was very likely going to die here.  "Graickla! Legger te peremeter!" The other Grineer fanned out, sweeping the area for any sign of the Tenno, but none could find him.  Jek began to feel a sense of dread, then he heard a small gurgle, and found one of his troops falling to the ground, the missing Tenno holding two bloodied blades behind the fallen corpse.  "Koss res Tenno! ATTAF!!!"



    After he had eliminated the Trooper and decloaked, the leader spotted him, and soon everyone opened fire on him.  He paid them no mind, slashing and shooting his way through them, his shields taking the brunt of the damage.  That was a mistake, as a sawblade managed to break through his shields, he stumbled, and threw an energy shuriken through him in retaliation, before opening fire on the group surrounding him with his pistols.  Then he saw the gray attachments on his wrist, and remembered a crucial part of his frame.  he quickly holstered his pistols and teleported around at random, his wrist-blades unsheathed and collecting the blood of dozens of others.  Some that he missed were killed by frantic friendly fire.  He chuckled inwardly.  Soon there was none left but their leader, who drew a crude blade of his own, wide and heavy, with a glowing orange line running down one side of the blade.  He drew his two blades, and engaged the leader of these disfigured men.  He got too confident, and missed a parry, allowing his opponent to slice a gash across his front and cut deeply into one of his sides.  He staggered, recoiling, blackness closing on his vision.  He thrust at him, parrying his blade with one and stabbing him clean with the other, before slicing off the arm he used and driving both of his blades through his waist.  Feeling triumphant, he smiled. Soon he succumbed to his wounds, and dropped his bloodied blades, and knelt forward, before falling back.  he thought he heard something, like the graceful landing of feet on the ground before he finally blacked out.



    First attempt at something like this, feedback welcome!

    Also excuse my poor excuse for making words for the Grineer, and if you want to know what Jek looks like, it's that poor guy who &!$$ed off Vor in "The Call"

    Hopefully I can get a chance to write more later, but it seems like a busy weekend, for now.


    *EDIT* Screw it, I'm putting in the translations anyway, for those who aren't familiar with Grineer language (or at least its core)

    1: "Tenno, you shall be a great reward for the Queens..."

    2: "Take him to the ship!"

    3: "Quickly! Secure the perimeter!"

    4: "There's the Tenno! ATTACK!!!"

  9. I'd buy one.


    ...But only to remind myself that I'm being constantly followed by troops of Grineer Napalms.

    You guys been to Apollodorus on Mercury for longer than 8 minutes?

    Napalms. Napalms everywhere. -le shudder-

  10. In regards to 9Hopper's Stalker diorama, I'm actually hoping that his submission could not only be a log in screen, but also the lore BG for the Stalker lore page we can unlock using the new Codex system (at least, that's what I saw it say on the wiki) Only replace the Excalibur with the warframe (and appearance colouring) that you logged out as last.

  11. I have major experience with this glitch, and after careful moments of examination, I believe I have determined the exact circumstances required to activate it.


    While studying this glitch, I have noted the enemies with which I have witnessed it being produced from: Corpus Crewmen, Grineer Lancers, Grineer Sawblades, and (possibly) Grineer Troopers.


    The circumstances in which this glitch is activated are as follows: Say you are in a skirmish with a small group of Grineer, you move in for a charged melee kill and deliver the killing blow just as they start to melee the player in response to their proximity, the player kills them, this (it seems) causes the game to think the enemy is alive and firing at the player, but with an unlimited clip (or in the case of the Sawblade, constant swings with very little in-between time) and no matter where the player is in a 360 degree circle, the enemy will follow their killer until about 5-7 seconds later (it feels) when the game finally realizes that the enemy in question should be dead, and they stop firing, this can be very disrupting in close quarters situations, especially when there is no cover and other enemies are firing at the player or if the player is new and doesn't know what's happening. If you could develop something to fix this, I and many others, would be grateful.

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