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Posts posted by Dalimir

  1. Alright Wrath, who is hunting Jrogar?


    Also, in the future while I wait for people to interact with Dalimir (if they want to) I'm going to be posting long pieces to get Xenthia (who I have sadly been neglecting) up to speed.  I have a good idea of what I want from the two in terms of appearance, and would like to post pics with their looks, but a distinct lack of platinum seems to be holding me back, le sigh

  2. So I go to Terminus on Mercury to test out Valkyr's changes, when the new maroon screen flashing instead of flickering lights happens so I think: "Zanuka?" But it turns out to be the Stalker, so I'm like: Alright, new intro no biggie. Then, he asks me if I thought there wouldn't be any repercussions for my crimes against Kril. The problem here is, I have never faced Kril in my life yet (need to unlock more of map) and I don't even have Ceres available to me. I'm just wondering if this is a text bug or not.

  3. Dalimir got out of a transport that had landed in the Aequitas dojo, but the moment he stepped foot inside, he froze.  The tension in the air was different, much different than when he left.  He quickly asked what he had missed, and why he missed it.  It was explained to him that someone had gone rogue, and had done a great deal of damage to the dojo and its inhabitants.  Dalimir balled a fist in anger, not only at the person responsible for this, but also for not being there to help, despite being on a lengthy assassination mission which required multiple interrogations and information surfing.  He told himself he would join this clan, and be a better participant in its dealings.  But that would have to wait, as the Lotus played back a message from Councilor Vay Hek of the Grineer Empire, explaining his plan to poison and destroy the strong and nearly indestructible Orokin plant life on the ruined Earth.  Now he had something to direct his anger at other than himself.  He quickly went to the training room to finalize the feel of the weapons he would be getting from the Forge master, and selected his choice of Bow, Kunai, and Ether blades.  He set a course of hard-light projections, matching a standard attachment of Grineer forces, and mentally gave himself the orders to slay them without alerting any of them to his presence.



    Yay! Dal's back!  Later I'll work up something lengthy to get Xenthia caught up to current events.  If anyone wants to interact, now's your chance.

  4. Posting Dal's stats, sorry if I haven't been around much, Planetside 2 started beckoning again and school's at an all time high since we're nearing first semester exams, and I wanna stay on this curve I've been hitting, last two years...weren't so pleasant.


    TN: Dalimir

    Stamina: B (still practicing)

    Strength: B

    Agility: A

    Adaptability: A

    Intellect: A-

    Efficiency: B+ (still practicing)


    Dalimir is not unlike others who use the Ash warframe in an average rating, and although he still makes mistakes, there are moments where can become ingenuitive and use his abilities to rather creative extents.  When he is not exploring the Dojo, or getting to know the other residents, he can commonly be found in the obstacle course, practicing his free-running skills, using them to get to areas that his enemies can't, or when using those skills to combat and disorient his enemies.  He is also skilled at thinking quickly on his feet.  What he does not know, is that something from his past lurks within him, stirring from it's slumber...


    *Don't worry, I don't believe it to be anything that could kill us all.  NQ on the other hand...*

  5. 1. Yes, Platinum must be purchased with real money.

    2. To unlock Warframe abilities, go to the Arsenal tab in the main menu, select "Upgrade" on your warframe and place it in one of the slots to the right, preferably in slots with matching polarity symbols.

    3. You don't find weapons in lockers, instead, you collect building materials, and you can obtain weapons one of two ways, buy it from the market with platinum, or buy the blueprints for that weapon with credits, collect the necessary materials to build it, then build it in the foundry, then claim it when its done.

    4. No, there is no cover system for the players because it interferes with the game's ability to keep things in a perpetual motion, essentially limiting players in a way.  instead, you'll have to place your character in such a spot that you can shoot the enemy while they are shooting the wall or obstacle next to you more than they are shooting you.

    5. Levels stay on the warframe and weapon that unlocks the level, for example, if you unlock level 15 for one warframe, but another warframe is finished building and you decide to try it out, that warframe will start out unranked (level 0) and you will have to level it from the start.  You can use any warframe and any weapon as long as you have unlocked it.  No weapon is limited to a certain warframe, and vice versa.

    6. That was mentioned during a live stream, but so far I'm not sure about that.

    7. If you have steam on your computer, there are a great many number of guides created by players who have played the PC version, other than that, I am not aware of any.


    Good luck with your missions, Tenno.

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