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Posts posted by SneakyErvin

  1. 22 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

    Anyway great thoughts as always. Cheers.

    Hehe same.

    As you say, you experiment with non-meta stuff and I'm 100% in the same boat. I've gone through a bunch of items since the last Plague Star event to try and see which of them I can get to a comfortable place for efficient farming for instance. Though I would have likely done more if it wasnt for the fact that I've had around 80 days or so with 2x loot booster active, so I've placed more weight on "old reliable" instead of experimenting as much as I would like.

    Also as you say not many complain about people doing too much. I personally dont complain even if someone does too little or die too much for instance. I mean I'm there out of my own free will and the guy might not be as geared or experienced with the content, but he'll hopefully both progress and gain experience for the future. If I start complaining or avoid picking him up it might turn him away from the mode, which I wouldnt want to be the cause of. I think the only place I've actually been a massive grump and an anti-resser is Arbitrations due to how the mode is set up regarding ressing, and the death of others punishing the guy that tries to get you back up. So there it has been cold shoulder, tough love, thrown to the wolves and such approaches towards other players.

    I'm the same when I help people. I dont really care what they bring, but I dont mind telling them what things might work better. Sometimes I should even do it to myself before heading into certain content. Like today, went into SP PoE to drop a Doma... with totally inappropriate items to do it even remotely effectively. Yay my Burston Incarnon dealing 55 damage per hit? Damage Attenuation much? Anyways, I punished myself by dredging through it with the items I had.


    It was ridiculously slow. :clem:

    And I do hope I learned, and will remember it next time the act comes around. Probably not, but I might surprise myself!

  2. 22 hours ago, Genitive said:

    If homosexuality bothers you unless it's relevant to the plot then I don't know what to tell you. Some characters are just going to be gay, just as some people in the real world are gay. We live in a more and more tolerant society and you will see more and more queer characters in fiction. That's just reality.

    Way to scew what was said while ignoring the sentence following right after the one you quoted. But I guess if you had included the part where I say I enjoyed another show that brought up homosexuality in a good way your narrative wouldnt really have worked. Your whole post is quite simply you trying to uhm I dont know what to call it... Rainbowsplain, gaysplain, queersplain to a straight person. A straight person that has already stated quite clearly they have no problem with gay characters, but a problem with how it was dealt with in 7of9's case and other similar ones. And this goes for all other bad writing aswell, no matter the subject.

    Like the late 80's and 90's movies that had to have "erotic" scenes in them even though they werent erotic movies. It added zero. At the same time, the erotic nature of something like GoT actually does something for the plot and characters. Same as in Vikings, when Ragnar boinks Lagertha infront of their freshly obtained monk pet.

    22 hours ago, Genitive said:

    That's cherry picking. There are plenty of pride parades without oversexualisation. People you're describing don't represent everyone, making blanket statements is unfair and harmful.

    It isnt cherry picking. It is the most common thing you see when watching news photage of the parades and have been so for a few years. And we arent talking some conservative news channels here, we are talking non-colored public service news that push no opinions whatsoever, they just report from the events and film the parades. Where you see the oversexualized part mixed with the normal, in the middle among children that are there with their families to watch or march.

    In the end it falls on the organizers, which would be the LGBTQ+ community. They have the power to not allow that type of behavior, to not allow those people to march with them. This is afterall a public happening, a public gathering, on streets and squares in the middle of the day, not in some private place during an after party or similar, but on the public streets of a city.

    And the only thing harmful here are those that dress in that way when the idea behind the celebrations is to make people aware and raise the acceptance for the "alternate" sexual communities since they arent really different from "normal" people. Yet those clowns show the opposite, and the community does nothing about it. Last time I checked, flashing is illegal in most places, and an even bigger offense when children are involved.

    • Like 1
  3. 23 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

    That's literally how it works everywhere else? Other games "hold the currency hostage" all the way from the bid up to the point where the auction ends. Someone puts a 3-day auction for the Sword of Greatness. You bid 60gp. No one else bids. Your currency is "held hostage" until the auction ends 3 days later. And if you change your mind and cancel your bid, you get all your stuff back right away. It's the same. 🤦‍♀️

    Or do the games you're playing let you make a bid and then run off and spend that money on something else at the same time? lol

    No, that is not what you described in your idea, the idea I talked about. In your idea several people can bid on an item and then the buyer decides which bid he picks at the end. That is you who presented that idea. Also, you cannot cancel bids in an AH system, bids are binding.

    23 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

    The advertised offer has a suggested bid, but nothing about that has to be forced. There is no buyout. There is no "minimum price" either. It doesn't even need to include any plat. Bidders could put in whatever they wanted. Plat, Relics, parts, Rivens, anything. And while you could perfectly meet the offer's suggested bid, this wouldn't cause anything to happen. The seller still needs to accept the bid. There is no instant buyout.

    Remember: you guys are the ones pissing and moaning about how terrible it would be to have instant buyouts and complete automation. And here's an option that has neither yet  you're still pissing and moaning.

    Yeah... so not an AH then. Since in the end it is up to the seller to make the decision which bid or trade he likes most. Which again would also hold the currency hostage until the seller is arsed to complete the deal. It would also be terrible for buyers who are trying to obtain items they need in the moment, like BPs that just wont drop for them etc. I wouldnt use the system, since I'd have to wait until the next day probably to see if I got the item or not. And it wouldnt incentivice me to keep farming for the item during the bid period either. So a system that would really only benefit the seller, since he could milk as much as possible without doing much, with no real QoL for buyers.

    23 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

    Even though it achieves everything else? It's not an auction house because it has too many button presses for your tastes? That's it? This is so worthlessly pedantic.

    What "everything else" do you refer to? It practically does nothing, while an AH does practically everything.

  4. 23 hours ago, Hyroncore said:

    Oh I am aware of triviality I stumbled into the Styanax side of it haha. That said it was just one example of design that sadly failed to meet expectation of veterans and myself included. And I do usually only run Experience for that reason. Didnt realise the map arcanes were SP specific though never focused on loot outside Pathos Clamps for the last 2 ish Duviri weapons I am chasing.

    That said I think the Duviri example raises a concerning split in the playerbase. Alot of people raging (Looking at KittyKats REMOVE EDA RANDOMIZER thread here) about "endgame" not being good enough forget that each iteration for each update while still imperfect has improved the game in general. BIG BIG BIG BIG EXAMPLE is how you now have two options for Dante. Farming Vessel Capillaries is the old way akin to farming an Equinox base version. PAINFUL yet eh doable even with public runs only going in for bounty and leaving after 1 set of conduits. BUT if you get a good SP Armatus? Hello BPs for the last frame part Onos AND another set of Ruvox parts >_<.

    That also ignores vast improvments to rep grind particularly in each progressive open world area. Cetus/Quills was HORRID in particular chasing wisps and getting sentient shards prior to Tricap. That then was improved with Ticker in Fortuna offering good rep turnin via his very epic "Help me save these peoople from their debt" story fueled system that supports your growth and while helpful IS NOT FORCED. And then we get to Deimos and the Necralisk and the family and not only do you have Tokens you have Grandmothers healing thingies and HECKA varied content with Isovaults dropping all the materials you need INCLUDING that Cranial Foremount that youd otherwise get stuck on grinding rep to get the recipe for the bait for,

    That said even with all that the needed changes to stop the widening veteran to new tenno gap are being either lost in the path of updates OR more worringly no one is noticing these issues and working on solutions (THAT is speculation plain and simple since we players clearly have no idea about goals for the game etc and discussions DE has internally obviously)

    Good points. And to the last paragraph. I think the age of the game is one of the major issues with the gap. Right now we have 11 years of content and items without a linear system or real need to replace what we've gotten years ago. Maybe DE should rethink the lower end and give better rewards so newer player quicker get to the higher difficulties and then place more focus on those higher pieces of content so players have an easier time playing together even if at two different points in progression.

  5. 42 minutes ago, Prexades said:

    A beer company put a man who self-identifies as women into beer adverts - sales cratered

    Star Trek's Seven of Nine, suddenly turned gay in the Picard series because of representation. Which was soundly rejected by the fans.

    Gays have just as much right to live and love whoever they want. But if you ask for special treatment while also wanting to be seen as normal is getting on peoples nerves. You can't have both, pick one and stick with it.


    While 7of9 being gay or not really wouldnt matter to me, the action of making it a thing that added zero to the show mattered to me, since well, it added absolutely nothing and turned out to be utterly pointless. The show "Eric" however brought up gay "awareness" in an enjoyable way that added something to the show, several things actually, while also managing to not turn cringe.

    Not to mention what the parades have turned into during pride celebrations. It has gone from something normal to something that looks more like some porno add due to oversexualization. And it is also how it turns out in most media when they add LGBTQ+ characters, it is all about the sex and little else. Most seem like horney teenagers no matter the age of the character.

    As you say, if you ask for special treatment when also wanting to be seen as normal you get on people's nerves, and you can really not expect both. Which also falls back to the parade thing and other pride event gatherings. You want to be treated as normal yet go out of your way to stand out. Why?

    I have both gay and feminist friends, the gay friends have opted to step away from the LGBTQ+ movement since they dont want to be connected with it, and the feminists have stepped away from the feminist movement and dont want to be refered to as feminists anymoer. Both due to the extremes that are flooding both the movements these days. Dont get me started on the toxic S#&amp;&#036; they've had to take from people within those movements after having stepped away.

    • Like 3
  6. 1 minute ago, Hyroncore said:

    Regarding EDA I havent yet touched the mode but others mentioned for me personally have a range of issues. Some good some bad.

    To take one eample you mentioned in your reply here I will look to Duviri.


    • Decrees that over time particularly in Circuit allow you to become far more powerful thus providing a true sense of power that alot of players seem to enjoy when taking gear into older or lower content.
    • An openworld section that changes far more than previous ones.
    • A boss encounter that feels relevant.


    • Oncer clearing Orowyrm there is no purpose to the mode outside getting materials you may have missed on the way through initially.
    • Decrees can at times be leaving you with little to no power prior to the Orowyrm if RNG is unkind thus devaluing the over all generally positive experience.
    • No means to reset the Orowyrm outside of re entering the zone. This one when combined with the power scaling on a good run feels like the worst negative of all. In terms of story there is genuine logic as you release the wyrm and thus Thrax's hold on Duviri.

    Just wanna touch quickly on those two bolded parts.

    Orowyrm is only relevant if you have bad pulls. If you get 1 weapon or one of the frames that can insta-gib it the relevancy of the poor wyrm is gone. If you get Styanax you practically trivialize the whole run and none of the other options matter. Titania comes close second since she locks down all A.I and then poops allover the Orowyrm in the end. Styanax simply just kills everything with his #4 while being indestructable.

    If you want more to do beyond the Orowyrm, run the "experience" version, since it allows you to either speed run like regular or obtain more decrees and do the 3 portals, which provides the arcanes on SP difficulty.


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  7. 6 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:


    All good. (Oh and to state up front, you can feel free to ignore below, its mostly general talking, and likely not anything that you don't already know. Its mostly about why I think misunderstandings can happen. Take care)

    I think they (Merkranire) may have just continually misunderstood you. Which is why I thought might be helpful if I intervened. Since my own play style, could potentially be a mix of both of yours generally. Personally I don't really mind other peoples play styles that much. Its their general character and what that might mean in chat, or how they treat others that matters more to me. For example in older Archon Hunts, I had builds that could one shot Archons. I did a lot of Lich hunting, often solo, its pretty much practice for Archons. In multiplayer though, I usually hung back a little, and observe the other people in my team. I usually took a support Warframe, like citrine or Protea. A really good Kuva Hek build, can usually one shot Archons if you are at the right distance, land all the pellets, without many additional external buffs. 

    That being said, sometimes someone else in the team would quickly kill the Archon, sometimes the whole team was players with similar builds or play styles, and its more of a race to see who one hit kills first, sometimes the team is newer less experienced players (though to be clear, sometimes you get interesting combos of new players with really good gear, and older players who might be less experienced with Archons). Usually if I was with a team that started to struggle a little, I would pick up my pace, and ensure they were revived, etc Regardless, for myself personally, it was always fine whatever others did, whether they one shotted straight away or struggled, if the team goes fast, or the team goes slow, I don't feel negatively towards the other players, who I generally assume are just trying to enjoy themselves (though I am also aware that some are trying to go really fast, and that some are more there for fun game stuff). I am personally fine with either approach. 

    So to me, if I matched in a game with you, I would probably enjoy that by default. We know the game pretty well so our builds would likely be pretty effective, and we'd probably just be efficient by default, even if we were in Duviri Circuit or Elite Deep Archimedea. Since efficiency isn't always limited to weapon and Warframe selection, if you know the game well and other tools. Or if it was Relics, then our goals would probably align as well. If I was matched with Merkranire in a match as well, I would probably enjoy that too. Depending on what it was, my build would probably be relatively intrusive on others gameplay, just by virtue that a lot of the time, I am experimenting with fun/interesting builds, than taking my "best" gear.

    I think the misunderstanding continued, because of conflating the idea of someone who generally values efficiency and effectiveness being conflated with the idea that someone valuing that, equals someone who demands selfishly that everyone else has to value that, and keep up with them, and that everyone be at maximum power output most of the time. Which isn't necessarily the case at all. When its really just a lot more measured than that and just an individuals general gameplay style and a pretty common one in a game like Warframe. Which therefore doesn't make it that generally intrusive, and as you say, often usually beneficial to others as default. It can be intrusive for some players, but... depending on why, it can be a bit tough to actually address either in game or by player attitude and willingness. Also conforming and trying to appease such a player may also mean intruding on other different players as well... So probably often in the end, it may just be better for a player to go with their own play style preference, respect others to do similar, and as a nice extra, be considerate and communicative when needed. 

    I also don't think that the other user did that on purpose or intentionally. I do think that Merkranire is very sincere, and genuine in approach to their ideas, especially in regards to preserving some players preferences and preferred experiences. 

    That being said, if you are characterised as that selfish high level meta player who values efficiency, and willingly intrudes in other peoples games, so you can puff your chest about the end game screen statistics on kills and damage dealt, then it makes some counter arguments about peoples play styles conflicting, seem optically better, because of the idea they are representing a more generous player in regards to the player base, and especially vulnerable new players (or players that prefer more team work based structures etc), as opposed to those that are selfish. 

    Except eh... I think its fine and good to acknowledge that conflict can exist in a broad sense over how DE creates their game and the interaction between "meta players" and "non meta players" as far as matchmaking but... Thats a conversation that can happen neutrally. I don't see the need to needlessly vilify either or any players in general. A lot of players are just here to have fun, and not to ruin stuff for others, its never so intentional or hostile or selfish, even if conflict can potentially occur. Its a laborious road to travel when framing or accusing players of ruining others experiences, when no such intent exists, and probably guilt inducing to some, even if hypothetically they may be closer to actually being a good general team mate to those they have played with. Like accusing people so freely and casually, of ruining other peoples experiences, can also end up being ironic, because if its more about the accusation than the reality of a situation, it turns into an attempt at a guilt trip, to shame, vilify and deride someones actions, attitude, play style etc which can have a ruining effect.

    Its why I advocate caution, and value good faith conversations. Even if I disagree with someone, its really good to assume favour to their points anyway and to understand them sincerely, and to strive for that, because the alternative approach, to start attributing negative characteristics to them, is basically an open invitation to them or others to do similar to you. At which point it just becomes a needless and hostile argument rather than a productive one. Which incidentally all leads back to OP's example, and how people interact with people, and the value of good communication to establish intent rather than assume it negatively, (but also gives points to the idea of OP potentially being a troll, because the irony of people taking a more negative judgemental tone to their story, mirroring the characters actions in the story they made up (if the are a troll), to sort of illustrate how people can be. Though that also has complexity too as far as humans desire to punish/reprimand actions and the varying levels of offence, especially around self awareness). 

    Like a gatling spitting bullet if bullets were wise words!

    One of the things you say cannot be stressed enough. Part of the conflict is based on how DE creates things. Not only with how matchmaking mashes up the meta and non-meta end of the playerbase, but with how DE releases items of various strengths. We have frames that can practically do nothing with their kit in order to kill, at the same time we also have frames that even without mods deals damage that completely annihilates lower content (and higher). Which is something that makes it hard for players to bring something that doesnt kill too fast in the eyes of others if they simply just love those frames, even if they dont add more killing power to them.

    Just looking at Dante, a frame with cheap skills, insane durations, long base range and high damage. There arent many ways to mod him and end up in a situation where he doesnt have the ability to spam kill everything as he moves across a map in lower content. Heck his DV is enough to kill into SP with minimal strength. Or if we look at Kullervo, if we bring him to lower content that needs single target you would practically not be allowed to use his kit, since the moment you tap that one with not even a decent weapon or any extra strength, that lower level whatever-single-mob would keel over dead instantly.

    At that point we get to the situation where someone should give up playing a frame they like so someone else can play the frame they like instead. Which really just turns into an infinite loop if everyone is to be equally considerate to eachother. Which then also spills into other parts. "How dare you bring Dante when I brought Wisp, now my motes are pointless!", "Oh look it is that damn Limbo being inconsiderate when I brought Gara/Frost" and so on.

    • Like 3
  8. 14 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

    Great, then Warframe can have a "trade broker" to... hold auctions, idk dude. Whatever you want to call it.

    If that would work yes. Though there would likely be things tied to that aswell that would see a massive drop in prices due to what we can sell in WF compared to other games, and due to what we get from our sales in WF compared to other games.

    14 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

    That's literally how it works in any other game that has bidding. When you place a bid your Gold or whatever gets held in reserve until you're outbid, then it gets sent back to you. 🤦‍♀️

    No it's not. Since what you describe would hold the currency hostage all the way from the bid up to the point where the seller physically manually accepts one of the bids in the pool. That is how you worded your idea, or one of them atleast. Which would result in a player not being able to use his currency even if someone makes a better offer, meaning he cant make a better offer himself or seek out a different seller until the current seller has made up his mind regarding which bid to accept. Which could be the next minute or hour, or anywhere between that and the next day or however long the bid period lasts.

    And it would be equally bad if the bid was just a reservation and the buyer could still spent his currency if he finds something else, since then all of a sudden the seller might not sell the item since someone backs on their bid. Which is also a thing not allowed within an auction, where bids are final the moment you place them.

    14 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

    What buyout? What I described is all bidding, please keep up. The seller could pick whatever offer they feel is most valuable to them just like they can now.

    This part which effectively is it.

    On 2024-05-31 at 7:15 PM, PublikDomain said:

    Maybe I can see that someone else has already met the seller's request, but if I really want the item I can throw in a few Relics or something to make my bid that little bit more attractive!

    When I as the seller come back I can see if there are any bids I like. If there are, I can accept them.

    If there is a sellers request it is effectively the buyout. If you are talking about a minimum price then you are talking about regular bidding just with a minimum bid required for it to sell at the end of the period. If the seller decides by himself at the end among several different bids it is no longer an auction house, but a personal bidding war with personal rules determined by the seller. If it was an actual auction it would have ended with the highest bid automatically at the bidding periods end or when the buyout price is met during that period.

    So if a seller has a minimum price of 200 it means the item wont be sold if a bid doesnt reach atleast that. If that minimum is reached the item goes to whomever made the highest bid as the auction ends. If there was also a buyout of say 500, the auction would end the moment that price is reached by anyone at which point that bidders recieves the item for that price. If there is neither a minimum or buyout, the item is sold automatically sold to the person who placed the highest bid.

    14 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

    Because it can't. Like talking to a brick wall. 😂

    Then it isnt an AH, since it cant achieve that specific thing, beacause it isnt allowed to.

    Do you call people that want to be doctors or police officers doctors and police officers even if they arent allowed to perform those occupations for some reason? Likely not, since that would be utterly insane.

  9. 20 hours ago, TeaHands said:

    As someone who bought it, nah, I'd refund it. I honestly only wanted the Signas and Pallette, I would have only bought those if given the chance.

    But, ya know,

    Review Pov GIF by NETFLIX

    All the more reason to add them and a refund.

    20 hours ago, C11H22O1 said:

    You'd be surprised, there's a lot of people across many games that only buy things that are available for limited time just so they flex it on people that can't get it anymore.

    These are the folks that would complain the most and loudly if that happened and DE thought it would be a good idea to appease them

    Which would also apply to this, since then they wouldnt really have anything to complain about since they'd get their plat or money back. Although they would likely complain eitherway, even if they got every single cent back.

  10. 21 hours ago, Raarsi said:

    Just means it adds a fixed amount of verticality over whatever surface you're on.  Terrain goes up, so would you.  Terrain plummets, so would you.

    Yeah but why mention Hildryn in specific in that case? Without being able to alter altitude manually it really wont work like Hildryn, so it would be kinda pointless to mention Hildryn at that point, since it will at that point work like uhm Jade.

  11. 19 hours ago, _Eclips3_ said:

    Never said it's bad, just underwhelming. 

    I was just refering to the other poster there since you didnt say the update was going to be bad, just that the devstream was underwhelming. And reading this following post from you.

    20 hours ago, _Eclips3_ said:

    I didn't expect maximum information, I didn't know what to expect, it would have been nice to see at least like some concepts, a hint as to what we can expect such as how to get the ship skin, whether the stalker will be unlockable (highly unlikely) etc...

    Makes me get where you are coming from. Though the part if Stalker will be unlockable or not I personally prefer to stay as something we get to know when we complete the quest. I wouldnt have minded some concept art or so on for the new mode, or more info on how we unlock the ship skin. However if nothing has changed the skin should unlock by doing the quest. 

    Maybe even some info on how they'll handle the improved aquisition of Stalker weapons etc.

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  12. 15 minutes ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

    The only thing i’m slight vexed about (more so the community than DE) is the yareli deluxe we all know it was designed for ivara, (it just fits ivaras aesthetic so well)  people kept complaining yareli didn’t have a good skin DE panicked and took the ivara skin and plonked it on yareli,  i do really think they wanted to try and keep everyone happy here, i would have been happy to wait for a solid yareli deluxe rather than a rushed skin i may be wrong but that’s how i feel

    I dont see the Ivara in her aside from it having a similar helmet. All I see is a cosmic ancient horror which fits the water theme of Yareli perfectly while also removing the horrible kawaii stink from her. Deluxe skins are supposed to be very different from the core and this skin achieves that times ten.

    I love the gazing eye and the subtle cthulhu face-tentacle hints and so on.

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  13. 54 minutes ago, _Anise_ said:

    your critique can be applied to selling in the trade channels the difference is you have to spam "want to sell" *item* potentially for hour without getting anyone interested and you can't really post your entire inventory in chat

    It's not in the same volumes. Since the trade chat is a miniscule part of the whole community and relies on people being online to trade. In the trade chat you likely wont have thousands of players trying to sell that set at once at the same price. If an AH is added everyone can just dump what they dont wanna keep onto said AH and have it sell without them having to worry. If it sells it sells and everything they put up for sale can be sold simultaneously and not trade by trade for instance.

    So if DE were to set the minimum prices it wouldnt really matter, since it would still be a minimum price. And the deciding factor of whether or not you make a sale would be based on RNG, or maybe based on which auction is the oldest and shows up at the top, or maybe based on the in-game name of the seller and shown in an alphabetical order. Competition among sellers based on having fair prices and so on would be dead. And all this because the items we can sell in WF are just too common aswell as identical.

    The one thing that would likely survive the introduction of an AH is the riven market, since it relies on rarity and RNG.

  14. 3 minutes ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

    God forbid a 11 year game tries to get a little bit of hype with the player base, the shock, the horror ffs it’s insanely lame, seriously this has to be one of the most we as a player base have been listened to in a fair bit of time, it’s just never enough though.

    I commend DE on this update, they actually tried.

    Yeah, looking over everything that is coming with Jade Shadows I cant find a single thing that is bad.

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  15. 12 minutes ago, _c.h2o said:

    Hello, I know that Critical Flow is a multiplicative crit bonus (20% crit chance + passive = 60% crit chance), but I was wondering if it’s a bonus to the total crit chance after mods or just to the base crit chance.

    So if I had creeping bullseye on a 20% crit chance weapon, is it multiplying the resulting 60% to 180% or adding an extra 60%?

    It's additive so you'd end up with +400% crit chance together with Creeping Bullseye, so uhm 100% critical chance if the weapon started with 20%.

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  16. They could have solved it so much better than how they plan to do it with the Mag and Frost heirloom skins.

    Instead of not including them in the future they could have made the simple (in my mind atleast) thing of bringing them back, and then if someone who bought them do not like that and feel wronged, DE could just offer a refund and call it a day. I doubt anyone would even make a refund.

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  17. 11 minutes ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

    I don’t usually agree with you as we’ve knocked each other before (tbh we ended on fair ground) i definitely agree with this how can an opinion be made on a teaser, people complained in the past that when the new content dropped there was no real surprises because the dev stream pretty much showed all of the content off, so DE listen and go all mysterious keeping us on thin ice and now they get complaining saying they didn’t show enough, it’s moother fooking tiring I’m usually fairly critical of DE but i genuinely think they put some thought into this update, they did a real good faith gesture with the heirloom stuff, didn’t drop too much info on the jade stuff to garner some hype, talked about changes, i agree with some childish attitudes being shown atm.

    It's the age old DE situation, they just cant get a win even when they do everything to please the community. And out of all the things in the Devstream the OP decides to complain about not having the cinematic quest spoiled ahead of time.

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  18. 3 minutes ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

    Look man i’ve had a few knocks to the head over the years, my reading comprehension isn’t the best (i do try though) i definitely read it somewhere and i suspect i put 2+2 and came out with 6 ye like you said i think i put an article with the whole unreal thing and attached to that so ye my b i was wrong we good?

    Oh yeah, we definently good! 🤜🤛

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  19. This thread kinda reminds me of the people that were grumpy over the Godzilla trailer that practically showed nothing and spoiled nothing by keeping everything mysterious. Only to make the movie highly enjoyable on the first watch since all you knew was that Godzilla was gonna be in it and some human were going to jump out of an airplane with wing-suits.

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  20. 36 minutes ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

    I know they messed around with the unreal engine etc, obviously warframe runs on its own as i said i definitely think i misread a segment and i totally can admit when wrong, i thought that they had implemented the unreal mechanics DE did work on into the og rocket league if so no matter how small the work when/if sold DE would get credit but obviously i totally misread it.

    They implemented physic that the guy that did Rocket League had done for UT a few years earlier. So I can understand the confusion since both the guys involved in Rocket League and DE have worked on UT things in the past together with Epic.

  21. Just now, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

    I was simply saying that the biggest thing DE where known for was rocket league before they sold up, the main premise being that warframe isn’t that big doesn’t garner huge attention hence why certain things have been implemented and there hasn’t been to much backlash 

    What are you even talking about? DE has never been involved with Rocket League whatsoever, not at any point in its life, neither as developer or publisher. 

  22. 13 hours ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

    That’s relatively easy to pin down compared to those behemoths DE is small time, the biggest thing they had was rocket league they sold it, warframe has remained solid in the background the reason why things slip in comparison to the behemoths is because DE is really not that well know compared to EA, blizzard, activision etc so they can pull the rug and move it when they like and in the big scheme get little push back.

    Uh? What does Rocket League have to do with anything?

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