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Posts posted by (XBOX)Natfrog123

  1. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Yes-Man-Kablaam said:

    The only issues with Ash are 

    1. Bladestorms energy cost gets a bit too high even when invis. 

    2. The animations are still there.

    But he's still far from trash with free bleed procs (Which i believe will inadvertently get buffed with damage 3.0?) that can full armor strip. A super quick invis/cc stun that can be cast midair and the ability to look at a target and just kill it when he wants especially with fatal teleport it's absurd.

    Those 2 adjustments to Bladestorm i think he'd be perfect really.

    You must not play the game at all. Or you don't play multiplayer. If you do please post a video and show us how great blade storm is in higher level ares. I'd love to learn what I'm doing wrong. But please don't say use another ability because that defeats the entire purpose.

  2. 2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Angryspy101 said:


    "Did you not read my other post of how I said bladestorm should be used when you actually need it and not when your looking like a fool trying to spam it on strawman? Of course you didn't."

    Except it's terrible. Takes WAY to long to be effective. Usually gets you one shotted while trying to "mark" targets in high level areas. Don't even bother taking him into and endurance survival after the nerf because it's IMPOSSIBLE. I used to spend hours in survivals before the nerf solo, good luck trying that now. You keep talking all this game but yet again you cannot prove anything you are saying. Post a video if you are so great with ash in an actual multiplayer game and show the end score sheet. I really want to see how you master Ash players do what the pre nerf Ash mains cannot do.

  3. "Ash is not DPS his is a single target damage frame, that's where your problem is."

    No, sir, that is where YOUR problem is. Ash was always a DPS frame and a lethal crowd killing beast before the nerf. Ash was my main so maybe I know a thing or two on this subject. Now, to me, he is unplayable. Not because I'm bad but because the frame is useless in my lineup. Stealth, Loki or Octavia do FAR better. Fatal teleport is 100% useless as everything I hit dies in 2-3 hits anyways even using an Atterax and if not I can just throw down my mallet and EVERYTHING disappears. DPS, again I'd rather take a sleep frame than an Ash since it's a lot less risk. So what does Ash do exactly? "Single Target" hmmm exactly where do you fight single targets? Don't even try to mention pressing 1. Seeking Shuriken SUX. It's boring as hell! 

  4. 2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Angryspy101 said:

    I never said don't DPS if you can't out DPS sir, I said deal damage with Ash's other abilities and your weapons instead of constantly trying to mark enemies and be useless to your team

    I'm very aware of fatal teleport but last time I checked fatal teleport doesn't do squat to aerial enemies or enemies without finisher animations in general, that's when bladestorm might be worth using, bladestorm can destroy enemies like Sentients, shadow stalker, Bursas and such.

    Ash is not DPS his is a single target damage frame, that's where your problem is.

    BINGO!!!! You just hit the nail on the head.

    "I said deal damage with Ash's other abilities and your weapons instead of constantly trying to mark enemies and be useless to your team"

    You just proved our points.


  5. 6 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Angryspy101 said:

    Lol, exactly you only care about bladestorm.

    Bladestorm should NEVER be your main source of damage, you should only use it when you have too, if your teammates are killing enemies before to can bladestorm then why the flipping flapping are you wasting your time using it?  you think bladestorm should be used every time you see an enemy? Bladestorm is an backup ability, your weapons and first three abilities should always be the primary source of damage.

    Also, Mesa still has to technically aim and you have to remember that you have to run an optimal secondary build and the ability deals physical damage which is affected by damage resistances, ash on the other hand only really needs a steel charge, combo mod, and an attack speed mod, and the ability deals finisher damage which ignores damage resistances and unlike Mesa ash can also go Invisible which is the next best thing to immortality, because why have a damage reduction when you can just avoid damage altogether.

    So then explain to me how you keep energy? You claim it's all DPS but if you build him right you need range efficiency power and duration pre- rework. So this to me took more "skill" than what we have now. Then stealth shouldn't be loki's main source of damage. Mallet shouldn't be Octavias main source of damage. 

    See what you are doing is telling us we shouldn't build "skill" builds and we all should just run around spamming fire or mele the entire game. What is the difference? I don't want to play how you play. It's not fun for me. The way it was for Ash was fun for me the way MOST other frames currently are is fun for me. 

  6. 14 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Angryspy101 said:

    Because if you actually done your homework you would understand that bladestorm deals two of THE best damage types in the game, finisher and slash damage both of which bypasses the most annoying obstacle in the game, which is armor/shield scaling, it even bypasses some damage resistances. Plus that damage also scales with the combo counter, so if you add it all together, bladestorm can technically out scale most damage abilities in higher lvls.

    So manual targeting is the line between Brokenness and balance.

    No that just makes the skill unusable. Mark anything and by the time you click again the things you targeted are already dead. PERIOD. As I stated before I'd love for you or ANY ONE for that matter to post a video of you using Ash end game as anything other than a single player defense and not spamming 1. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, (Xbox One)RDeschain82 said:

    I have suggested this


    When i think of Ash I think purely of the "teleport" ability with a theme of assasin. That brings me to Nightcrawler from X-men. Rapidly teleporting sticking blades into vital areas. Ash had this. He was PERFECT to play as. Lets not get it twisted the animation was a bit much to look at but game play wise Ash's BS was perfect. As another player playing with Ash on the team I understand that it was a pain at times but this was not the fault of the skill but of the way it was programmed to "mark" targets so ONLY BS could hit them. What would have happened if the animations were fixed to not get people dizzy OR just make the entire skill employ clones to (X) other targets around a single target the player attacks. That simple fix would have solved EVERYTHING. Why did DE think the entire skill needed to be trashed the way it currently is?

  8. 15 minutes ago, Cubewano said:

    oh boy he needs more than qol tweaks, he needs an entirely new ult, and definite buffs to the rest of his kit. this frame is pretty much meaningless without augments, and even with them he's niche at best. (we don't need to return him to the mess that was his old ult, but that doesn't mean we should want to stay with the mess that is his current ult instead, because they are as mentioned, both messes)

    Other than the invulnerable/unkillable enemies by allies, what was wrong with Ash BS before. I loved the skill. Press one button at a certain energy cost and things died. LIKE ALMOST EVERY OTHER FRAME. Ember, Saryn, Mag, Oberon, Nova, Frost, Hydroid, Octavia, and so on. This would be just like the rest of the game. Explain to me other than the ONE flaw what was wrong with the skill.

  9. 5 minutes ago, -Trey- said:

    Why exactly is Bladestorm unusable on console ? I tried it on pad and it doesnt seem hard to use. You can use dpad to highlight skill and click r1/rb, highlight and click it again.

    But I agree with Ash needing real rework.

    The ONLY place ash is usable is in single player and you better hope it's on a low level area. Ash is too squishy so that forces you into using smoke bomb. If I'm going stealth game play I'd rather use Loki or Octavia. Ash brings NOTHING to the table and CAN'T survive without massive duration in stealth which really takes the entire fun out of the frame.

  10. 2 minutes ago, -Trey- said:

    Why exactly is Bladestorm unusable on console ? I tried it on pad and it doesnt seem hard to use. You can use dpad to highlight skill and click r1/rb, highlight and click it again.

    But I agree with Ash needing real rework.

    In multiplayer? Everything is dead before you can get marks on anything. 

  11. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    and go back to the days of spamming a single button and killing everything in the room? no thanks. he just needs a few QoL changes, manual targeting with Bladestorm is fine.


    Like all the other frames that press one button and do the same? 

    This game IS all about being godly at a very high speed.



  12. I just want the old Blade Storm back. Period. Get rid of the invulnerable enemies but bring it back 100% exactly how it was. press one button and the rest is simulated. Just like every other skill in the game. Or add markers to every other frames 4th ability. Just make it consistant so the game is either fast completely or slow as balls completely but I can promise you DE that NO ONE WANTS SLOW.

  13. 1 hour ago, Valennyonnen said:

    Ash's skills are supposed to reflect ancient skills. On pc they're ok. But on my PS4 he's ridiculously hard to use. 

    I have been praying for Ash to get a rework for all consoles because he lost most value after his Nerf, *hahem* 'rework.'

    It seems not enough frames survive their prime releases.

    He has NO value now. Blade storm was the one thing that made him unique. Stealth is not unique and he isn't great at that. 1 skill is slightly modified Kestral/Glaive gameplay. Ash has NO value that other frames can't and don't FAR exceed.

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