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  1. So I understand that when I merge my accounts, some things will not be carried over and stays exclusively on their respective consoles... What about Rivens? How would they be carried over? Would we have more riven slots? Or do we need to buy more riven slots to compensate for it? Also, focus... progression. How would that work? Does it add up into the accumulated focus? What about our Warframes? Do we just get extra? I know I sounded crazy / greedy but I must know how would my old and new account be like... I started on PC, then transfer to switch and did not touch PC since...
  2. So I started playing this game when I went to study in UK and I bought some plat there. Then I return home to another country. I noticed that the value is different so I want it to change to my home country's currency (MYR). How do I change the currency from Pound Sterling to MYR? Do I need to buy something with my own (MYR) card and it will change automatically?
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