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Posts posted by (PSN)goonie4good

  1. 9 minutes ago, (NSW)FlameDivinity said:

    That's just you being paranoid, but if trade chat works for you, then by all means why switch mediums. 

    My experience with the market is similar to OP's. I usually direct new players to the market for price checking, mostly so they don't get scammed. But the only downside to the market is that it is SLOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW. It takes millennia to sell anything nowadays. Back 6 months or so, I didn't have an issue selling a damn thing. But now my items may as well be made invisible since I believe the only inquiry since then was this kid who wanted my ember prime set for 100p. Hell no. I give fair prices, and often lower them a bit compared to other sellers to entice buyers to buy mine, especially with how #*!%ing slow it has become. Still no avail. People just aren't using it anymore or something, idk.

    I've been gravitating to trade chat more and more as of late, while keeping my items on the market just in case. It's become a glorified price checker lately for me. Trade chat's fine as long as you know your prices. There will always be kids begging, I don't mind it. Just ignore the toxic parts and it's all fine.


    Also, mind letting me in on those peak hours? 😉

    Well that's good to hear. Maybe I'll give it a go. I usually do well around midnight EST and mid morning but I'm not saying it's a gold mine either 😄 There's times when it's seems to just be dead all day aside from the beggars and cheapskates. Also I'm on PS4 and that seems notoriously worse than other platforms but IDK (I'm sure people on all the platforms want stuff just given to them). I agree with you too about everything taking a dive the last few months as well. Not sure what happened, it's noticeably worse than it used to be. 

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  2. I've always done well enough just using trade chat. Certain times in the day are better than others and once you figure out peak times you can usually get on a bit of a roll. Only reason I've steered away from .market is that in my mind it seems to open you up more to bots and dirty plat but maybe that's just me being paranoid. I'd be interested in other peoples experience with it. 

  3. I don’t really care but I did like the added “challenge” of making sure I’m careful when using self damage weapons. Some of the stuff made sense that it could kill you. I guess what I’d like to see along with the knockdown/stagger effect would be maybe wiping your shields for a few seconds so even though it doesn’t kill you, you’re left a little more vulnerable as a penalty. 

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  4. Yeah I’d say just put more time into farming Gian with a group until you can get your railjack built up. At some point you’ll be able to handle everything solo quite easily. I can burn through Gian in 9-10 minutes per run by myself and just enjoy farming avionics for platinum when I’m bored. I don’t even bother leaving the ship. I think the whole everyone does the mission in arch wing thing only started because of the initial slow grind to get the ship up to snuff. With that said though I do agree that the arch wing situation is a bit of a hot mess at the moment. 

  5. Pretty bummed, I just found my second rare crate, didn't even get to check if it was red though and had to abort the mission. Saw it on the scanner, went into operator mode for a second and got hit by a sentinel at the same time. Put me in some sort of invisible free camera mode where I just fell through all solid objects and couldn't be killed either, I could still use my archgun and kill enemy ships though. When teleporting back to ship I would instantly fall into space. Stung a little but really just laughable at this point 🙂


  6. I've just been running Mot to grab some relics and level random stuff, 20 runs and he showed 7 times. Did have the wolf mask drop but it locked my game up so a total of zero drops ; / His spawn rate seems to have definitely increased but it's still pretty abysmal. I'll get him a whole bunch and then the spawns will just stop completely. 

  7. 19 minutes ago, (PS4)SONICSWAGG said:

    20190410_195852.jpgI came here to ask about the mask because  I just got it after killing him,  when  i completed the mission my game just glitch me. It put up a random rank up and ive been  Promoted to rank X??? It's  stuck and I can't  move. I'm on ps4 

    Strangely enough, I just fought him about an hour ago on PS4. I had him drop the mask. I paused the game before extracting and then couldn't get it unpaused. Had to force quit and lost the drop. Maybe there is some sort of glitch happening with it right now. I sent a ticket in so maybe worth a shot to try the same if you can't get out of the mission. I didn't even have any of the pause screen options show up where your cursor is so I couldn't even have gotten a screenshot of it. I was only able to go into my profile screen and chat window. 

  8. Just had him show up running a relic in Mot. Dropped a Wolf Mask, I was a bit surprised as I didn't know this was a thing. I paused the game to have a look before I extracted and my game sort of locked up on the pause screen, had cursor control but no options anywhere and couldn't continue. Had to back out to dashboard. Guess the RNG was like, "actually no, you can't have that" 😄

  9. I did it 3 times, kind of as the hotfix was going on right after I did the 40 wave defense. I wasn't sure I got the standing for it so I did it again 🙂 It still showed as incomplete, I think the initial patch was for replacing the defense mission. Did it again last night and now it shows complete but was not given additional standing. So I think if you already did it you shouldn't actually have to do it again as you would gave gotten the standing the first time through. 

  10. I went from not seeing him at all to seeing him 4 times in the past day. Maybe just luck or maybe the spawn rate is slowly increasing. I imagine by the end of this event he'll be showing up pretty consistently that it won't really be an issue farming him. Though, I wouldn't doubt that he'll have a beacon added to Baro at some point for people to get the parts that might have missed getting the hammer. 

  11. He finally just spawned for me. Derelict Capture, all 4 keys equipped, and leveling weapons. I was like well that figures. I didn't expect it to go well but I melted him with Magus Lockdown in about 15 seconds. Only mod drop though : ( 

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