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Posts posted by NevanChambers

  1. Also as far as im concerned the stalker is the good guy in All of this mess.

    Why is that cause he murders people for personal revenge? Or in the best of cases in the name of a dead possibly (likely) oppressive culture? I'm not being sarcastic I see a lot of "stalker is the hero" stuff but no one ever really explains the perspective.

  2. Stop mashing melee key before the Finisher or charge attack before finisher. Good news is U12 has great melee rework coming!

    Not for nothing but, they have a Melee rework coming. It's a bit premature to call it great. Sorry just trying to keep my own expectations in check but it's worth saying none the less. Remember 11.5.3

  3. One thing I don't understand. If she wasn't meant to be a tank why did they give her a damage mitigation skill in the first place? I'm curious as to the thought process involved in that.

    Also I play ember a bunch and love her (I love all the frames, ALL of them) to the people complaining about survivability. What do you do? Stand still and pivot firing blindly. I have no problems with survivability, I don't know what you are doing but you may need to re-evaluate your approach.

  4. I just want to clarify on this,
    I have completed darkSector in excess of 15 times. I have never traded it in from when I first got it, and I love it above most other games. I have posted on forums and written fanfiction and all sorts of things before Warframe ever came out, but that does not mean that I have to want it in my Warframe experience!
    To me, darkSector had it's day. It was a great story, but it simply doesn't fit here.
    The lore states that Excalibur was the first Tenno, that the Tenno were rejects of the Orokin. That the Warframe came after the twisting and the powers. Hayden got his powers by Nadia, who was already dressed in a suit, infected to high hell and under the command of Mezner. In the Stalker lore, the Tenno - supposedly - betray the Orokin, but Hayden was fully infected before he even left the island. He never went to the void or fought there.
    In darkSector, the suit is just that, a suit. Hayden had his powers with or without it.
    In Warframe the 'suit' seems to be a conduit - or perhaps even a prison - for the creatures who wear it. No one really knows!

    Yeah I can appreciate that perspective. I feel a lot the same way as you regarding dark sector. For me I just took it a different direction. I feel that dark sector never really had its day in the sun. If it came down to one thing though it would be an interview I read in a magazine discussing dark sector and its direction change after the first trailer. They spoke of the game as telling an origin story setting up how this guy got his powers and I felt it was implied that there was more to come. Game comes out and I play it and love it to pieces only to see it shredded in the arenas of popular opinion and critical reception. My hopes for anything further were crushed completely and not for the first time (advent rising comes to mind as the most egregious offender). Flash forward and I see a little blurb, on destructoid i believe, about warframe. Having been on board with dark sector from the first trailer I was naturally very intrigued by the appearant resurrection. Reading more and discovering the possibility that the two were connected was like a dream come true. A hope that at least one thing that I loved that was never fully realized might come to fruition for me. Then there are people (not meaning you) who seem to be hostile to this interpretation and who on the cusp of the realization of my dream want to take that away from me. I realize that of course isn't the intent as who would know this story, also that would be super paranoid. So I seek to understand the other side so I could console myself in the future should it end that way. Instead i typically run into "because im right" when presented with something that could go either way. It's frustrating to be met with that from people who dont seem invested enough to really care. While your reasoning isn't enough to get me on your side while I watch said dream be crushed it is far more reasoned than anything else I've read and for that I thank you.

    In the end though I love warframe and dark sector and nothing will change that even if things don't end up going the way I would like. After all I'm not THAT wrapped up in either of them.
  5. You could also argue that Hayden Tenno's position as the "OG" could be more that he was a spiritual inspiration for Warframe as we know it. DE have never specifically said that darkSector is the cannon history of Warframe and every new lore release seems to contradict that.

    Again, that is just my input. I like darkSector, but personally I think it needs to keep it's mitts out of Warframe, other than being a spiritual precursor.

    I apologize if my previous post came off as hostile. I was trying to be dryly humorous and point out that neither sides arguments can said to be stronger than the other. I just get tired of being told I'm wrong by people who honestly don't know anymore than I do but insist they do.

    It's a matter of opinion to be sure. I for one really dig the idea of a connection and don't understand the vehement opposition to it, at most I would expect indifference. Not saying opponents are definately wrong or anything just that I can't understand the perspective and have yet to read a reasoning that didn't boil down to hostile statements like "dark sector sucks". Even your "keep it's mitts off" statement conveys a sense of disdain I don't understand.

    As to the current lore. I've read the stalker and that doesn't have anything that would contradict DS In my mind.

    For Excalibur; Hayden did not have our super ninja powers. It is undoubtably true that those came from the void, for the sake of my argument i would suggest it is the result of some interaction between the technocyte infection, the individuals physiology and whatever is in the void. This takes care of all kinds of appearant contradictions. Hayden would have been the first Tenno, the first Excalibur would have been the first Tenno with advanced powers, and stalker and the rest of the low guardians would have been Tenno who could not adapt to the further stresses of whatever the void transformation entailed. Perhaps kept on a shorter leash with some sort of brainwashing/mind control. This is of course speculation and only one of I'm sure many ways that the current lore can fit with dark sector.

    Finally the glaive prime says its orokin tech it doesn't say it's the first of its kind, or not based on the first glaive.

  6. Why do so many people insist on bringing Hayden and/or Hayden related things into warframe?

    Because its a cool little thing for people who liked dark sector. Plus the devs explicitly stated they are related and until they come out and explicitly state they are not; related they shall remain. Why do so many insist on leaving Hayden and/or Hayden related things out of warframe?

  7. With the amount of, "I wanna play as stalker and troll Tennos games." threads...  You'd figure DE would've made a 1000 plat stalker helmet for Excalibur by now...  XD

    Ew. I hope they never do this. I hate hate pvp and if they don't provide a way to opt out of that that update is when I put this game down for good.

  8. It's stated the frames are a conduit of their affliction but a conduit doesn't inherently imply only providing direction but also can provide the shape. I like the idea of individual Tenno being much like batteries full of raw potential but incapable of properly directing it. The warframes take that power and shapes it and projects it as something useful, or at the very least destructive.

    I once read a suggestion that the suits reflect the personalities of the first Tenno to wear them and that the powers suited those personalities in some way. The example used was that the first ember was firey and hot headed quick to sudden and rash action. Further Tenno who would choose to use that frame would then use some auto-hypnosis (the original word used was trance) to align themselves with that. I like this cause it brings an air or warrior mysticism to the proceedings that I quite enjoy.

  9. How long does it take to make the Stalker appear normally?  A long &#! time unless you're farming bosses... that's why.  I don't want to cheapen the Stalker with my idea is all.

    Ah I kind of get it but I still disagree completely. We aren't talking about a nice little bonus that the developers can demurely deny the exsistence of (loved that touch btw) but an event that would be needlessly delayed and lengthened serving no purpose but to slow down and frustrate the community. I'm afraid even with the best of intentions it would simply wind up as a case of history repeating itself. The twelve hour wait doesnt add anything to the mystique of the character it would just annoy me and the majority (or at least loudest) of the community have shown themselves to be on my side of the fence. Furthermore, I think including him as a thing we can in any way hunt down would inherently "cheapen" the stalker that we know and love(?) That being said I wouldn't have a problem with that, nothing is a mystery forever and perhaps laying the stalkers secrets bare would pave the way for even more intriguing developments.

  10. Yeah they tried the 12 hour key crafting for ODA it went away for good reason. I would be interested to hear if you have a compelling reason that a key that you need to build a minimum of 6 times should take that long. To avoid Poe's law I state here that this is a genuine statement and not sarcasm (it came off kinda sarcastic when I re-read it) Especially for a mission that will last 10 minutes or so. Other than that your idea is pretty neat.

  11. Do you play as nova often? Because if you do that'd probably be why you find so many afker's and other people have only been with a few. Whenever I see a nova spamming m-prime, I usually just afk the mission.

    Wrong thing to do participate or leave the mission man. It's frustrating for everyone else in your group while you attempt to "punish" someone for using their class effectively. If you don't want to play you don't deserve the mission rewards even if you think someone is slighting you.

  12. I've never understood the desire to nerf things in a co-op game. It's not like someone is killing you every 2 seconds after you spawn. I suppose that ts possible some weapon may come along that is just too much but I haven't run across one I don't even think that one has ever been made for this game. I haven't been around since the beginning though so it's possible. I have however experienced mag being nerfed several times to my terrible dissapointment for reasons I've never understood. Well other than people whining (for reasons I never understood). I pretty well agree with the op and that's my 2 cents

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