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Posts posted by NevanChambers

  1. I believe the devs are already working on it. In the 2nd to last livestream, DESteve said something about a New York server. So I think they will be coming soonish.

    I figured that was for the hubs by the rest would be business as usual. Have they said anymore?

  2. Sometimes I don't even bother asking people to do certain things ( like hitting the capsule at a certain percent, ect. ) because they just yell at me or go off and start activating them all as they spawn.


    "lol dunt tell m3 how 2 plai u n00b"


    Stuff like that.

    I'm goin to try to start saying things along the lines of " not telling you how to play I'm telling you how to succeed" probably won't help but you never know.

  3. lol OP you fail incredibly hard to acknowledge the most impotent asset that all of those companies were given for free which DE was not - Time. Also, DE works on other games too iirc, Warframe has been in development for a little over a single year. Fallout was in development for 4 years. Savvy?

    How did it take that long for someone to point that out? The op has development time listed in there. Seriously it jumped right out at me when I first read the post I was just going through the replies to see if I needed to point it out.
  4. Legendary Core is a mistake that will break the game. So it is not appropriate to add into alert.

    Riiiiiiiight gonna break the game. Cause you know a 10 rank serration or heavy calibur or something that people already have in the game breaks it. Gothcha. Do you know what the word "break" means cause from context I don't think you do.

  5. Tell me, as a recently new player how the #%$# am I supposed to know about exp and exp ranges? I did not know this until I played that game which was one of my first co-op games ever. I was under the impression the point is to kill stuff so that's what I did. I did not realize I have to sit there like a dunce at the console and watch the novas waste it all getting 80% of the kills. MY BAD!

    I did not know anything about this so called 'hallway hero' BS up until that point so labeling me as spawn camper and insulting me is complete and utter rubbish. Pretty much since learning this...I stick to the apparent 'ethics code' now. ie. do nothing and let novas kill it all in seconds.

    Team work at it's finest!

    I agree you shouldn't have been labled as anything. I personally explain it to people before getting mad. If you were to take that explanation and go "oh, I didn't know that" and change what you do then you are not a part of the problem being discussed. Now you do know though, I'm sorry you had a bad experience before you did.

    The problem are the people who don't listen.

  6. He is asserting that there is no longer a game just a trade simulator. This is a gross mistatement that must ignore the fact that mastery rank 2 must be obtained to trade entirely to be made. OP feels incorrectly that there is nothing to do because someone else can choose to buy primes.

    Sadly people like the op fail to realize that in a skill based shooter one cannot buy awesome. One can only be awesome through practice no matter how many shiny toys you have.

  7. I always move around, since my rhino has stretch maxed on it, and focus for insta kills, who needs to stay on console most of the times :D

    Moving around is fine I do too but stay in the room. To answer your question: you need to in order to maximize the spawn rate, the drops, the xp, and the kills for the entire team including you. That is why you do MD in a team, want to be a hero go do it solo. Simple as that, solo is the place to play how you want cause "it's your game and your going to play how you want." Be a part of the team or gtfo.

  8. Frames running arround= +-40 oxium

    Frames at the same strategic point= 70+ oxium

    This this a million times this. I was with some guy one morning who absolutely refused to listen to reason. I ended up doing 2 kappa runs with him and 2 with a group that stayed together at the terminals the results were as follows:

    20 oxium

    60 oxium

    35 oxium

    52 oxium

    Can anyone guess which results go with the moron? The worst part is when I tried to explain what was going to happen he told me he was farming and we'd get more this way.

  9. No. This is DE failing to listen to the "whiners". We've told them fairly lengthly. Token system or bust.

    They have opted for the "bust", with free market chaos.

    That's not entirely true, there is a fairly substantial group that doesn't want a token system. You're presuming to speak for the whole community because you thought an idea was good


    to answer the op.


    In the simplest terms, that's what people were willing to part with their spare parts for and that's what people would pay. No matter what the cost is it simply does not effect me or diminish the effort I put in to get my primes. 

  10. But would you sacrifice damage?I wouldn't.


    People have been talking about auras for weapons which can contain gimick mods like reload e.t.c I think that would be great and wouldn't sacrifice that damage that's needed in higher levels.

    I am to a degree I'm using wildfire to get my bonus magazine size. I feel it's a compromise I can live with and at last forma it was holding its own really well without even having my complete build so I don't think the small damage tradeoff will too negatively impact me with respect to the bonus of fewer reloads.

  11. Logically, since ranking a mod to 10 is several times more costly than ranking it to 6 (it's around 16 times more), the compensation should not be equal. Different compensations for differently ranked auras would eliminate any injustice and justify the compensation for multiple rank 6+ Steel Charges. What argument do you have to justify them giving the same compensation for a rank 6 than for a rank 10?

    You are still getting double that back. There are no problems here, unless you greedy?

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