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Posts posted by NevanChambers

  1. On his first missions we didint escort that biyach. We raided "his" ship and killed everything onboard including Stalker so he can take it back. Remind me again what makes him so special so other Corpus have to die because he bribed psychotic space-ninjas with Caralyst BP?

    Because he thought to bribe the psychotic space-ninja rather than trying to send proxies to shoot us? Amongst the corpus I know so far that puts him miles ahead in the popularity contest. Darvo doesn't mind that some people who took over his ship, or imprisoned him die, I can't say I blame him. I mean my loyalty to my countrymen wouldn't hold up to that kind of treatment either.

    Seriously, much of the confersation between him and his father was designed to endeer him to the players. That's either the writers making him genuinely admire the Tenno or setting us up for betrayal. When everything a character says is designed by someone else (as it has to be) its impossible to know his motivations. You don't trust him, I see no reason not to yet.

  2. What did I just read?

    You seriously want to LIMIT peoples movement?


    Advice if people annoy you on your little farm runs, do them with your friends or clan mates or find a group in chat.

    Grouping in chat doesn't work you still get the same kind of behavior. What are you doing on a md if your not farming for resources or affinity? Why do you think it's someone else's job to make sure YOU don't fail and not get rewards? Since you're so keen on advice: why don't you stay in solo or group with like minded people in chat and leave public for those that can cooperate with others.

  3. Straight up.

    Players have no real input on the storyline. DE has not seen fit to hire a storyline dev to the best of my knowledge.

    Until they're willing to allow either. This BS will continue. Just ask Rift players who thought they'd be able to effectively write the plot and got S#&$canned from day 1.

    You have three optoins. Fight like this.

    Fight back with words.

    Fight with your wallet. This really kinda kills my drive to play. And i'll be honest if i leave this game You wont see Hyperion5182 in another game until Star Citizen launches and if that is a sub game maybe not even then. I left defiance over bug issues and crappy handling of DLC. It seems like plot wise the issues i RAILED about in the Gradivus dillema have NOT changed at all. DE you have no idea how disappointed this makes me and how clear now it is that you did not care about a damn thing i said.

    You can bet i'll be spamming the live stream with my question so be prepared to ban my &#!.

    What on earth makes you think you are so special that DE has to listen and act on your feedback snowflake? You're a voice in the mass. Here's a thought people like you are ruining the game for me, and I'm sure I'm not alone.
  4. Because they thankfully don't regard DS as canon, as that game has had it's lore and setting twisted badly by the publisher to conform to the what was regarded as the money making trend back in the day.


    What we know is that the void turns certain individuals into Tenno, and that the children haven't been put on the ship when it went missing, implying that they had been exposed to the effects of the void for prolonged amounts of time. We don't know if the void suffers from any time dilation effects compared to normal space, but its a possibility. If that's the case those kids could be more mature than they appear.

    What I also gathered is that some of the races in the solar system used the void to travel at FTL speeds, leading me to believe that they had to abandon it at some point because the risk of getting lost in it were too high. I think we found at least one main motivational factor for the construction of the solar rail network, whatever it.

    The problem here is they have said both things, that it is and is not cannon. The most recent thing I know of they said Hayden was the first Tenno. The Excalibur warframe entry seems to contradict it, but there have been totally plausible explanations put forward that reconcile the two though. In the end people believe what they want but either side could still be right.

  5. Best build seems to be 3 abilities (drop 2) and run max duration with fleeting expertise. Throw in an obligatory flow and redirection and you have used up 9/10 mod slots.


    Duration seems to be the best thing you can buff on her, so maxing it out is first priority. Next she has a low energy pool and wants to be continually casting, so fleeting is best, you still get plenty of duration on abilities with it.


    She has a huge number of options on that final slot so she just feels hard to mod right.

    Thank you

  6. I'd imagine the parts can all be researched at once. In the mean time take solace in the fact that she is really really annoying to mod.

    Could you elaborate or point to an elaboration please? The mod part I mean.

  7. I  need new Prime, yep, DE talk 90% will have new Prime-Frame in up12, and now, not yet, Lie or Troll us ?

    The only 90% mentioned was that the next prime would be rhino or Loki. They never gave any indication what-so-ever about u12 having or not having new primes. The community assumed they would be there cause they always have been before. They're still coming, so neither lie or troll. Seriously why would people jump to the lie? Why would DE even do that?

  8. If you aren't in a clan and really don't want to join one then he is. Its not like people have to spend their own money to get plat any more now that we have trading.

    I don't know why someone would refuse to join a clan. If they'll have you it's not like its a requirement to do stuff with your clan or anything. Hell if you wanted you could join my clan get all the research bp and the ask to be removed I've got no problems with that. Or start your own 1 person clan, the costs are scaled to not be terribly unreasonable for tiny clans.

  9. I for one, did not ask for harder ! vocal minority/nerf babies always ruining everything.

    The problem here is that you can't be catered to solely either. You have two camps those that want easy mode and those that want a challenge. I personally don't know how one would keep both parties happy, and though I tend to lean towards the easy mode side i understand the need to marginally please as many as possible. I feel that DE performs admirably, they have shown a willingness to listen to the player base and filter out the increasing amounts of static.

  10. Well, seems like the "true" addition of U12 will be Melee 2.0 and endgame stuff Steve posted in DC (not sure about this). Prepare for something like U 11.5, I guess...

    Melee 2.0 for sure but may be a bit overly optimistic for endgame stuff before u13.

  11. You're referring to the good changes, but i want say "what about the High Defenses now?" they left us without many options.

    You say is good a power Frost. I say the same, is good, i am happy with that 3 of 4 skills now.

    But what about Snow Globe?You'd be happy even if DE not nerf Snow Globe (that is what i mean). DE had no need Nerf Snow Globe and left us without a High Defenses Missions.

    No now high level defense requires teamwork. You know a squad of Tenno each helping to minimize the weaknesses of the others. After recent experiences farming for oxium I think more of this kind of thing should happen. Teamwork and support are pretty dead right now.

  12. I am disappointed that Zephyr won't be able to glide better. From what I understand the only air movement it has is a dash and a divebomb. Personally I'd like for the dash to be replaced with a controllable glide. An example would be how Batman glides in the Arkham games.

    Otherwise I like Zephyr. The only other part of this update I'm disappointed about is no melee 2.0 yet. (Also is new Vay Hek in yet?)

    So a nice gentle glide? Would that also come with a special skin that has the bullseye painted on it?

    I kid of course but stand behind the point I was making.

  13. Yeah, now that I actually now her powers, not too excited about Zephyr. Her jump/glide and dive bomb will really only be useful in big, open maps, her third power is just kinda meh, and her ult is world on fire combined with Rhino's stomp. On a sidenote, however, is that the rocket hammer that people wanted but didn't make it through the contest?

    Nope the rocket hammer was shown in art on livestream before the contest. Someone mentioned that in the last livestream.

  14. not only brakk is one of the top side arms, it also fit my valkyr.



    defult colors are no reason to hate, customize it so it with the colors of your choice, and enjoy having an exclusive gun while its still exclusive.

    Cause you can't enjoy it if it isn't exclusive?

  15. Why do people think that other support Grineer because of Detron? Imo people support Grineer because Corpus as faction is quite repulsive and most of the players cannot link with Corpus mentality. They are driven by greed, selling everything and everyone. It is more psychological issue, than Detron issue.


    While Grineer are being oppressive and use enslavement, they are still army and have some code of conduct. Corpus are just repulsive as faction, selling everything, changing alignments as they receive better offer.

    Nope did it purely for the detron. I haven't done any invasions since I got it. Hate both the factions equally though.

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