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Posts posted by GrayFrequency

  1. Decided to mess around with my k-drive in orb vallis, until I tried to use this ramp. I have ridden on this ramp before, and never had problems. 


    1. Go to this location in orb vallis (it's behind where you load, it will be towards the NE part of the coolant pond with all the pipes on it)
    2. Stop just like in the 1st picture below
    3. Then accelerate forward
    4. Now you should be flying through the air, as if you hit a rock or something

    I have tried it 3 times to make sure, and it happens every time.

    Expected: Ride along the ramp without it acting like I have wiped out.




  2. I don't like to use:

    Titania - Just 100% not my playstyle

    I generally don't like seeing these in my squad:

    I don't hate them, just somewhat inconvenient to my playstyle.

    • Limbo (don't like going into the rift)
    • Frost 

    I like to play as:

    • Saryn P (favorite)
    • Ember P
    • Rhino P (index)
    • Nezha
    • Ivara (solo stealth missions)
    • Wisp
    • Volt Prime

    Use a frame you enjoy. No matter if someone thinks it's play style is "brain dead", or weak. You are the one playing, so play however you like.

  3. Thor in Warframe:

    You could use rhino + cape, just add the color scheme

    For a hammer: 

    The closest would probably be fragor as previously suggested. If you add electric mods, the status should be seen on the hammer. Could also add an attachment to have the leather handle piece.  

    The volnus is a bit underrated imo, but it's not a Thor hammer

  4. 38 minutes ago, Leyers_of_facade said:

    Auction house for rivens might work due to them being unique, but I would say no to normal items.

    I agree that it would help rivens. I think it'd be okay to allow market trading with prime items, sculptures, rivens, maybe even imprints. (If there's something else that'd go well with market trading then add that too lol) 

    38 minutes ago, Leyers_of_facade said:

    Long-time players like me often have a massive stock of stuff that we usually don't bother to sell because it isn't worth wasting time doing so, however if it is a fully automatic, we can easily dump all of them in once and just happily collect platinum. Assuming no changes in demand, the extreme increase in supply would drastically drop the equilibrium prices of a lot of things, that isn't beneficial to DE nor is it a good thing for players in my opinion.

    This is why it would have the same restrictions as trade currently has(I think this is a good thing, please let me live). So you would be careful with how much of something you decided to sell. And I could be wrong, but I don't think most players have bulk prime items, and similar. (Maybe there could be a "trash can" that gives you rng resources? kind of like transmute but in reverse? idk probably a bad idea lol)

    I also don't think most players are over 20 Mastery Rank (spare me)

    43 minutes ago, Leyers_of_facade said:

    Rivens are a different case due to their uniqueness and an auction house for them solely could possibly make trading / buying / selling rivens better. 

    I agree

  5. 4 hours ago, .OwOkin. said:

    in other games that i played.
    some players intentionally buying everything in the shop and reselling at higher price for profit 

    something that used to worth 35m become 75m 
    and it keep getting worst  overtime

    That is happening right now. This happens anywhere, wherever players can sell items to each other. On the otherside, there are also sometimes undersellers.

    No, this stuff doesn't last forever. This is not with every item. This will not automatically happen with every item. 


    What game did this happen in? What item was it?


    There are always going to be falls, and rises in prices. Some items will become a higher price because it is now more rare than it was. Maybe an item becomes more common, or less desirable, and because of that the price has dropped.  

  6. A Market Place would not destroy the economy, it would stabilize the economy instead.

    All players would have a fair chance


    And for interaction:

    They could make one of the current relays into a Market Relay, where everyone has to go there.


    It would also help if they added some trading data. This way players could see the average prices and trends.

    Honestly, I don't get why players are so afraid of a market. There are so many benefits from having one.

  7. 1 minute ago, Autongnosis said:

    Genius answer, i see there is literally no #*!%ing point in continuing the discussion. Have a good afternoon. 

    How mature, good afternoon to you too.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Autongnosis said:

    You see, that misses the point entirely. Drop rates aren't a problem if they aren't tied to stupidly boring gameplay. Like, a simple example, whenever a new part of a PA drops on Lith relics i cry inside. I am forced to run lv 10 missions in which i could faint on the keyboard and still win. Why is that? 

    If you're bored take a break, and do something else. 

    I look forward to new drops. In fact I'll gladly grind for them until I get all the parts. When I'm tired of it, I take a break, and then come back to it. Yes there are easy missions, but this game isn't only for high level players. 

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